Lesson Plan

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Date: September 23, 2019

I. Objectives:
At the end of the 60-minute session, the students will be able to:
a. determine the different types of speech style
b. perform at least one of the speech style through a role play.
c. manifest interconnection between the groups through message relay.

II. Subject Matter

Learning Competency: EN11/12oc-Ifj-17 Distinguishes Types of Speech Style
Topic: Types of Speech Style
Materials: Cartolina, Marker, Glue, Pictures
Reference: Cabrera D. (2019). Types of Speech Styles. Retrieved from . .
Value(s): interconnection

III. Procedure
a. Preparatory Activities
1. Classroom Routine
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Attendance
2. Motivation
The students are going to play the game FOUR PICS ONE WORD.
The students are given 30 seconds to analyse the pictures given.
_____________ _____________


b. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
a. The teacher will divide the class according to the number attached
under their armrest. Afterwards, each group will analyse the pictures
presented and identify what is the picture all about. The first group who
can provide the correct answer will get 3 points. Each picture is good
for 30 seconds.

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.

2. Analysis
The teacher will ask the following questions.
a. How were you able to come up with the answer?
b. What made you think that your answer is accurate?
c. What gestures did you observed?

3. Abstraction
Types of Speech Styles
1. Intimate- this style is private which occurs between or among close
family members or individuals. The language used in this style may not
be shared in public.
2. Casual- this style is common among peers and friends. Jargon, slang,
or the vernacular languages are used.
3. Consultative- this style is the standard one. Professional or mutually
acceptable language is a must in this style. Examples of situations are
communication between teacher and students, employers and
employees, doctor and patient, judge and lawyer or president.
4. Formal- this style is used in formal settings. Unlike the consultative
style, this is one way. Examples are sermons by priests and ministers,
state of the nation address of the president.
5. Frozen- this style is frozen in time and remains unchanged. It mostly
occurs in ceremonies. Common examples are the preamble of the
constitution, Lord’s prayer, and allegiance to country or flag.

4. Application (Message Relay)

The class will be divided into five groups. The teacher will give an example of a
particular speech style. The students will identify the type of speech style of the given
example. They will then relay the answer as fast as they could to the teacher. The
fastest team to relay the answer will get the highest points. The team with the highest
score will be the winner.
 Preamble of the constitution
 Classmate
 Brother and Sister
 Laws
 The pledge of allegiance
 Sermons of the priest
 Announcements
 Speeches
 Teacher and students
 Communication between a superior and a subordinate
 Counsellor and client
 Buddies
 Parent and children
 School creeds
 Marriage ceremony
 Anthem
 Meetings
 School lesson
 Court
 School lesson
 Group discussion
 Expert-apprentice
 Phone calls
 Chats


IV. Evaluation
The students will gather according to their previous groupings. The group will
choose one representative to pick their Popsicle stick, the color of the Popsicle will
indicate the speech style that they will use as a basis in their role play. The students will
be given 2-3 minutes to perform.
 Red- intimate
 Blue- casual
 Yellow- consultative
 Green- formal
 Orange- frozen

Criteria for Judging

Content 25%
Relevance 25%
Organization 20%
Creativity 15%
Stage presence 15%
V. Assignment

The teacher will give an assignment to deepen their understanding about the
lesson. The students will prepare their own formal speech with maximum time duration
of two minutes. The theme of the speech will only focus about Love, Friendship, and

Criteria for Judging

Content 25%
Relevance 25%
Organization of the written output 20%
Creativity 15%
Stage presence 15%

Prepared by:
Antony, Dominic
Balano, Oscar
Erbito, Razzel
Lomocso, Hazel
Mabunga, Christine Joy

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