Activity 2 - Rene A. Duruin

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Name: RENE A.

Course & Yr. & Sec.: MSIT – 1A
Professor: Anna Claire L. Bautista, MIT
Date: September 28, 2019

ACTIVITY: Having understood the supply chain model, “is the end – consumer a
part of the supply chain?” why?

In the supply chain model, the consumer plays an important role in it. Without the
consumers, any business will not succeed because there are no users of the
products, so what is the essence of putting up business? That is why before putting
up business, the owners or entrepreneur must conduct feasibility study. They have
to know their target consumers, who are their consumers? What are the needs of
the consumers? What business can cater the demands of the consumers? As
such, consumers are the end users of the products or services. Without the
consumers the cycle would not be possible because consumers are an integral
part of the supply chain model.

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