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CJ (137 brlum dibau) - hllni... ft T eman I FriffldFindff di N... . . Gamt' foto di Twoo (I Facd>oot

Routers & Wireless

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h•rd••.,. suPl)Ort d~s purchilH tr• ......

1. Route< A •nd 8 ••• both rvnnlno •• PP9o€ ••rv•rs on diffe,..nt bro•duist dom•ins of network. bit
possible to

Router Ato use "/ppp secret"accounbi fn>m R<>«ter8 to •uU.entk•t• PPPoEcustom..,. ? i.•u..e
..... ,...,,_

o 8 BGP

Iii C -,.ctet,..;HI\OtbelorwMM<I

•· Which Is the cCHTect -Y to set• comment In• OSPF dyn•mlc route,


,. If '«lec:lc-g•t•-v' 1, en•bl..:I f0t en ECMP route u,d o~ of the o•t•-Y'S Is uru·e•ch•bl•.then

A. ECMP II going to tend ~chtt to •H Qalb'll)'I- If - II untN<Nbl<a

g B 1tie-.-•'"o•-•ylaNtgoi"9beUMdlnRoundRooln•lgori1'hffl

C lt>eECMP-~1...ct...
o. Which routing u.ble 1, u,ff to •pp,ly rec:urtlve routing •t M,11:roTik Rout•rOS

diffidW-IMifi=ith 44 ;: ;:; A ii ii ;.4 BM65M-iiiIE\lilttiAI ;,;

C IMECMProutoi~in.ctiw

6. Whkh routingable ta uaed to apply rec:uni.,. routingat M,kroTik.Rovt..OS

O h~ontyp<>N1bleon!M:dtipl•tfcrm
••u..e l0l1·01·U1'1440
7. How many vlan he•den,doea IEEE802.lQ p,ermit'? Sav.prD9'"8&


8. The cO<Ted order for PP?OE diM:Overy

ablge is

c lniti•liution. Sasion cocifiml.9tion. Reqllfll •nd Off8

O ReqU<Ht. Off4IC; lniti•liution 9nd S-.on cocifirn\etion

9. When adding a uHt to yovr lou1PPP H<ret:1/pppprofile• d•t•b•H, it is ponibl• to



,IC AJlowl'denyUMofmor,tthan-loginbyth;J\IMI

~ 0 Se!....,. ....1..- fa lOUll lr•""'-ed byte,, (up. ilnd downloed)


10. OSPFat•tts worl<ing

on the rovter•• aoon ••

6¥6M·i@iil11iih ;:; M ;;.;;,;. BM65Mihl#ill,tttM6,I

CJ (137brlum dibau) - hllni...

10. OSPF at•rt:11 N>ric:ing on th• rout•r •• aoon ••

B Nrouungpa~is-bl.don!h.rou-

0 •l!.Hton._.is_.,fioadin!,u
11. RIP •nd OSPFrouting protocola c•n b. configurff on th• ••m• rout•r•t th• ••m• tim•. .....,...,,_
i.•u.-e 20l1·01·1JU4'4l

12. Th•r• ••• tw:>rout•• in th••:
1 d1t-•ddr•l0.1.1.,4/30g•t•-y•:,.6.6.6
Which g•t•-v ••itlb. ua..:l to g•t to th• IP •ddren 10.1,1.6?

13. Th• d•f•ult v•lu• of 't..rg•t--.c:opec'fo..- • at•tic rout• i1:

Q O 10
14. A Md,;roTilc1vat•m •dmlnlatreto..- lmpl•m•nt..:lOSPFRouting protoc:olIn th• n•tw,;,rl,;· 8<.it reeli:i:..:l
th•t he
he1 • 1tetk rout• on th• router1,Wh•t u,n bt, done to m•k• the 1teticroute -tc •• • feltover ,.;.,•neverthe

diffiriW·IMifi=ith 44 ;: ;:; A ii ii ;.4 BM65M-iii IE\lilttiAI ;,;

p *
CJ (137 brlum d1bau) h•m... ft T ffll•n I Fn~dFinde-di N... x .• d~11ult dtst11nc~bgp m1kr...
14. A M1kroTilc •vst•m admini,tratCM"impl•m•nt..:l OSPF Routing prvtocol in the n•tw,;,rl,;.
a.rt reah:i:..:lthat h•
h•a a at.tic rout• on th• router1.Wh•t can bt, done to m•k• th• at•ticrout• -tc •• a f•ilover ,,,;.,ene.,.rthe

i.•u.-e l0l:1-01·UU4'41
1:,. Router ta connect.•dto (pubhc) •nd (loc•I) networlcii. Th•r• ••• two routH in
th• routing table:
o dat·•ddr••t•-v•l0.10.10.10
1 dst·addr••t•-v•l0.10.10.11 routing·mari<•s•rv
... _traffic
O do•in•~routing src·•ddr••••lQ.t.1,12 •ction•m•rk-conn.rtionn•w-conn.rtion·m•ri<•s...v•r_conn
1 chein•~routingconn.rtion·meri<•1...ver_connection•meri<·routingn•w-routing·mari<•s•rv•r_treffic
Through which get•-vwill• di•nt. with en IPeddrHI of, •stablish• conn.-ction to int•rn•t?


O lhrough 10 10 10 11

both with check g11t•-v

16. Rout••h111 two g11t•-vs to •••cha c•rtein n•tw,;,rl,; activ11t•d-ChooH th• option
you can us• to control ectiv• end b•ckup g•t•-Y·

C Routing mart

17. If - ch•ng• TTLto 2 in mengl• ch•in pr•routing

a pecbtwiH1'

g C pecbtwiHbelofwerd<tdonly!OnutL3~

6¥6M·istil1fiih • ;:;g ;;.;;,;. bMl§Mfhl#ill,tUMS,I

CJ (137 brlumdibau) - hllni...

O pa<U1 will •lw•)"l read! ib dnt,11,11uoc,

1e. Wh•t ;, the d•f•ult di•t•n.c• for 8GProut••?
..... ,...,,_

• 8"'


9 C 110!~ooo.1>;.t_.,yoo1010101

:n. A M,l(oTik P1>PoEs.n,.,

P«)tocol wth ,11 ,...,.., If th-
c•n b<t ut..:I only Nthln • bt<HdCHt dom•ln, th•t
lti • route, b.~n the cu,tome, •nd th•t PCIPoE
,...,.., •
u,.,. c•n not ,vn P1>PoE


i.•u..e l0l1·01·lJUS04l
O fiproui.,.ad<ht~0001)gat_.,y-10 10 10 I
22. A MikoTik PPPoESe,verc,11n be u,ed only Nthin • bto,11dc.,t dom,11ln, th•t ;,, u,ers c,11n not PCIPoE
Nth• ••rver if ther• i, • rout•r b.t-•nth• cu,tomer •nd th•t PCIPoE ,erver.

23. If d,eck-gat•-y•pingfor• rout•;, ••lect•d ,11r,.d th• g•t•-Y for th• rout• d<><>, not •••pond to ping,,
how m•ny ,.conds d<><>• It t.k• for th• router to dis•bl• th• rout•?

O O 20s

24. Wh•t ;a policyrouting for ,11nd wh,11t cnt•n• can b. uHd to dead• •PP«>P"•t• rout•?

O A. PoliC¥routl"II c»n beUMd to form opec:ificW•ffictogod,«-n1w.-,ltwough nt1twarl-.d bnld,,11......,. .nd d9ewn.uon

ad«.- •ny Hfficlha1 <»n bti fflillHd in ~.u can be UMd to dillingtmh Htfic.

8 PoliC¥fDUtl"II<»n bti UMd to form ~ficw•ffictogo d,«-1 w•y IN'OUgh nt11WDrt. but only......,. 9nd dHUn.tion

O PoliC¥fOIJting c»n be UHd to t,yp.• routing atM •nd only •cz;.... tunn.i ini.rf•..s can be UMd to dnG ••fflc

25. It i• po•uibl•to h•v• OSPF •nd BGPconfigur.d on th• ••m• router?

di&HM·IMii 'fri 6 ;:; M ;;.;;,;. BM65M4hl#ill,iUMEi,i

BJ Google x y IIIT Manual:lnterf x 'f IIIT Manual:Roufo x 'f IIIT Manual:Routir x y IIIT Manual:lnterf xy IIIT Manual:IP/IPs, x y_;, VPN Overview x IIIT MikroTikRout< x\1'9 Google xp - []I

+- - C I El 1 &&participant_id=34500&training_id= 5271

. 1mn·a1rza1ro·r,.o11er,Re-qo-en-an1rsn·sron-c"Onrrrmamm

.JD. Request, Offer, Initialization and Session confirmation

4. You want to create a route to the network Which of the following is a legal gateway?


0 8. ether1

0 c. pppoe-out1
last s.3ve: 2014-02-07 09:15:13
5. Define a routing loop (choose the most precise description) Save progress

I A. situation where the TIL of the packet expires

'..) 8. situation where the packet is routed through the same router twice

~) c. Situation where the packet does not reach m·s destination

'! D. situation where the packet is routed through the same sequence of routers until the TIL expires
6. To securely bridge together 2 remote networks you can use

O A. PPPoE over EolP

0 8. PPTP over EolP

0 C. EolP over PPTP

7. IP packet destinated to the host passes via interface of the MikroTik router 1.

Except connected routes, routing table of each router has the following routes:

MikroTik Router 1:
/ip route add dst-address= gateway=l.1.1.2

MikroTik Router 2:
/ip route add dst-address=l0.11.12.0/24

MikroTik Router 3:
/ip route add dst-address=l0.11.12.0/24
• t 3332
e If Cb J? e ['.!J~l&][]f] ~ ~00][!]00 ~ l"x ?;J ,j TllJ 2:15PM
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+- - C I El 1 &&participant_id=34500&training_id= 5271

8. PPTP over EolP

0 C. EolP over PPTP

7. IP packet destinated to the host passes via interface of the MikroTik router 1.

Except connected routes, routing table of each router has the following routes:

MikroTik Router 1:
/ip route add dst-address= gateway=l.1.1.2 00:35: 17
MikroTik Router 2: last s.3ve: 2014-02-07 09:16:13
/ip route add dst-address=l0.11.12.0/24 Save progress

MikroTik Router 3:
/ip route add dst-address=l0.11.12.0/24

IP packet destination is

What will happen?

'!i A. There will be infinite loop until TIL of packet is equal to 1.

' 8. Packet will reach the destination.

c. MikroTik Router 3 will discard the packet.

OD. There will be infinite loop until one of routers is disabled.

8. Which route will be used to reach host

/ip route
add disabled =no distance= 1 dst-address = gateway=
add disabled=no distance=! dst-address= gateway=
add disabled=no distance=! dst-address= gateway=

r..; A. Route via gateway

~J 8. Route via gateway

'! C. Route via gateway

9. Select correct statements about EoIP:
BJ Google x y t<r Manual:lnterf x 'f t<r Manual:Roufo x 'f t<r Manual:Routir x y t<r Manual:lnterf x y t<r Manual:IP/IPs, x y_;, VPN Overview x t<r MikroTikRout< x\1'9 Google xp - cil

+- - C I El 1 &&participant_id=34500&training_id= 5271

8. PPTP over EolP

" C. EolP over PPTP


7. IP packet destinated to the host 10.11.12.s passes via interface of the MikroTik router 1.

able of each r

last save: 2014-02-.07 09:16:13
Save progress
IP-packet at Mikrotik router 3

Mikrotik Router 1

ad9 Mikrotik Router 2

9. i
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+- - C I El 1 &&participant_id=34500&training_id= 5271

c. MikroTik Router 3 will discard the packet.
OD. There will be infinite loop until one of routers is disabled.

8. Which route will be used to reach host

/ip route
add disabled =no distance= 1 dst-address = gateway=
add disabled=no distance=! dst-address= gateway=
add disabled=no distance=! dst-address= gateway=
r..; A. Route via gateway
last s.3ve: 2014-02-07 09:17:13
~J B. Route via gateway Save progress

'! C. Route via gateway

9. Select correct statements about Eo!P:

0 A. does not provide encryption.

O B. uses GRE.
O c. uses ESP.
0 D. does not provide authentication.
10. Which ones of these are Point-to-Point addresses?

O A. address= network=

OB. address= network=

0 c. address= network=

OD. address= network=

11. A routing table has following entries:

O dst-address=l0.0.0.0/24 gateway=

1 dst-address = gateway=

2 dst-address=l0.1.0.0/24 gateway=

3 dst-address = gateway=

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+- - C I El 1 &&participant_id=34500&training_id= 5271

O B. uses GRE.
O c. uses ESP.
0 D. does not provide authentication.
10. Which ones of these are Point-to-Point addresses?

O A. address= network=

0 B. address= network= 00:34:29

~ C. address= network= last s.3ve: 2014-02-07 09:17:13
Save progress
OD. address= network=
11. A routing table has following entries:

O dst-address=l0.0.0.0/24 gateway=l0.1.5.126

1 dst-address=l0.1.5.0/24 gateway=

2 dst-address=l0.1.0.0/24 gateway=25. l.1.l

3 dst-address=l0.1.5.0/25 gateway=

Which gateway will be used for a packet with destination address

n A.

I l C.

• D.
12. Select true statements about PPTP/PPPoE server.

O A. PPPoE server is reachable via all active interfaces

O B. PPTP server can be bound to one single interface

O C. PPTP server is reachable on all ip actresses

0 D. PPPoE server can be bound to one single interface

BJ Google x y IIIT Manual:lnterf x 'f IIIT Manual:Roufo x 'f IIIT Manual:Routir x y IIIT Manual:lnterf xy IIIT Manual:IP/IPs, x y_;, VPN Overview x IIIT MikroTikRout< x\1'9 Google xp
+- - C I El 1 &&participant_id=34500&training_id= 5271
12. Select true statements about PPTP/PPPoE server.

O A. PPPoE server is reachable via all active intertaces

0 8. PPTP server can be bound to one single intertace

O C. PPTP server is reachable on all ip actresses

@ D. PPPoE server can be bound to one single intertace 00:34:02

13. Which routing table is used to apply recursive routing at MikroTik RouterOS last s.3ve: 2014-02-07 09:17:13
Save progress
\_•.•A. It is possible in all the routing tables installed in a router

..l 8. It is not possible

' J C. It is only possible on the x86 plattorm

l D. It is only possible in the main routing table

14. An OSPF area consists of 15 routers connected in 6 different broadcast networks. How many Designated routers there will be in the

I A. 0

I..) 8. 1

\_•• C. 6

..l D. 15
15. To assign specific traffic to a route - traffic must be identified by a routing mark. Each packet can only have one routing mark.

true •

16. /ip route can have OS flags simultaneously.

false •

17. Consider the following diagram. We want to communicate from a device on LANl to a device on LAN2. Assuming that all necessary
configurations are already included on R2, which of the following configurations in Rl would enable this communication?

@ A. /ip route add dst-address= gateway=Ether1

BJ Google x y IIIT Manual:lnterf x 'f IIIT Manual:Roufo x 'f IIIT Manual:Routir x y IIIT Manual:lnterf xy IIIT Manual:IP/IPs, x y_;, VPN Overview x IIIT MikroTikRout< x\1'9 Google xp
+- - C I El 1 &&participant_id=34500&training_id= 5271
u tr.PPTP server can be oounato one single mte ace
O C. PPTP server is reachable on all ip actresses

0 D. PPPoE server can be bound to one single interface

13. Which routing table is used to apply recursive routing at MikroTik RouterOS

•• A. It is possible in all the routing tables installed in a router

8. It is not possible
00:33: 16
I l c. It is only possible on the x86 platform
last s.3ve: 2014-02-07 09:18:13
'..) D. It is only possible in the main routing table Save progress

14. An OSPF area consists of 15 routers connected in 6 different broadcast networks. How many Designated routers there will be in the

') A. 0

l 8.1
1• C. 6

15. To assign specific traffic to a route - traffic must be identified by a routing mark. Each packet can only have one routing mark.

true •

16. /ip route can have DS flags simultaneously.

false •

17. Consider the following diagram. We want to communicate from a device on LAN! to a device on LAN2. Assuming that all necessary
configurations are already included on R2, which of the following configurations in Rl would enable this communication?

~ A. /ip route add dst-address= gateway=Ether1

0 8. /ip route add dst-address= gateway=

O C. /ip route add dst-address= gateway= -·.. _ ....

O D. /ip route add dst-address= src-address= gateway=

BJ Google x y IIIT Manual:lnterf x 'f IIIT Manual:Roufo x 'f IIIT Manual:Routir x y IIIT Manual:lnterf xy IIIT Manual:IP/IPs, x y_;, VPN Overview x IIIT MikroTikRout< x\1'9 Google xp - []I

+- - C I El 1 &&participant_id=34500&training_id= 5271

true •

16. /ip route can have OS flags simultaneously.

false •

17. Consider the following diagram. We want to communicate from a device on LANl to a device on LAN2. Assuming that all necessary
configurations are already included on R2, which of the following configurations in Rl would enable this communication?

@ A. /ip route add dst-address= gateway=Ether1

last s.3ve: 2014-02-07 09:19:13
@ B. /ip route add dst-address= gateway=
Save progress
O C. /ip route adc! dst-ac!dress= gateway= -·.. _ ....

O D. /ip route add dst-adc!ress= src-address= gateway=

@ E. /ip route ac!c! dst-address= gateway=

18. OSPF router has priority O configured on one of its interfaces. In which condition below will it become a designated router for the
network configured on that interface? (select all that apply)

@ A. The router can become designated router only if there there are only neigbors with the same priority.

O B. The router can become designated router if the network-type is point-to-point

@ C. The router cannot become designated router since priority O prevents it

OD. The router will become designated router if there is no other neighbor with priority 0, since O mean the
highest priority

19. /ip route configuration on router,

/ip route add gateway=

/ip route add dst-address= gateway=
/ip route add dst-address= gateway=
/ip route add dst-address= gateway=

Router needs to send packets to Which gateway will be used?


.J B.
' J C.
BJ Google x y IIIT Manual:lnterf x 'f IIIT Manual:Roufo x 'f IIIT Manual:Routir x y IIIT Manual:lnterf x y IIIT Manual:IP/IPs, x y_;, VPN Overview x IIIT MikroTikRout< x\1'9 Google xp - []I

+- - C I El 1 &&participant_id=34500&training_id= 5271

O C. /ip route add dst-ac!dress= gateway= -·.. _ ....


O D. /ip route add dst-address= src-address= gateway=

@ E. /ip route add dst-address= gateway=

18. OSPF router has priority O configured on one of its interfaces. In which condition below will it become a designated router for the
network configured on that interface? (select all that apply)

@ A. The router can become designated router only if there there are only neigbors with the same priority. 00:32: 15
0 8. The router can become designated router if the network-type is point-to-point last s.3ve: 2014-02-07 09:19:13
Save progress
@ C. The router cannot become designated router since priority O prevents it

OD. The router will become designated router if there is no other neighbor with priority 0, since O mean the
highest priority
19. /ip route configuration on router,

/ip route add gateway=

/ip route add dst-address= gateway=
/ip route add dst-address= gateway=
/ip route add dst-address= gateway=

Router needs to send packets to Which gateway will be used?


.) 8.

' J C.

l D.
20. What is the minimum configuration a network administrator needs to do on a MikroTik router to enable OSPF?

~ I A. Add an intertace to OSPFintertace configuration

.J B. Both intertace and network must be added to OSPFconfiguration

•• C. Add a network to OSPFnetwork configuration

l D. Nothing; OSPF instance can run with no configuration

21. It is possible to create a configuration where VLAN and PPTP interfaces are bridged together.
BJ Google x y IIIT Manual:lnterf x 'f IIIT Manual:Roufo x 'f IIIT Manual:Routir x y IIIT Manual:lnterf xy IIIT Manual:IP/IPs, x y_;, VPN Overview x IIIT MikroTikRout< x\1'9 Google xp - []I

+- - C I El 1 &&participant_id=34500&training_id= 5271

/ip route add gateway=
/ip route add dst-address= gateway=
/ip route add dst-address= gateway=
/ip route add dst-address= gateway=

Router needs to send packets to Which gateway will be used?

,. A.


I l C.
last s.3ve: 2014-02-07 09:20:13
'..JD. Save progress
20. What is the minimum configuration a network administrator needs to do on a MikroTik router to enable OSPF?

n A. Add an interface to OSPF interface configuration

B. Both interface and ne*ork must be added to OSPF configuration

1• C. Add a network to OSPF network configuration

'..JD. Nothing; OSPF instance can run with no configuration

21. It is possible to create a configuration where VLAN and PPTP interfaces are bridged together .

22. Consider the attached diagram:
In order for Router 1 to see all of the networks the following commands could be used (choose all answers that could work)

0 A. lip route add dst-address= gateway=, /ip route add dst-address=

0 B. /ip route add dst-address= gateway=

O C. /routing add dst-address= gateway=

OD. /ip route add dst-address= gateway=, /ip route add dst-address=
23. When sending out an ARP request, an IP host is expecting what kind of address for an answer?

0 A. IP address
BJ Google x y IIIT Manual:lnterf x 'f IIIT Manual:Roufo x 'f IIIT Manual:Routir x y IIIT Manual:lnterf xy IIIT Manual:IP/IPs, x y_;, VPN Overview x IIIT MikroTikRout< x\1'9 Google xp
+- - C I El 1 &&participant_id=34500&training_id= 5271

20. What is the minimum configuration a network administrator needs to do on a MikroTik router to enable OSPF?

n A. Add an interface to OSPF interface configuration

8. Both interface and network must be added to OSPF configuration

1• C. Add a network to OSPF network configuration

'..) D. Nothing; OSPF instance can run with no configuration

21. It is possible to create a configuration where VLAN and PPTP interfaces are bridged together.
last s.3ve: 2014-02-07 09:20:13
false • Save progress
22. Consider the attached diagram:
In order for Router 1 to see all of the networks the following commands could be used (choose all answers that could work)

0 A. lip route add dst-address= gateway=, /ip route add dst-address=

0 B. /ip route add dst-address= gateway=

O C. /routing add dst-address= gateway=

OD. /ip route add dst-address= gateway=, /ip route add dst-address=
23. When sending out an ARP request, an IP host is expecting what kind of address for an answer?

0 A. IP address
0 8. MAC Address
O C. 802.11g

24. You can not use OSPF and RIP routing protocols simultaneously on the RouterOS.

false •

25. When creating a route, using the type "unreachable" sends a "network is unreachable" TCP message to the sender.

false •
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1. Route with lower distance will be preferred over the the route with higher distance even if the gateway is unreachable last s.3ve: 2014-02-07 09:14:13
Save progress
false •

2. A MikroTik system administrator implemented OSPF Routing protocol in the network. But realized that he has a static route on the
routers. What can be done to make the static route work as a failover whenever the dynamic routing protocol fails.

' ) A. He should use "netwatch" to trigger static routes whenever OSPF fails

l B. He should manually disable the static routes and enable them whenever OSPF fails
•• C. He should increase the administrative distance of the static route

D. Delete all static routes because there is no way for itto worKwith OSPF
3. The correct order for PPPOE discovery stage is

' ) A. Initialization, Session confirmation, Request and Offer

l B. Request, Initialization, Session confirmation and Offer

•• C. Initialization, Offer, Request and Session confirmation

D. Request, Offer, Initialization and Session confirmation

4. You want to create a route to the network Which of the following is a legal gateway?

@ A.

@ B. ether1

@ c. pppoe-out1
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1.There are two routes in the routing table: g,.r-v•:2DH-02-0711:18:08
O dst-addr•l0.1.1.0/24 distance•10 gateway•l0.10.10.10 save progress
1 dst-addr•l0.1.1.4/30 distance•20 gateway•l0.20.20.20
Which gateway will be used to send packet with destination IP address


a.none, because distance is>= 10

Q C.


2. What is the protocolnumber used by the EoIP tunnel,to encapsulate Ethernet frames and send them to the remote side of the EoIP

A 1723
Q C.47

3. Which route will be used to reach host

ftp route
add disabled-no distance-I dst-address- catewav-a.r.r.r
add disabled-no distance-I dst-address- gateway-
add disabled-no distance-I dst-address- catewav-a.a.a.a

~~!i!!.l!!l!U w
~ MikroTikRou ... x
Q ,_p.,,..,.. ·~~ ..~,.....~....2.2.2.:l'
iJGoog!eTerjema ... M Kotak MasukU) ... Ji Facebook Bl"Whkh type of L. • T estwiki/lP rovti... • Online IP Subne... W IM subnetting ... W Minker subjarin... +
+ 8 https.: 'www«om=traming&traming=certification&dart_tm:l&&p.articipant_id:34493&trainin9_id=5271

3. Whichroute will be used to reach host

ftp route
add disabled-no distance-1 dst-address gateway
add disabled-no distance'"'l dst-address gateway
add disabled-no distance-1 dst-address gateway

Q A Routevia gateway2.2.2.2
8. Routevia gateway3.3.3.3 00:09:26
C.Routeviagateway1.1.1.1 Y•t.,., ....-zou-oz-0711;11J,DB
Save progre~~
4. What is the administrativedistance of OSPF routes?

A 10

Q C.110
5. ftp route configuration on router,

ftp route add oateway-

ftp route add dst-address•l92.168.1.0/24 gateway•l92.168.0.2
ftp route add dst-address•l92.168.2.0/24gateway•l92.168.0.3
ftp route add dst-address•l92.168.3.0/26 gateway•l92.168.0.4

Router needs to send packetsto Whichgateway will be used?

6. When creating a route, using the type "unreachable" sends a "network is unreachable"TCP message to the sender.
~~!i!!.l!!!!!!U W Mikrolik Rou ... x iJ Google T erjema... M Kotak Masuk (1)... 11 Facebook fg "Which type of i... W T ~twiki/IP routi... • Online JP S.Ubne... W IM subnetting ... W Masker subjarin... +
~ 8 h~s://,nt_id=JU93&trainin_!)d=S271 e ~ . ,. II· ~'
7. What is the minimumconfigurationa network administrator needs to do on a MikroTik router to enable OSPF?

A Add a network to OSPF network configuration

o 8. Both interface and network must be added to OSPF configuration

C. Add an interface to OSPF interface conlhJuration

O. Nothing; OSPF instance can run wittl no configuration

8. Define a routing loop (choose the most precise description) 00:09:12

A situation where the TTL of the packet expires
save progress
o B. sittlation where the packet is routed through the same sequence ol routers until the TTL

C. situation where the packet is routed through the same router twice

D.Situationwherethe packetdoesnotreachit\'sdestination

9. There are two routes in the routing table:

O dst-addr•l0.1.1.0/24 gateway•S.5.5.5
1 dst-addr•l0.1.1.4/30 gateway•S.6.6.6

Which gateway will be used to get to the IP address


o 8.



10. ECMP provides:


o 8. per packet load balancing to multiple gateways

C. per connection load balancing to multiple gateways

~~!i!!_l!!l!!f-----,.--~D~. '~"-'~'Cl-'--.dstaddress
pair load balancing to multiple gateways
~ ,. MikroTikRou ... x iJGoog!eTerjema ... M Kotak MasukU) ... Ji Facebook £1"Whkhtypeof L. • Testwiki/lP rovti ...• Online IP Subne ... WIM subnetting ... W Minkersubjarin... +
+ 8 https.: 'www

11. ARP is required for IP communication within an L2TP Tunnel.


12. On the following network diagram, when ROUTER wants to reach "HOST A" by itself, it should use ISPl as gateway and when CLIENT
wants to reach "HOST A\ router should use ISP2 as a gateway.

How would you configure routing marks to achieve this?

Y•t.,., ....-zou-oz-0711;1,,09
Save progre~~

A. Chain Input for a Routing Mark to route to ISP 2 & Chain OUtputfor a Routing Mark to route ~
to ISP 1

8. Chain OUtput for a Routing Mark to route to ISP 2 & Chain FOlward for a Routing Mark to
route to ISP 1

o C. Chain Prerouting lor a Routing Mark to route to ISP 2 & Chain Output !or a Routing Mark

D. Chain FOMard !or a Routing Mark to route to ISP 2 & Chain Forward !or a Routing Mark to

13. The correct order for PPPOE discovery stage is

o A. lnitialilation, Offer, Request and Session connrmation

8. Reques~ lnitiatiz.ation, Session conflrmation and Offer

C. Request, Offer, Initialization and Session connrmation

O. lnltiallz.ation, Session confirmation, Request and Offer

14. Which type of ic route is the highest priority for routing decision ?
~~!i!!.l!!!!!!U W Mikrolik Rou ... x iJ Google T erjema... M Kotak Masuk (1)... 11 Facebook fg "Which type of i... W T ~twiki/IP routi... • Online JP S.Ubne... W IM subnetting ... W Masker subjarin... +
~ 8 h~s://,nt_id=JU93&trainin_!)d=S271

14. Which type of ip route is the hiohest priority for routing decision ?


B OSPF Route


Q O.ConnectedRoute

15. An OSPF area consists of 15 routers connected in 6 different broadcast networks. How many Designated routers there wilt be in the 00:08:50
save progress



16. Which routing table is used to apply recursive routing at MikroTik Routeros

"Attis possibleinalltheroutingtables installed in a router

B. ltisnotpossible


O.ltisonlypossibleinthe main routing table

17. It is possible to create a configuration where l/1...AN and PPTP interfaces are bridged together.

true GJ
18. /ip route can have OS flags simultaneously.

true GJ
19. A MikroTik system administrator implemented OSPF Routing protocol in the network. But realized that he has a static route on the
routers. What can be done to make the static route work as a failover whenever the dynamic routing protocol fails.

+ 8 https.: 'www"nV?«om=traming&traming=c"rtification&dart_tm=l&&~rticipant_id=.34493&training_id=5271

19. A MikroTik system administrator implemented OSPF Routing protocol in the network. But realized that he has a static route on the
routers. What can be done to make the static route work as a failover whenever the dynamic routing protocol fails.

A He should manuauy disable the static routes and enable them wnenever OSPf fails


C. Delete au static routes because there Is no way for rt to worlc: with OSPF
" 0. He should use ·netwateh" to trigger static routes wnenever OSPF fails
Y•t.,., ....-zou-oz-0711;1,,09
20. When sending out an ARP request, an JP host is expecting what kind of address for an answer? Save progre~~


~B. Vl.AN ID

[i]c. MAC Address


21. Select correct statements about EolP:



~C. uses ESP.


22. OSPF starts working on the router as soon as




" 0. at least one IP network is assigned In the ospl network menu

"111 v,.,, r::,n nt\t '"'"' nc:cn:-::,n.-1 ll!O\n nrntnrnlccim,,lt::,n,:,n,,clv

nn th,:, lln,.t,:,rnc:
~~!i!!.l!!!!!!U W Mikrolik Rou ... x iJ Google T erjema... M Kotak Masuk (1)... 11 Facebook fg "Which type of i... W T ~twiki/IP routi... • Online JP S.Ubne... W IM subnetting ... W Masker subjarin... +
~ 8 h~s://,nt_id=JU93&trainin_!)d=S271

23. You can not use OSPF and RIP routing protocols simultaneously on the RouterOS .

.... B
24. A routing table has tollowino entries:

O dst-address•l0.0.0.0/24oateway•l0.1.5.126

1 dst-address••l0.1.1.1
2 dst-address•l0.1.0.0/24oateway•

3 dst-address•l0.1.5.0/25oateway•l0.1.1.2 save progress

Whichgateway wilt be used for a packet with destination address




25. The default value of 'target-scope' for a static route is:


"8 30



~~!i!!.l!!l!U•MikroTikRou .x iJGoog!"T"rj"ma ... MKotakMasukU) ... {iAlfanmHsag~ .. £1"WhkhtyJ)f:ofi... • T Htwiki/IP routi... • Ont in" IP Subne.; W IM subngting ... W Mask"r subjarin... +
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1. Consider the following diagram. We want to communicate from a device on LAN1 to a device on LAN2. Assuming that
all necessary configurations are already included on R2, which of the followihg configurations in R1 would enable this last save: 2013-01-30 05:45:26
communication? Save progress

10 A/ip route add dst-address=192.16S.0.0/24gateway=192.16S.0.1

lEI B./ip route add dst-address=192.16S.1.0/24gatewaY=192.16S.99.2

Iifll C.{lp route add dst-address=O.O.O.O/O gatewaY=192.16S.99.2 ~, -. .,

lEI D./ip route add dst-address=192.16S.1.0/24src-address=192.16S.0.0/24


10 E./ip route add dst-address=O.O.O.O/O gateway=Ethet1

2. There are four routes in the routing table. Host 10.10 ..10.10 becomes unreachable.

1 dst-addr=O.O.O.O/O gateway=
1 dst-addr= gateway= check-gateway=ping
2 dst-addr= gateway=
3 dst-addr= gatewaY= check-gateway=ping

Which gateway is used to get to the IP address 30.30.30 ..145?


co B. None. Packetsto that host will be dropped until host

becomes activeagain.

~ r. 11 11 11 11

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3. There are two routes in the routing table:

o dst-addr= distance= 10 gateway=
1 dst-addr= distance=20 gateway=
Which gateway will be used to send packet with destination IP address

e> A both
® B. none. because distance is >= 10
@ c. 10:20.20.20

e> D.
4. Which route will be used toreach host

lip route
add disabled=no distance=l dst-address= gateway=1.1.1..1
add disabled=no distance=l ds.t-address= gatewaY=
add disabled=no distance=l dst-address= gateway=3.3.3;3

@ A Routevia gateway2.2.2.2

<0 B. Routevia'gateway1.1.1.1
o C. Routevia gateway3.3.3.3
5. A MikroTik Router has the following configuration
lip address
add address= interface=ether t
add address= interface=etherz
add address= interface=ether3

lip firewall mangle

add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting
dst-port=80 new-connection-mark=web_c passthrough=yes protocol=tcp
add action=mark-routing chain=prerouting
connection-mark=web_c new-routing-mark=web passthrough=no

lip firewall nat

add action=masquerade chain=srcnat

lip route
add gateway=
add gateway= routing-mark=web

What can be said about the Web Access (port 80) by a customer connected at ether3 interface with IP,
gateway ?

co A The Customerwill access the Web byECMp,byusing both gateways

@ B.The customerwill access theWeb using the gateway2.2.2.2

eJ C.The customerwill access the Web using the gateway1.1.1,1

CO D.The Customer is unable to access the Web.
6. Which routing table is-used to apply recursive MikroTik RouterOS

®A It is onlypossible on thexS6platform

@ B,lt is possible in all the routingtables installed in a router

e> c. It is not possible

e D. It is onlypossible in the main routingtable
7. There are two rnanqle rules:

o chain=forward action=mark-routing new-routing-mark="aaa" passthrouqh=ves

1 chain=forward action=mark-routing new-routing-mark="bbb" passthrouqh=ves

What routing mark will the packet have after passing the forward chain?

<0 A 'aaa'
o B."bbb'
@C. 'aaabbb'

CO D. "aaa" and "bbb'

8. When adding a user to your local ppn secrets/ppp profiles database, it is possible to

lEI A Allow/deny use of more than one login bythis user

121 B. Allow login bypppoe and pptp, but denylogin by12tp

10 C. Set maxvalues for total transferredbytes(up- and download)
lEI D·.DenyselVices(like telnet)onlyforthis user.or for one group of users
10 E. Allow onlypppoe login
9. An QSPF area consists of 15 routers connected-in 6 different broadcast networks. How many Designated routers there
will be in the area?



CO C. 1

10. The correct order for PPPOEdiscovery stage is

el A Request.Offer.Initializationand Session confirmation

(~ B. Initjalization.Offer.Request and Session confirmation

e> c. Initialization,Session confirmation,Request and Offer

el D. Request.Initialization.Session confirmationand Offer
11. OSPF starts working on the router as soon as

@ A at least one IP networkis assigned in the ospf networkmenu

eJ B.the routingpackageis enabled on the router

CO C. at least one area is specified in the ospf area menu
o D. atleast one intertaceis defined iii the ospf intertacemenu
12. A MikoTik PPPoE Server can be used only within a broadcast domain, that is, users can PPPoE protocol with a
server if there is a router between the customer and that PPPoE server.

true 1·... 1

13. Which rule will match packets with destination IP address on a router with this routing table?

<0 A Rule 1
o B. None ofthe rules

CO D. Rule.2
.: _ ...
., j,. "":-

14. Mangle Routing (routing-mark) is possible, by using chains:

<0 A input and output

e> B.forward and output
eJ C. forwardand postrouting
<0 D. preroutinq and forward
@ E. preroutingand output

15. Define a routing loop (choose the most precise description)

~ A situationwhere the packetis routedthroughthe same sequence of

routers untilthe TTL expires

o B. situationwhere the packetis routedthrough the same rootertwice

eJ C. situationwhere'the TTL ofthe packetexpires
CO D. Situationwhere the packetdoes not reach ill's destination
16. There are two routes in the routine table:
o dst-addr= gateway=
1 dst-addr= gatewaY=

Which gateway will be used to get to the IP address

®A the required route is not in the routingtable

el B, both - half ofthe trafficwill be routedthroughone gateway,half through

the other



17. When sending out an ARP request, an IP host is.expecting what kind of address for an answer?

I0A MACAddress

10 C S02.11g
10 D. IP address
18. ARP is requited for IP communication within an L2TP Tunnel.

true [iJ
19. lip route can have DS flags simultaneously.

true B
20. You want to create a route to the network Which of the following is a legal gateway?

lEI A ether1
10 B. 192.16S.100.1

10 D. pppoe-out1
21. Only OSPF routes distributed as "external" can be filtered with routing filters

true B
22. Which VPN technologies can be used to bridge two remote networks?



I0D. EolP

23. If a client network. subnet is added to the OSPF STUB area. Is the network considered external.


24. A routing table has following entries:

o dst-address= gateway=

1 dst-address= gateway=

2 dst-address= gateway=

3 dst-address= gateway=10.1.L2

Which gateway will be used for a packet with destination address


e B.
el C. 10.1,1.1
<0 D.
25. A MikroTik system administrator implemented OSPF Routing protocol in the network. But realized that he has a static
route on the routers. What can be done to make the static route work as a failover whenever the dynamic routing
protocol fails.

eJ A Delete all static routes becausethere is no wayfor it to work with OSPF

~ B. He should increasethe administrativedistance of the static route

o C. He should use 'netwatch' to trigger static routeswheneverOSPFfails

® D. He should manuallydisable the static routes and enablethem


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1. A MikroTik system administrator implemented OSPF Routing protocol in the network. But realized that he has a static 00:34:28
route on the routers. What can be done to make the static route work as a failover whenever the dynamic routing
protocol fails. last save: 201')..()1·')() OS:11:{)()
Save progress

o A. He should increase the administrative distance of the static route

o B. Delete all static routes because there is no way for it to workwilh OSPF
o C. He should manually disable the static routes and enable them Whenever
OSPF fails

00. He should use "netvvatch"to trigger static routes Whenever OSPF fails

2. OSPF starts working on the router as soon as

o A. the routing package is enabled on the router

o B. at least one IP network is assigned in the ospf network menu
o C. at least one interface is defined in the ospf interface menu
00. at least one area is specified in the ospf area menu

3. lip route configuration on router,

lip route add gatew ay= 192 .168.0.1

lip route add dst-address= gateway=
lip route add dst-address= gateway=
lin rnllt'Q ;:linn nc;t_,:::II-1rirQC;C;= 1Q? 1fiR '=t n I?f. n.:.tQ'o\t.:l\(= 1Q? 1fiR n 4

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o B.

4. There are two routes in the routing table:

o dst-addr= gatewaY=
1dst-addr= gatewaY=

Which gateway will be used to get to the IP address


o C. both· half ofthe traffic will be routed through one gateway. half through the

00. Ihe required route is not in the routing table

5. OSPF router has priority 0 configured on one of its interfaces. In which condition below will it become a designated
router for the network configured on that interface? (select all that apply)

~A. The router will become designated router if there is no otner neighborwllh
priority O. since 0 mean the highest priority

DB. The rouler can become designated router if the network·type is polnt-

Dc. The rouler can become designated router only if there there are only
neigbors wilh the same priority.

00. The rouler cannot become designated router since priority 0 prevents II

6. Define a routing loop (choose the most precise description)

o A. situation where the TTL of the packet expires

o B. situation Where the packet is routed through the same sequence of routers
until the TTL expires

o C. situation Where the packet is routed through the same router twice
00. Situation Where the packet does not reach ill's destination

7. RIP and OSPF routing protocols can be configured on the same router at the same time.

true v

B. (lp route can have OS flags simultaneously.

true v

9. When adding a static route, you must always ensure that you add both the gateway and the interface.

false v
10. You can not use OSPF and RIP routing protocols simultaneously on the RouterOS.

false v
11. A routing table has following entries:

o dst-address= gatew ay= 10 .1.5 .126

1 dst-address= 10 .1.5 .0/24 gatew ay= 10 .1.1.1

2 dst-address= 10 .1.0 .0/24 gatew ay=25 .1.1.1

3 dst-address= 10 .1.5 .0/25 gatew ay= 10 .1.1.2

Which gateway will be used for a packet with destination address


12. When using the "check gateway" function in creating a route, the following protocols can be utilized to ensure the
gateway address is reachable (choose all correct answers):





13. When adding a user to your local ppp secrets/pop profiles database, it is possible to

~ A. Allow login by pppoe and pptp, but deny login by 121p

DB. Allow/deny use of more than one login by this user

Dc. Deny selVices (like telnet) only for this user or for one group of users

00. Sel max values for total transferred bytes (up- and download)

DE. Allow only pppoe login

14. It is possible to create EolP tunnels between two locations over the Internet

true v

15. Consider the attached diagram:

In order for Router 1 to see all of the networks the following commands could be used (choose all answers that could

~A.lip route add dst-address=O.O.O.OIOgateway=l

~ B. np route add dst-address= gateway=l np route add

dst-address= gateway=l

o C./routing add dst-address=O.O.O.O/Ogateway=l

o D./ip route add dst-address= gateway=l route add
.....- _,
dst-address= gateway=l

16. The correct order for PPPOE discovery stage is

o A. Request. Initialization. Session confirmation and Offer

o B. Inilializalion. Session confirmation. Request and Offer
o C. Initializalion. Offer.Request and Session confirmation
00. Request. Offer.Initialization and Session confirmation

17. It is possible to have OSPF and BGP configured on the same router?

true v

lB. Consider the following output from the command "/ip address print":

Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, 0 - dynamic

o pppoe-1
1 pppoe-2

This configuration is invalid because of the duplicate IP·s.

false v

19. To assign specific traffic to a route - traffic must be identified by a routing mark. Each packet can only have one
routing mark.

true v

20. The default value of 'target-scope' for a static route is:





21. ARP is required for IP communication within an L2TP Tunnel.

true y

22. VLAN is an implementation of the 802.1Q VLAN protocol by the MikroTik RouterOS. It allows you to have multiple
Virtual LANs on a single ethernet or wireless interface, giving the ability to segregate LANs efficiently.
How many different vlans are possible on a single ethernet port?





23. In OSPF interface configuration what effect will a 'passive=yes' option have on a specific interface ?

oA. It will prevent all OSPF traffic through that interface

o B. It will prevent routes leamed through the interface from being listed in the
rouling table.

o C. IIwill prevent all traffic through that interface

00. IIwill action a mirroring of all routing upgrades to that interface
24. Which routing table is used to apply recursive routing at Mikro Tik RouterOS

o A. It is only possible on the x86 platform

o B. It is only possible in the main routing table
o C. It is not possible
00. It is possible in all the routing tables installed in a router

25. Which parameters are used in RouterOS to determine destination of the packet

o A. destination interface
DB. destination address

Dc. source port

~ D. routing mark

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1. Which routing table is used to apply recursive routing at MikroTik RouterOS 00:10:09
o A. It is onlypossible in the main routingtable last save: 2013-01-]0 OS:4S:08
Gi B. It is possible in all the routingtables installed in a router

C C. It is onlypossible on the x86 platform

C D. It is not possible
2. Which ones of these are Point-to-Point addresses?

~ A. address=I.I.I.1/32 network=

Rl B. address= network=
~ C. address= network=

o D. address= network=
3. lip route can have DS flags simultaneously.

true !EI
4. Consider the following diagram. We want to communicate from a device on LAN1 to a device on LAN2. Assuming that
all necessary configurations are already included on R2, which of the following configurations in R1 would enable this

o A./ip route add dst-address=

o B./ip route add dst-address=
.. ,,,,,,,,,00')0
© IViikrotik : RouterBOARD : Forum : MUM : Training : Wiki : Tiktube : Newsletters : Twitter
o D./ip route add dst-address=
o E./ip route add dst-address=O.O.O.O/O
5. A MikoTik PPPoE Server can be used only within a broadcast domain, that is, users can not run PPPoE protocol with a
server if there is a router between the customer and that PPPoE server.

true !El
6. Which route will be used to reach host 192.168 .1.55?

lip route
add disabled=no distance=l dst-address= gateway=
add disabled=no distance=l dst-address= gatewaY=
add disabled=no distance=l dst-address= gatewaY=

o A. Routevia gateway3.3.3.3
Gi B. Routevia gateway2.2.2.2

C C. Routevia gateway1.1.1.1
7. The correct order for PPPOEdiscovery stage is

o A. Request.Initialization.Session confirmationand Offer

C B. Request.Offer.Initializationand Session confirmation
Gi C. Initialization.Offer.Request and Session confirmation

o D. Initialization.Session confirmation.Request and Offer

8. Look at the picture.
Which Gateway will be used to reach 192.168.88 .10?

C A. Pict2


o In. I6S.SS.OJZ4 In. 168':;5. I 1
1 In.I6S.SS.0125 192.168.:;:;.2 2
C C. 2 192. I6S.SS.OJZ6 In. 168':;5.3 3
@ D.
9. A MikroTik system administrator implemented OSPF Routing protocol in the network. But realized that he has a static
route on the routers. What can be done to make the static route work as a failover whenever the dynamic routing
protocol fails.

C A. He should manuallydisable the static routes and enablethem whenever


o B. Delete all static routes becausethere is no wayfor illo work with OSPF
G: C. He should increasethe administrativedistance ofthe static route

o D. He should use "netwatch"to trigger static routeswheneverOSPFfails

10. Hotel Internet firewall blocks IP/47 (GRE), UDP/500 (IKE) and IP/50 (ESP) protocol outbound/inbound connections.
Which VPN tunnel protocol could work?

~ A. PPTP(Point-to-pointTunneling Protocol)

~ B. L2TP(Layer-2 Tunneling Protocol)

o C.IPSec
~ D. SSTP(SecureSocketTunneling Protocol)

11. lip route configuration on router,

lip route add gatew ay= 192 .168.0.1

lip route add dst-address= gateway=
lip route add dst-address= gateway=
lip route add dst-address= gateway=

Router needs to send packets to Which gateway will be used?

Gi A.

C B.
C C.

o D.
12. RIP and OSPF routing protocols can be configured on the same router at the same time.

true !El
13. When adding a static route, you must always ensure that you add both the gateway and the interface.

false !EI
14. Router A and B are both running as PPPoE servers on different broadcast domains of your network. Is it possible to
set Router A to use "/ppp secret" accounts from Router B to authenticate PPPoE customers?

false !El
15. There are two PPPoE stages, Discovery and Session.

false !EI
16. Define a routing loop (choose the most precise description)

o A. Situationwhere the packetdoes not reach ill's destination

o B. situationwhere the TTL ofthe packetexpires
C C. situationwhere the packetis routedthroughthe same routertwice
!!l D. situationwhere the packetis routedthroughthe same sequence of
routers untilthe TTL expires
17. Network redundancy over several links (failover) can be achieved by

o A. dynamicroutingprotocols
~ B. policyrouting

~ C. route option"check-gateway'

o D.web-proxy
18. On the following network diagram, when ROUTERwants to reach "HOST A" by itself, it should use ISP1 as gateway
and when CLIENT wants to reach "HOST A", router should use ISP2 as a gateway.

How would you configure routing marks to achieve this?

I!J A. Chain Preroutingfor a RoutingMarkto routeto ISP2 & Chain Outputfor a ~

RoutingMarkto routeto ISP1

o B. Chain Inputfor a RoutingMarkto routeto ISP2 & Chain Outputfor a

RoutingMarkto routeto ISP1

o C. Chain Forwardfor a RoutingMarkto routeto ISP2 & Chain Forwardfor a

RoutingMarkto routeto ISP1

o D. Chain Outputfor a RoutingMarkto routeto ISP2 & Chain Forwardfor a

RoutingMarkto routeto ISP1
19. If a client network subnet is added to the OSPF STUB area. Is the network considered external.

true !EI
20. True or False: BGP can be used for internal routing, using one internal AS number.

true 'E.l
21. Mark the correct default route distances.

o A. eBOPdistance is 25
~ B. OSPFdistance is 110

DC. RIP distance is 130

Rl D. iBOPdistance is 200
22. Which is the routing protocol used for internet routing?



23. Route with lower distance will be preferred over the the route with higher distance even if the gateway is

true !EI
24. It is possible to have OSPF and BGP configured on the same router?

true !El
25. Routing table has several routes with the same gateway. If 'check-gateway' is enabled for one of the routes, and the
gateway becomes unreachable, then

C A. onlythis one routewould become inactive

o B.the 'check-gateway'featurewould notwork at all. since the same
gatewayis used for more than one route

(OJ C. all routeswith the same gatewaywould become inactive


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1. The default value of 'target-scope' for a static route is: 00:59:53

OA.30 Save progress



2. What is policy routing for and what criteria can be used to decide appropriate route?

o A. Policyroutingcan be used to force specifictrafficto go differentwaythrough

network.but onlysource and destinationaddress can be used to distinguish traffic.

o B. Policyroutingcan be used to force specifictrafiicto go differentwaythrough

networkand beside source and destinationaddress anytrafficthat can be marked in
firewall can be used to distinguish traffic.

o C. Policyroutingcan be used to bypass routingtable and onlyactivetunnel

interfacescan be used to direcllrafiic alternatively.

o D. Policyroutingcan be used to bypass routingtable and is possible onlyifBGP is

~ Rnllt~r ie rnnn~rt~rl tn 1 n 1 n 1 n n/?4 (nllhlir) .::Inri 1 n 1 1 n/?4 (Inr.::ll) n~t\o'l'nrltc: Th~r~ .::Ir~tu,rn rrurt-eein th~ rrurtiru-r
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.... _ "'_ - ..
1 dst-addr=O.O.O .0/0 gatew ay= 10 .10 .10 .11 routing-mark=server _traffic

and 2 rules in firewall mangle

o chain=prerouting src-address= 10 .1.1.12 action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=server _conn
1 chain=prerouting connection-mark=server_conn action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=server_traffic

Through which gateway will a client, with an IP address of, establish a connection to internet?

o A. connectionsare not possible in this configuration

o B.through both gateways
o c. through
o D.through
4. Select the correct statements about routing marks:

D A. each packetcan havemore than one routingmark

D B. a packetwith a routingmark is ignored bymain routingtable if there is at least one

routefor the routingmark

Dc. check-gatewayoption is not compatiblewith routing-mark

D D. can be assigned byIPfirewall mangle chains input and output

5. A routing table has following entries:

o dst-address= gateway=

1 dst-address= 10 .1.5 .0/24 gatew ay= 10 .1.1.1

2 dst-address= gateway=

3 dst-address= gateway=

Which gateway will be used for a packet with destination address


o B.
o C.
6. If we change TTL to 2 in mangle chain pre routing

o A. packetwill be forwardedto the next2 L3 devices

o B. packetwill not be forwarded
o C. packetwill be forwardedonlyto nextL3 device
o D. packetwill alwaysreach its destination
7. Router A and B are both running as PPPoE servers on different broadcast domains of your network. Is it possible to
set Router A to use "/ppp secret" accounts from Router B to authenticate PPPoE customers?

8. Define a routing loop (choose the most precise description)

o A. situationwhere the packetis routedthroughthe same routertwice

o B. situationwhere the packetis routedthroughthe same sequence of routers until
the TTL expires

o C. Situationwhere the packetdoes not reach ill's destination

o D. situationwhere the TTL ofthe packetexpires
9. The target scope can be used for:

o A.To build a FailOverSystembetweentwo or more gateways

o B.To configureseveralrouteswith differentcosts and distances
o C.To resolvenexthopsthat are not directlyconnectedto the router
10. There are 6 routers running OSPF and connected with each other using point-to-point network types. How many
Designated Routers are there among them?




11. When sending out an ARP request, an IP host is expecting what kind of address for an answer?

D A. MACAddress


Dc 80211g

D D. IP address
12. Hotel Internet firewall blocks IP/47 (GRE), UDP/500 (IKE) and IP/50 (ESP) protocol outbound/inbound connections.
Which VPN tunnel protocol could work?


DB. SSTP(SecureSocketTunneling Protocol)

Dc. L2TP(Layer-2Tunneling Protocol)


DE. PPTP(Point-to-pointTunneling Protocol)

13. Which routing table is used to apply recursive routing at MikroTik RouterOS

o A. It is onlypossible on the x86 platform

o B. It is possible in all the routingtables installed in a router
o C. It is onlypossible in the main routingtable
o D. It is not possible
14. A MikroTik system administrator implemented OSPF Routing protocol in the network. But realized that he has a static
route on the routers. What can be done to make the static route work as a failover whenever the dynamic routing
protocol fails.

o A. He should manuallydisable the static routes and enablethem wheneverOSPF


o B. He should increasethe administrativedistance ofthe static route

o C. Delete all static routes becausethere is no wayfor illo work with OSPF
o D. He should use "netwatch"to trigger static routeswheneverOSPFfails
15. Which VPN technologies can be used to bridge two remote networks?




16. When adding a static route, you must always ensure that you add both the gateway and the interface.

17. You can not use OSPF and RIP routing protocols simultaneously on the RouterOS.

18. Which route will be used to reach host 192.168 .1.55?

lip route
add disabled=no distance=l dst-address= gateway=
add disabled=no distance=l dst-address= gatewaY=
add disabled=no distance=l dst-address= gatewaY=

o A. Routevia gateway3.3.3.3
o B. Routevia gateway2.2.2.2
o C. Routevia gateway1.1.1.1
19. lip route configuration on router,

lip route add gatew ay= 192 .168.0.1

lip route add dst-address= gateway=
lip route add dst-address= gateway=
lip route add dst-address= gateway=

Router needs to send packets to Which gateway will be used?

o A.
o B.
o C.
o D.
20. Which rule will match packets with destination IP address on a router with this routing table?


OB. Rule 1

OC. Rule 3

o D. None ofthe rules

,---- -
. ........
---No _
- ..... ":-
•• -,

21. The correct order for PPPOEdiscovery stage is

o A. Request.Initialization.Session confirmationand Offer

o B. Initialization.Session confirmation.Request and Offer
o C. Request.Offer.Initializationand Session confirmation
o D. Initialization.Offer.Request and Session confirmation
22. lip route can have DS flags simultaneously.

23. Select true statements about PPPoE server

D A.Youcan use differentportsto use more than one PPPoEserver

DB. PPPoEusers can be boundto one specific PPPoEserver

Dc. For multiple PPPoEserversyou needto use differentphysicalinterfaces(ethernet

or wireless)

D D.There can be more than one PPPoEserveron one single interface

24. What is the minimum configuration a network administrator needs to do on a MikroTik router to enable OSPF?

o A. Bothinterfaceand networkmust be addedto OSPFconfiguration

o B.Add a networkto OSPFnetworkconfiguration
o C.Add an interfaceto OSPFinterfaceconfiguration
o D. Nothing;OSPFinstance can runwith no configuration
25. Consider the attached diagram:
In order for Router 1 to see all of the networks the following commands could be used (choose all answers that could

DA./ip route add dst-address= route add ..

~ .. ~
~ a> .~ ~ ""
D B./routing add dst-address=O.O.O.O/O

D C./ip route add dst-address=O.O.O.O/O


D D./ip route add dst-address= route add




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1. The address can be used for PPPoE servers local address. 00:59:52
v Save progress

2. OSFP area ID does not need to be unique within the AS.

3. Which routing table is used to apply recursive routing at MikroTik RouterOS

o A. It is not possible
08. It is onlypossible on the x86 platform

o C. It is possible in all the routingtables installed in a router

o D. It is onlypossible in the main routingtable
4. lip route can have DS flags simultaneously.

5. Define a routing loop (choose the most precise description)

o A. Situationwhere the packetdoes not reach ill's destination

08. situationwhere the packetis routedthroughthe same sequence of routers untilthe
TTL expires

o C. situationwhere the TTL ofthe packetexpires

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6. If 'check-gateway' is enabled for an ECMP route and one of the gateways is unreachable, then

o A. ECMPis goingto send packetsto all gatewaysevenif one is unreachable

08. the unreachablegatewayis not going be used in Round Robin algorithm

o C.the ECMProute becomes inactive

7. When adding a user to your local PPP secrets/ppp profiles database, it is possible to

o A. Denyservices (liketelnet) onlyfor this user or for one group of users

08. Allow/denyuse of more than one login bythis user

Dc. Allow login bypppoe and pptp,but denylogin by12tp

o D.Allow onlypppoe login

DE. Set maxvalues for total transferredbytes(up- and download)

8. There are two routes in the routing table:
o dst-addr= distance=10 gateway=
1 dst-addr= distance=20 gateway=
Which gateway will be used to send packet with destination IP address

o A. none, because distance is >= 10


o C.
OD. both
9. MikroTik router needs to forward IP-packet targeted to Router routing table has 3 routes,

1. dst-address= 11.12 .4.0/24, distance= 10, gatew ay=

2. dst-address= 11.12 .4.0/28, distance=20, gatew ay=
3. dst-address=O.O.O .0/0, distance= 1, gatew ay=

Which of the gateways will router select?

o A. Nowhere.
Hostwill get"destination host unreachable".



10. OSPF starts working on the router as soon as

o A.the routingpackageis enabled on the router

08. at least one interfaceis defined in the ospf interfacemenu

o C. at least one area is specified in the ospf area menu

o D. at least one IP networkis assigned in the ospf networkmenu
11. To assign specific traffic to a route - traffic must be identified by a routing mark. Each packet can only have one
routing mark.

12. On the following network diagram, when ROUTERwants to reach "HOST A" by itself, it should use ISP1 as gateway
and when CLIENT wants to reach "HOST A", router should use ISP2 as a gateway.

How would you configure routing marks to achieve this?

o A. Chain Forvvardfor a RoutingMarkto routeto ISP2 & Chain Forvvardfor a Routing

Markto routeto ISP1

08. Chain Preroutingfor a RoutingMarkto routeto ISP2 & Chain Outputfor a Routing
Markto routeto ISP1

o C. Chain Outputfor a RoutingMarkto routeto ISP2 & Chain Forvvardfor a Routing

Markto routeto ISP1

o D. Chain Inputfor a RoutingMarkto routeto ISP2 & Chain Outputfor a RoutingMarkto

routeto ISP1
13. A MikoTik PPPoE Server can be used only within a broadcast domain, that is, users can not run PPPoE protocol with a
server if there is a router between the customer and that PPPoE server.

14. RIP and OSPF routing protocols can be configured on the same router at the same time.

15. The correct order for PPPOEdiscovery stage is

o A. Request,Initialization,Session confirmationand Offer

08. Request,Offer,Initializationand Session confirmation

o C. Initialization,Session confirmation,Request and Offer

o D. Initialization,Offer,Request and Session confirmation
16. Mark all correct ECMP routes:

o A./ip route add dst-addr=O.O.O.O/O


o 8./ip route add dst-addr=O.O.O.O/O


o C./ip route add dst-addr=O.O.O.O/O


o D./ip route add dst-addr=O.O.O.O/O


17. Which route will be used to reach host 192.168 .1.55?

lip route
add disabled=no distance=l dst-address= gateway=
add disabled=no distance=l dst-address= gatewaY=
add disabled=no distance=l dst-address= gatewaY=

o A. Routevia gateway1.1.1.1
08. Routevia gateway2.2.2.2

o C. Routevia gateway3.3.3.3
18. When adding a static route, you must always ensure that you add both the gateway and the interface.

19. It is possible to assign a specific /32 address to both ends of a PPTPtunnel for a specific user.

20. When sending out an ARP request, an IP host is expecting what kind of address for an answer?

o A. IP address


DC. MACAddress

ne 80211g
21. The default value of 'target-scope' for a static route is:




22. The target scope can be used for:

o A.To configureseveralrouteswith differentcosts and distances

08. To build a FailOverSystembetweentwo or more gateways

o C.To resolvenexthopsthat are not directlyconnectedto the router

23. A routing table has following entries:

o dst-address= gateway=

1 dst-address= 10 .1.5 .0/24 gatew ay= 10 .1.1.1

2 dst-address= gateway=

3 dst-address= gateway=

Which gateway will be used for a packet with destination address



o D.
24. In OSPF settings, the NBMA Neighbor setting can be used to improve the stability of OSPF across wireless links.

25. A MikroTik system administrator implemented OSPF Routing protocol in the network. But realized that he has a static
route on the routers. What can be done to make the static route work as a failover whenever the dynamic routing
protocol fails.

o A. He should increasethe administrativedistance ofthe static route

08. He should manuallydisable the static routes and enablethem wheneverOSPFfails

o C. Delete all static routes becausethere is no wayfor illo work with OSPF
o D. He should use "netwatch"to trigger static routeswheneverOSPFfails

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1. An OSPF area consists of 15 routers connected in 6 different broadcast networks. How many Designated routers there
will be in the area? last save: 2013-01-31 05:39:21
Save progress

<E> B. 0


<E> D. 1
2. It is possible to create EolP tunnels between two locations over the Internet

true B
3. A routing table has following entries:

o dst-address= gateway=

1 dst-address= gateway=

2 dst-address= gateway=

3 dst-address= gateway=

Which gateway will be used for a packet with destination address

fIi\.. .." ......

.. :
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<E> D.
4. Router A and B are both running as PPPoE servers on different broadcast domains of your network. Is it possible to
set Router A to use "/ppp secret" accounts from Router B to authenticate PPPoE customers?

5. There are four routes in the routing table. Host becomes unreachable.

1 dst-addr=O.O.O.O/O gateway=
1 dst-addr= gateway= check-gateway=ping
2 dst-addr= gateway=
3 dst-addr= gatewaY= check-gateway=ping

Which gateway is used to get to the IP address

<E> A None. Packetsto that host will be dropped until host
becomes activeagain.

<E> B.


<E> D.
6. The correct order for PPPOEdiscovery stage is

<E> A Request,Initialization,Session confirmationand Offer

<E> B. Initialization,Session confirmation,Request and Offer

@ C. Initialization,Offer,Request and Session confirmation

<E> D. Request,Offer,Initializationand Session confirmation

7. Routing protocols used within the same AS are referred to as Exterior Gateway Protocols.


8. lip route configuration on router,

lip route add gateway=

lip route add dst-address= gateway=
lip route add dst-address= gateway=
lip route add dst-address= gateway=

Router needs to send packets to Which gateway will be used?

<E> A


<E> C.

<E> D.
9. Consider the following diagram. We want to communicate from a device on LAN1 to a device on LAN2. Assuming that
all necessary configurations are already included on R2, which of the following configurations in R1 would enable this

lEI A/ip route add dst-address=

~ B.flp route add dst-address=O.O.O.O/O


~ C./ip route add dst-address=O.O.O.O/O

gateway=Ether1 -,

lEI D./ip route add dst-address=

lEI E.flp route add dst-address=

10. Network redundancy over several links (failover) can be achieved by

lEI A policyrouting
~ B. dynamicroutingprotocols

lEI C.web-proxy
lEI D. route option"checK-gateway"
11. When sending out an ARP request, an IP host is expecting what kind of address for an answer?


10 B. MACAddress
lEI C. IP address
lEI D 80211g
12. If we change TTL to 2 in mangle chain pre routing

<E> A packetwill alwaysreach its destination

<E> B. packetwill be forwardedto the next2 L3 devices

@ C. packetwill be forwardedonlyto nextL3 device

<E> D. packetwill not be forwarded

13. All OSPF areas should be connected to a backbone area?


<E> B.True
14. Which routing table is used to apply recursive routing at MikroTik RouterOS

<E> A It is onlypossible in the main routingtable

@ B. It is possible in all the routingtables installed in a router

<E> C. It is not possible

<E> D. It is onlypossible on the x86 platform

15. MikroTik router needs to forward IP-packet targeted to Router routing table has 3 routes,

1. dst-address=, distance=10, gateway=

2. dst-address=, distance=20, gateway=
3. dst-address=O.O.O.O/O, distance=l, gateway=

Which of the gateways will router select?

<E> A 1


<E> C. 3

<E> D. Nowhere.
Hostwill get "destinationhost unreachable".

16. When adding a user to your local ppp secrets/ppp profiles database, it is possible to

lEI A Allow onlypppoe login

lEI B.Allow/denyuse of more than one login bythis user
10 C.Allow login bypppoe and ppto,but denylogin byl2tp
lEI D. Set maxvalues for total transferredbytes(up- and download)
lEI E. Denyservices (liKetelnet) onlyfor this user or for one group of users
17. A MikroTik system administrator implemented OSPF Routing protocol in the network. But realized that he has a static
route on the routers. What can be done to make the static route work as a failover whenever the dynamic routing
protocol fails.

<E> A He should use "netwatch"to triggerstatic routeswheneverOSPFfails

<E> B. He should manuallydisable the static routes and enablethem


<E> C. Delete all static routes becausethere is no wayfor it towork with OSPF

@ D. He should increase the administrativedistance ofthe static route

18. A MikoTik PPPoE Server can be used only within a broadcast domain, that is, users can not run PPPoE protocol with a
server if there is a router between the customer and that PPPoE server.

true B
19. There are two routes in the routing table:
o dst-addr= distance=10 gateway=
1 dst-addr= distance=20 gateway=
Which gateway will be used to send packet with destination IP address

<E> A none, because distance is >= 10

<E> B.

@ C.

<E> D. both
20. There are two routes in the routing table:
o dst-addr= gatewaY=
1 dst-addr= gatewaY=

Which gateway will be used to get to the IP address

<E> A


<E> C.the required route is not in the routingtable

<E> D. both - half ofthe trafficwill be routedthroughone gateway,halfthrough

the other
21. lip route can have DS flags simultaneously.

true B
22. There are 6 routers running OSPF and connected with each other using point-to-point network types. How many
Designated Routers are there among them?

<E> A 1

<E> B. 0



23. In OSPF settings, the NBMA Neighbor setting can be used to improve the stability of OSPF across wireless links.

true B
24. When adding a static route, you must always ensure that you add both the gateway and the interface.

25. The target scope can be used for:

@ A Toresolvenexthopsthat are not directlyconnectedto the router

<E> B. Toconfigureseveralrouteswith differentcosts and distances

<E> C.To build a FailOverSystembetweentwo or more gateways


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1. Which route will be used to reach host 192.168 .1.55? 00:09:48

lip route last save: 2013-01-]0 OS:46:2S
add disabled=no distance=l dst-address= gateway= Save progress
add disabled=no distance=l dst-address= gatewaY=
add disabled=no distance=l dst-address= gatewaY=

o A. Routevia gateway2.2.2.2
o B. Routevia gateway3.3.3.3
o C. Routevia gateway1.1.1.1
2. A MikoTik PPPoE Server can be used only within a broadcast domain, that is, users can not run PPPoE protocol with a
server if there is a router between the customer and that PPPoE server.

true v

3. There are two routes in the routing table:

o dst-addr= gatewaY=
1 dst-addr= gatewaY=

Which gateway will be used to get to the IP address


o B.the required route is not in the routingtable


o D. both- half ofthe trafficwill be routedthrough one gateway.halfthroughthe

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~ B. MACAddress

Dc. IP address

DD 80211g

5. lip route can have DS flags simultaneously.

true v

6. Define a routing loop (choose the most precise description)

o A. Situationwhere the packetdoes not reach ill's destination

o B. situationwhere the packetis routedthroughthe same sequence of routers
untilthe TTL expires

o C. situationwhere the TTL ofthe packetexpires

o D. situationwhere the packetis routedthroughthe same routertwice
7. The default value of 'target-scope' for a static route is:




8. When adding a static route, you must always ensure that you add both the gateway and the interface.

false v

9. Which static-route rule will have priority for destination 192.168.0 .18?

o A. dst-address=
o B. dst-address=
o C. dst-address=
o D. dst-address=
o E. dst-address=
10. Which is the routing protocol used for internet routing?




11. A MikroTik Router has the following configuration
lip address
add address= interface=ether1
add address=2.2.2 .2/30 interface=ether2
add address= 192 .168 .10 .1/24 interface=ether3

lip firewall mangle

add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting
dst-port=80 new-connection-mark=web_c passthrough=yes protocol=tcp
add action=mark-routing chain=prerouting
connection-mark=web_c new-routing-mark=web passthrough=no

lip firewall nat

add action=masquerade chain=srcnat

lip route
add gatew ay=
add gatewaY= routing-mark=web

What can be said about the Web Access (port 80) by a customer connected at ether3 interface with IP,
gateway ?

o A.The Customer is unableto access the Web.

o B.The customerwill access the Web using the gateway2.2.2.2
o C.The customerwill access the Web using the gateway1.1.1.1
o D.The Customerwill access the Web byECMP.byusing both gateways1.1.1.1
12. True or False: BGP can be used for internal routing, using one internal AS number.

true v

13. In OSPF,when we set the nbma network type, we must also configure:

o A. Neighbors
o B.Areafor each range
o C. OSPFinterface
o D. Neighbors IDfor eachvirtual link
14. When adding a user to your local ppp secrets/ppp profiles database, it is possible to

D A.Allow/denyuse of more than one login bythis user

D B. Denyservices (liketelnet) onlyfor this user or for one group of users

Dc. Set maxvalues for total transferredbytes(up- and download)

D D.Allow onlypppoe login

~ E.Allow login bypppoe and pptp,but denylogin by12tp

15. The correct order for PPPOEdiscovery stage is

o A. Initialization.Offer.Request and Session confirmation

o B. Request.Offer.Initializationand Session confirmation
o C. Initialization.Session confirmation.Request and Offer
o D. Request.Initialization.Session confirmationand Offer
16. Router has two gateways to reach a certain network both with check gateway activated. Choose the option you can
use to control active and backup gateway.

o A. Interface
o B. Distance
OC. Scope

o D. Routingmark
17. Which routing table is used to apply recursive routing at MikroTik RouterOS

o A. It is onlypossible on the x86 platform

o B. It is not possible
o C. It is onlypossible in the main routingtable
o D. It is possible in all the routingtables installed in a router
18. When you set up a L2TP server in MikroTik RouterOS, is it mandatory to configure an IPSec policy?

true v

19. Which description regarding OSPF Network LSAs is correct?

o A.Theyare originatedbyArea BorderRouters and are sent into a single areato

advertisedestinations outsidethat area

o B.Theyare originatedbyeveryrouterin OSPFnetwork.Theyinclude all routers

on the link. interfaces.the cost ofthe link. and anyknown neighbor on the link

o C.Theyare originatedbythe DR on everymulti-access network.Theyinclude all

attachedrouters includingthe DR itself

o D.Theyare originatedbyArea BorderRouterand are sent into a single areato

advertisean AutonomousSystemBorderRouter
20. Router A and B are both running as PPPoE servers on different broadcast domains of your network. Is it possible to
set Router A to use "/ppp secret" accounts from Router B to authenticate PPPoE customers?

false v

21. A MikroTik system administrator implemented OSPF Routing protocol in the network. But realized that he has a static
route on the routers. What can be done to make the static route work as a failover whenever the dynamic routing
protocol fails.

o A. He should increasethe administrativedistance ofthe static route

o B. Delete all static routes becausethere is no wayfor it to work with OSPF
o C. He should use "netwatch"to trigger static routeswheneverOSPFfails
o D. He should manuallydisable the static routes and enablethem whenever
22. Consider the attached diagram:
In order for Router 1 to see all of the networks the following commands could be used (choose all answers that could

DA./ip route add dst-address= route add

~ .. .~
D B./ip route add dst-address= route add
~ ~ ~
D C./routing add dst-address=O.O.O.O/O

~ D./ip route add dst-address=O.O.O.O/O

23. There are two mangle rules:

o chain=forward action=mark-routing new-routing-mark="aaa" passthrough=yes

1 chain=forward action=mark-routing new-routing-mark="bbb" passthrough=yes

What routing mark will the packet have after passing the forward chain?

o A. "aaa" and "bbb"

08. "aaa"

0D. "aaabbb"
24. An OSPF area consists of 15 routers connected in 6 different broadcast networks. How many Designated routers
there will be in the area?




25. OSFP area ID does not need to be unique within the AS.

false v


,. MikroTik Routers and W.r... x [J pppoe-discovery \V Point·to-pointprotocol o ...
~----------~----------~-----------~----------~---, RI discoverypppoe staqe - G... ,. Manual:lnterface/PPPoE · ... + I
+ Q https:
"--;training&training=certification&start_tesf:;1&&participant_i"" Bl"' discoveryppoe stage p

1. There are two routes in the routing table:

O dst-addr•l0.1.1.0/24 gateway•S.5.5.5
1 dst-addr• gateway•S.6.6.6

Which gateway will be used to get to the IP address


Oa s.s.s.s
O C. lhe required route is not in the routing table
last save: 2014·02·08 05: l.J:00
OD. bolh • half oflhe traffic will be routed through one gateway,halflhrough lhe other Save progress

2. Which routing table is used to apply recursive routing at MikrolikRouterOS

@A It is only possible in the main routing table

OB. It is only possible on the x86 platform

O C. It is possible in all the routing tables installed in a router

O O. It is not possible
3. Marl< all correct ECMP routes:

0A. Ap route add dst-addr= gateway:,,

De. Ap route add dst-addr= gateway:

0c. Ap route add dst-addr= gateway:,

Do. Ap route add dst-addr= gateway:

+ 8 https· ,ww,
_t~t=1&&participant_j"" C Bl"' discoveryppoestage
4. There are two routes in the routing table:
O dst-addr•l0.1.1.0/24 distance•lO gateway•l0.10.10.10
1 dst-addr•l0.1.1.4/30 distance•20 gateway•!
Which gateway will be used to send packet with destination IP address


Oe. both

OD. none, because distance is>:= 10
last save: 2014·02·08 05: 13:00
5. Consider the attached diagram: Save
In order for Router 1 to see all of the networl<s the following commands could be used (choose all answers th-~----------~

0A Ap route add dst-address= gateway:,Ap route add

dst-address= gateway=

08. Ap route add dst-address= gateway:

Dc. Jroufing add dst-address= gateway:

Do. Ap route add dst-address= gateway:,Aproute add

dst-address= gateway=
6. A Mikrolik system administrator implemented OSPF Routing protocol in the network. But realized that he has a static route on the
routers. What can be done to make the static route worl< as a failover whenever the dynamic routing protocol fails.

@A. He should increase the administrative distanceor the static route

OB. He should manually disable the static routes and enable lhem whenever OSPF fails

riaaer static routeswhenever OSPE tails

,. MikroTik Routers and W.r... x [J pppoe-discovery \V Point·to·point protocol o ... RI discovery pppoe stage - G... ,. Manual:lnterface/PPPoE - ... +
~ Q https:;training&training=certification&start_test;1&&participant_i "" e Bl"' discovery ppoe stage
u:s,-auo1 tlSs= If .t. . .J.t..U.UU.4 Ui::IL~Wi::ly= IU.OU.U . .t.

6. A MikroTik system administrator implemented OSPF Routing protocol in the network. But realized that he has a static route on the
routers. What can be done to make the static route work as a failover whenever the dynamic routing protocol fails.

@A He should Increase the administrative distance or the static route

OB. He should manually disable the static routes and ena!lle them wneneverOSPF rails

O C. He should use •netwatch" to trigger static routes wneneverOSPF tails

0 0. Delete all static routes because there is no wayror if toworkwnh OSPF
last save: 2014·02·08 05: 14:01
7. lhe address can be used for PPPoE servers local address. Save progress

true ..,

8. To assign specific traffic to a route - traffic must be identified by a routing mark. Each packet can only have one routing mark.

true ..,

9. To serurely bridge together 2 remote networks you can use

0A PPTP over EolP


O C. PPPoE over EolP

OD. EolP over PPTP

10. OSPF starts working on the router as soon as

OA atleast one interface is defined in the ospf interfacemenu


J ,. MikroTik Reuters and Wir... x )Lr;;.;::.:..} c;PPc;P_o_•_·d_i,_c_ov_e-'ry'-----~~',)-Xf_P_o_in_1_-t_o..,-p_o_in_t.,_p_ro_to_c_o_1

.. _T.=1m=-d_i,_co_v_•..,'Y..,P_,_P.,_P_o_•
_<l-'•9,:_•_-_G_._ _.I_+__..,
•• --•-M_•_nu_._1,_1n_1._rf_•_c_eJ_P_P_Po_E_-_
.. _.

+ 8 https· ,ww,
_t~t=1&&participant_j "" e Bl"' discovery ppoe stage
10. OSPF starts working on the router as soon as

OA atleast one Interface Is defined In the ospllnterface menu

OB. the routing package Is enabled on the router teast one IP network Is assigned in the ospf network menu

OD. atleast one area is specified in the ospf area menu

11. When adding a static route, you must always ensure that you add both the gateway and the interface. 00:13:22
last save: 2014-02-08 05: 14:01
false .., Save

12. A MikoTik PPPoE Server can be used only within a broadcast domain, that is, users can not run PPPoE protocol if there is a router that
splits broadcast domain between the customerand that PPPoE server.

false ..,
13. lhe default value of 'target-scope· for a static route is:




14. When sending out an ARP request, an IP host is expecting what kind of address for an answer?

0A MAC Address
,. MikroTik Routers and W.r... x [J pppoe-discovery \V Point·to-point protocol o ... RI discovery pppoe stage - G... ,. Manual:lnterface/PPPoE - ... +
~ Q https:;training&training=certification&start_tesf:;1&&participant_i "" (! Bl"' discovery ppoe stage
14. When sending out an ARP request, an IP host rs expecting what l<md ot address tor an answer?

~A IAACAddress

D 0. VI.AN 10

D 0. IP address
15. If we change TIL to 2 in mangle chain prerouting
last save: 2014·02-08 05: 1.4:01
OA packetwill be rorwarceoto the next2 L3 devices Save progress

0 8. packetwill alwaysreach its destination

@c. packetwill be torwarceconlyto next L3 device

0 0. packetwill not be torwarcec

16. You can not use OSPF and RIP routing protocols simultaneously on the RouterOS.

false v

17. fop route configuration on router,

fop route add gateway•

fop route add dst-address• gateway•l92.168.0.2
fop route add dst-address• gateway•l92.168.0.3
fop route add dst-address• gateway•l92.168.0.4

Router needs to send packets to Which gateway will be used?



J ,. MikroTik Reuters and Wir... x )Lr;;.;::.:..} c;PPc;P_o_•_·d_i,_c_ov_e-'ry'----~~',)-Xf_P_o_in_t_-t_o..,·p_o_in_t.,_p_,o_to_c_o_l

.. _T.=1m=-d_i,_co_v_•..,'Y..,P.,_P.,_P_o_•
_<l-'•9,:_•_·_G_._ _.I_+__..,
.. --•-M_•_nu_._1,_1n_1._rf_•_c_eJ_P_P_Po_E_-_
.. _.

+ 8 https· ,ww,
_t~t=1&&participant_j "" e Bl"' discovery ppoe stage
17. /ip route connauranon on router,

fop route add gateway•

fop route add dst-address• gateway•l92.168.0.2
fop route add dst-address• gateway•l92.168.0.3
fop route add dst-address• gateway•l92.168.0.4

Router needs to send packets to Which gateway will be used?

@A 192.168.01

0 8.
last save: 2014-02-08 05: 15:02
O C. 192168.0.4
18. OSPF area ID does not need to be unique within the AS.

false v

19. When CTeating a route, it is possible to specify the gateway to a network even if the gateway is not directly connected by using
rerursive next-hop resolving from an existing route.

true v

20. Consider the following diagram. We want to communicate from a device on LANl to a device on LAN2. Assuming that all necessary
configurations are already included on R2, which of the following configurations in Rl would enable this communication?

~A ~P route add dst-address:

168.0.0124 gateway:

D 8. ~P route add dst-address:

De.Ap route add dst-address=

r.iln •" 10? ......... 'I ......... ............. .r-..... 00'1

,. MikroTik Routers and W.r... x [J pppoe-discovery \V Point·to-point protocol o ... RI discovery pppoe stage - G... ,. Manual:lnterface/PPPoE - ... +
~ Q https:;training&training=certification&start_tesf:;1&&participant_i "" e Bl"' discovery ppoe stage
20. consider the followino diaoram. We want to communicate from a device on LANl to a device on LAN2. Assumino that all necessary
confiourations are already included on R2, which of the followino confiourations in Rl would enable this communication?

~A Ap route add dst-address= src-address=

DB.Ap route add dst-address=

De. Ap route add dst-address=

D. Ap route add dst-address: oateway:

~E. Ap routeadd dst-address=
last save: 2014·02·08 05: 15:02
21. What addressing scheme is typically used on a point-to-point link? Save progress

@A /32 address on each side of the link

O B.124 private subnet

OC./31 subnet

OD. /30 subnet

22. The correct order for PPPOE discovery stage is

OA Reques~ Offer,lnitlallzatlon and Sessionconfirmation

OB. lnitiallzation,Session confirmation,Requestand Offer

® c. Initialization,Offer,Requestand Sessionconnrmabon
OD. Reques~ lnltlallzatlon, Session confirmationand Offer
23. What is the minimum confiouration a network administrator needs to do on a MikroTik router to enable OSPF?


J ,. MikroTik Reuters and Wir... x )Lr;;.;::.:..}c;PPc;P_o_•_-d_i,_c_ov_e-'ry'----~~',)-Xf_P_o_in_1_-t_o...,-p_o_in_t.:..p_ro_to_c_o_1

.. _T.=1m=-d_i,_co_v_•..,'Y_,P.,_P.:..P_o_•
_<l-'•9,:,.•_·_G_._ _.I_+__..,
•• --•-M_•_nu_._1,_1n_1._rf_•_c_eJ_P_P_Po_E_-_
.. _.

+ 8 https· ,ww,
_t~t=1&&participant_j "" e Bl"' discovery ppoe stage
23. What is the minimum configuration a network administrator needs to do on a MikroTik router to enable OSPF?

@A Add a networkto OSPFnetworkconfiguration

OB. Both Interfaceand networkmust be added to OSPFconfiguration

O C. Nothing;OSPFinstancecan run with no configurabon

OD. Add an interfaceto OSPFinterfaceconfiguration

24. {Ip route can have OS flags simultaneously.
last save: 2014-02-08 05: 15:02
false ..,
25. Which static-route rule will have priority for destination

O A dst-address=

OB. dst-address=

@c.dst-address= gateway:

OD. dst-address=

OE. dst-address= distance=3

[Back To Main Menu)

t. When adding a static route, you must always ensure that you add both the. gateway and the interface.


2. What is the minimumconfiguration a network administrator needs to do on a MikroTik router to enable OSPF?

A. Nothl'lg: OSPF i'l.stonce cen run with no configuration

B. Add an 11terface to OSPF interface configuration

C. Bol!l lnlertace and network musl be added lo OSPF configuratiOn

G 0. Add a network to OSPF network configuration

3. You are enablingOSPF routing protocol in your infrastructure.You are deploying the backbone area in the network
and a local area for your private interface. Interfaces are configured:
In order to start to redistribute the routes, under routing OSPf you have to enter:

3 A networtadd area=backbone network-='26; area=private


.) B. ilterface add ilterface=lan_interface, interface=wan_ilterface

C. networt add area=backbone network=192.168, 1.64124; area=privale


0. networt edd erea•baekbone network•; area•private

networ1ca10 O 0.112•

G E. networt add area•baekbone network•; area•private


..) f. networtadd area=baekbone network=; area=private


© Nikrctik : RouterBOARD : Forum : MUM : Training : wiki : Trktube : Newsletters : Twitter

4. Consider the attached diagram:

In order for Router 1 to see all of the networks the following commands could be used (choose all answers that could

llJA. /Ip route add dsl-address= gateway:

l=Js. /routilg add dst-address= gateway=I0.10.0.2

cl C. /Ip route add dst-address=1 n.16.0.0/24 gateway=, flp route add

dst-address= galeway=

RID. /Ip route add dst-address• gateway•, /ip route add

dst-address•l galeway•

5. It is passoble to have OSPF and BGP configured on the same router'

true g
6. Consider the following diagram. We want to communicate from a device on LAN1 to a device on LAN2. Assuming that
all necessary configurations are already induded on R2, which of the following configurations in Rl would enable this

i=lA. /Ip route add dst-address= src-address=


EJ B. /Ip route add dst-address= galeway=Ether1

l:Jc. /Ip route add dst-address• gateway•

lllo. fop route add dst-address• gateway•

~ E. /Ip route add dsl-oddress= galeway•

7. There are two routes in the routing table:
O dst-addr=l0.1.1.0/24 gateway=
1 dst-addr=l0.1.1.4/30 gateway=
Which gateway will be used to get to the IP address

CA. both - half of the traffic will be routed through one gateway, half through the other


(! c.
e 0. the required route is not in the routing table

8. YJhich is the correct way to set a comment in a OSPF dynamic route:

EIA. It can be configured by setting up Routing filters

~ B. A comment cannot be configured in a dynamic route

EJ C. It can be configured manually in the Routing Table

9. Which route will be used to reach host

/ip route
add disebled=no distance= 1 dst-eddress= gateway=
add disebled=no distance=! dst-address=l92.168.l.0/25 gateway=
add disebled=no distance=! dst-address=l92.168.0.0/16 gateway=

~ A. Route via gateway

...... 8. Route via gateway

9 C. Route via gateway

10. /ip route can have OS flags simultaneously.

11. It is possible to create EoIP tunnels between two locations over the Internet

true GJ
C Nrkrctik : RouterBOARO : Forum : MUM : Trammg : W1k1 : "riktube : Newsletters : Twitter

12. A MikoTik PPPoE Server can be used only within a broadcast domain, that is, users can not run PPPoE protocol with a
server if there is a router between the customer and that PPPoE server.

true GJ
13. OSPF starts working on the router as soon as

A at least one ilterface is defiled il the ospf ilterface menu

8. the routllg package is enabled on the router

G C. at least one P networt is assigned il the ospf network menu

0. at least one area is specafied il the ospf area menu

14. A routing table has following entries:

O dst-address• gateway•
1 dst-address• gateway•
2 dst-address« gateway•2S.1.1.1
3 dst-eddress» I0.1.5.0/25 gateway• I0.1.1.2
Which gateway will be used for a packet with destination address 10.1.S.126'

9 A.



15. When adding a user to your local ppp secrets/ppp profiles database, it is possible to

[i)A Set max values for total transferred bytes (up... and download)

flle. Alow login by pppoe ond pptp, but deny login by l2tp

C. Deny services (llko telnel) only for this user or for one group of users

.J 0. Alow/deny use of more then one login by this user

Me. Alow only pppoe login

16. The correct order for PPPOE discovery stage is

.._,. A Request, Initialization, Session confirmation and Offer

C::, B. kltia.lization, Session confirmation, Request and Offer

O C. Request, Offer, Initialization and Session confimation

~ 0. kltiafization, Offer, Request and Session confimation

17. What is policy routing for and what criteria can be used to decide appropriate route?

A Policy routing can be used to bypass routing table and only active tunnel iaterfaces
can be used to direct traffic alternatively.

B. Polley routing con be used to force specific traffic to go different way through
netwol1<, but only source ene destlnotlon address can be used to distinguish troffic.

C. Polley routing can be used to bypass rout11g table and is possble only if BGP Is

<> 0. Polley routing con be used to force specif,c traffic to go different way through
networt and beside source and destination address any traffic Ulat can be marked in
fi"ewal can be used to distinguish traffic.

18. The default value of 'tarqet-soope' for a static route is:

(:)A 1

°! c. 10

'-' 0. 255
19. A MikroTik system administrator implemented OSPF Routing protocol in the network:. But realized that he has a static
route on the routers. What can be done to make the static route work as a failover whenever the dynamic routing
protocol fails.

A He should use "'netwatct,• to trigger static routes whenever OSPF fails

8. Delete al static routes because there is no way for it to work with OSPF

<> C. He should Increase the admlnlstrotlve dlstonce of the stotlc route

0. He should manualy disable the static routes and enable them whenever OSPF falls
20. In broadcast networks OSPF depends on the following to function correctly.

<> A. Broadcast


C. Mulbcast


21. Define a routing loop (choose the most precise description)

..J A. situation where the TTL of the packet expi'es

B. Situation where the packet does not reach it\'s destl"lation

1 C. situation whara tha packet Is routed through the same router lwlc<!

G 0. situation where the packet is routed through the same sequence of routers untl the
m expires
22. Which ones of these are Point·to·Point addresses?

E'JA. address= network=

0 B. address= network=

0 C. address= network=10.0.0254

0 D. address= network=
2.3. A network administrator has 2 vlans
/interface vlan
add name=vlanl vlan-id=lOl interface=etherl
add name=vlan2 vlan-id= 102 interface=vlanl
any packet sent over "vlan2" interface

A. will not go through at all because vl8n1 wl drop I

'B. Wrong configuration because it Is not possible to have a vlan over another vtan
1 C. will have one vlan tag added to ethernet header. ·102"

0. will have one vlen teg ecJded to ethernet header - ·1or

ei E. will have two vlan tags acJded to ethernet header - ·101· and ·1oz-

24. Mark the correct default route distances.

DA. RP distance Is 130

111 B. OSl'f datanoe is 110
0 C. iBGP distance is 200

EJ D. eBGP distance is 25
25. Which routing table is used to apply recursive routing at MikroTik RouterOS

(., A. l is only possible on the x86 platform

{!,I 8. I is possi:>.lein all the routilg tables ilstalled in a router

e) C. I is only possible in the mail routilg table

O. I is not possible


© Nikrctik : Router60ARD : Forum : MUM: Training : W1k1 : Tiktube : Newsletters : Twrtter

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