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A Research Study Presented to the

Faculty of the Gulod Senior High School

Gulod Itaas, Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Subject Practical Research in

Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)


Bachicha Denzel

Casas Jay-R

Cordero Jhon Cleo

De Castro Harold James

Valencia Teodoro

Villena John Clart

Espina Ken –Ken




People from different cultures have different costums , obey

different rules. Their values differ from time to time . Maintaining

cleanliness is essential part of healthy living because it is the cleanliness

only which help to improve personality by keeping clean externally and

internally. Environment is a place where human as well as plants and

animals live it is necessary to keep environment clean because we get the

fresh fresh air, reduce any pollution. An unclean environment leads to a

bad condition of a society , arrival of disesase and many more.

Cleanliness is next to godliness . The goals of cleanliness is health

, beauty and absence of offensive odour and to avoid the spreading of dirt

and mental health clean , which will make us feel good. Cleanliness give a

good character by keeping body , mind and souls clean and peaceful.

Maintaining cleanliness in school is an essential part of a

healthy living because it is cleanliness only which helps to improve

personality by keeping clean externally and internally.

The researchers conducted this topic to determine the practices in

Gulod Senior High School in having a clean and safe facilities . With this ,
the behavior of students towards the school facilities on cleanliness and

orderliness will also be determined.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to find out the ways and means of maintaining the

cleanliness and orderliness in Gulod Senior High School.

Specifically , this study sought the following questions:

1.What are the practices implemented in Gulod Senior High School which

regards to the cleanliness and orderliness of the school.

2. What is the participation of students to the school cleanliness and

orderliness of the campus.

3. What are the effects of a clean and well –ordered school to students of

Gulod Senior High School in terms of :

3.1 Class performance;

3.2 Behaviour ;

3.3 Social Interaction;

4. In what ways , will Gulod Senior High School maintain and monitor the

cleanliness and orderliness of the campus.

Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be of great beneficial to the following:

Students:The study will help the students to be more responsible with

their actions because it may affect their environment.

Teachers:The benefits of this research to teachers is they will have the

information that they can apply to their environment as well as to their


Gulod Senior High School:The benefits of this research to the school is it

can be their basis on how to improve the cleanliness and orderliness of the


Community:It can be a source for a new information that can use to

improve te cleanliness and orderliness of the community and to keep safe

the people in the community.

Current Researcher: This study may serve their guidelines on the

research that they will conduct that might serve their references about

cleanliness and orderliness of the facility.

Future Researchers:This study can be the data gathering information of

the future researchers or their to easily collect facts to improve new related

Scope and Delimitation

The topic of the research is to identify the practices on orderliness

and cleanliness in Gulod Senior High School . The locale seeting of the

research is in Gulod Senior High School in Gulod Itaas Batangas City .

The duration of the study is in the year 2019-2020. The main focus of the

study is to determine the practices in order to maintain the orderliness and

cleanliness of Gulod Senior High School. The respondents that will be

included in the study is the G11 and G12 studnts and teachers of Gulod

Senior High School as well as the utility of the school.

Definition of Terms

Cleanliness- is both the abstract state of being clean and free from germs,

dirt, trash, or waste, and the habit of achieving and maintaining that state.

Cleanliness is often achieved through cleaning.

Discipline –this terms is used in the study a students own control toward

the regulations in school with regards the cleanliness and orderliness.

Essential- a substance that is not synthesized by the body in quality

sufficient for normal health and growth.

Facility- to be ready compliance the student.

Practices- to perform a work repeatedly so as to be proficient.

Orderliness – the quality or state of being orderly.

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