Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1. Background of The Study

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1.1. Background of the Study

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) had its

beginning on the old Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources

(DANR). In May 1974, the DANR and the Department of Agriculture (DA)

through PD 461 in recognition that natural resources and agriculture were

broad and diversified concerns, as such, the Department of Natural

Resources (DNR) was mandated to ensure the conservation, optimal

utilization and programmed exploitation of the country’s natural wealth.

With the shift to parliamentary form of government in 1978, the DNR

became the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR). In 1984, by virtue of

Executive Order No. 967, the management of the fisheries sector, through

the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), was transferred

from the MNR to the Ministry of Agriculture.

President Corazon C. Aquino issued Executive Order No. 131 on January

30, 1987 creating the Department of Energy, Environment and Natural

Resources (DEENR). The DEENR, however, was again reorganized into the

present Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in June

1987 under Executive Order No. 192.

The Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), created through Executive

Order No. 220 on July 15, 1987 under the regime of President Corazon C.

Aquino is one of the latest additions to the administrative regions of the

country. The organization of the region was in compliance with Section I,

Article 10 of the 1987 Constitution which calls for the creation of

autonomous regions for the Cordilleras and Muslim Mindanao. Through

two separate referenda, however, the region has rejected organic acts

proposing the establishment of an autonomous region.

The CAR is composed of former provinces of Regions 1 and 2. These are

the Provinces of Abra, Apayao, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga and Mountain

Province. The Region has an approximate area of more than 1.8 million

hectares which is about 6% of the total land area of the country.

Of the six provinces, Abra and Apayao comprise more than 43% of the

regional total. The Provinces of Benguet, Ifugao and Kalinga make up

another 45% and Mt. Province contributes the remaining balance of less

than 12%.

Through the Order, the regional offices of the then Bureau of Lands,

Bureau of Mines, Bureau of Forest Development and Forest Research

Institute were merged and placed under the jurisdiction of the

Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Cordillera

Administrative Region (DENR-CAR). In line with the reorganization of the

Department, the Environmental Management and Protected Areas and

Wildlife Services was established in the region.

Republic Act No. 7942 otherwise known as the New Mining Act of 1995

has transformed the Mines and Geosciences Development Services into

the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) Regional Office effective 10

April 1995. MGB is now another line agency of the DENR. The MGB Director

reports directly to and receives instructions from the DENR Secretary.

On 14 January 1998, the department secretary, honorable Fulgencio S.

Factoran, Jr., issued special order no. 61, series of 1998 creating and

constituting the DENR interim Regional Office in the Cordillera

Administrative Order no. 36 of the Office of the President of the Philippines.

Its primary function is to operate the interim regional office and initiate the

coordination of development processes particularly preparation of an

operational plan and its translation into an investment program and

budget proposal it shall ceased to exist upon the establishment and

implementation of a full-blown regular regional office in the CAR. (DENR-

CAR Profile, 1987).

The DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources) is

responsible for the Formulation and implementation of policies, guidelines,

and rules related to environmental management, as well as management

and conservation of country’s natural resources. Centralized facilities are

also known as centralized organization brings all of the facility

management and maintenance group into one organization, so control

of standards and procedures becomes consistent across the entire

organization. (Cowley, 2014).

The current DENR-CAR facility is located at Pacdal, Baguio City which was

originally located at Session Road.

In today’s economy, citizens are used to comprehensive services.

Supermarkets offer many different kinds of foods, travel agencies sell

package tours, and banks take care of everything from checking

accounts to investments strategies. Turning to government, a citizen could

expect to find all his needs associated with retirement been provided by

single office. A centralized office gives management the ability to save

money, encourage greater communication between employees and

managers and improve the efficiency of operations across the board.

(McQuerrey). So could a business wanting to build a new storage facility

on its premises. Due to functional fragmentation, however, in most

countries both would have to deal with many different agencies.

(Fountain, 1994; Seidle, 1995; Federal Benchmarking Consortium, 1997;

Intergovernmental Advisory Board, 1998; Bent, Kernaghan et al., 1999;

Office of the Intergovernmental Solutions, 1999).

Due the increasing load of requirements required by the government in

obtaining documents, other people these days prefer to take shortcuts by

asking Fixers to fake or doctor their documents in transacting to

government offices. Aangat Tayo Rep. Neil Abayon said "Here in our

country, we have a widespread underground industry engaged in the

production of fake certificates, identification cards, diplomas, transcripts

of records, baptismal records, birth certificates, medical test results, and

various other documents. It has become a culture of utter disregard of

basic decency and laws of the land”. (Cervantes, 2019) So to comply with

that issue a one stop centralized facilities can be done. Thus on the side of

the employees they will be facing many stresses in their work that cause

them to be unproductive because of the current situation in their facilities

that are not properly designed. In complying with the problem the

researchers would want to propose a redevelopment of the master site

development plan according to what the researchers interviewed that it

should be a natural friendly organization. Sustainable buildings maximize

the use of natural and renewable resources in order to lower the

consumption of the non-renewable energy and materials, and to

decrease project and maintenance cost (William, 2007).

Generally, LEED accredits based on performance in seven key areas: in

design, sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere and

materials and resources (LEED Canada for new construction and major

renovations, 2009).

Work environments south to reflect an organizations sense of identity to

promote positive employee attitudes and performance through

teamwork and collaboration (Janetta Mitchell McCoy, 2010).

Decoration, allocation of space, signs, artwork, and color are a few

design features that help communicate this to employees (Janetta

Mitchell McCoy, 2010).

Design features that facilitate task accomplishment also bolster employee

satisfaction, productivity and commitment; attributes such as these are

commonly build into green buildings. Other green design attributes, such

as environmental controllability, recycling options and showers can

communicate an organizations environmental orientation. The literature

on biophilic architecture in relation to occupants cognitive and emotional

functioning suggests that contact with natural forms can be healthy and

restorative. (Yannick Joye, 2007).

Studies on the aesthetic appeal of natural content to show that, in

particular, calm waters features and vegetative attributes contribute to

positively valence reaction towards settings. (Yannick Joye, 2007).


One Stop Facility, DENR facility redevelopment, Site Development, Built

Environment, Government Facilities.

1.1.1. Title

“Centralization of DENR-CAR Facilities and the Potential Effects on its

Clients and Employees”

1.1.2. Need

The number of paper processing in offices requirements in terms of DENR-

CAR requirements continue to grow but the facilities does not expand and
even if there are some facilities they weren’t in the same area. Therefore,
there’s a need to centralize DENR-CAR facilities in order to accommodate
the clients and employees. In addition, it can ease the users travel time
from office to office.

1.1.3. Review of Related Literature

ONE-STOP-SHOP CENTER - The One Stop Shop concept has been known to

our government and some has taken the step to apply it in their

respective departments. One example is the Department of Labor and

Employment Secretary Silvestre Bello III, in his statement which was read by

POEA Administrator Bernard Olalia, said that through the OSSCO the “time

to process documents is shortened, travel expenses are reduced, and

effectiveness of delivery of services is increased.” (DOLE, 2019)

ADVANTAGES OF CENTRALIZATION – in centralizing spaces, there are some

factors that can affect its employees. Some of these are rather helpful to

the clients and employees. The centralized arrangement of office services

has the following advantages:

1. Duplication of work is avoided. It results in lowering the investment and

maintenance cost of office machine.

2. It is possible to bring specialization in the centralized department. It

becomes feasible to employ people with specialized knowledge. The

efficiency and output go up and the cost of office management is


3. The total volume of work can be distributed evenly among the central

staff. Equitable distribution of work load is possible. None will be over-

worked nor will any-one sit idle.

4. The same type of machines and equipment can be used by all the

employees and the supervision leads to standardization of office

procedures and methods.

5. It facilitates better and more scientific recruitment and training of


6. It facilitates and ensures greater flexibility in the use of staff, machines

and equipment.

7. Constant dealing with the same type of work makes “The worker

specialized and thus increases his efficiency and output and reduces cost

of management. (Singh)

8. The need for travel is decreased through establishment of a centralized

office. Employees at satellite offices take time away from work and incur

travel costs when they shuttle from one location to another for meetings

and other business-related events and activities.

9. Employees who work together as a collective group get to know one

another's work styles and approaches and are typically better able to

collaborate on projects as a group. A centralized office also increases its

ability to be consistent across all channels, with employees all working

under the same set of guidelines with regard to brand development and

customer service directives. (McQuerrey)

TRANSACTION PROCESSES – transaction processes will be improve and

efficient just like; Territorial expansion of networks banks has to be

accompanied by the streamlining of the business processes, so that the

network to function optimally. Therefore, the expansion of the territory

sales activity and bringing the sales channels closer to the customers are

accompanied by the centralizing of most of the processing activities.

Processing a growing volume of transactions with minimal cost brought to

the forefront the need for centralization and automation of back office

activities. (Camelia Cojucaro, 2013)

EMPLOYEES PRODUCTIVITY - Employees working performances are

affected by their behavior and responses. It is considered as imperative

intermediate factors that affect their work performances by indoor

environment. High stress and fatigue among employees are due to

uncomfortable environment. (Shirley Jin Lin Chua, 2016)


with the Anti-Red Tape Act in a society where Fixers are very rampant and

was clearly stated: "Here in our country, we have a widespread

underground industry engaged in the production of fake certificates,

identification cards, diplomas, transcripts of records, baptismal records,

birth certificates, medical test results, and various other documents. It has

become a culture of utter disregard of basic decency and laws of the

land," Aangat Tayo Rep. Neil Abayon said.

"I believe the government agencies must now come together to develop

common protocols and a centralized, most secure database or network

of databases through which all documents for transactions with

government offices shall be submitted, processed and stored," he added.

People turn to this dreadful activity because of long term paper

processing. (Cervantes, 2019)

Shifting Landscapes: The Impact of Centralized and Decentralized

Nursing Station Models on the Efficiency of Care. Lindsey Fay, Allison Carll-

White, Aric Schadler, Kathy B. Isaacs, Kevin Real, the focus of their

research was to analyze the impact of decentralized and centralized

hospital design layouts on the delivery of efficient care and the resultant

level of caregiver satisfaction. This study examined the impact of

walkability, room usage, allocation of time, and visibility to better

understand efficiency in the care environment. They used mixed-methods

data collection approach in their study, which included pedometer

measurements of staff walking distances, room usage data, time studies in

patient rooms and nurses’ stations, visibility counts, and staff questionnaires

yielding qualitative and quantitative results. Results: Overall, the data

comparing the centralized and decentralized models yielded mixed

results. This study’s centralized design was rated significantly higher in its

ability to support teamwork and efficient patient care with decreased

staff walking distances. The decentralized unit design was found to

positively influence proximity to patients in a larger design footprint and

contribute to increased visits to and time spent in patient rooms.

Conclusion: Among the factors contributing to caregiver efficiency and

satisfaction are nursing station design, an integrated team approach, and

the overall physical layout of the space on walkability, allocation of

caregiver time, and visibility. (Lindsey Fay, 2017)

The Hungarian One Stop Government Offices as Governmental

coordination mechanisms. (KOVÁCS, 2013), The focus of the paper is on

one of the innovative policy coordination measure - introduced by the

Hungarian government also: the newly established “Government

Windows” one-stop-shop initiative. The introduction of one-stop-shops in

public administration is a frequent element of recent administrative

reforms that operate as a particular form of coordination within public

administration. In connection with the one-stop shop concept, the paper

seeks to elaborate that why one stop shop arrangements in public

administration are, in general, to be considered as a governmental

coordination mechanism. Secondly, it intends to explain the differentiation

of western paradigm and Hungarian mainstream interpretations of the

coordination concept. The main aim of this section to present those

academic arguments that consider – without any doubt - the one stop

shop as a significant elements of the recent government coordination

reforms. The function of one stop-shops was defined as providing “as

nearly as possible a complete service (including if possible the power to

make decisions) in one place, at one visit, and with members of the public

having to deal with not more than one or two different officers” ( RCAGA


The relevant literature (Kubicek and Hagen 2001; Askim et al 2011) suggest

three categories of one stop shops, namely, first stop shops, second stop

shop or “convenience stores” and true one stop shops. The first stop

shop is „a mere information provider and metaphorical signpost, one that

guides the citizen to relevant services” (Askim et al 2011, p. 6). The

second-stop-shop or “convenience store”, where many different

transactional services are located in a single office or on one web-site. This

delivers more complex services for users; more of the joining up is done on

behalf of the clients, although they are still usually required to take further

steps (e.g. visit of the decision making office). The third type, the ‘true

one stop shop’ integrates concerns of specific client groups, or focuses

services around specific life events or administrative matters affecting


Coming to the conclusion it seems undoubtedly that coordination has

again become a salient issue internationally with a movement away from

disaggregation (Halligan 2008), and the one stop shop has become one

of the governmental coordination tools in order to enhance the horizontal

coordination through integrated service delivery.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

The problem of the study is to design a modular facility in addition to the

existing buildings of the DENR by identifying the factors affecting the time

travel efficiency on paper works processing. Another aspect that will be

considered are the spaces and the adjustments of the facilities in DENR.

These have been identified through ocular inspection and observations.

Research Questions

1. What is the effect of physical centralization of offices to the

employee’s and users?

2. What is the relation of DENR-CAR workflow to its Sub offices?

3. What are the factors that Architects could enhance or introduce to

the work environment of DENR-CAR that would improve work


1.3. Objectives of the Study

The objective of the study is to assess the impact of physical centralization

of the DENR-CAR facilities in order to improve efficiency of the time

consumed by the users/clients in processing documents. Also to know the

relationship of the offices in the DENR-CAR on its different workflows to

investigate the clients’ satisfaction on the services rendered. The study

aims to improve the overall building performance and also its employees

productivity as well as clients satisfaction.

1.4. Conceptual Framework

A process was formed to guide the researchers throughout the proposed

development – Department of environmental and Natural Resources.

Basing it from figure 1 or the human centered design, it begins with

determining who the users are, their activities, and their purpose attached

with them through interviews. The researchers also conduct a user

observation wherein we will study the type of process flow of the paper

process in all facility, and the existing process of papers and in addition

the circulation of the user in and out the facility. After pin pointing who the

users are, we will apply qualitative research. The qualitative research

approach to be used in participatory planning. Participatory planning is a

process by which a community undertakes to reach a given socio-

economic goal by consciously diagnostic its problems and charting a

course of action to resolve those problems. (Maithani, n.d)

Once local contacts are establishing, the next step is to collect, with the

people and the employees help from the basic data about the facility,

characteristics of the area and other relevant facts. Lastly, the gathered

data will be assessed as basis for allocation of areas and in providing

solutions for their problem through architectural drawings.

Focus interviews will be conducted to provide sufficient data for the

qualitative research needed for the study. The interviews will encompass

question about spatial planning, and character finding of BLIST to the users

of DENR facility. Questionnaires will also be floated to validate the

gathered information from the interviews. The expected output from the

interviews. The expected from the information gathered are users’ needs

and the flow of activities in the facilities, and DENR unifying in order to

provide sense of place. (Peters, 2008).

Then, we will conduct inspections and observations regarding the sites

environmental factors. The following factors will be identified through the

analysis of the site and its surrounding environment that affects the

efficiency and effectivity of the existing facility (Tracy-White, 1999).

Secondary sources will be collected through research from published and

electronics researches, published articles from newspapers and journals.

These researches will be compared to find a gap (Cajucom, Pacubas


Figure 1.

Input Variables

 Paper processing mobility

 Clients & Employees activity/behavioral patterns
 The sites’ sense of place
 Employees and Clients satisfaction based on their physical environment.
 Survey questionnaire on work performance and satisfaction.
 Ocular observations
 Clients & employees’ information
 Site characteristics
 Office guidelines

Process Qualitative Method

 Survey Questionnaires evaluation  Survey Questionnaires
 Evaluation of process flow analysis for Employees and
 Tabulation & evaluation of gathered data Clients
 Analysis of different centralization concepts both physical  DENR-CAR employee
and sociological interviews
 Integration of centralization principles and trends  Case studies

Architectural Output

 Stress-free working environment

 Inter-connected DENR-CAR facilities

Final Output


1.5. Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this study is limited on physical redevelopment of the DENR-

CAR facilities by means of centralization. The concept of the study is a one

stop shop facility for DENR-CAR clients and employees. The study covers

up the issues in DENR facility and the response of the user to these

problems. The study focuses on main clients and employees of DENR-CAR.

The expected respondents are the DENR-CAR employees and clients


1.6. Significance of the Study

The study would be great contribution to the vast knowledge in terms of

One Stop Government Offices. The outcome of this study could be highly

significant and beneficial especially to the following: clients, fast track

releases, government reputation, natural environment, employees and

architectural development on government spaces.

The study of Department of Environmental and Natural Resource (DENR)

will promote a user and eco-friendly government institution in Baguio City,

users will benefit most through a faster transaction of papers they need

and the employee who will be more relaxed when they are at work.

The study will change the notion of the user about the government

transactions to be as slow as a turtle but not on the one stop shop like

office that they have all the facility and the offices but it is also an

employee friendly and most importantly it conforms to the environment as

a green building.


2.1. Methods of Inquiry

The researchers hand out survey questionnaires to come up with a

relevant amount of trustworthy information. The questionnaires will be

distributed to a satisfactory amount of DENR-CAR employees to collect

data about their insights and perceptions regarding their work

environments that may affect employees’ performance and productivity.

Questionnaires will also be distributed to satisfactory clients to collect data

about their insights and perception regarding the services rendered by

the department. Questionnaires will be of two sets, Set A for the

employees and Set B for the clients. The questionnaire would use a 5-point

Likert Scale with the following quantifications: Strongly Agree -5 points,

Agree - 4 points, Neither agree nor disagree – 3 points, Disagree – 2 points,

and Strongly Disagree – 1 point. Interviews and surveys were also part of

the methodology in which interviews were administered to the head of

the department wherein additional data that maybe positive or negative

output was considered. Lastly photo documentation and personal

observation will be used to back the analysis of the data.

2.2. Population and Locale of the Study

The study was conducted at the DENR-CAR with the target population

that was drawn from the DENR-CAR office itself. The total population of

the office workers was 89 employees and the acquired sample size was 42

employees. 9 positions are currently vacant. Random Sampling was used

in distributing the questionnaires to the employees. The study adopted a

descriptive research design and primary data was collected using

questionnaires and interviews.

2.3. Data Gathering Tools

Questionnaires and interviews were the instruments used in data collection

of the study. The questionnaires were floated to assess the users and

employees’ personal information such as their age, gender, department,

years of experience, and highest attained level of education. The

questionnaires were also used to gather information about the

employees’ satisfaction of their work environment and also clients’

satisfaction on the services rendered. Also Interviews were conducted on

the head of the department on what their personal observations are

about their satisfaction of their work space.

2.4. Data Gathering Procedures


The researchers researched various related studies on the thesis topic

through books, journals, articles, etc. and compiled their findings then

proceeded in working the related literature.


The researchers will conduct research by ocular observation in DENR-CAR

and its neighboring structures. Images are shot at this phase.


Questionnaires with standardized questions are used by the researchers to

gather information. This method was used to determine how the

employees were satisfied with their working space as well as the clients’

satisfaction on the services rendered. After the questionnaires have been

accomplished the data and results are then gathered and tallied.


The researchers will conduct a head to head interview to various user and

employees which will provide insights to behaviors, attitude and

preferences of the DENR-CAR current users. The datum will be recorded

through audio recorded and written notes.

2.4.1. Survey Questionnaires and Interview Questions

1. References
DENR-CAR Profile. (1987).

LEED Canada for new construction and major renovations. (2009). LEED CANADA.

Cowley. (2014). Environment.

Janetta Mitchell McCoy, G. W. (2010). The Potential Role of the Physical Environment in
Fostering Creativity. Creativity Research Journal.

Yannick Joye, P. V. (2007). Motivating Biomorphic constructions based on complex systems



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