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WONDERWOMAN: A Movement about Feminism

through a Music Video Production


Our production will be a music video which is about Feminism entitled “Wonderwoman”. We are aiming
to educate people on equality amongst men and women of every race, color, age, and status. We chose to
depict Feminism through a music video production because we think it will be an effective way to educate the
people. Our group came up with this idea because Philippines is a country that is so traditional and conservative.
Our country is so full of these socially and traditionally constructed standards that every move of a person is
getting criticized and categorized. It is like keeping someone in a tight-spaced box. And yes, our traditions are
what makes us and our country as we are right now, but that does not mean we cannot correct or change some
of them especially if those things are somewhat inhumane, degrading, and ridiculous. As a developing country,
our traditions and perspective should evolve as well.

This music video will show different people of our country and these people will share a moment of
their life wherein they have felt degraded or just felt like they do not have the upper hand. The struggles of
being who they are in a country with a lot of scrutinizing eyes waiting for you to make a mistake.


This production aims to promote an important matter: FEMINISM. Many may have heard or seen the
word Feminism, but does one really know what it means? Some say it’s just all about women. Others say it is an
organization formed by women to hate on men. But, actually, Feminism isn’t about women only nor is it a cult
for bashing men. Feminism is the belief in the social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. We need
Feminism, because for how many years, women have been raped and got the blame for it. We need Feminism
because apparently, boys are not allowed to cry or show any feeling of vulnerability or femininity. We need
Feminism, because not once did ever women had the upper hand. We need Feminism, because an innocent kid
gets shot by a cop simply for his skin color. Equality is something a lot of people have been denied of for such a
long time. Up to this day, we still experience inequality. But, the good news is, our world is slowly evolving and
getting more educated or what the millennial people call being “woke”. People have learned to be more
accepting as time goes by and somehow, we now know the taste of equality.

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