God Is A God of Purpose

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Ecc 1:2-11

⇒ The whole of this passage is telling us that life is totally

meaningless. The King James uses the word vanity which means
void of purpose. The mean point here is that you can have every
thing and still be depressed.
⇒ The bottom line is meaning; having meaning in life. The greatest
tragedy in life is not dead but life without a reason.
⇒ There are people in here with grey hair who don’t yet know why
they are here and they have been living an empty life, busy but not
effective. I tell you, there is only one question that has to be
answered and the question is; why am I here? 2X. until this question
is answered there will never be any personal fulfillment, there can
never be National fulfillment, and there will never be community

Ecc. 2:4-11 go there with me. I tell you there are people in this room
who are going after everything in this list because they belief if they
get these things, they will be fulfilled.

Solomon is saying here that if you are climbing the cooperate ladder,
he is telling you, he’s already been there and is sending a message
back down “there’s nothing up here”.
⇒ Some people belief if I will just get that promotion, I will be
satisfied, the answer is no.
⇒ If I just move from this neighborhood to that neighborhood, I’ll
really be satisfied, the answer is no.
⇒ If I’ll just get my bachelors degree or masters degree, I’ll have it
made, the answer is no. Fulfillment and satisfaction do not come
from things we accomplish or possess. This man had everything and
in the end he said meaningless, empty, a chasing after the wind.

The basic question in life is not what you have but why you have what.
If you have what and do not know why you have what, what will kill
you. Why is purpose. So let’s talk about purpose for a moment.

Purpose gives meaning to everything. So what is purpose? Write the

word purpose down.

1. Purpose is the original intent for the creation of a thing

2. Purpose is what was wanted that made a maker make something
to get it. What was wanted is purpose, the original intent, so he
creates a product to get him what he wants.
3. Purpose is the reason why something was made.

⇒ Purpose therefore is always in the mind of the one who

made the product.
⇒ Every product exists for its purpose. Therefore products
have no meaning until their purpose is known.
⇒ And so the key to effective life is finding out purpose in life

The title of our message today is “God is a God of purpose” what

that means is, God does nothing without a purpose. So what ever God
created, he created for a reason.
God does nothing for the fun of it. He does nothing for the beauty of it.
Though things may be beautiful, that is not their purpose, they exist
for a specific reason that was in the mind of the maker.

Let’s get back to our text: Proverbs 19:21,

⇒ That means God has a purpose and his purpose will prevail in
spite of your plans.
⇒ This also means God has no respect for your plans except they
coincide with his purpose.
Before you make plans, you must fine God’s purpose for your life. A lot
of people have planned and gone to college for four years studying the
wrong degree and when they meet God, the realize that was not their
purpose for life. So they wasted four years of college and got the
wrong degree on the wall.
It is dangerous therefore to make plans before you know God’s
purpose for your life. God is a God of purpose and his purpose will

Turn with me to the book of Isaiah 46:8 – 10. Please underline verse

The point here is; when God does anything, he begins with the end
That means God decides what he wants first, then he backs up to get
That means God never begins until he has finished what he wants.
It is important to know that God began Genesis because Revelation
was finished. So don’t worry about God and don’t worry for God. Have
you ever wondered why God doesn’t worry? You never worry when you
are finished.
Let me tell you how important that is; God didn’t start you until you
were finished. You did not come here to experiment with your life. You
came here because there is something that is already finished that
God started you to finish.

I want you to look at Psalm 139: 14-17

Verse 14, God was telling David that he was full of fear when he was
putting together in your mother’s womb. What kind of fear did God
have? This is the kind of fear call caution fear. God was afraid to make
a mistake when he was putting you together, which means you are
exactly what God wanted. So fall in love with yourself right now. That
nose was not just thrown on you; God prayerfully and carefully put that
nose in place.
This verse says you were wonderfully made; which means when you
walk into a room people are suppose to wonder at you. It is amazing
how some people instead wonder at them themselves. “My God, how
did God come up with this thing in the mirror”. Can I hear you say I’m
wonderful. You know when God gives you an opinion every other
opinion doesn’t count. God says you are wonderful.

Not only did God fearfully and wonderfully made you, he wrote every
day of your life in his book. That means everybody in this room has a
book on their life that God wrote everything in it that you that are
suppose to do. What kind of thing does God want you to do? Verse 17;
David is saying when I take a glimpse at your book on my life and see
what you wrote about me that I am suppose to do, it blows my mind.
Your thoughts about me in the book are so awesome God that if I were
to comprehend them, it will be like counting sand on the sea shore.
I am trying to say here that the thing God gave you birth to do is so
awesome that if you were to see it, you will be afraid. Some of you
have settled to be a clerk in a store and in your book God has you
owning the store. Some of you have been satisfied as being a secretary
and in your book God has you as the manger. We settle for things that
depress God. In other words, God’s vision for you is bigger than what
you have been settling for. It is a sad thing for God to see you excited
about things that depress him. Some people are excited about
graduating from High School and God is saying in my mind I had a
doctorate for you. We think so small. That is why that book on you life
is so important to get to know.

Please join me in the book of 1st Corinthians 2:7-12 Everybody say

“there are thoughts in the mind of God on my book that I haven’t
read”. No body really knows what you can do.

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