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Computational Mechanics I - CIVL 537

Assignment 1

Due: Monday October 7, 2019

1. Consider the following boundary value problem

d 2u
− = f for 0 ≤ x ≤ L
dx 2
du du
= 0; =0
dx x =0 dx x = L

Find a two-parameter Galerkin approximation of the problem using trigonometric approximation

 πx 
functions, when f = f 0 cos  .

2. Consider a simply-supported beam under uniformly distributed load q0 . The governing D.E. is
given by
d2 FG
d 2w
− q0 = 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ L
dx 2 H dx 2
and the B.C.’s are
w(0) = w( L) = 0, w′′(0) = w′′( L) = 0

where w is the deflection and EI is the bending rigidity of the beam.

By choosing suitable trigonometric functions, find a 2-parameter approximation to the transverse

deflection of the beam using (i) collocation method, (ii) sub-domain method, (iii) least squares
method and (iv) Galerkin method. Use the orthogonal property of trigonometric functions to
perform the integrations.

In each case compare the maximum deflections with the “exact” solution q0 L4 / 76.8 EI .
3. A MATLAB script meant to solve the Direct Stiffness Method for truss structures is provided
on Canvas. The main script DirectStiffness.m calls three functions: element.m, assemble.m
and rot.m. To answer the following questions, you have to:
1. Define the elements in DirectStiffness.m section 1 by specifying the first node
number, the second node number, the bar orientation, and its length.
2. Define the force vector in section 3.
3. Define the boundary conditions in section 4.
4. Modify the stiffness E and the bar cross-sectional area A in element.m.
5. Complete line 11 in element.m to obtain the stiffness matrix of the element in global
As downloaded, the code is set up to solve the problem shown in Figure 1, also presented in the
course notes.

Figure 1: Truss problem taken from the course notes solved with DirectStiffness.m
where E=100∙109, A=1∙10-4, L=1, F=1000

a) Add a fourth bar as shown in Figure 2 and solve the new truss problem with the
MATLAB script. Report the displacement at node 3. Code a single line to obtain and
report the reaction forces. What can you tell about the efficiency of this structure?

Figure 2: Modified Truss problem where E=100∙109, A=1∙10-4, L=1, F=1000

b) A truss crane is shown in Figure 3. Define the crane within DirectStiffness.m and find
the jib tip vertical displacement. Hint: the displacement should be between 5mm and
Figure 3: Truss crane

c) To reduce the tip displacement you decide to anchor the crane to the building. You are
given 5.5m of extra bar that can be divided in smaller bars. On the building side, the bars
can be anchored anywhere on the roof or on the right wall. On the crane side, they have to
be connected to any of the current nodes. Add these new bars to the your script. Present
your solution and report the minimized displacement. 10% bonus points for the best
solution (minimum displacement) among all students.

d) Submit your improved version of DirectStiffness.m on Canvas.

4. For the beam shown in Figure 4, determine the displacements and slopes at the nodes and the
reactions. Make use of the direct stiffness method with the provided stiffness matrix. The
boundary condition on node 3 restrains rotation and allow transverse displacement. The beam
axial component is neglected. The use of a computer program is suggested in order to solve the
system of equations.

Figure 4: Beam for Direct Stiffness Method

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