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BRANDING: es el posicionamiento de marca, la percepción de la marca que la

persona tiene en la cabeza al momento de pensar en un producto o un servicio.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming here along today. The purpose of this
presentation is to talk about different examples of branding, so we can understand in
how many levels we can make branding strategies

I’m going to present three case study of branding. Firstly, I’m going to present the
branding of a Country: Perú; secondly, the re-branding of Nescafé Dolca; and in the
last place I’m going to talk about co-branding.

Beginning with the first point, it’s interesting how can we go from branding strategies for
services and products, to a person (which is called personal branding) or an entire

So, what is it for that we want to branding a Country? Well, it can help to attract tourists
and investors, and increase the demand for what the product has to offer.

The challenge with Perú was that they needed a strong and positive country brand that
stood out, drew attention, and was able to transmit a clear promise. The objective was
to create a competitive advantage for the country to gain international exposure (such
as tourism and exports), but also to attract investors.

How they did it? They created a new identity around Peru’s flavors, colors and living
history in a TV spot that showed different scenes of gastronomy, animals, nature, and
people of Perú. They also created a new logotype, and give every facet and aspect of
the tourist attraction a new color. The multi-colored pallette symbolized the diversity of
Peru’s regions and landscapes, and its energetic and stimulating character.

As a result, Peru now has a very memorable brand that tells the world how culturally
rich the country is. The branding strategy shows a true connection between the brand
and the country. And the design work for the identity system was given a award for

Let’s turn now to the second point, the re-branding of Nescafé Dolca. Why is important
to talk about re-branding? Because, branding it’s not just a work you make once and
then you can forget about it, to be a successful brand, is fundamental creating new
strategies all the time. (Quise poner: ¿por qué es importante hablar de branding?
porque no es un trabajo que puedas realizar una vez y después olvidarte al respecto.
Para ser una marca exitosa, es fundamental estar creando estrategias nuevas todo el

Nescafé, although it was a leader in the coffee segment, wanted to make a branding
strategy in the coffee mixes segment in which they were not leaders. They developed a
new line of coffee mixes with three new flavors: leche manchada, mokkacino y cortado
(no sé cómo traducir estos nombres), and with this new line, wanted to rejuvenate the
brand’s identity. If they wanted to reach that goal, they needed to be disruptive and
different. They studied why, how and where people drink this kind of coffee-mixes, and
they found that people drank it in their houses, alone, as a quality time with

In this way they created a campaign named “Your coffee, your place” in which they
showed the snail-man, they were people who had the capacity of being in their own
places whenever they wanted.
They present different scenes about this snail-men (and snail-women) found
themselves in uncomfortable situation, and they way to run from them was to enter in
their shape-house shells and drank their favorite coffee-mix.

Beside this tv spots, they also launched graphs in magazines and the streets, they
made promotions in the supermarkets, and banners in social media. In this way, they
reached every marketing objective they had in a 250%. (acá quiero poner que doblaron
los objectivos que tenían, o sea, lograr el doble de lo que querían al 250% pero no sé

And in the third and last place, I’m going to present co-branding. Co-branding is the
posibility of two brands that work in different items (rubros) to link their strengths (unir
fortalezas). In this way they can upgrade the business for both of the brands, and win
target, new customers, and have a taste of product. There are a lots of co-branding
partnerships but not everyone succeed. A good example of co-branding is Spotify and

Music-streaming app Spotify partnered with app Uber to create "a soundtrack for your
ride." This is a great example of a co-branding partnership between two very different
products with very similar goals to earn more users.

Here's how it works: When riders are waiting for an Uber ride, they're prompted to
connect with Spotify and become the DJ of their trip. Users can choose from their own
playlists to determine what they'll listen to.

This smart co-branding partnership helps fans of Uber and Spotify alike enjoy better
experiences thanks to the app. And they might be more interested in picking Uber and
Spotify over competitors knowing they can enjoy their next ride listening to their favorite

As a conclusion we can say that there’s a lots of ways we can create de identity of our
brand, keep creating it, and re-creating it. Branding strategies are in every step of the
way for a brand, and it's a fundamental resource. We must continuing studying it, and
developing it, so our brand would never be left behind.

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