Doing Good To Avoid Being in Hell

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Doing good to avoid being in hell

Hell, a place of everlasting fire, a place of outer darkness, a place of weeping and
gnashing teeth, in other words hell is a place of eternal torment.
Anyone who rejects Jesus Christ as your lord and savior and rejects the free gift of
eternal life through Jesus Christ goes to hell.
He who believes in Christ is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned
already because he has not believe in the name of the only begotten son of god.
The bible says the Lord is not welling that anyone should perish and all should come to
repentance, in other words God does not want anyone to go to hell.
All of us makes mistakes. One way for us to avoid being in hell is for us to
acknowledge them, accept them, and repent them.
People says doing good deeds is a way to avoid being in hell but never forget to always accept
Jesus Christ in your life because he is the only way, the truth, and the life.

Doing good to avoid being in hell

Hell, a place of everlasting fire, a place of outer darkness, a place of weeping and
gnashing teeth, in other words hell is a place of eternal torment.
Anyone who rejects Jesus Christ as your lord and savior and rejects the free gift of
eternal life through Jesus Christ goes to hell.
He who believes in Christ is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned
already because he has not believe in the name of the only begotten son of god.
The bible says the Lord is not welling that anyone should perish and all should come to
repentance, in other words God does not want anyone to go to hell.
All of us makes mistakes. One way for us to avoid being in hell is for us to
acknowledge them, accept them, and repent them.
People says doing good deeds is a way to avoid being in hell but never forget to always accept
Jesus Christ in your life because he is the only way, the truth, and the life.

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