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Verb Forms Subjective pronouncations Helping Verb form Positive Sentence Interrogative Sentence Negative Sentence Negative Interrogative Sentence Passive Voice
పాసివ్ వాయిస్లో మాటా ్ల డితే వేలూ్య పెరుగుతుంది.
క్వశ్చన్స్ ఎకు్కవ వేసు
్త ంటాము. తెలుగువాళు
్ల ఇంటరాగేట్ చేసు
్త ంటారు నూ్యస్ పేపర్లలో పాసివ్ వాయిస్లో రాసా్తరు.
పా◌ాసివ్లో ఆబె్జక్ట్కి సంబంధించిన verb మొదట వాడాలి.

Do Forms Do, Does, Did, Shall, Willలను Do Forms అంటారు Do/doesలు పాసివ్లో Am, is areలుగా మారతాయి.

1. DO (అలవాటుగా I/We/You/They లకి మాత్రమే వాడాలి Base form I/We/You/They work for Computer Era/ I do work for CERA Do I work for computer era? I Don't work for Computer Era Don't I work for Computer Era? Computer Era is worked by me
చేసే పనిని
చెప్పడానికి వాడాలి
Do/doesలు పాసివ్లో Am, is areలుగా మారతాయి.
2. Does (అలవాటుగా He/She/Itలకి మాత్రమే వాడాలి s or es form He/She/it plays cricket. Does he play Cricket? He doesn't Play Cricket. Doesn't he play cricket? Cricket is not played by him.
ఆమె/అతను అది చేసే
పని చెప్పడానికి
Doesతో క్వశ్చన్ చేసే్త
s or es వాడకూడదు.
Did పాసివ్లో Was/Were గా మారుతుంది.
3. Did (గతంలో చేసిన I/we /you/they /he/she/it అని్నంటికీ వాక్యంలో did లేకపోతే past tense Ex. I called him yesterday evening. Did I call him yesterday evening? I didn't call him yesterday. Didn't I call him yesterday? He wasn't called by me yesterday evening.
పనిని చెబుతున్నపు్పడు వాక్యంలో did ఉంటే base form. I did call him yesterday evening.

Shall పాసివ్ వాయిస్ Shall Beగా మారుతుంది.

4. Shall (భవిష్యత్లో I/Weలకి మాత్రమే Shall వాడాలి Base form మాత్రమే వాడాలి. I shall watch the movie. (సె్ట్రస్ చేసి చెపా్పలంటే I will అనొచు్చ) Shall I watch the movie. I Shall not/I shan't watch the movie. Shall I not or Shan't I watch the movie? A movie will be watched by me. (మూవీ మీద ఫోకస్ చేసు
్త నా్నం కాబటి్ట will be వాడాలి.
నేను, మనం చేయబోయే పని
చెపా్పలి్స వసే్త
Will పాసివ్ వాయిస్ Will Beగా మారుతుంది
5. Will (భవిష్యత్లో You/They /TYHe /She/Itలకు మాత్రమే Will వాడాలి Base form మాత్రమే వాడాలి. She will attend a meeting. Will she attend a meeting? She will not/ won't attend a meeting. Will she not or Won't she attend a meeting? A meeting will be attended by her.
అతడు/ఆమె, అది చేసే పని
చెపా్పలి్స వసే్త

Be Forms Am, is, are, was, were , shall be, will be లను Be forms అంటారు

Verb Forms Subjective pronouncations Helping Verb form Positive Sentence Interrogative Sentence Negative Sentence Negative Interrogative Sentence Passive Voice (Verb ని PPFలో మాత్రమే వాడాలి)
Am పాసివ్ వాయిస్ Am Being గా, Isది Is Being, Areది Are Being గా మారుతుంది.
6. Am ప్రసు
్త తం నేను చేసూ
్త Iకి మాత్రమే Am వాడాలి. Verb చివరన ing వాడాలి. I'm eating a biryani. Am I eating a Biryani? I'm not eating a biryani. Amn't I eating a Biryani? a Biryani is being eaten by me.
ఉన్న పనిని చెపా్పలంటే

7. Is (ప్రసు
్త తం అతను/ఆమె
అది చేసూ్త ఉన్న పని) He, she, itలకి Is వాడాలి. Verb చివరన ing వాడాలి. She is taking two sessions. Is she taking two sessions? She is not taking two sessions. Isn't she taking two sessions? Two sessions are being taken by her. (ఇక్కడ Two sessions కాబటి్ట are being అని వాడాలి)

8. Are (మేము, మీరు, నువు్వ, We, you, They లకి Are వాడాలి. Verb చివరన ing వాడాలి. They are listening a song. Are they listening a song? They are not listening a song. Aren't they listening a song? A song is being listened by them. (ఇక్కడ ఒక సాంగ్ మాత్రమే కాబటి్ట is being వాడాలి)
వారు ఇపు్పడు చేసు ్త న్న పని
గురించి చెపా్పలి్స వసే్త!
Was, Were పాసివ్ వాయిస్లో Was Being, Were Being గా మారతాయి. Verb PPF వాడాలి)
9. Was (గతంలో నేను, ఆమె, I, he, she, itలకు మాత్రమే Was వాడాలి Verb చివరన ing వాడాలి. He was watching a movie yesterday evening Was He watching a movie yesterday evening..? He wasn't watching a movie yesterday evening wasn't he watching a movie yesterday evening..? A movie was being watched by him (ఇక్కడ ఒక Movie మాత్రమే కాబటి్ట is being వాడాలి)
అతను, అది చేసూ ్త ఉన్న పని
గురించి చెపా్పలి్స వసే్త)

10. Were (గతంలో మనం, We, You, They లకి మాత్రమే Were వాడాలి Verb చివరన ing వాడాలి They were playing a game last week. Were they playing a game last week They were not playing a game last week Were they not playing a game last week A game was being played by them last week.
మీరు, నువు్వ, వారు
్త ఉన్న పనిని చెప్పడం)

11. Shall Be (భవిష్యత్లో I, We (నేనూ, మీరు భవిష్యత్లో చేసూ

్త ఉండే Verb చివరన Ing వాడాలి. We shall be watching a movie tomorrow at 6PM. Shall we be Watching a movie tomorrow evening at 6PM We shalln't be Watching a movie. Shall We not be watching a movie? Shall be, Will Beలకి పాసివ్ వాయిస్ ఉండదు
ఒకానొక సమయంలో పనులు చెప్పడానికి మాత్రమే Shall Be
జరుగుతూ ఉండే పని చెప్పడం ఉపయోగించాలి

12. Will be (భవిష్యత్లో ఒకానొక you, they , he, she, itలకి Will Be వాడాలి Verb చివర్న ing వాడాలి. She will be coming to class tomorrow at 8 AM. Will she be coming to class tomorrow at 8 AM? She won't be coming to class at 8AM. Will she not be coming to class at 8 AM? Shall be, Will Beలకి పాసివ్ వాయిస్ ఉండదు
సమయంలో జరుగుతూ ఉండే పనిని
గురించి చెప్పడం)

Have Forms Have , Has, Had, Shall have , Will Have లను Have forms అంటారు

Verb Forms Subjective pronouncations Helping Verb form Positive Sentence Interrogative Sentence Negative Sentence Negative Interrogative Sentence Passive Voice (Verb ని PPFలో మాత్రమే వాడాలి)
Have కి పాసివ్ వాయిస్ Have Been , Hasకి Has Been వాడాలి

13. Have ఈ మధ్య కాలంలో I, We, you, They లకి Have వాడాలి Past Participle formలో ఉండాలి. I have watched a movie. Have I watched a movie? I have not watched a movie. Haven't I watched a movie? A movie has been watched by me.
జరిగిన పనిని చెపే్పటపు్పడు వాడాలి

14. Has ఈ మధ్య కాలంలో

జరిగిన పనిని చెపే్పటపు్పడు వాడాలి He, She, itలకి మాత్రమే Has వాడాలి Past Participle formలో ఉండాలి. She has attended an interview. Has she attended an interview? She hasn't attended an interview. Hasn't she attended an interview? An interview has been attended by her.

HADకి పాసివ్ వాయిస్ Had Been వాడాలి

15. Had గతంలో ఒక పని చెయ్యడానికి I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Past Participle formలో ఉండాలి. They had walked 5km before they took rest Had they walked 5km before they took rest..? They hadn't walked 5km before they took rest..? Hadn't they walked 5km before they took rest..? 5km had been walked by them before they took rest.
ముందుగానే చేసిన వేరొక పని
Shall Have కి పాసివ్లో Shall Have Been ,
Will Have కి పాసివ్లో Will have Been వాడాలి)
16. Shall Have భవిష్యత్లో ఒకానొక I, Weలకి మాత్రమే Shall Have వాడాలి Past Participle formలో ఉండాలి. I shall have bought a car in next year. Shall I have bought a care in next year? I shall not have bought a car in next year. Shall I not have bought a car next year? A car will have been bought by me next year.
సమయంలో జరిగి ఉండే పని గురించి
చెపా్పలి్స వచి్చనపు్పడు

17. Will Have భవిష్యత్లో ఒకానొక You, They , He, She, Itలకి Will Have వాడాలి Past Participle formలో ఉండాలి. They will have completed the movie tomorrow. Will they have completed the movie tomorrow? They will not have completed the movie tomorrow Won't they have completed the movie? Movie will have been completed by them tomorrow.
సమయంలో జరిగి ఉండే పని గురించి
చెపా్పలి్స వచి్చనపు్పడు

Special Verbs Can, Could, May, Might, Should, Must, Wouldలను సె్పషల్ వెర్బ్స్ అంటారు

Verb Forms Subjective pronouncations Helping Verb form Positive Sentence Interrogative Sentence Negative Sentence Negative Interrogative Sentence Can, Could, May, Might, Should, Must, Would వంటి సె్పషల్ వెర్బ్లకి పాసివ్ వాయిస్ ఉండదు

18. Can - చేయగలను, చేయగలదు, I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Base formలో ఉండాలి. I can speak french. Can i speak french. I can't speak french. Can't I speak french. french can be spoken by me.
చేయగలుగుతావు, చేయగలుగుతారు

19. Could - చేయగలిగాను, చేయగలిగింది I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Base formలో ఉండాలి. They could complete the task on time. Could they complete the task in time? They couldn't complete the task in time. Could they not complete the task in time? a task could be completed by them on time.
చేయగలిగావు, చేయగలిగారు

20. May - చేసే్త చేయొచు్చ I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Base formలో ఉండాలి. she may take the class. May she take the class.? she may not take the class..? May she not take the class? The class may be taken by her.

21. Might - చేసే్త చేయొచు్చ

లీస్ట్ పాజిబులిటీ, ఒటి్ట హామీలు ఇవ్వడానికి I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Base formలో ఉండాలి. He might offer a discount. Might he offer a discount? He might not offer a discount. Might not he offer a discount? A discount might be offered by him

22. Should - చేయాలి, చదవాలి, నేరు్చకోవాలి I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Base formలో ఉండాలి. You should attend the live program. Should you attend the live program? You shouldn't attend the live program. Should you not attend the live program? the live program should be attanded by you

23. Must - తప్పకుండా చేయాలి. I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Base formలో ఉండాలి. I Must attend the marriage. Must I attend the marriage? I mustn't attend the marriage. Must I not attend the marriage? the marriage must be attanded by me

24. Would - ఒకపు్పడు చేసేవాడిని, I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Base formలో ఉండాలి. I would offer you a job. Would I offer you a job? I wouldn't offer you a job. Would I not offer you a job? a job would be offered by me.
ఇపు్పడు ఇష్టంగా చేసా
్త ను

Have with special Verbs Should have , Must have , may have , might have , could have , would have లను Have with Special Verbs అంటారు

Verb Forms Subjective pronouncations Helping Verb form Positive Sentence Interrogative Sentence Negative Sentence Negative Interrogative Sentence Passive Voice

Should Have కి పాసివ్ వాయిస్లో Should Have been గా మారుతుంది.

25. Should have - చేసి ఉండాలి్సంది I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Past Participle formలో ఉండాలి. You shoud have earned money. Should you have earned money? You should not have earned money. Should you not have earned money? Money should have been earned by you.
కలిగి ఉండాలి్సంది

Must Have కి పాసివ్ వాయిస్ Must Have been గా మారుతుంది

26. Must Have - ఖచి్చతంగా చేసి ఉండాలి్సంది I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Past Participle formలో ఉండాలి. You must have finished a task Must you have finished a task You must not have finished a task Must you not have finished a task A task must have been finished by you.

27. May Have - చేసే్త చేసి ఉండొచు్చ I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Past Participle formలో ఉండాలి. She may have formatted the phone. May she have formatted the phone? She may not have formatted the phone. May she not have formattted the phone? The phone may have been formatted by her.

28. Might Have -చేసే్త చేసి ఉండొచు్చ (లీస్ట్ పాజిబులిటీ) I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Past Participle formలో ఉండాలి. He might have sent a gift. Might he have sent a gift..? He might not have sent a gift..? Might he not have sent a gift School might have been sent a gift.

29. Would Have - చేసి ఉండే వాడిని I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Past Participle formలో ఉండాలి. I would have finished Civils. Would I have finished civils? I would not have finished civils. Would I not have finished civils? Civils would have been finished by me.

30. Could Have - చేయగలిగి ఉండే వాడిని I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Past Participle formలో ఉండాలి. I could have helped her. Could I have helped here? I could not have helped her. Could I not have helped her? She could have been helped by me.

Have Been Forms Have Been , Has Been , Had Been , Shall Have Been , Will Have Been లను Have Been Forms అంటారు.

Verb Forms Subjective pronouncations Helping Verb form Positive Sentence Interrogative Sentence Negative Sentence Negative Interrogative Sentence Passive Voice

31. Have Been (గతంలో పా ్ర రంభించి ప్రసు

్త తం కూడా I, We , You, They లకు Have Been వాడాలి. ing formలో వాడాలి. I Have been speaking English for 20 days. have I been speaking English for 20 Days? I Haven't been speaking English for 20 Days. Haven't I been speaking English for 20?
్త నే ఉన్న పనిని చెబుతున్నపు్పడు)

32. Has Been (గతంలో పా

్ర రంభించి ప్రసు
్త తం కూడా He, She, Itలకు Has Been వాడాలి. ing formలో వాడాలి. She has been singing since today morning. Has she been singing since today morning? She hasn't been singing since today morning. Hasn't she been singing since today morning?
ఆమె/అతను/అది చేత చెయ్యబడుతున్న పని)

33. Had Been (గతంలో ఒక పని చెయ్యడానికి I, We, You, They , He, She, Itలు అని్నంటికీ వాడాలి ing formలో వాడాలి. She had been learning English before she married. Had she been learning English before she married? She hadn't been learning English before she married Hadn't she been learning English before she married
ముందు వరకూ చేసూ
్త ఉన్న వేరొక పని

34. Shall Have Been (భవిష్యత్లో కొంత కాలం తరా్వత I, Weలకి మాత్రమే Shall Have Been వాడాలి. ing formలో వాడాలి. We shall have been travelling to India next week. Shall we have been travelling to India next week? We shan't have been travelling to India next week. Shan't we have been travelling to India next?
కూడా జరుగుతూ ఉండే ఒక పని గురించి చెపే్పటపు్పడు)

35. Will Have Been (భవిష్యత్లో కొంత కాలం తరా్వత you, they , he, she, itలకు Will Have Been వాడాలి ing formలో వాడాలి. You will have been coming tomoring morning. Will you have been coming tomorrow morning? You won't have been coming tomorrow morning. Won't you have been coming tomorrow morning.?
కూడా జరుగుతూ ఉండే ఒక పని గురించి చెపే్పటపు్పడు)

Have Been with Special Verbs Should have been , Must have been , May Have been , Might Have Been , Would have been , could have been లను ఇలా పిలుసా
్త రు.

Verb Forms Subjective pronouncations Helping Verb form Positive Sentence Interrogative Sentence Negative Sentence Negative Interrogative Sentence Passive Voice

్త ఉండి ఉండాలి్సంది)
36. Shoud Have Been (చేసూ I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ ing formలో వాడాలి I shoud have been speaking in English. Should I have been speaking in English? I should not have been speaking in English. Shouldn't I have been speaking in English?

37. Must Have Been (ఖచి్చతంగా చేసూ

్త ఉండి ఉండాలి్సంది) I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ ing formలో వాడాలి. You must have been working hard. Must you have been working hard? You must not have been working hard? Must you not have been working hard?

్త ఉండి ఉండొచు్చ)
38. May Have Been (చేసూ I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ ing formలో వాడాలి. I may have been using the phone when it stopped working. May I have been using the phone when it stopped? You may not have been using the phone. May you not have been using the phone?

్త ఉండి ఉండొచు్చ (లీస్ట్ పాజిబులిటీ)

39. Might Have Been (చేసూ I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ ing formలో వాడాలి. They might have been playing cricket. Might they have been playing cricket? They might not have been playing cricket. Might they not have been playing cricket?

్త ఉండి ఉండే వాడిని)

40. Would Have Been (చేసూ I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ ing formలో వాడాలి. I would have been working at superhit. Would I have been working at superhit? I would not have been working at superhit. Would I not have been working at superhit?

్త ఉండగలిగే వాడిని)
41. Could Have Been (చేసూ I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ ing formలో వాడాలి. I could have been helping her. Could I have been helping her? I Could not have been helping her. Could I not have been helping her?

To Infinitives Have to , Has to, Need to , Needs to , dare to, dares to, ought to, oughts to,, Want to, Wants to, Wish to, Wishes to, Would Like Toలను To Infinitives అని పిలుసా
్త రు

Verb Forms Subjective pronouncations Helping Verb form Positive Sentence Interrogative Sentence Negative Sentence Negative Interrogative Sentence Passive Voice
Note: To Infinitive లను Do, Doesతో క్వశ్చన్ చేయాలి
42. Have to (చేయాలి్స ఉంది) Duty of the doer . I, We, you, they లకి Have To వాడాలి. Base formలో ఉండాలి. I have to complete the magazine. Do i have to complete the magazine? I don't have to complete the magazine. Don't I have to complete the magazine? A magazine has to be completed

43. Has to (చేయాలి్స ఉంది) Duty of the Doer He, She, it లకి Has To వాడాలి. Base formలో ఉండాలి. She has to sing the song. Does she have to sing? (Does వచి్చనపు్పడు Have to వాడాలి) She doesn't have to sing a song Doesn't she have to sing? a song has to be sung

44. Need to (చేయాలి్సన అవసరం ఉంది) I, We, you, they లకి Need To వాడాలి. Base formలో ఉండాలి. We need to buy a car. Do We need to buy a car? We don't need to buy a car. Don't we need to buy a car? a car needs to be bought by us

45. Needs to (చేయాలి్సన అవసరం ఉంది) He, She, it లకి Needs To వాడాలి. Base formలో ఉండాలి. She need to buy a car. Does she need to buy (Does వచి్చనపు్పడు need to వాడాలి) She doesn't need to buy a car. Doesn't she need to buy a car? a car needs to be bought by her

46. Dare to (ధైర్యంగా చేసా

్త ను) I, We, you, they లకి Dare To వాడాలి. Base formలో ఉండాలి. I dare to watch a horror movie. Do I dare to watch a horror movie? I don't dare to watch a horror movie. Don't I dare to watch a horror movie? a horror movie dares to be watched by me

47. Dares to (ధైర్యంగా చేసు

్త ంది, చేసా
్త డు) He, She, Itలకి Dares To వాడాలి. Base formలో ఉండాలి. She dares to watch a horror movie. Does she dare to watch a horror? (Does వచి్చనపు్పడు Dare to She doesn't dare to watch a horror movie. Doesn't she dare to watch a horror movie? a horror movie dares to be watched by her

48. Ought to (బాధ్యతగా చేయాలి) I, We, you, they లకి Ought To వాడాలి. Base formలో ఉండాలి. We ought to follow traffic rules. Do we outght to follow traffic rules? We don't ought to follow traffic rules. Don't we ought to follow traffic rules? Traffic rules ought tobe followed

49. Oughts to (బాధ్యతగా చేసు

్త ంది, చేసా
్త డు) He, She, Itలకి Oughts To వాడాలి. Base formలో ఉండాలి. She Oughts to follow traffic rules. Does she Ougut to follow traffic (Does వచి్చనపు్పడు Ought to వాShe doesn't ought to follow traffic rules. Doesn't she ought to follow traffic rules? Traffic rules ought tobe followed

్ల జ్గా ఉండేవాళ్లకి చెప్పడం)

50. Want to (చేయాలనుకుంటునా్నను-కో I, We, you, they లకి Want To వాడాలి. Base formలో ఉండాలి. We want to watch the movie. Do we want to watch the movie? We don't want to watch the movie. Don't we want to watch the movie? the movie wants to be watched by us

51. Wants to (ఆమె/అతను/అది చేయాలనుకుంటుంది--కో

్ల జ్గాఉండేవాళ్లకి He, She, Itలకి Wants To వాడాలి. Base formలో ఉండాలి. She wants to become CM Does she want to become CM? (Does వసే్త Want to అని వాడాలి She Doesn't want to become CM Doesn't she want to become CM? a CM wants to be became by her.

52. Wish To (చేయాలనుకుంటునా్నను, కొది్దగా దూరంగా ఉండే వాళ్లకి) I, We, you, they లకి Wish To వాడాలి. Base formలో ఉండాలి. I Wisth to sing a song Do I wish to sing a song..? I don't wish to sing a song..? Don't I wish to sing a song.. a song wishes to be sung by me

53. Wishes To (చేయాలనుకుంటోంది-కొది్దగా దూరంగా ఉండే వాళ్లకి) He, She, Itలకి Wishes To వాడాలి. Base formలో ఉండాలి. She wishes to buy a car Does she wish to buy a cay..? (Does వసే్త wish మాత్రమే వాడాలి) She doesn't wishes to buy a cay.. Doesn't she wishes to buy a car.. a car wishes to be bought byher

54. Would Like to (చేయాలనుకుంటునా్నను (మరింత పొలైట్గా) I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Base formలో ఉండాలి. I would like to attend the meeting. Would I like to attend the meeting? She wouldn't like to attend the meeting. Wouldn't she like to attend the meeting? a meeting would like to be attanded by me

55. Able to - చేయగలిగే సి్థతిలో ఉనా్నను. Ability of the doer . I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Base formలో ఉండాలి. I am able to run a school Am I able to run a school? I'm not able to run a school Amn't I able to run aschool..? a school is able to be run my me

56. Willing to (చేయడానికి ఇష్టంగా ఉనా్నను, Willingness of the doer ) I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Base formలో ఉండాలి. They are willing to play chess Are they willing to play chess? They aren't willing to play chess. Aren't they willing to play chess.? a chess is willing to be played by me

57. Going to (చేయడానికి సిద్ధంగా ఉనా్నను, Readyness of the doer ) I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Base formలో ఉండాలి. She was going to buy shop. Was she going to buy shop? She wasn't going to buy shop. Wasn't she going to buy shop? a shop is going to be bought by her

58. Had to (చేయాలి్స వచి్చంది, ఇష్టం లేకుండా చేయాలి్స వసే్త) I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Base formలో ఉండాలి. We had to promise him. Did we have to promise him? (Did వసే్త Have వాడాలి) We didn't have to promise him. Didn't we have to promise him? he had to be promised by us

59. Used to (ఒకపు్పడు అలవాటుగా రోజూ చేసే పని) I, We, You, They , He, She, It అని్నంటికీ వాడొచు్చ Base formలో ఉండాలి. I used to drink red bull. Did I use to drink red bull? (Did వసే్త used బదులు use వాడాలి) I didn't use drink red bull. Didn't I use to drink red bull? red bull use to be drunk by me
If Conditions
"ఇది అయితే.. అది చేసా
్త " అని చెపా్పలంటే..

Foruma: If I were + Noun I Would + verb base form + pronoun)

Ex. If I were a PM I Would sanction loans to the farmers.

If Movie stars were soldiers They would fight for the country.

"అది అయి ఉంటే.. అది చేసి ఉండే వాడిని" అని చెపా్పలంటే..

Formula: If I had been + Noun I Would have + Verb in PPF form.

Ex: If I had been MLA I Would have maintained roads better.

If Students Had been solders They would have been given respect to Citizens.

"ఇది చేసి ఉంటే.. అది చేసి ఉండే వాడిని" అని చెపా్పలంటే..

Formula: If I had + Verb PPF form I Would have + verb PPF form

Ex: If I had followed his suggestions I would have learned better English.

If they had worked hard They would have succeeded.

్ల గా.. (As If)

Ex: She is a student. But she behaves as if she were a prinicipal.

He is a lawler. But he behaves as if he were a criminal.

They are friends. But they always fight as if they were enemies.

Articles a, an, theలను ఆరి్టకల్స్ అని పిలుసా

్త రు

రెండు రకాల ఆరి్టకల్స్ ఉంటాయి. 1. Definite 2. Indifinite Articles. Definite Article - The Indifinite Articles - A, An

An ఎపు్పడు వాడాలంటే..
1. అని్న VOWLESలకి ముందు వాడాలి. అంటే AEIOUలకి ముందు వాడాలి. ఉదా.కు.. An Article, An Apple.

2. VOWLES ముందే కాదు, VOWEL శబ్ధం వచే్చ వాటి ముందు కూడా వాడాలి. An MLA (ఇక్కడ M అనే consonentతో మొదలైనా US, UK వాళు ్ల AEIOUలను ఎలా
M (em) అనే ఉచా్ఛరణతో మొదలైంది కాబటి్ట An అనాలి పొ
్ర నౌన్స్ చేసా
్త రో తప్పనిసరిగా
నేరు్చకోవాలి, అపు్పడు మాత్రమే
ఉచా్ఛరణని బటి్ట A వాడాలా, An
వాడాలా అన్నది అర్థమవుతుంది.

A ఎపు్పడు వాడాలంటే..
1. అని్న consonents (AEIOUలు కాకుండా మిగిలిన అక్షరాల ముందు వాడాలి) ఉదా.కి.. a pen, a paper, a table, a microphone

2. Consonent శబ్ధం వచే్చ VOWELS ముందూ Aనే వాడాలి. A University (ఇక్కడ Uతో మొదలు అయినా యూ (YUU) అందుకే పొ
్ర నౌనే్సషన్ గమనించాలి
అనే consonent సౌండ్ ఉంది కాబటి్ట A వాడాలి.

3. "ఒకటి" అనే అర్థం ధ్వనించేటపు్పడు A వాడాలి. Ex. I have a book, You have a pen.

4. ఏదైనా" అనే అర్థం వచే్చటపు్పడు A వాడాలి. Ex: I want a pen, I see a movie tonight.

5. "per" అనే మీనింగ్ వచి్చనా A వాడాలి. Ex: I earn Rs. 50 a day, I spend Rs. 20 a day.

6. కా్వంటిటీని చెపే్ప కొని్న పదాలకు వాడాలి. Ex. I have a great number of book,
I spend a lot of money on books.

7. పా
్ర పర్ నౌన్లను కామన్ నౌన్లుగా పిలిచేటపు్పడు వాడతారు Ex. Sridhar is a Bill Gates, Ravi is a Sachin Tendulkar.

8. మెటీరియల్ నౌన్లు కామన్ నౌన్లుగా వాడేటపు్పడు A వాడాలి. Ex. I have a gold ring, she has a silver ring.

9. అబ్సా్ట్రక్ట్ నౌన్లను కామన్ నౌన్లుగా వాడేటపు్పడు She has a knowledge of science, A Knowledge of English

10. అపరిచితమైన వ్యకి్తని ఉదే్దశించి మాటా

్ల డేటపు్పడు A వాడాలి. A Mr. Sridhar called you, A Mr. Ravi is waiting for you.

11. ఆశ్చరా్యర్థకం ఉన్న అంశాల దగ్గర A వాడాలి. Ex: What a nice joke! What a surprise!

A/An ఎపు్పడు వాడకూడదు అంటే..

1. బహువచనంతో ఉన్న nounల ముందు వాడకూడదు. Ex: I have a friends అనకూడదు, An Apples అనకూడదు

2. లెకి్కంచడానికి కుదరని వాటి ముందు A లేదా An వాడకూడదు Ex: He gave an advice అనకూడదు, It is a good news అనకూడదు

3. ప్రతే్యకంగా చెబితే తపి్పంచి మీల్స్ పేర్ల ముందు వాడకూడదు I have a lunch, I have a supper అనకూడదు

4. మెటీరియల్ నౌన్స్ ముందు A లేదా Anలను వాడకూడదు This is a gold, This is a silver అనకూడదు

The ఎపు్పడు వాడాలంటే.. (ఇది డెఫినెట్ ఆరి్టకిల్ కి్రందకు వసు

్త ంది)

1. యూనివర్శల్ టూ
్ర ట్స్ ముందు The వాడాలి. Ex. The sun rises in the east, The sun sets in the west.

2. నిరి్థష్టమైన వ్యకు
్త లు, వసు
్త వుల పేర్ల ముందు The వాడాలి. The boy I met yesterday is good, The story you told is awesome.

3. రెండో సారి చెప్పబడిన nounsకి ముందు The వాడాలి. I have a book. The book is interesting. I have a friend. The Friend is very crazy

4. పర్వతాలు, నదులు, సముదా

్ర లూ, కొండలు, దీ్వపాలు, కాలవలకి ముందు I swam in the Bay Of Bengal, I went to the Himalayas last year.

5. గొప్ప సా్థనంలో ఉన్న Adjectivesకి ముందు The వాడాలి. English is the most important language, Telugu is the most melodious language.

6. ఫస్ట్, లాస్ట్, సెకండ్ వంటి ఆరి్డనల్ నెంబర్లకి ముందు The వాడాలి. I go to college by the first bus, everyday, I return home by the last bus.

7. ఒక వ్యకి్త లేదా వసు

్త వు యొక్క కా్లస్ని చెపే్ప adjectivesకి ముందు The వాడాలి The rich should help the poor, We should help the blind.

8. కంపేర్ చేసేటపు్పడు More, Less లాంటివి వాడుతుంటే The వాడాలి. The more you speak, the less I understand, The less you speak, the more I understand.

9. Holy Books పేర్లకి ముందు The వాడాలి. The read the Ramayana, He reads the Bible.

10. ఒక వరా
్గ నికి పా
్ర తినిధ్యం వహించే సింగు్యలర్ నౌన్కి ముందు The వాడాలి. The rose is a beautiful flower, The dog is a faithful animal.

11. హిసా్టరికల్ ఈవెంట్స్కి ముందు The వాడాలి. The First World War broke out in the year 1914.

12. మూ్యజికల్ ఇన్సు

్ట ్రమెంట్స్ పేర్లకి ముందు The వాడాలి. I play the sitar, He plays the guitar.

13. చారిత్రక కట్టడాల పేర్లకి ముందు the వాడాలి. I visited the Taj Mahal, I want to see the Chaminar.

14. ఒక దేశం, పా
్ర ంతం మొతా
్త నికి పా
్ర తినిధ్యం వహించే Nounsకి ముందు వాడాలి The Telugu speak Telugu, The Telugu can also speak English

15. రైళు
్ల , ఓడలు, ఫై్లట్ల పేర్లకి ముందు The వాడాలి. The Simhapuri Express will start in the next 20 Mins, I travelled by the Godavari Express

16. వతి్త చెపా్పలనుకున్న nounలకి ముందు the వాడాలి. He is the man I like the most, She is the girl I love the most.

17. కొని్న దేశాల పేర్లకి ముందు the వాడాలి. I had been to the United States, She wants to sellte in the USA

18. నూ్యస్ పేపరు

్ల , మేగజైన్స్ పేర్లకి ముందు the వాడాలి. I read the Computer Era magazine, I read the Indian Express.

19. శరీర భాగాల పేర్లకి ముందు the వాడాలి. I have a pimple on the right cheek, He pulled a car with the left hand.

20. ఒక సంయుక్త ఎక్స్పె్రషన్లో మొదటి పదానికి ముందు The వాడాలి. He is the director and chief coach, He is the singer and dancer.

21. అవారు
్డ లు, రివారు
్డ ల పేర్లకి ముందు the వాడాలి He won the Bharat Ratna, She won the Oscar Award

22. సె్పసిఫిక్గా ఒక దాని్న పాయింట్ ఔట్ చేసి చెపే్పటపు్పడు the వాడాలి On the day food is not good, The car is repaired, The shirt is not good, The blue shirt is gifted by my friend.

The ఎపు్పడు వాడకూడదు అంటే..

1. Proper nounలకు ముందు The వాడకూడదు I'm living in the Visakhapatnam అనకూడదు, He is working in the Delhi అని కూడా అనకూడదు

2. Abstract nounలకి ముందు the వాడకూడదు He has the wisdom, She has the knowledge అనకూడదు

3. సాధారణ అర్థంలో పూ్యరల్ నౌన్స్ వాడినపు్పడు the వాడకూడదు The students have to read books అనకూడదు, The teachers have to be honest అని కూడా అనకూడదు.

4. గేమ్స్ పేర్లకి ముందు the వాడకూడదు I play the cricket, I watch the football అనకూడదు

5. భాషల పేర్లకి ముందు the వాడకూడదు. I speak the English, I learn the Frence అనకూడదు.

6. రంగుల పేర్లకి ముందు the వాడకూడదు I like the blue, I don't like the pink అనకూడదు.

7. సీజన్స్ పేర్ల ముందు the వాడకూడదు. I enjoy in the winter, Idon't like the summer అనకూడదు

8. రోజుల పేర్ల ముందు the వాడకూడదు I met my friend on the Saturday, He wrote a letter on the Monday అనకూడదు

9. నెలల పేర్ల ముందు కూడా the వాడకూడదు He joined college in the April, She wrote exams in the March అనకూడదు

10. జబు్బల పేర్ల ముందు the వాడకూడదు he is suffering with the Cold, He is suffering with the Flu అనకూడదు.

11. భోజనం పేర్ల ముందు the వాడకూడదు I have the lunch, He had the dinner అనకూడదు

Summary Every Helping verb has 5 Usages. It can be used as Noun, Adjective, Adverb of the place, Ing or progressive form, Passive Voice

Noun Adjective Adverb of the place Ing Form Passive Voice

AM: I am a CEO I am a wise CEO I am there at IBM I am conducting a meeting with the clients I am presented with best business Man award by Govt.
Is: She is a teacher She is a talented teachers She is there at Little Flowers She is teaching the subject to the students She is appreciated by her principal.
Are: They are cricketers They are great Cricket Players. They are there at the stadium They are playing the match They are rewarded by the BCCI
Was: He was a lawyer He was a professional lawyer He was there at High Court He was discussing about the case He was argued by his fellow lawyer
Shall Be: We shall be singers We shall be great singers We shall be there at Ravindra Bha We shall be singing on the stage tomorrow. We shall be presented by an award tomorrow.
Will Be: He Will be a doctor He will be a commercial doctor He will be there at NIMS hospital He will be practicing in the clinic tomorrow. He will be attended by a seminar in the next month.

Can Be (ఉండగలను) - I Can be a leader I can be a sincere leader. I can be there at TRS Party I can be addressing the people. I can be appreciated by KCR
Could Be (ఉండగలిగాను) - He could be a student He could be a good student He could be there at the class He could be studying the notes He could be awarded a shield by the school.
May Be (ఉండి ఉండొచు్చ) - They may be soldiers They may be a responsible soldiers They may be there at the border They may be protecting the country They may be provided all the facilities by army
Might Be (ఉండి ఉండొచు్చ లీస్ట్) - He might be a CEO He might be a brilliant CEO He might be there at High-Tech He might be programming the code He might be presented an award by the company.
Should Be (ఉండాలి) - We should be cricket players We should be great cricket players We should be there at cricket stad We should be playing cricket We should be provided funds by BCCI
Must Be (ఖచి్చతంగా ఉండాలి) - She must be a singer She must be a good singer She must be there at Tygaraya She must be singing tomorrow She must be gifted a flute by her husband
Would Be (ఒకపు్పడు ఉండేది,ఇపు్పడు ఉంటుంది)- You Would be a learner You Would be a good learner You would be there at the class You would be writing a notes You would be provided all the facilities by your father.

Shoud Have Been చేసూ ్త ఉండి ఉండాలి్సంది - I should have been a trainer I should have been a good trainer I should have been there at institu I should have been teaching the class I should have been presented with a award by the management
MustHaveBeen ఖచి్చతంగాచేసూ ్త ఉండిఉండాలి్సంది I must have been a bank I must have been a responsible bank employee I must have been there at SBI I must have been granting loans to farmers. I must have been appreciated by SBI
May Have Been చేసూ ్త ఉండి ఉండొచు్చ - I may have been a shop keeper I may have been a good shop keeper I may have been there at the shop I may have been selling goods to the customers I may have been rewarded by the owner
Mighthavebeen చేసూ
్త ఉండిఉండొచు్చలీస్ట్- They might have been business They might have been strategic business man They might have been there at com They might have been conducting a meeting

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