Basics of Fire

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Theme based Safety discussion (Safety Tool Box Talk) – Fire Prevention

Fire Service Day- 14th April, 2015

Theme: Fire Prevention is the Best Insurance

Basics of Fire
Three things must be present at the same time to produce fire:
• Enough OXYGEN to sustain combustion
• Enough HEAT to reach ignition temperature
• Some FUEL or combustible material
Together, they produce the CHEMICAL REACTION that is fire
Take away any of these and the fire will be extinguished

Classification of fire (with example)

Class Details Example
Class - A Fires involving Combustible Solids wood, paper, cloth, rubber and some plastics etc.
Class – B Fires involving Flammable Liquids Petrol, diesel, oil, paint, grease etc
Class – C Fire involving Flammable Gases LPG, NG, acetylene, hydrogen, methane etc.
Class - D fires that occur in reactive metals magnesium, titanium and sodium
Class - E Electrical fires CMB, Panel, Transformer etc

Fire hazard areas of L&T

• Diesel Storage Area
• Pressure reducing Station
• Diesel Pump Area
• Gas Cylinder Storage Area
• Paint Storage Area
• DG Set Area

Types of Fire Extinguishers available at L&T

Types of FFE Applicable Fire
ABC Type Multi purpose extinguisher (except D class)
CO2 Type Suitable for B, C & E classes of fire – Don’t use in confined Space
Mechanical Foam Suitable for B class fires
DCP Type Multi purpose extinguisher (except D class)

Identification of Fire Extinguishers

To prevent the fire following points to be considered:
• Make sure that items like cotton waste, thinner, acetone etc. are not stored on the shop floor beyond
a requirement.
• Check gas leakage from Hose joint / connection, Regulators, Valve joint etc. Never check LPG /
Acetylene / Gas leakage with lighted match or other flame.
• Do not use damaged gas hose pipe.
• Ensure that hot spatters are not falling on gas hose or electrical cables or on gas cylinders.
• Flammable material (wood, Paper, DP Waste, DP Containers, Gas cylinders, Paint containers etc.)
should be removed before hot work (welding, cutting, grinding etc.) to be carried out.
• Leakage or spillage of flammable materials must be promptly dealt with and such items must be
stored and handled in a proper container.
• Do not use cardboard box, wooden ply & wooden crated near the heating or gas cutting. Use Flash
Back Arrester while gas cutting.
• Do not leave electrical appliances or equipment continue to be energized when they are not in use.
• Do not use electrical equipment that has poor wiring or loose connection.
• Do not use foam type fire extinguisher or water in electrical fire.
• In preheating activity, check all burners, Gas hoses connections, before start of job preheating.
• Do not allowed hot work and painting work at time at one place.
• While working in confined space also ensure fire extinguishers to be kept nearby.
• Avoid contact of oils, grease or paint with oxygen gas cylinders, there may be an explosion due to
• Learn to operate fire extinguisher & use the correct type of fire extinguisher to control the fire.

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