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Determining the Viscosity of a Liquid Using a Simple Pendulum

Viscosity is defined as the measure of internal friction of a fluid. It is the property that restricts
the flow of the fluid. With the help of a simple pendulum, we measured the viscosity of three fluids-
water, castor oil and glycerin. To do this, we used two models, Stokes law and Landau Lifshitz
law. In both the methods, we applied the basic principles of classical mechanics. Using the above
mentioned laws and by tracking the oscillations of the pendulum in the fluid, using a software called
tracker, we modelled an equation. Solving this equation enabled us to find the viscosity of the
sample fluids.


Viscosity is an extremely important property of a fluid.

Knowing the viscosity of a fluid is essential in many fields
of life. For instance, transportation of fluids, especially
liquids, through pipelines depends heavily on the viscos-
ity of the fluid. The liquid flow is controlled by this
property. Also, the viscosity of a lubricant oil is one of
its characteristic properties- a high viscosity prevents the
lubricant from flowing and a low viscosity doesnt facili-
tate lubrication. In addition, a proper viscosity is vital
in processes such as spraying and surface coating. Vis-
cosity is heavily used even in the food industry, mainly
when liquid media like syrups are required to be pumped
through pipelines for various purposes. Because of its
various uses, we tried to device a model through which
viscosity of a fluid can be determined, using a simple
FIG. 1. The forces acting on a pendulum immersed in a liquid

The buoyant force is given by,
Viscosity is the property of a fluid that restricts its
flow. When a simple pendulum is suspended in a fluid,
damped oscillation takes place. This damping is caused Fb = ρ.g.V
by the drag force of the fluid, which in turn depends on
its viscosity. We set up an experiment where we sus- where ρ is the density of the fluid and V is the volume
pended a pendulum in a liquid medium and recorded its of the water displaced which is equivalent to the volume
oscillations. Using the video, we tried finding the viscos- of the spherical bob(V= 16 .π.d3 ,where d is the diameter
ity based on the extent of damping seen and the behavior of the pendulum,).
of the curve of the oscillations of the pendulum. Stoke’s law states that drag force acting on a spherical
object immersed in a liquid when the Reynold’s number,
Re << 1, is given by the following equation.
Fd = 3π.d.µ.v

When a pendulum is immersed in a liquid, there are where d is the diameter of the pendulum, v is its tangen-
various forces acting on it, namely gravitational force, tial velocity and µ is the viscosity of the fluid.
drag force of the liquid and buoyant force, as shown in However, this law is not always applicable. It breaks
Fig. 1. From the free body diagram of the pendulum, down and its accuracy reduces when the object is large
the forces when resolved give the following equation. and fast moving that it causes turbulence in the flow, its
motion is uniform, its not spherical.This law also requires
the reynolds number to be very small to tackle this prob-
mgsinθ − Fb sinθ − Fd = ma lem, we used a second approach using Landau-Lifshitz
law. From this law, the drag force, Fd on the object
where m is the mass of the pendulum, g is the ac- immersed in a fluid is given by the following equation.
celeration due to gravity, Fb is the bouyant force, Fd is
the drag force and a is the tangential acceleration of the d dx 3 d d2 x
pendulum. Fd = 3π.d.µ(1 + ) + π.d2 (1 + )ρf δ 2
2δ dt 4 9δ dt

where ρf is the density of the fluidq and δ is the penetra-

tion depth, which is given by δ = ρ2µ fω
, where ω is the
frequency of the oscillations.
By substituting the values of Fd , from the information
mentioned above, we arrived at two second order differen-
tial equations, one using Stoke’s law and the other using
Landau-Lifshitz model.
From Stoke’s law, we arrived at the following equation
d2 x 3π.d.µ dx g m − ( 16 ρπ.d3 )
+ + x=0 (1)
dt m dt L m
where L is the length of the inextensible string and ρ
is the density of the fluid. FIG. 2. The Experimental Setup in Castor oil
and from Landau-Lifshitz model, we got the equation
written below.
d2 x dx 3π.d.µ(1 + 2δ )
g ρf πd2
+ + x (m − )=0
dt2 dt m + 34 πd2 (1 + d
9δ ρf δ)
(2) From our experiment, we gathered the following data
We further generalised the equation (1) to the form: related to the displacement of the pendulum from the
mean position and time in each of the media.

d2 x dx
+ 2b + ωo2 .x = 0
dt2 dt
m−( 1 ρπ.d3 )
where b = 3π.d.µ 2
2m and ωo = L
g 6
m .
Equation (2) was generalised to the form:

dx dx
+ 2b + ω02 x = 0
dt2 dt
3 d g ρf πd2
2 π.d.µ(1 + 2δ ) L (m − 6 )
b= and ω02 =
m + 34 πd2 (1 + d
9δ) ρf δ m 3 2
+ 4 πd (1 + 9δd
)ρf δ

On solving the differential equation we found a rela-

tionship between the displacement of the pendulum and
time. The equation obtained is as follows:

x(t) = Ae−bt cos(ω.t + φ)

where A and φ are unknown constants and ω = ωo2 − b2
TABLE I. Data collected when the pendulum was immersed
in water
Using the data, we plotted a displacement-time curve
We suspended a pendulum of mass, m, through an to track the motion of the pendulum. Through curve fit-
inextensible string, of length L, which was then immersed ting, we obtained the values of the unknown parameters
in the fluid under study. The fluids under our study such as ω, φ, A and b. The curves are as shown below. In
were water, castor oil and glycerine. We displaced the the following curves, the blue line is the curve from the
pendulum such that it made a small angle, θ with the experimental data whereas the orange line is the curve
vertical, or the mean position of the string and left it that we sketched from our theoretical model. We tried
for it to oscillate. We recorded the oscillations of the to fit the curve exactly, however, whenever this was not
pendulum over a period of time, which we later analyzed possible, we took the parameters that fit the curve in the
through a modelling tool called Tracker. beginning of the oscillations rather than towards the end
In our case, the mass of the pendulum was 0.096 kg and because a small disturbance in the beginning builds up
its diameter is 0.0251 m. towards the end and causes a bigger error.

were approximately as shown below.

A = 0.09, b = 2.5, ω = 4 and φ = 0

FIG. 3. Oscillations with water as the medium

TABLE II. Data collected when the pendulum was immersed
in Glycerine at a certain concentration

FIG. 4. Oscillation with glycerine as the medium


TABLE III. Data collected when the pendulum was immersed The value of viscosity is hidden in the parameter ’b’.
in castor oil When Stoke’s law is used, then as mentioned earlier,
From this method of curve fitting, we obtained the 2m
following approximate values for our parameters in water: and hence, the value of viscosity, µ can be calculated
A = −0.064, b = 0.22, ω = 5.25 and φ = 0 from the equation
The parameters for the oscillations of the pendulum in µ=
glycerine were approximately found to be as follows.
On using the Landau-Lifshitz model,
A = 0.083, b = 0.44, ω = 5.2 and φ = 0 3 d
2 π.d.µ(1 + 2δ )
In the case of castor oil, the values of the parameters m + 34 πd2 (1 + d
9δ )ρf δ

on the temperature, hence their exact values cannot be

determined from the experiment

As referred to in section IV, Tracker is a video analysis

and modelling tool, built on the open source physics java
framework, designed for physics education. It is a project
of Open Source Physics, hosted By comPADRE.
Some of the features of the software that were useful for
us are:

1. Tracking

• Manual and automated data tracking with po-

sition, velocity and acceleration overlays and
FIG. 5. Oscillation with castor oil as the medium data
• Centre of mass tracks
from where µ can be calculated by substituting the rest • Interactive graphical vectors and vector sums
of the parameters that are known.
From our experiment, for water, the values of µ turned 2. Video
out to be 0.18 and 0.05 using Stoke’s law and Landau-
Lifshitz model respectively. • Free Xuggle video engine plays and records
Glycerine was diluted to a concentration of 63.5%. The most formats
viscosity of this solution was found to be 0.36 using
Stoke’s law and 0.18 using Landau-Lifshitz model. • Video filters
The viscosity of castor oil was calculated to be 2.02 and • Video Properties dialog shows video dimen-
2.28 from the two models respectively. sions, path, frame rate, frame count, more.
We observed that the viscosity was highest in castor
oil, which showed highest damping, followed by glycerine
3. Data generation and analysis
solution, followed by water.
• Fixed or time-varying coordinate system scale,
VII. ERROR ANALYSIS origin and tilt
• Multiple calibration options: tape, stick, cali-
Since Landau-Lifshitz model takes more factors into bration points and/or offset origin
account, the values we got through this would be closer
• Switch easily to center of mass and other ref-
to the actual values.
erence frames
The actual viscosity of water is 8.9 × 10−4
• Data include units (SI metric units by default,
P ercentage Error = 5517% settable length and mass units)
The actual viscosity of the glycerine solution is 3.43 × • Protractors and tape measures provide easy
10−3 distance and angle measurements

P ercentage Error = 5147% • Define custom variables for plotting and anal-
The actual viscosity of castor oil is 0.65
4. Other
P ercentage Error = 250%
• Integrated searchable help and diagnostics
This amount of error is caused because the parameters
obtained through curve fitting in excel are only approx- • Full undo/redo with multiple steps
imate values. Also, the viscosity of the liquids depend

[1] Caluculus and Analytic Geometry by Thomas and Finney [2]

[3] [5] Appendix to the article Pendulum Underwater Viscosity

[4] by J. Leme and A. Oliveira

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