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(Enrollment No.-A19225150032)






I am especially thankful my project guide, Mr Faisal Khan for his valuable
guidance and support that has enabled me to complete the project successfully.

Finally, I acknowledge my deep gratitude to my family for giving me moral

support and Kind co-operation.

My best wishes to all the people of this esteemed organization for their future

(Mahaya Zeb Khan)

Roll No. A19225150032


















I here by declare that the project report entitled: Customer Relationship

Management in a Retail Outlet

A Market Research Project Report on “Customer Relationship

Management in a Retail Outlet” submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the degree of Masters of Business Administration to
Sikkim – Manipal University, India, is my original work and not submitted
for the award of any other degree, diploma, fellowship, or any other similar
title or prizes.

Place: Noida

Date: _________
Registration No. 520865924


The project report of Rohit Gupta (Registration No. 520865924) A Market

Research Project Report on Customer Relationship Management in a Retail
OUtlet” is approved and is acceptable in quality and form.

Internal Examiner External Examiners

(Mr. _________)



has been conducted by at Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd.. I have completed this project,
based on the Primary research, under the guidance of Mr. Shailesh Singh, Manager-

I am obliged to (other persons/organizations) for cooperation during the internship. My

increased spectrum of knowledge in this field is the result of his/their constant
supervision and direction that has helped me to absorb relevant and high quality

I would like to thank Mr. Piyush Sharma & Israr Alam, Faculty Guides for their
guidance and enriching my thoughts in this field from different perspectives.

I would like to thank all the respondents without whose cooperation my study/project
would have been possible/complete.

Last but not the least, I feel indebted to all those persons and organizations who/which
have provided helped directly or indirectly in successful completion of this study.



Today, before every Software sold in the market goes through a tough testing

process. It goes through various tests by various engineers at various segments. This

Testing Industry is booming in India a lot as compared to rest of the world

especially in South India. It gives more importance to Quality and Commitment by

Team members.

Software testing for a long time was centered on fixing bugs in the program only

when the user encountered it. This was more on a demand basis than pre-empting

the problem at the project completion stage. Testing which used to be an after

thought has now evolved into a major activity. Moreover software tools have

changed the landscape, and as a result testing has become a specialized discipline.


 To know the market of Indian Software Testing Industry

 To Study the Importance and usage Software Testing Industry on a wide range

of activities including Testing Procedures, Testing Modules, people involved like

Project Manager etc.

 To gain knowledge & come to know various aspects in this industry & gain

knowledge in the field of Project Management

Research Methodology

Primary Data:

 Questionnaire

Secondary Data:

 Books

 Internet

 Magazines



Software testing is any activity aimed at evaluating an attribute or capability of a

program or system and determining that it meets its required results.

Software Testing is the process of executing a program or system with the intent of

finding errors. Although crucial to software quality and widely deployed by

programmers and testers, software testing still remains an art, due to limited

understanding of the principles of software. The purpose of testing can be quality

assurance, verification and validation, or reliability estimation. Testing can be used as a

generic metric as well. Correctness testing and reliability testing are two major areas of

testing. Software testing is a trade-off between budget, time and quality.

Testing is usually performed for the following purposes:

1. To Improve quality

2. For verification & validation (V&V)

3. For reliability extension

Testing is an integral part in software development. It is broadly deployed in every

phase in the software development cycle. Typically, more than 50% percent of the

development time is spent in testing.

Testing requires very sophisticated knowledge and a lot of experience and expertise.

One must know that testing goes hand in hand with product development.

A kind of Software’s which are tested:

 Accounting software

 Anti virus software

 Finance Application Software

 Telecommunication software

 Gaming software

 Internet application tools

 Internet Security Application software

 Language Translation software

 Multimedia software

Software Testing Market

 The size of the Indian testing market is

estimated at $300 Million.

 Industry experts point out that testing has

seen excellent growth in India in the past 18


 Indian market is growing faster than the

global average

 Testing is expected to see growth rates in

excess of 100% for the next 5 years

 India has the potential to corner 70% of the worldwide market

 It could exceed US$8 billion by 2008.

 Testing business in India was $200 million in 2003-04 and this could increase to

$700mn-$1 billion by the year 2007 – META

 Over 50% of the SCI CMM Level 5 IT organizations in the world are located in


Essentially, the software testing market in India would include:

 Testing related to IT spending within the domestic market.

 Testing related to IT development currently off shored to India

 Independent dedicated testing services for large IT users for IT development

activity across the globe.

"The Indian IT software and services sector is on track to achieve its long term target

aspiration of US$ 77 billion (excluding e-commerce transactions of $10 billion).

- Mr. Arun Kumar, Chairman, Nasscom

According to the revised Nasscom-McKinsey Study 2002, by 2008 the industry would

employ 4 million people, account for 7 percent of India's GDP and 30 percent of India's

foreign exchange inflows."

Potential for Indian Software & Service Industry by 2008

Category $ Billion

 IT Services Exports 28 – 30

 ITES Exports 21 – 24

 Product & Technology Services 08 – 11

 Domestic Market 13 - 15

Total 70 – 80

India currently spends only 1.1% of its GDP on IT when compared to the US which

spends 5% of its GDP on IT. While India has been lagging in developing a vibrant

domestic market, this market will become significant, particularly for smaller players

who will need to tap this market to build scale. The domestic market can act as a test

bed for innovation and new services; it can support rapid accumulation of higher value-

added skills and attract back high quality Diaspora."

ITES: Expanding opportunities

Speaking on the potential of the ITES sector, Mr. Karnik, said, "Today India and Ireland

surpass all other competitors in terms of employment, number of companies sourcing

ITES and the spectrum of verticals and services lines they offer. The IT Enabled

Services sector in India has steadily increased its share in the overall IT software and

services industry, from a low of 6.5% in 1998-99 to almost 20% in 2001-02. The Indian

ITES Industry is also expected to account for 37% of the total IT software and Services

export market in India by 2008."

Off-shoring opportunities for Indian ITES players exist both across a wide range of

processes as well as across multiple verticals. Banking and insurance are likely to

provide the maximum opportunity driven by the high cost base and high extent of

offshorable processes in these verticals.

In addition, six other verticals - telecom, retailing, utilities, automotive, computer and

pharmaceuticals, also offer immense growth potential.

ITES opportunities by 2008

Value of software and services export is estimated
Service Lines $billion
to have increased by 30 percent to US$12.5 billion HR 3.5 - 4

in 2003-04. The Software Technology Parks of Customer Care 8 - 8.5

Payment services 3 - 3.5
India have reported software exports of Rs. 31,578
Content development
crore (US$ 6,947 million) during April - December 2.5 - 3
and others
2004- 05 as against Rs. 22,678 crore (US$ 4,913) Administration 1.5 - 2
during the corresponding period last year. Finance 2.5 - 3
Total 21 - 24

In information technology (IT), India has built up valuable brand equity in the global

markets. In IT-enabled services (ITES), India has emerged as the most preferred

destination for business process outsourcing (BPO), a key driver of growth for the

software industry and the services sector.

Scope & Challenges

IT has proved to be the country’s fastest growing industry segment in last 10 years. The

countries industrial landscape has been transformed in recent past as knowledge driven


Companies, who were able to align their offerings according to the market demands and

establish a brand with attributes that were relevant to these segments, emerged

successful. This has been particularly true in the case SMEs (Small and Medium

Enterprises). There are great success stories to prove that despite the challenging market

environment, niche SME players with sound business models grew. The SME sector

will be a key ingredient for sustaining future growth of the Indian software and services

industry. However, SMEs will have to align their offerings according to the demands of

the industry to emerge successful in the end.

Huge growth opportunities exist for Indian SMEs. To tap the potential that exists in the

domestic and export markets, SMEs in India would have to prepare themselves for the

following challenges.

The challenge that the Indian software and services industry faces is that despite its

rather large size, the SME market continues to remain low-key in terms of revenues and

global reach. However, according to NASSCOM estimates, approximately 50-60

percent of the industry revenues will be from SME segment by 2008. Currently this

figure is less than 10-15 per cent. The Indian software and services exports industry has

a pyramid structure, with a handful of companies with revenues of above Rs.10 billion

(US$ 210 million). The industry is maturing which is validated by the fact that the
Structure of Indian Software Exports Industry
number of
Number of Companies

companies Annual Turnover 2001-02 2002-03 with

Above Rs 1,000 crore 5 7
Rs 500 crore – Rs 1,000 crore 5 5
revenues Rs 250 crore - Rs 500 crore 15 15
Rs 100 crore – Rs 250 crore 27 43
above Rs. 1 Rs 50 crore – Rs 100 crore 55 73
Rs 10 crore – Rs 50 crore 220 244
billion (US$ Below 10 crore 2483 2644 21
2810 3031
Note: In 2002-03, companies under Rs 10 crore revenues include non-NASSCOM
million) has member companies

grown from 52 in

2001-02 to 70 in 2002-03.

 At the small and medium enterprise level, there has been rapid growth, with the

number of companies with revenues of less than Rs. 500 million (US$ 10

million) expanding to 2,888 players in 2002-03, from 2,703 in 2001-02.

 Small companies, with revenues of less than Rs. 1 billion, account for 12-14

percent of the market, and many have witnessed a slow growth due to excessive

dependence on staff augmentation.

In general, it is believed that scale does matter in IT services business. While true, it

does not in any way imply that most small and mid-sized enterprises are doomed to

failure. Constant technological churn and the lure of entrepreneurial success have led to

many small and medium companies flourishing in the IT services market. The key to

survival for a company has, therefore, not been size but innovation and the ability to

spot market discontinuities rapidly.

Globally, SME has played very vital role in strengthening the economy of a country.

SME role is also growing in Indian economy. National capital region is one of the most

vibrant region, where Small and medium IT companies (Turnover<10cr) have grown to

790. - Capital online. To sustain the growth & leaders advantage, identifying new areas

become very crucial. In recent years, areas like Software Product Development, Quality

Engineering (Software Testing &Quality Assurance), have been identified as emerging

areas. Quality engineering, the emerging IT Deming Scale offers tremendous scope.

Quality engineering, which is already an important part of software development

lifecycle, is now identified as high growth niche areas. The new emerging standard,

quality consciousness and increasing penalties on vendors are prime movers behind its


According to the industry experts, the global outsourcing testing market opportunity in

the current year has been estimated at $4.5 billion, of which, nearly $3 billion will be

off shored to cheaper destinations. India has the potential to corner 70 per cent of the

worldwide market (Year 2004). – Gartner

Industry observers say the Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for the

independent outsourced testing market is projected at 56 per cent over the next four


In addition, the CAGR for independent offshore testing is even higher. It stands at 92

per cent.

In fact, some smart software firms have rightly sensed this booming opportunity and

have started forming independent practices to address the emerging space of software

testing. The potential that exists in the software testing space is more or less the same as

what the off shoring model offers.

With the entry of the Internet, computers and software are no longer restricted to the

role of internal decision-support tools. Today, products from cars to computers and

mobile phones to washing machines have some kind of software in them and it's only

going to increase further, which only means that this industry will offer huge scope and

exposure in the year to come.

In the current scenario, software testing is also known as quality engineering. As more

and more number of software’s are being invented, professionals are also taking pains to

detect the bugs in the software in order to fix them.

It also believes that the need for outsourcing of software testing would eventually come

even from software service companies. NCR one of most favorable destination for IT

companies has seen mushrooming of small and medium IT companies. With more and

more consumers demanding that software vendors be held responsible for the security

vulnerabilities in their products, the demand for testing of software products and

certification is bound to grow. While testing has always been an integral part of any

software development process, customers and even vendors are keen to get their

software tested by a company that has not played a part in the development process.

With well-established credentials on the quality front, India surely has the potential to

emerge as the leader in a space that has not yet appeared on the radar screen of most


With increasing demand and necessity of Software testing and quality assurance, small

& medium IT companies will prefer to outsource the work to a third party. In addition,

some of the existing software companies in the SME sector cannot afford financially to

setup their own in-house software testing and quality assurance facility.

Need Analysis & Scope of Quality Engineering

Quality engineering is already a very important step in Software Project Development

Life Cycle. Project qualitative standard are very much decided by availability of

effective correction mechanism. In coming era, with the increasing use of software,

quality parameter could be a deciding factor. There is strong possibility that new

Deming scale could be devised in IT industry. Defective software has the potential to

wreak havoc. However, in a highly competitive industry and in the rush to meet

deadlines, most software companies developing a product or service have often

overlooked this crucial aspect. But as security awareness rises and vendors realize that

paying for testing products today is better rather than risking business failure tomorrow,

the software testing industry has come into prominence.

Establishing a Quality engineering facility, which is integral part of any software

development lifecycle, can set new standard in IT such as:

 Objectivity - Independent third party testing brings objectivity, rigor and

transparency to the testing and defect-reporting process.

 Testing domain experts at one platform- Testing lifecycle require different test

skills (manual execution, automation, regression, compliance, sustained

engineering etc.) Outsourcing can ensure the right expertise is leveraged at the

right time for the right effort without impact on internal resources.

 Cost Effective component- Customers can reduce costs by deploying a cost-

effective execution Plan. Outsourcing testing offers the flexibility of having a

large test team, only when needed. This reduces the carrying costs and at the

same time reduces the ramp up time and costs associated with hiring and

training temporary personnel.

 Customers can compress time-to-market by outsourcing parallel activities in the

product life cycle.

 Several aspects of testing, though mission critical, are non-core to a company's

business model, and hence outsourcing the function allows the customer to

devote more resources to core, mission-critical activities.

 Independent assessment - Independent test team looks afresh at each test

project while bringing with them the experience of earlier test assignments, for

different clients, on multiple platforms and across different domain areas.

 Save time - Testing can go in parallel with the software development life cycle

to minimize the time needed to develop the software.

Small and medium industry has also realized the need of Quality of deliverables.

Although quality engineering is emerging as one of the important aspect in IT industry

but increasing competition amongst the Small & medium IT companies, depleting

margins are driving them to look for an affordable option.

Focusing on Indian IT Companies

India is one of the most popular outsourcing locations. Technology companies here

possess skills and expertise that are among the finest in the business.

The reasons for choosing India for outsourcing are:

 Availability of testers and their use of automated tools.

 Indian software testing companies can offer testing services at a fraction of the

cost it is in most other parts of the world.

 Quality work

 Delivery time.

There may be certain fears or doubts that people may have related to outsourcing their

software testing work to India like:

 Expertise in automated testing

 Whether the Indian service provider can satisfy the testing criterion defined.

 Time to deliver.

 Domain knowledge


“India is poised to capture a major share of the worldwide software testing

market. This is because of the established and dominant IT service sector,

presence of organizations with matured processes and practices,

and the versatile IT skill-set of testing professionals.”

- Arun kumar Khannur

Managing director, Quality Solutions for Information Technology

The concepts of process or capability maturity are increasingly being applied to many

aspects of product development, both as a means of assessment and as part of a

framework for improvement. Maturity models have been proposed for a range of

activities including quality management, software development, supplier relationships,

R&D effectiveness, product development, innovation, product design, product

development collaboration and product reliability.

Quality is a measure of the reliability, stability, and performance of the target-of-test

(system or application-under-test). Quality is based on evaluating test results and

analyzing change requests (defects) identified during testing.

The quality practices in the Indian IT industry have evolved through three distinct

stages. The first stage is the creation of basic processes to handle all activities relating to

order fulfillment. Many companies demonstrated this by aligning their Quality

Management Systems (QMS) with ISO 9001 standards. This ensured consistent and

orderly execution of customer engagements and provided a framework for measurable


The second stage is associated with a focus on software engineering, which is often

achieved by aligning the QMS with the CMM framework and undergoing one or more

assessments at increasing levels of maturity. This leads to a situation where India now

has far more SEI CMM Level 5 companies than any other country in the world.

The third stage is driven by the desire to institute processes, metrics and a framework

for improvement in all areas including those relating to sales, billing and collection,

people management and after sales support. This is characterized by companies aligning

their internal practices with the People CMM framework and by the use of the Six

Sigma methodology for reducing variation and assuring "end-to-end" quality in all

company operations.

The journey through these stages is ensured progressively greater engagement of the

workforce both in terms of numbers as well as the degree, making the quality culture

increasingly pervasive. This increasing engagement has also meant increasing use of

friendly and accessible tools to automate workflow, to collect and process metrics and

to facilitate collaboration across geographically dispersed teams. The journey has also

led to the emergence of a culture of managing increasingly by numbers.

"India has the potential to corner 70 per cent ($1.82 billion) of the outsourced

testing market. The compounded annual growth rate for the independent

outsourced testing market is estimated at 56 per cent while the independent

offshore testing has been estimated at 92 per cent over the next four years”

- Mr. Khannur

Indian IT Companies – Cost & Quality Advantage

While the offshore phenomenon may have started on cost, Indian IT service vendors

have proved that cost competitiveness is not the only advantage they have to offer.

Today, Indian companies are recognized as much for their high degree of quality

orientation – achieved by building superior process and project management


Since the inception of the IT industry in India, players within the country have been

focusing on quality initiatives, to align themselves with international standards. The

industry has set in place processes and procedures for offering world class IT software

products and services. The focus on maintaining high quality has lead to an increasing

number of companies getting assessed at key quality standards.

As of June 1, 2005 India has 92 companies at SEI CMM Level 5 assessment. The

quality maturity of Indian software and ITES-BPO industry can be measured from the

fact that already 275 Indian software and ITES-BPO companies have acquired quality

certification and about 80 more companies are in pipeline.

The emphasis on quality is just as predominant in the ITES-BPO industry. Today most

Indian ITES-BPO companies adhere to world class quality standards, have a dedicated

quality department responsible for developing and deploying the organization’s quality

policies and undertake periodic reviews of their quality processes – which are

conducted by their own senior management team as well as members from the client


Global Quality Certifications

The following are the important quality certifications used in the global IT-ITES

industry. Several leading Indian companies have included a combination of these

certifications into their quality practices:

 ISO 9000

 SEI – CMM Model – Capability Maturity Model

 P-CMM – People Capability Maturity Model

 CMMi

 Six Sigma

ISO 9000

International Stands Organisation (ISO) 9000 Series, a European Standard, is an

International Set of documents on quality assurance, written by members of a

worldwide delegation known as ISO/Technical Committee 176

The ISO 9000 series consists of five documents; 3 core quality system documents, that

are models of quality assurance, namely ISO 9001 – model for quality assurance in

design / development production, installation and servicing; ISO 9002 – model for


production and installation. ISO 9003 – model for quality assurance in final inspection

and test; and two supporting guidelines documents, namely ISO 9000 and ISO 9004.


The Capability Maturity Model for Software (also known as the CMM and SW-CMM)

has been a model used by many organizations to identify best practices useful in helping

them increase the maturity of their processes.

The CMM describes the principles and practices underlying software process maturity.

It is intended to help software organizations improve the maturity of their software

processes in terms of an evolutionary path from ad hoc, chaotic processes to mature,

disciplined software processes.

The focus is on identifying key process areas and the exemplary practices that may

comprise a disciplined software process. The maturity framework provided by CMM

establishes a context in which:

Practices can be repeated; if you don't repeat an activity there is no reason to improve it.

There are policies, procedures, and practices that commit the organization to

implementing and performing consistently.

Best practices can be rapidly transferred across groups. Practices are defined

sufficiently to allow for transfer across project boundaries, thus providing some

standardization for the organization.

Variations in performing best practices are reduced. Quantitative objectives are

established for tasks; and measures are established, taken, and maintained to form a

base-line from which an assessment is possible. Practices are continuously improved to

enhance capability (optimizing).

Structure of CMM

1. Maturity Levels

A layered framework providing a progression to the discipline needed to engage in

continuous improvement (It is important to state here that an organization develops the

ability to assess the impact of a new practice, technology, or tool on their activity.

Hence it is not a matter of adopting these, rather it is a matter of determining how

innovative efforts influence existing practices. This really empowers projects, teams,

and organizations by giving them the foundation to support reasoned choice.)

2. Key Process Areas

Key process area (KPA) identifies a cluster of related activities that, when performed

collectively, achieve a set of goals considered important.

3. Goals

The goals of a key process area summarize the states that must exist for that key process

area to have been implemented in an effective and lasting way. The extent to which the

goals have been accomplished is an indicator of how much capability the organization

has established at that maturity level. The goals signify the scope, boundaries, and intent

of each key process area.

4. Common Features

Common features include practices that implement and institutionalize a key process

area. These five types of common features include: Commitment to Perform, Ability to

Perform, Activities Performed, Measurement and Analysis, and Verifying


5. Key Practices

The key practices describes the elements of infrastructure and practice that contribute

most effectively to the implementation institutionalization of the key process areas.


The P-CMM, is an adaptation of CMM concepts focused on developing the

organization's human capabilities, especially the talent in software and information

systems development. The motivation for the P-CMM is to radically improve the ability

of software organizations to attract, develop, motivate, organize, and retain the talent

needed to steadily improve software development capability.

The strategic objectives pursued in the P-CMM are to:

 Improve the capability of software organizations by increasing the capability of

their staff

 Ensure that software development capability is an attribute of the organization

rather than of a few individuals

 Align the motivation of the staff with those of the organization

 Retain assets (i.e., people with extensive skills and capabilities) within the


The P-CMM includes practices in the areas of:

 Staffing (includes recruiting, selection and planning)

 Managing performance

 Training

 Compensation

 Work environment

 Career development

 Organizational and individual competence

 Mentoring and coaching

 Team and culture development

Need for the People Capability Maturity Model

 Ensure that software development capability is an attribute of the organization

rather than of a few individuals

 Align the motivation of individuals with that of the organization

 Retain human assets (i.e., people with critical knowledge and skills) within the


Structure of People CMM

The People CMM document describes the People CMM, the key practices that

constitute each of its maturity levels, and information on how to apply it in guiding

organizational improvements. It describes an organization's capability for developing its

workforce at each maturity level. It describes how the People CMM can be applied as a

standard for assessing workforce practices and as a guide in planning and implementing

improvement activities.

Maturity Levels in the People CMM

Level I: The Initial Level

 Inconsistency in performing practices
 Displacement of responsibility
 Ritualistic practices
 An emotionally detached workforce
 Establishes a foundation in managing performance that can be
enhanced with more sophisticated practices at higher levels.

Level II: The Repeatable Level

 Focuses on establishing basic practices in units that

address immediate problems
 Prepare managers to implement more sophisticated
practices at higher levels

Level III: The Defined Level

 Objective of the Defined Level is to help an organization gain a

competitive advantage by developing the various competencies that
must be combined in its workforce to accomplish its business activities.
 The organization builds an organization-wide framework of workforce
competencies that establishes the architecture of the organization's

Level IV: The Managed Level

 The organization is now able to manage its capability and performance
 Management senses less risk in empowering workgroups
 It’s willing to delegate increasingly greater levels of authority for
managing day-to-day operations and for performing some of their own
workforce practices.

Level V: The Optimizing Level

 Maturity Level 5 organizations treat change management as an
ordinary business process to be performed in an orderly way on a
regular basis.
 Individuals are encouraged to make continuous improvements to
their personal work processes by analyzing their work and making
necessary process enhancements.
 The workforce capability of Maturity Level 5 organizations is
continually improving.


Six Sigma is a methodology that provides business with the tools to improve the

capability of their business processes. This increase in performance and decrease in

process variation leads to defect reduction and vast improvement in profits, employee

morale and quality of product.

Six Sigma is a rigorous and a systematic mythology that utilizes information

(management by facts) and statistical analysis to measure and improve a company's

operational performance, practice and systems by identifying and preventing 'defects' in

manufacturing and service related processes in order to anticipate and exceed

expectations of all stakeholders to accomplish effectiveness.

Six Sigma at many organizations simply means a measure of quality that strives for near

perfection. Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for

eliminating defects (driving towards six standard deviations between the mean and the

nearest specification limit) in any process -- from manufacturing to transactional and

from product to service.

The statistical representation of Six Sigma describes quantitatively how a process is

performing. To achieve Six Sigma, a process must not produce more than 3.4 defects

per million opportunities. A Six Sigma defect is defined as anything outside of customer

specifications. A Six Sigma opportunity is then the total quantity of chances for a defect.

Process sigma can easily be calculated using a Six Sigma calculator.

Six Sigma methodology is prescriptive in nature, applicable to all processes and

services, detailing ‘how’ the activities are to be performed. Six Sigma follows

management by objectives, by building processes to the customer's expectations, by

minimizing variation around the target. Performance evaluation is based on achieving

local optimums of the targets/goals set by the management as per the customer’s

expectations and/or benchmarking, to improve the quality of both, processes and

products. It involves building customer-centric processes from an outside-in


The term ‘Sigma’ (s) describes the variability in projects/processes and explains how

often defects are likely to occur. A higher sigma quality level indicates a process that is

less likely to create defects. A 6s quality level is said to equate to 3.4 defects per million

opportunities (DPMO). The reliance on performance metrics coupled with statistical

analysis has made practitioners adopt 6s over other quality tools/programs.

As it evolved, Six Sigma acquired multiple interpretations by practitioners. Precisely it

is a “disciplined and relentless pursuit for customer delight, higher levels of quality and

lower levels of total cost”.

Six Sigma focuses on improving quality (i.e., reduce waste) by helping organizations

produce products and services better, faster and cheaper. In other words, Six Sigma

focuses on defect prevention, cycle time reduction, and cost savings – ultimately

leading to an improved bottom line for the organization.

Six Sigma involves the use of statistical tools, within a structured methodology, for

gaining the knowledge required to deliver products and services that are better and more

cost effective than what the competition is offering. This quantified and objective

process enables faster and easier decision making. Repeated and consistent application

of Six Sigma will recreate the processes so that defects and errors never arise in the first

place. The list of tools and techniques encapsulated in Six Sigma may be similar to

other approaches, however the methodological framework into which they fit and the

overall structure of a Six Sigma effort distinguish it from other approaches.

Hence Six Sigma is:

1. A business Initiative, to build and sustain competitive advantage

2. A disciplined Data-driven Approach to solving business problems- helps

managers look beyond opinions and gut feel, towards numbers and

concrete objectives

3. A customer focused methodology for continuous improvement of

processes & products


 Reduction of commissioning costs  Maintenance is very high of H/W,
S/W, Models
 In-house training for engineers
 Specialists how-how required


 Reduction of commissioning costs  Cost benefit ratio is lost

 Technology – Specific know – how

becomes obsolete


Test Strategy & Test Plan

A Test Plan, which is a document that collects and organizes test cases by functional

areas and/or types of testing in a form that can be presented to the other teams and/or


A Test Strategy is a documented approach to testing where the test effort, test domain,

test configurations, and test tools employed to verify and validate a set of functionality

are defined. It also includes information on schedules, resource allocations, and staff

utilization. This information is crucial to allow the test team (Test) to be as organized

and effective as possible.

What includes in the Test Strategy?

The following is a list of some of the sections that are typically included in the Test

Strategy document.


 Contains an overview of the project

 Lists related documents and references, document conventions

 Assumptions made in the course of creating the strategy


 Describes the scope of the test team's involvement in the project

 Describes the test areas Test is responsible for and why

 It also defines the areas for which Test is not responsible

 Resources & Schedule for Test Activities

 Describes the resources available and their roles

 Includes a schedule overview for the project, making sure the estimated time for

the testing activities and milestone dates are present.

 The build schedule can also be included if available

Acceptance Criteria

 Defines the minimum criteria that a product must achieve before it is shipped.

Test environment

 Describes the hardware and software platforms that are used for testing,

 Describes including Client/Server configuration, Network, etc...

 And what will be tested in each platform.


 Describes the tools used for test case management

 Defect reporting and test automation.

 Test Priorities

 Describes the priorities of the test effort during:

 The test planning

 Test automation

 Test data creation

 Test execution phases

Test Planning

 Describes such activities as requirements review and test analysis to determine

a list of suitable tests required for verification of the product.

 It also describes how the tests are expanded into full test cases, complete with

descriptions, reproduction steps, and expected results.

Executing a Test Pass

 Describes how the test pass execution is performed, and when the testing is

executed, in accordance with the types of testing to be performed.

 For example, test cases that are critical are tested first to ensure the build has

the minimum functionality required before further testing.

Types of testing to be performed

 Defines the different types of testing to be performed, and the extent to which

Test will be carrying out each type of testing. The most common types of testing

types are:

1. Build Verification Tests

2. Functionality Testing

3. User Interface Testing

4. Usability Testing

5. Error Handling

6. System Platform

7. Stress Testing

8. Performance Testing

9. Installation Testing

10. Print Testing

11. Localization Testing

12. Regression testing

Risks and Issues

 Lists of outstanding risks and issues related to the test effort.

Development Process & Types of Testing

V Model

Development process and testing process go hand in hand side by side. They both rely

on each other. The level of test is the primary focus of a system and derives from the

way a software system is designed and built up. Conventionally this is known as the

"V" model, which maps the types of test to each stage of development.

Development process includes:

 Business Care

 Requirements

 System Specification

 System Design

 Component Design

Main software testing types are:

 Component

 Interface

 System

 Acceptance

 Release

Development process

1. Business Case

The first step in development is a business investigation followed by a "Business Case"

produced by the customer for a system. This outlines a new system, or change to an

existing system, which it is anticipated will deliver business benefits, and outlines the

costs expected when developing and running the system.

2. Requirements

The next broad step is to define a set of "Requirements", which is a statement by the

customer of what the system shall achieve in order to meet the need. These involve both

functional and non-functional requirements.

3. System Specification

"Requirements" are then passed to developers, who produce a "System Specification".

This changes the focus from what the system shall achieve to how it will achieve it by

defining it in computer terms, taking into account both functional and non-functional


4. System Design

Other developers produce a "System Design" from the "System Specification". This

takes the features required and maps them to various components, and defines the

relationships between these components. The whole design should result in a detailed

system design that will achieve what is required by the "System Specification".

5. Component Design

Each component then has a "Component Design", which describes in detail exactly how

it will perform its piece of processing.

Component Construction

Finally each component is built, and then is ready for the test process.

Component Testing

Starting from the bottom the first test level is "Component Testing", sometimes called

Unit Testing. It involves checking that each feature specified in the "Component

Design" has been implemented in the component.

W Model

The W-Model attempts to address shortcomings in the V-Model. The W-Model focuses

on the development products themselves. Essentially, every development activity that

produces a work product is “shadowed” by a test activity.

The purpose of the test activity specifically is to determine whether the objectives of a

development activity have been met and the deliverable meets its requirements. In its

most generic form, the W-Model presents a standard development lifecycle with every

development stage mirrored by a test activity. On the left hand side, typically, the

deliverables of a development activity (for example, write requirements) is

accompanied by a test activity “test the requirements” and so on.

If a organization has a different set of development stages, then the W-Model is easily

adjusted to their situation. The important thing is this: the W-Model of testing focuses

specifically on the product risks of concern at the point where testing can be most


The W-Model and static test techniques.

Focus on the static test techniques, one can see that there is a wide range of techniques

available for evaluating the products of the left hand side. Inspections, reviews,

walkthroughs, static analysis, requirements animation as well as early test case

preparation can all be used.

The W-Model and dynamic test techniques.

If we consider the dynamic test techniques you can see that there is also a wide range of

techniques available for evaluating executable software and systems. The traditional

unit, integration, system and acceptance tests can make use of the functional test design

and measurement techniques as well as the non-functional test techniques that are all

available for use to address specific test objectives.

The W-Model removes the artificial constraint of having the same number of dynamic

test stages as development stages. If there are five development stages concerned with

the definition, design and construction of code in a project, it might be sensible to have

only three stages of dynamic testing only. Component, system and acceptance testing

might fit the normal way of working. The test objectives for the whole project would be

distributed across three stages, not five.

There may be practical reasons for doing this and the decision is based on an evaluation

of product risks and how best to address them:

 The W-Model does not enforce a project “symmetry” that does not (or cannot)

exist in reality.

 The W-model does not impose any rule that later dynamic tests must be based

on documents created in specific stages (although earlier documentation

products are nearly always used as baselines for dynamic testing).

In projects using these methods, requirements and designs might be documented in

multiple models so system testing might be based on several of these models (spread

over several documents).

The use of W-Model in test strategy as follows:

1. Having identified the specific risks of concern, we specify the products that need

to be tested.

2. We then select test techniques (static reviews or dynamic test stages) to be used

on those products to address the risks

3. We then schedule test activities as close as practicable to the development

activity that generated the products to be tested.

Types of Testing

The market for testing tools can be divided into two broad streams—application and

web testing tools. An application test tool evaluates the software’s source code,

functionality etc. A web testing tool addresses requirements like HTML testing, load

/traffic management among others.

1. Interface Testing

As the components are constructed and tested they are then linked together to check if

they work with each other. It is a fact that two components that have passed all their

tests, when connected to each other produce one new component full of faults.

Interface Testing is not focussed on what the components are doing but on how they

communicate with each other, as specified in the "System Design". The "System

Design" defines relationships between components, and this involves stating:

 What a component can expect from another component in terms of services.

 How these services will be asked for.

 How they will be given.

 How to handle non-standard conditions, i.e. errors.

Tests are constructed to deal with each of these. The tests are organised to check all the

interfaces, until all the components have been built and interfaced to each other

producing the whole system.

2. System Testing

Once the entire system has been built then it has to be tested against the "System

Specification" to check if it delivers the features required. It is still developer focussed,

although specialist developers known as systems testers are normally employed to do it.

In essence System Testing is not about checking the individual parts of the design, but

about checking the system as a whole. In effect it is one giant component.

System testing can involve a number of specialist types of test to see if all the functional

and non-functional requirements have been met. In addition to functional requirements

these may include the following types of testing for the non-functional requirements:

 Performance - Are the performance criteria met?

 Volume - Can large volumes of information be handled?

 Stress - Can peak volumes of information be handled?

 Documentation - Is the documentation usable for the system?

 Robustness - Does the system remain stable under adverse circumstances?

There are many others, the needs for which are dictated by how the system is supposed

to perform.

3. Acceptance Testing

Acceptance Testing checks the system against the "Requirements". It is similar to

systems testing in that the whole system is checked but the important difference is the

change in focus:

 Systems Testing checks that the system that was specified has been delivered.

 Acceptance Testing checks that the system delivers what was requested.

 The customer, and not the developer should always do acceptance testing. The

customer knows what is required from the system to achieve value in the

business and is the only person qualified to make that judgement. To help them

courses and training are available.

 The forms of the tests may follow those in system testing, but at all times they

are informed by the business needs.

4. Release Testing

Even if a system meets all its requirements, there is still a case to be answered that it

will benefit the business. The linking of "Business Case" to Release Testing is looser

than the others, but is still important.

Release Testing is about seeing if the new or changed system will work in the existing

business environment. Mainly this means the technical environment, and checks

concerns such as:

 Does it affect any other systems running on the hardware?

 Is it compatible with other systems?

 Does it have acceptable performance under load?

 These tests are usually run the by the computer operations team in a business.

The answers to their questions could have significant a financial impact if new

computer hardware should be required, and adversely affect the "Business


It would appear obvious that the operations team should be involved right from the start

of a project to give their opinion of the impact a new system may have. They could then

make sure the "Business Case" is relatively sound, at least from the capital expenditure,

and ongoing running costs aspects. However in practise many operations teams only

find out about a project just weeks before it is supposed to go live, which can result in

major problems.

5. Regression Tests

With modern systems one person's system, becomes somebody else's component. It

follows that all the above types of testing could be repeated at many levels in order to

deliver the final value to the business. In fact every time a system is altered.


Testing is potentially endless. We can not stop testing till all the defects are unearthed

and removed — it is simply impossible. At some point, we have to stop testing and ship

the software.

Realistically, testing is a trade-off between budget, time and quality. It is driven by

profit models. The pessimistic and unfortunately most often used approach is to stop

testing whenever some, or any of the allocated resources — time, budget, or test cases

— are exhausted. The optimistic stopping rule is to stop testing when either reliability

meets the requirement, or the benefit from continuing testing cannot justify the testing


This will usually require the use of reliability models to evaluate and predict reliability

of the software under test. Each evaluation requires repeated running of the following

cycle: failure data gathering — modeling — prediction. This method does not fit well

for ultra-dependable systems, however, because the real field failure data will take too

long to accumulate.

Many modern software applications are so complex and run in such an interdependent

environment that complete testing can never be done. Common factors in deciding

when to stop the testing are:

1. Deadlines: Eg: Date of release

2. Test cases passed with certain percentage

3. Test budget has been depleted

4. Requirements reaches a certain point


Software QA and Test Engineers Certifications are given by the following





Project manager

Project Manager is a person who looks after the whole system (client) in relation to

problems, enquiries etc. In selecting the project manager, the entrepreneur should be

attentive as he is the one who would play a major role.

Project Manager can be selected when he has either the following:

1. Eligibility – MBA Degree

2. Project management past experience

3. Can be chosen from a existing member of the organization

He is the one who has to take care of:

 Test Engineer

 Network Administrator

 Technical Support

Starter Program Developers

New developers are selected

1. From campus

2. References

The main criteria are in which starters are selected through:

 Thinking capability

 Problem solving capacity

 Bookish knowledge

Professional Program Developers

 Qualifications attained

 Challenges which they have faced in earlier projects

 What are the technical limitations faced

 Number of Problem solved

Manual Testing –

 No technical qualification needed

 How attention he pays in work in business requirement

 Security

 Functionality product

 Understanding of business requirement

Automated Testing –

 Know which tools are required for codes scripts

 Should have excellent knowledge of “C” and other programming languages

 Should know how to use industry standard testing tools

 Should have logical and thinking ability

Staff Relations

 Should have open minded people in the organization

 Should have good creativity and innovation minded

 Should be continuous learning process



Convergys India Services Pvt Ltd BS 7799

COPC User Version 3.1

ISO 17799:2000

SAS 70

Six Sigma

GE Capital Services India BS 7799


Six Sigma

HCL Technologies Ltd ISO 9000

ISO 9001

AS 9100, ISO 13485:2003

SEI CMM Level 5

Six Sigma

Hewlett-Packard Global Soft Ltd SEI CMM Level 5

IBM Global Services India Pvt Ltd CMMi Level 5

ISO 9001

SEI CMM Level 5

i-Flex Solutions Ltd SEI CMM Level 5

i-Gate Global Solutions Ltd BS 7799


ISO 9001

SAS 70

SEI CMM Level 5

Six Sigma

Infosys Technologies Ltd. CMMi Level 5

ISO 14001

PCMM Level 5

SEI CMM Level 5


CMMi Level 2

COPC User Version 3.1

ITIL Foundation

PCMM Level 2

SEI CMM Level 5

Six Sigma


CMMi Level 5

ISO 14001

ISO 9001

PCMM Level 5

SEI CMM Level 5



ISO 9001

TL 9000

PCMM Level 5

Xansa (India) Ltd ISO 9001

SEI CMM Level 5

Zenith Software Limited ISO 9001

ISO 9001:2000


Failure – The manifested inability of a system or component to perform a required

function within specified limits.

Error – Invalid execution state resulting from a fault.

Fault – Missing or Incorrect mode.

Test Cases – The collection of inputs, expected results, environment and procedural

requirement for a single test.

Test Suite/test pool – A collection of test cases necessary to “adequately” test a


Test Plan – A documentary describing the scope, approach, resources and scheduled

testing activity.

Correctness testing - Correctness is the minimum requirement of software, the

essential purpose of testing. Correctness testing will need some type of oracle, to tell

the right behavior from the wrong one. The tester may or may not know the inside

details of the software module under test, e.g. control flow, data flow, etc. Therefore,

either a white-box point of view or black-box point of view can be taken in testing


Black-box testing - The black-box approach is a testing method in which test data are

derived from the specified functional requirements without regard to the final program

structure. Its also termed as data-driven, input/output driven or requirements-based

testing. Because only the functionality of the software module is of concern.

Black-box testing also mainly refers to functional testing — a testing method

emphasized on executing the functions and examination of their input and output data.

The tester treats the software under test as a black box - only the inputs, outputs and

specification are visible, and the functionality is determined by observing the outputs to

corresponding inputs.

The research in black-box testing mainly focuses on how to maximize the effectiveness

of testing with minimum cost, usually the number of test cases. It is not possible to

exhaust the input space, but it is possible to exhaustively test a subset of the input


White-box testing - Contrary to black-box testing, software is viewed as a white-box,

or glass-box in white-box testing, as the structure and flow of the software under test

are visible to the tester. White-box testing is also called glass-box testing, logic-driven

testing or design-based testing.

Quality Assurance: This process lays down the procedures for performing quality

assurance activities in software projects. It includes planning for QA activities,

executing QA activities and reporting on QA activities.

Project Management: This process describes how projects are planned, how plans are

documented and reviewed. It also covers project tracking and project closure activities.

It addresses the requirements of Software Project Planning, Software Project Tracking

and Oversight.

Configuration Management: This process includes preparation of a Configuration

Management Plan, acquiring configuration items and making changes to these items in

a controlled manner.

Software Engineering (Life Cycle): The process describes all life cycle phases


 Requirements Analysis
 High level design
 Detailed design
 Construction
 Installation, Acceptance Testing and Changeover


Software testing for a long time was centered on fixing bugs in the program only when

the user encountered it. This was more on a demand basis than pre-empting the problem

at the project completion stage.

Testing has moved away in the last few years from the shadow of development to being

an independent tier in the service offering. Though it is in the early stage, the models on

outsourcing/off shoring of testing are emerging and alongside the process maturity is

also being developed.

Testing the solutions thoroughly before it reaches the end-user is a major mandate every

software vendor faces today. The one way of measuring quality is through a wide range

of testing tools available in the market. However, the market is still fragmented. Hence

the testing procedures adopted by companies vary.

Opportunities ahead

A few fundamental factors augur well for the growth of software testing services –

 Quality of the software application is one of the top three areas of focus of many

among the global institutions

 Increasing pressure to move IT offshore - increased off shoring to Indian -

whether delivered by Indian vendors or global vendors in India

 Strong pool of able testers in India

The Challenges

Despite growing awareness, software testing even today becomes an activity towards

the end of the product development lifecycle. This leads to testing that is not

comprehensive, and hence results in the release of sub-quality software. Other issues

like lack of standardized testing procedures and competitive pressures in delivering a

software solution in the shortest possible time are potential threats to software quality.

Also, software project managers and development teams are quite attached to the

product and hence it takes a lot of courage to spell out the problems with the developers

to correct them.

In the end, what emerges is that there’re still a lot of inadequacies in the realm of

software and testing. But across the world, vendors and users are becoming increasingly

conscious about the solutions they are developing and implementing. The emergence of

quality benchmarks like ISO 9001 and SEI-CMM defined levels have ushered in a

quality culture. But still, invisible errors unknown to the developer create chaos after


Industrial infrastructure defining provision of power, water and transport is a

preliminary requirement for production, irrespective of its specific form. The

infrastructure that is of specific interest to the software industry is the provision of

telecommunication network. Yet, software companies in India encountered a number of

telecommunication problems including shortages of telecommunication links, time lag

in accessing such links, poor transmission and high cost of installation and use.

Summarizing the concerns of the software companies, NASSCOM had earlier warned

of a serious crisis in the software industry in future. Such limitation on

telecommunication facilities has discouraged foreign clients from considering offshore

software development as a feasible option.

Research and Development (R&D) investment is also a major constraint for the growth

of software industries. Software developers together with entrepreneurs in many other

sectors of Indian industry have experienced poor levels of R&D investments within the

industry. Such low levels of R&D has resulted in missed opportunities for development

of indigenous technologies and, hence, new software products.


Sample Size: 30

The combination of events that has fueled the demand for Indian software services in

the world market, however, is a complex one. Cost is an obvious, although diminishing

factor. As the Indian market, both domestic and export, has boomed, the wage gap

between Indian software professionals and their counterparts in the developed countries

has started to narrow. Nevertheless, cost advantage remains substantial even today. In

addition, worldwide interest in business process reengineering, the economic

imperatives in developed countries of outsourcing, cost-efficient maintenance of

existing mainframe systems and continuous development of new software for personal

computers (PCs) have played significant roles. Finally, India's comparative advantage in

the software industry, generated from its relative abundance of qualified software

engineers, coupled with the government's timely national action plan for rapidly

improving communications infrastructure has played a key role in creating confidence

among buyers of Indian software products and related services. As is evidenced by the

rapid growth in their demand, Indian software engineers have carved out a name in the

world market for providing an unbeatable combination of quality software at a low cost;

Indian software developers offer a cost advantage of 40% to 60% over their American


 The growth of the Indian software and services exports over the 2002-04 period,

in accordance with industry projections, is creating a major need for manpower.

As the industry expands rapidly, it needs more specialized manpower to fuel its

growth run.

In India, there is a high demand of testing in the field of Mobile Testing.

The up-coming areas:

 Mobile Gaming

 Telecom Software Testing

Mobile Gaming is coming out to be the most advanced and hyper in the market. Then

comes the turn of Telecom software testing, in which these companies are outsourcing

their testing to 3rd parties. In Telecomm, software’s are tested of Billing, Call centers,

online website payments etc.

Majority of IT companies say that they would like to use the Software competency

center in order to complete the tests successfully as they don’t have either adequate

resources or man power, mainly lacks the tools.

Uses of S/w Competency center:

 Software Testing

 Software Development

 Proper Architectural Design

 Assistance in Technical Documentation

Because of the mentioned uses of software competency center there are few more add

ups like Execution strategy of outsourcing and the tools used like free ware and licensed

versions make the market much favorable for the software competency center.

As per the feedbacks from respondents, 40% says that the growth of software

competency center is mainly because of technical documentation and Architecture


In the other areas the percentage ratio is like 10% to Software Testing & software

development as they share little responsibility.

The range of operation depends upon the company size and people working,

because HR plays the greater role. There are more number of firms who have their

operations world wide and others work for within India.

Outsourcing is the new trend in the business market. So, outsourcing becomes very

prominent. But the IT sector 30% respondents say that they agree to outsourcing their

work where 70% don’t say so. This is because of it creates job insecurity in the threat of

their jobs.

Through documentation we can retain the software in its own technical format.

Following are the main uses of documentation:

 Frequent uses

 Easier accessibility when required

 Data backup

 Flexibility

 Security

Installing the authentic software’s have the following uses:

 Data Security

 Virus Security

 Proper formats

 Reliability

 Dependability

 Hardware security and support

80% of respondents says to install authentic software’s because customers needs

authentic software testing before the use and trouble free. In India the software’s are

cheaper and easy to avail them as compared to other states.

Major of the companies agreed to 60% that there is a lack of good testers and where

40% say that there is a need of testing engineers who are highly skilled and have

good work experience.

Recently, the Government of India has approved setting up of an IT venture capital fund

of Rs.100 crore for software companies.


Software testing is an art. Good testing also requires a tester's creativity, experience and

intuition, together with proper techniques.

 Testing is more than just debugging. Testing is not only used to locate defects

and correct them. It is also used in validation, verification process, and

reliability measurement.

 Testing may not be the most effective method to improve software quality.

Alternative methods, such as inspection, and clean-room engineering, may be

even better.

 Testing is expensive. Automation is a good way to cut down cost and time.

Complete testing is infeasible. At some point, software testing has to be stopped

and product has to be shipped.

Overlaps between project phases, coupled with the need for a rigorous processes to

control changes to requirements, highlights how critical the role of documentation is in

a project.

At the outset of a project, the Project Manager should define the core list of

development and test documents to be produced. This list will usually include a

definition of the project requirements, a project plan setting out the budgets and

timetable, a testing plan, and an implementation plan.

Though the growth of the Indian software service industry will not continue at the

phenomenal growth rates we have seen in the past, industry analysts believe that the

foundation of the Indian software industry looks strong and the industry is poised for

strong growth again.

N R Narayan Murthy chairman, Infosys Technologies says, "Be seen as value creators,

not job stealers." India Software Inc. has to articulate this value clearly to avoid any ill

effects from the backlash in the West.

Finally, software company managers in India have always been apprehensive about the

direction of Government policy changes, at least until recently. Frequent changes in

government and in political ideologies have encouraged the Indian firms to undertake

business activities free of bureaucratic control at home and focus on short term, low

risk activities available abroad.



Scope & Growth of Software Testing Industry in India

1. Type of Company
a) Proprietary Firm
b) Partnership Firm
c) Private Limited
d) Public Limited
e) Cooperative Society

2. Promoters Background( Name, Qualification, Work Experience., Expertise)

3. Product & Services( Product Name, Features, Market Potential)

4. Range of Operation
 Domestic
 International
 Transnational
 Multinational

5. Any Joint Venture/ Collaboration


6. Human Resource-

6a) Total No. of Employees ___________
6b) No. of Developers ___________
6c) Organization Structure ___________
7. \
8. Technical
7a) Execution Strategy
- Outsourcing

- In-house

7b) Project Development Methodology-

- Execution Architecture

- Team Approach

7c) Tools Used

- Free Ware

- Licensed Versions

8.) Do you have software testing requirement?

If yes

— Would you like to outsource it?

— Would you like to do it in-house?
— Would you like to do it in s/w competency Center?

8.) Do you have Architecture Design requirement?


If yes

— Would you like to outsource it?

— Would you like to do it in-house?
— Would you like to do it in s/w competency Center?

9) Do you have Documentation requirement?

If yes

— Would you like to outsource it?

— Would you like to do it in-house?
— Would you like to do it in s/w competency Center?

10) Do you have Technical Writing requirement?

If yes

— Would you like to outsource it?

— Would you like to do it in-house?
— Would you like to do it in s/w competency Center?

11) Would you like to use services of s/w competency center?


If yes
Please tick services of your interest-
— Software testing
— Software Development
— Technical Documentation
— Architecture Design


(Managing Director/Chairman/Authorized Signatory)

1. QAI Broachers
 Profound SET 3
 Process Technology
 Process Operational Excellence
2. Internet Websites:
 www.qaiindia.com
 http://www.tantara.ab.ca/info.htm
 http://www.hraconsulting-ltd.co.uk/quality-management.htm
 http://www.expresscomputeronline.com/20040209/indiatrends01.shtml
 http://www.dqindia.com/content/dq_top20/ind_analysis/102102401.asp
 httlp://www.robdavispe.com/free2/software-qa-testing-test-tester-2025.html

3. Internet Search Engines

 Ask.com
 Rediff.com
 Yahoo.com

4. Magazines
 Digit
 PC Quest
 Computers Today


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