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Our fab week…

Week commencing 23rd September 2019

At pre-school this week we will be……

Using our name / picture card to Using the climbing frame / slide Using ‘gloop’ in the
register when arriving at pre- for indoor physical play - to help garden – writing in it,
school and at snack time development and co-ordination squeezing, touching,
talking, etc – using
Playing with water in the garden – pouring, descriptive language
Trying different fruit /
tipping and measuring – talking about what
vegetables at snack time
we are doing and what it feels like Use duplo to build
and construct
Taking turns and sharing Talking about the weather and at group
time mark the weather on our chart
Playing with the large cars,
garage and car mat – indoors Reading our
Use the musical instruments –
make sounds / music and move in book of the
Learn and sing our song time to the music week –
of the week – ‘Oh Dear’
Baa baa black sheep

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