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 Classification as to the Cause of Death
A. Natural Death – It is death that occurs due to a disease or
ailment in the body. The termination of life comes quickly
and unexpectedly or delayed due to lingering illness.
Sudden death is the termination of life whose arrival is not
B. Violent Death – It is death due to injuries by some forms
of outside force wherein the physical injuries inflected is
the proximate cause of death.

Classification of Physical Injuries

1. Physical Injury – use of physical force.
2. Thermal Injury – caused by heat or cold.
3. Electrical Injury – death caused by electrical energy.
4. Atmospheric Injury – death or injury caused by change by
change in atmospheric pressure.
5. Chemical Injury – death or injury caused by chemicals.
6. Radiation – death or injury caused by radioactive substances.
Under violent death we have the following:

1. Accidental Death – due to misadventure and outside our

2. Negligent Death – death due to reckless imprudence,
negligence, lack of skill or lack of foresight.
3. Infanticidal Death – death due to killing of infant less than 3
days old.
4. Parricidal Death – It is death due to one’s relative. Any
person who shall kill his father, mother or child whether
legitimate or illegitimate or any of his ascendants or
descendants or his spouse shall be guilty of parricide and shall
be punished by a penalty ranging from reclusion perpetua to
5. Homicidal Death – Homicide is the killing of another person
with intent but without justification.
6. Murder – It is the unlawful killing of another person
committed with any of the following attendant circumstances.
A. With treachery taking advantage of superior strength, with
the aid of armed men or employing means to weaken the
defense or of means of person to insure or afford impunity.
B. In consideration of a price, money, reward or promise.
C. With evident premeditation.
D. With extreme cruelty by deliberately augmenting the
suffering of the victim.

7. Euthanasia or Mercy Killing – It is a willful acceleration of

death of a person in order to lessen his sufferings. There are
instances wherein a person suffering from a hopeless incurable
disease, ailment or condition will be placed to death to lessen
his sufferings and for financial reason as agreed by the
physician and relatives concerned. In some countries, mercy
killing is against the law for reason that everyone has the right
to live.
8. Suicidal Death – It is death due to killing or destruction of
one’s self. A person who commits suicide but was not
consumated is not penalized by law but a person who assists
another person to commit suicide is punishable by law.
Deaths under Special Circumstances
A. Death caused, tumultuous affray as in riot. The identity of
the killer is not known.
B. Death under exceptional circumstances. Any legally married
person who, having surprise his spouse in the act of committing
sexual intercourse with another person, shall kill any of them or
both shall suffer the penalty of “distierro”.
Methods of Judicial Death
A. Death by Electrocution – using 1,500 volts.
B. Death by Lethal Injection – the lethal drug is injected
C. Death Musketry or Firing Squad
D. Death by Gas Chamber
E. Death by Hanging
F. Death by Decapitation
Death from Starvation
Starvation is the deprivation of a regular and constant supply of
food and water.
Cases of Starvation
1. Accidental – Marooned in and island, where there is scarcity
or no supply of food and water, as in airplane accident or
trapped in a miner’s camp.
2. Homicidal – Intentional and deliberate deprivation of food
and water.
3. Suicidal – as in the case of hunger strike.
Note: A person cannot survive for more than 10 days without
food and water but with water alone, a person can survive for
50 days.

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