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Q1. How training has changed in the past five years?

Ans. I think that in the recent years the dynamics of organization has changed due to several factors.
Earlier, our training approach was traditional, but now the game has changed, and we tried to
upgrade our training methods and take it up a notch.
Earlier, our line managers used to go to the Coca Cola Sales Academy, situated in Karachi, to
conduct a training session which is mandatory for every lead. The leads were then required to solve
case studies which enhanced their conceptual skills.
Our Learning and Development team has introduced Coca-Cola University of the Development of
Sales, KUDOS, a class-room learning program which incorporates an in-house content
development, and offers all of the vital courses, fruitful for our employees growth, taught by our
in-house Trainers. For instance, it is mandatory for our commercial leads to receive an inhouse
training in sales capacity development program which could help them meet their sales quota
efficiently. With the rapid technological development, the training delivery has improved and
made it easier to meet the benchmarks set by The Coca Cola Company and Coca Cola Icecek
Turkey. Instead of going to our headquarters to learn about the standards of procedures, we have
incorporated a web-based learning program where the trainers from Coca Cola Icecek Turkey and
The Coca Cola Company conduct the training session, interacts with the trainee, evaluate them,
and monitors their progress online.
Our learning and development team is continuously trying to add some fun elements to training
and shift from our traditional approach. In 2016, our learning and development team introduced a
facilitation methodology, ‘Lego Serious Play’ where we divide our trainees in groups and each
group has to build a 3D dimensional model and communicate the idea behind it which not only
boosts their creativity skills, but also foster communication between the groups. The Lego Serious
Play model creates a conducive learning environment where they could have fun, and at the same
time as expanding their skill set, and it has received a positive feedback from the participants.
We have also started an extensive learning program for the fresh graduates. Coca Cola- Icecek
launched its first Management Trainee Program in 2015, opening the doors of opportunity for the
fresh graduates and providing them with an extensive one-year induction training which serves as
an instrument to get accustomed to how things work in the organization and unleash their potential.
Moreover, students, who are currently enrolled in bachelors or masters, can gain hands on
experience of the corporate world by applying for our internship program which is conducted twice
a year.
Earlier, our focus was on training our employees, but now we have recently introduced a training
program exclusively for Coca Cola’s Distributors and Retailers. Our Stakeholders Development
Program incorporates training our retailers and distributors on how to manage our assets ( coca
cola’s visi-coolers and chillers) when it reaches from coca cola’s warehouse to the distributor
warehouse and then to the retail stores, the essential selling techniques as well as the key business
issues which not only helps them identify the gaps and work on them, but also works on expanding
their skill sets by introducing new selling techniques to them. It also provides us with a platform
where we could engage with them and create a goodwill which would be fruitful for building
lasting relationships with our stakeholders.
If I look back from where we were standing five years back, we have come a long way!

Q. how do you believe training will change in the future?

Ans. As I mentioned earlier, the dynamics of organization are changing. Our work force is
becoming more diverse and managing a diverse workforce requires diversity training and
imperative learning initiatives taken by the learning and development department. Training line
managers as to how to manage a diverse workforce would become a necessity in times to come.
In the upcoming years, I believe training would become more flexible in nature. Our learning and
development team is also contemplating on launching an online enrollment program for our
employees in near future to meet the evolving needs effectively. In future, training would not be
restricted to class-room learning; we live in a tech-savvy society and in future employees can be
given an option to enroll in a course online which they think would foster their growth and enhance
their skills with respect to the task they are performing. Training content can be easily accessed by
employees through online libraries, podcasts, audiotapes etc. Employees can also schedule their
own training program and build their own learning environment as per their convenience.
The rapid development of technology has filled gaps in the learning and development. As per the
recent researches, employees also learn in their sleep and studies show that it’s a good time to
acquire new skills and come up with innovative ideas. Probably this is the reason why
organizations like Google have sleeping cells where an employee takes a power nap and during
this duration has also come up with new innovative ideas. Introducing a sleeping cell in the future
is also on the top of our list.
E-learning has also made the delivery of training effective. We at Coca-cola encourage flextime,
and some of our employees are retiring due to which in future we need a shift in our training
program and think beyond traditional classroom learning. Web-based training seems to be a much
suitable option and through the help of technology training can be delivered any where and at any
time. Virtual mentoring will also be gaining popularity in the upcoming years.
Moreover, the training should be task specific as well as incorporate real-life content which can
be retrieved during work. The scope of simulation training would be wide. Training programs in
the upcoming times would incorporate 2D or 3D simulations to give trainees a real-life experience.
Tele-immersion can also be an effective instrument which would enable employees in dispersed
locations to see holographic projections and interact with one another in a realistic, simulated

There’s a lot which lies ahead, and a transformational change will be witnessed in the learning and
development program in the upcoming years. Our organization plans to come up with innovative
training methodologies to meet the evolving needs effectively.

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