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Titanium catalyst

Item Units TRN-MTJ TRN-8550FF TRN-8580FH
Intrinsic viscosity dL/g In-house method 0.53 0.77 0.80
Color b Value In-house method -3 -1 0
Melting point ℃ DSC 256 252 252
Crystallization speed Fast Fast Fast
Comonomer None None None
A variety of injection A variety of injection A variety of injection
molded products molded products, molded products,
Injection blow A variety of sheets
molded products

Item Units TRN-RTJC TRN-8580FC TRN-8580FC5 TRN-8385FC
Intrinsic viscosity dL/g In-house method 0.64 0.81 0.76 0.81
Color b Value In-house method -2 0 -1 -1
Melting point ℃ DSC 249 247 240 238
Crystallization speed Somewhat fast Somewhat fast Slow Slow
Comonomer Present Present Present Present
A variety of injection A variety of injection Thick-walled Thick-walled
molded products molded products, molded products, molded products,
Specialty sheet use Specialty sheet use Specialty sheet use

Antimony catalyst

Item Units TRN-8762 TR-BB TRN-3324AC
Intrinsic viscosity dL/g In-house method 0.80 0.88 0.64
Color b Value In-house method -4 -4 0
Melting point ℃ DSC 251 245 243
Crystallization speed Fast Somewhat fast Slow
Comonomer None Present Present
A variety of injection A variety of injection Thick-walled
molded products, molded products, molded products
A variety of sheets A variety of sheets Specialty sheet use

Item Units TRN-8384AC TRN-3320AC TRN-8380AC TRN-8390AD
Intrinsic viscosity dL/g In-house method 0.89 0.67 0.88 1.1
Color b Value In-house method -2 -2 -2 -4
Melting point ℃ DSC 238 229 225 225
Crystallization speed Slow Extremely slow Extremely slow Extremely slow
Comonomer Present Present Present Present
Thick-walled Extremely thick-walled Extremely thick-walled Direct blow
molded products molded products molded products molding use
Large-sized packaging Specialty sheet use Large-sized packaging

* The numbers recorded on this sheet are representative, and do not guarantee a performance for a particular application.
* As of January, 2016

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