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post tensioning

Post tensioning is a technique for reinforcing concrete. Post-tensioning tendons,

which are prestressing steel cables inside plastic ducts or sleeves, are positioned
in the forms before the concrete is placed. Afterwards, once the concrete has
gained strength but before the service loads are applied, the cables are pulled
tight, or tensioned, and anchored against the outer edges of the concrete.

Post-tensioning is a form of prestressing. Prestressing simply means that the steel

is stressed (pulled or tensioned) before the concrete has to support the service
loads. Most precast, prestressed concrete is actually pre-tensioned-the steel is
pulled before the concrete is poured. Post-tensioned concrete means that the
concrete is poured and then the tension is applied-but it is still stressed before
the loads are applied so it is still prestressed.

advantages over standard reinforcing steel (rebars):

It reduces or eliminates shrinkage cracking-therefore no joints, or fewer joints,

are needed
Cracks that do form are held tightly together
It allows slabs and other structural members to be thinner
It allows us to build slabs on expansive or soft soils
It lets us design longer spans in elevated members, like floors or beams

Colorado, as a proud member of the Southwestern states, hosts expanding or shifting
soils in many areas which can wreak havoc on foundations and roads. However, by
using post tension concrete, unstable ground poses far less of a threat to your
projects than other concrete systems.

While Colorado has experienced few strong earthquakes for eons, an active fault
line stretches the length of the front range and can produce a tremor from time to
time. Pre-stressed and post tensioned concrete have both the compressive and
tensile strength to better maintain cohesion during earthquakes.


Tensioned concrete enjoys greater durability and overall strength than normal
reinforced concrete. You can design longer unsupported spans with thinner pours.
This makes it great for auditoriums, parking garages, bridges, roofs and custom
architectural designs.

Because the internal compressive force holds the concrete together better than
rebar alone, it reduces shrinking. Joints can be fewer and farther between.
Furthermore, any cracks that develop tend to be held tight. This helps prevent the
water intrusion that can decompose concrete through Colorado�s yearly freeze-thaw


Post tensioning means less concrete and rebar must be used to obtain the same
strength and durability. You may need only 80 percent of the concrete and only 25
to 40 percent of the rebar otherwise essential for your project. While post
tensioning does require special technicians to properly engineer and install the
steel tendons, the cost can be offset by the reduction in material costs.

Needless to say, if you use less material, you can also shorten your building

Since there are a number of tendons and wires spread inside the post tension slab,
it can result in corrosion. But largely, this tendency to corrode depends on the
quality of the material used.
Complexity of work: The post tension slab can be made only by skillful
professionals. The local workers may not have the necessary skills required to
prepare this complex slab.
Poor workmanship can lead to accidents: The main problem with using post tension
slab is that if care is not taken while making it, it can lead to future mishaps.
Many a times, ignorant workers do not fill the gaps of the tendons and wiring
completely. These gaps cause corrosion of the wires which may break untimely,
leading to some untoward events.
The post tension slab is one of the building blocks of the modern architecture and
builders cannot think of making skyscrapers, longer bridges and marvelous
structures without using it. A skilled and experienced work is one of the key
requirements while making these slabs, on the other hand, carelessness in the
manufacture process may lead to disastrous results.

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