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Data Encryption and Security

Q: Find the current security challenges faced by computer security?

Ans: Computer security, also known as cybersecurity or IT security, is the protection of information systems
from theft or damage to the hardware, the software, and to the information on them, as well as from disruption
or misdirection of the services they provide.

Challenges :
1. Ransomware: Ransomware is one of the most aggressive tactics used by today’s hackers. These threats
take a computer, and sometimes even entire networks, as hostage. Often, all the files and data previously
stored on a system become inaccessible until the victim

2. Cloud-based services and computing: The creation of software as a service (solutions has enabled
companies in every industry to become more agile. Companies no longer have to pay for bulky, expensive
software, as SaaS solutions are all based in the cloud and are available for only a small monthly fee. But
SaaS solutions also present novel security threats, in part due to the current insecurities of APIs and various
hardware vulnerabilities.

3. Internet of Things: The Internet of Things is on the fast track to fundamentally change how future
economies will operate. The ability to place a sensor on everyday objects for very little cost is certainly
exciting, but can present a nightmare scenario for security professionals. IoT devices are notoriously
insecure and can be easily exploited for their computing power for use in bonnet-based DDoS or
ransomware attacks.

4. Access to confidential information: Most external threats are easy to recognize and identify. But internal
threats are far more ambiguous, especially when it involves access control and information flow within a

5. Information flow among various devices: Most employees today will bring their own devices to work
— for example, smartphones, tablets, and laptops. But if these devices are doubling as both work and
personal devices, this could compromise your company’s confidential information or data.

6. Managing employee credentials: Ensuring that only the proper employees and contractors have access
to confidential or compartmentalised business information can be the difference between a strong security
environment and falling prey to insider cyber threats.

7. Attacks Based on Machine Learning and AI: cybersecurity professionals use AI/ML tools for
preventing cyber attacks, there is a chance that hackers will also use these innovative solutions
for performing more sophisticated attacks.AI and ML may be used for performing different types of
attacks – from sending vast amounts of spam/fraud/phishing messages via chatbots to AI-powered
password guessing to performing cryptographic attacks.

8. Biometric Authentication: A major issue is that biometric information can still be stolen or duplicated,
just like a user’s login and password. However, in contrast to a password, the user can’t change the scans
of their iris or get a new face. This creates new challenges for cybersecurity professionals in the future.
9. Attacks Against Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Systems: Many companies adopting
cryptocurrency technology don’t implement appropriate security controls. As a result, they will only
continue to experience financial losses, predicts Bill Weber, principal security strategist at eSentire.

10. Sandbox-evading Malware: As sandboxing becomes more and more popular as a malware detection
and prevention method, cybercriminals will come up with new ways to evade this technology. For
instance, there are new strains of malware that can recognize if they are inside a sandbox. These malware
infections do not execute their malicious code until they are outside of the sandbox.

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