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LoveMark Brands

Mystery : Story telling ,past present in future

Sensuality : sound , site,touch taste,

Intimacy: Commitment , Passion , Empathy

Modern marketing is about creating ‘lovemark’ brands that engage emotionally with consumers
and create loyalty beyond reason, one of the world’s leading brand strategist claims.

Suggestions to Markstrat

any real life challenges faced by marketers in India are not accurately reflected by the

In developing and modifying products, we were given the same attributes as every
other team, but could not differentiate ourselves with new ones.
Opportunity to make decisions with the marketing mix, but those are just numbers.
Marketing involves many other aspects, in which the complexity of a good strategy
involves much more than just the use of numbers.

For example, in advertising, it is not always about the amount of money you spend
on it, but how creative your advertising message is presented to consumers. It could
be inexpensive but effective in getting your message across. It would be excellent if
MarkStrat could also incorporate more quality alongside the quantity aspects of the

Frontal : Amul Kool and Amul Masti Dahi matches with competitor direct attck

Flank : L.G has the color tv “ Sampoorna” target weak areas of competitors

Encirclement Attack : eg hul and itc target all fronts

Bypass: Pepsi Aquafina

Guaerilla : Coca-cola was the official partner of the world cup, the Pepsi
counter-attacked it by using the punch line “ Nothing official about it”.

5 forces of Markstrat Industry

Bargaining Power of customers – This force is low as the consumers do not show a
highly fragmented or dynamic behaviour and mostly act as 5 large business buyers

Bargaining Power of Suppliers – Since this aspect is only seen in form of R&d which
is not of any consequence. Hence this force is also very low.

Threat of New Entrants – This is very high as all firms are looking to either launch
new brands or modify existing ones

Threat of Substitute products – This force is also non-existent as there are only two
types of products SONITEs and VODITEs which are mutually exclusive.

Competitive Rivalry: – The competitive rivalry within the industry is very high.

Thus from over all analysis of the industry it is very evident that it is a very attractive
industry and needs to be tapped into with aggressive strategies and capturing the
maximum market share.

Phone industry apple

(1) Bargaining Power of Buyers (=customers

This force examines the power of the consumer and their effect on pricing and
quality. Consumers have power when there aren't many of them but there are
plentiful sellers, as well as when it is easy for customers to switch from one
business's products or services to another's.

Buying power is low when consumers purchase products in small amounts and the
seller's product is very different from any of its competitors.

 Low switching costs – Strong Force

 Large number of providers – Strong Force
 High availability of substitutes – Strong Force

Apple counters this strong force by continuing to make substantial capital

expenditures in R&D, enabling it to keep developing new and unique products
such as the Airpods and the Apple Watch, and by building significant brand
loyalty. Apple has been very successful in this area of competition,
establishing a large customer base that, basically, would not consider
abandoning its iPhones in favor of another smartphone competitor


 Large number of suppliers – Weak Force

 Low forward vertical integration of suppliers – Weak Force
 High overall supply – Weak Force

The switching cost for Apple to exchange one supplier for another is relatively
low and not a significant obstacle. Plus, Apple is a major customer for most of
its parts suppliers, and, therefore, one its suppliers are very reluctant to risk
losing. This strengthens Apple's position in negotiating with suppliers, while
conversely weakening their positions. The bargaining power of component
parts suppliers is not a major consideration for either Apple or its major

Threat of substitute

Substitute products, within the framework of Porter's Five Forces Model, are
not products that directly compete with a company's products but possible
substitutes for them. In the case of Apple, an example of a substitute product
is a landline telephone that might be a substitute for owning an iPhone.

This market force is relatively low for Apple due to the fact that most potential
substitute products have limited capabilities compared to Apple's products, as
in the example of a landline telephone compared to an iPhone that has the
capability to do much more than just make telephone calls.

Correct mistakes

5 forces

Thus from over all analysis of the industry it is very evident that it is a very attractive industry
and needs to be tapped into with aggressive strategies and capturing the maximum market

Porter generic strategy

Will define a brad generic strategy that the firm would follow and for this porter
generic strategy could be bought into place since the market scope was broad and
differentiation was really not a key driver the cost leadership strategy could be
looked at . For this of MARKSTRAT’s properties of R&D could be used on successful
products to reduce costs and also drive up the volumes so that economies of scale
come into factor and advertising and sales force costs are offset by quite a margin.

Corrected Strategy
Will Identify the growth segments in the market and concentrate on them to
maximize the potential

Capture the market segment-wise moving with a segment at a time and by the end
at least dominate 3 segments if not the whole market.

Develop products, each aimed at a particular segment. Since demands were nearly
mutually exclusive thus our products will be tailored to the needs of the segments
and be positioned according to their brand perceptions.

Dominate the segment without cannibalizing other products from our company.

Gradually shift resources from SONITE to VODITE market. As the products in the
SONITE market become cash cows and the market saturates we will shift our focus to
VODITEs where the market is new by period 4 or 5

Continuous R&D in pursuit of operational excellence leading to lesser base costs

and more contribution per unit. As contribution determines everything in
MARKSTRAT from the next period budget to our SPI. So aiming for a high
contribution will one of the primary drivers for our strategy

Benefit Segmentation

Benefit segmentation is dividing your market based upon the perceived value, benefit, or
advantage consumers perceive that they receive from a product or service. You can segment the
market based upon quality, performance, customer service, special features, or other benefits.
Often, different grades of the same product are offered to different market segments. Many
different businesses use this type of segmentation, including the auto, clothing, furniture, and
consumer electronics industries


Improves your communications with the group or groups of consumers selected as the market
target by selecting themes which improve your chance of capturing the attention of your prospects
and of involving them in your advertising

Helps classify the new un tapped market where the product could be made available with product
adoption to the defined product category
Identifying indirect competitors on the basis of association of products with
specific use contexts or applications. A number of respondents could be asked
to list out the different use situations for a particular product under study. Then
these respondents could be asked to name all the products that are appropriate
for each of these use contexts.

deeper insight into consumption motivations, better distinguished product choices and
adverting message differentiation

Can help increase the product consumption and thus the sales

it provides marketers with a fuller picture of customers, from their motivation profiles to
behavioural or socioeconomic characteristics that might be useful in a positioning or
promotional strategy


Elaborate from the research

Used conjoint analysis and mds
Got to know the perception

Their ideal value

Important of various factors and the effect on price

Which segments to target

•How to design products satisfying the needs of these segments

•How to position new brands effectively

•How to reposition existing brands to better fit customers’ needs

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