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Chapter 3

Presentation and Analysis of Findings

In this section, the responses of San Vicente National High School Grade 9 students

on Internet addiction and academic success are presented and discussed. In the last chapter

of the study, the sub-topics was identified and now the focus in the sequence of the

discussion. The study wanted answers in particular to the following problems. The level of

Internet addiction of grade 9 students in San Vicente National High School; to measure the

academic success of the respondent in terms of grades (English, Science and Math); the level

of Internet Addiction and Academic Success among Grade 9 students according to Gender;

the significance of the relationship between two variables; and to determine which domain

of Internet addiction that significantly influences the Academic Success.

Level of Internet addiction among Grade 9 students of San Vicente National

High School

The Internet addiction involved in the study is describe in terms of Salience, Excessive

use, Neglect work, Anticipation, Lack of Control and Neglect social life. These may be an

influence to the academic success of the Grade 9 students. The data on every indicator for

internet addiction were discussed and it could be highlighted that the standard deviation in

most tables is less than 1.0 which is the typical deviation for a 5-point likert scale according

to _____ which means that the ratings obtained in this study are very close to the mean,

indicating consistency of responses


Found in table 1 are the data for this internet addiction. As presented in the table, the

overall mean is 3.09 or moderate. It means that the respondents have perceived internet

addiction to be frequently manifested. The overall mean determines that they experienced

this extent use of internet regularly since they acknowledged for their effort exerted.

The data show that there are 5 statements under salience. Presented in the table 1 is

the level of internet addiction that are perceived by the students of San Vicente Panabo City.

It shows that all the items have descriptive equivalent of moderate which simply means that

the salience in internet is normally observed.

There is also a statement with high descriptive equivalent like, I often block out

disturbing thoughts about my life with peaceful thoughts of the internet. The rest are just


Table 1
Level of Internet Addiction of Grade 9 students perceive by Respondents as
Determine by Salience
Salience Mean Standard Descriptive
Deviation Equivalent
1. I often block out disturbing thoughts about 3.41 1.17 High
my life with
peaceful thoughts of the Internet.
2. I often fear that my life without the Internet 3.30 1.24 Moderate
would be boring, empty, and joyless.
3. I often snap, yell, or act annoyed if 2.96 1.25 Moderate
someone bothers me while I am online.
4. I often feel worried with the Internet when 2.88 1.24 Moderate
off-line, or fantasize about being online.
5. I often choose to spend more time online 2.86 1.40 Moderate
over going out with others.
Over-all mean 3.09 0.86 Moderate
Excessive Use

Five statements are under these indicator of internet addiction. The table 2 reveals

the level of excessive use of the internet which has also moderate descriptive equivalent with

an overall mean of 2.92. It means that this element is perceived commonly by the

respondents. This simply means that the respondent engages in excessive online behavior

and compulsive usage, and is frequently unable to control time online that he or she hides

from others.

Thus, the data shows all of the statement has the mean 3.40 in which it has a

descriptive equivalent of moderate. This means that the statements are sometimes observed

by the grade 9 students of San Vicente National High School.

Table 2
Level of Internet Addiction of Grade 9 students perceive by Respondents as
Determine by Excessive Use
Excessive Use Mean Standard Descriptive
Deviation Equivalent
1. I often find that I stay online longer than I 3.03 1.26 Moderate
2. I often disregard household tasks to spend 2.95 1.24 Moderate
more time online.
3. I often lose sleep due to being online. 2.95 1.42 Moderate
4. I often try to hide how long I have been 2.85 1.33 Moderate
5. I often feel depressed, moody, or nervous 2.81 1.33 Moderate
when I am off-line, which goes away once I
am back online.
Over-all mean 2.92 0.98 Moderate
Neglect Work

Table 3 shows the level of internet addiction of the respondents in terms of neglect

work. With three (3) statements under this determinant, the overall mean which is 2.86

revealed that the respondents have a moderate descriptive equivalent, which means that his

indicator is manifested sometimes by the grade 9 students. All three statements are

moderate in terms of descriptive equivalent. Thus, this simply implies that all statements are

sometimes true and manifested by the grade 9 students. This means that school performance

and productivity are likely compromised due to the amount of time spent online and the

respondent may become defensive or secretive about the time spent online.

Table 3
Level of Internet Addiction of Grade 9 students perceive by Respondents as
Determine by Neglect Work
Neglect Work Mean Standard Descriptive
Deviation Equivalent
1. I often do my grades or school work suffer 2.92 1.33 Moderate
because of the amount of time I spend
2. I often do my job performance or 2.82 1.31 Moderate
productivity suffer because of the Internet.
3. I often become defensive or secretive 2.82 1.27 Moderate
when anyone asks me what I do online.
Over-all Mean 2.86 1.01 Moderate

Presented in table 4 is the level of internet addiction of respondents determined by

anticipation. There are two (2) statements fall under this indicator; the overall mean 3.24

shown that anticipation in internet using was manifested sometimes by the respondents with

a moderate descriptive equivalent. All statements have a mean lesser than 3.40, which is

equivalent to moderate description. This means that all statements are commonly

manifested at all time by the respondents in the classroom situation. This implies that the

respondent likely thinks about being online when not at the computer and feels compelled

to use the Internet when offline.

Table 4
Level of Internet Addiction of Grade 9 students perceive by Respondents as
Determine by
Anticipation Mean Standard Descriptive
Deviation Equivalent
1. I often check my email before something 3.22 1.42 Moderate
else that I need to do.
2. I often find myself expecting when I will go 3.26 1.24 Moderate
online again.
Over-all Mean 3.23 1.12 Moderate

Lack of Control

The data in table 5 showed that neglect work by exception as perceived of the

respondents toward their academic success is moderate in descriptive equivalent and with

an overall mean of 2.93. It revealed that these 3 statements, 1,2, and 3 have a mean greater

than 2.59. which have a descriptive equivalent of moderate. This implies that these

statements “I often others in my life complain to me about the amount of time I spend
online”, “I often find myself saying ““just a few minutes”” when online.” And “I often try to

cut down the amount of time I spend online and fail” are presenting that internet addiction

are sometimes manifested all the time.

Table 5
Level of Internet Addiction of Grade 9 students perceive by Respondents as
Determine by Lack of Control
Lack of Control Mean Standard Descriptive
Deviation Equivalent
I often others in my life complain to me about the 3.02 1.22 Moderate
amount of time I spend online.
I often find myself saying "just a few more 2.91 1.44 Moderate
minutes" when online.
I often try to cut down the amount of time I spend 2.88 1.25 Moderate
online and fail.
Over-all Mean 2.93 0.94 Moderate

Neglect Social Life

Table 6 below illustrates the level of internet addiction of the respondents in terms of

neglect social life. With two (2) statements under this determinant., the overall mean which

is 2.73 revealed that the respondents have a moderate descriptive equivalent, which means

that these statements “I often prefer the excitement of the internet to intimacy with my

partner” and “I often form new relationship with fellow online users” Implies that internet

addiction are sometimes manifested all the time in the grade 9 students.
Table 6
Level of Internet Addiction of Grade 9 students perceive by Respondents as Determine by
Neglect Social Life
Neglect Social Life Mean Standard Descriptive
Deviation Equivalent
I often prefer the excitement of the Internet to 2.88 1.25 Moderate
intimacy with my partner.
I often form new relationships with fellow online 2.80 1.37 Moderate
Over-all mean 2.73 1.07 Moderate

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