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Sioson, Samantha Shayla R.

November 13, 2018

BSA 1B Art Appreciation


1. What is Art?

Art means to state an opinion or a feeling, or else to create a different view of the world,
whether it be inspired by the work of other people or something invented that’s entirely
new. - Chiara Leonardi, Reading, Berks

Art is a way of grasping the world. Not merely the physical world, which is what science
attempts to do; but the whole world, and specifically, the human world, the world of
society and spiritual experience.
- Alistair MacFarlane, Gwynedd

Art is the creative ability of individuals to express their understanding of some aspect of
private or public life, like love, conflict, fear, or pain.
-Ian Malcomson, Victoria, British Columbia

Art has been defined as a vehicle for the expression or communication of emotions and
ideas, a means for exploring and appreciating formal elements for their own sake, and
as mimesis or representation. - Richard Wollheim

2. What do you mean by humanities?

comes from the Latin word: "humanitas" and generally refers to art, literature, music,
architecture, dance and the theatre - in which human subjectivity is emphasized and
individual expressiveness is dramatized. The humanities also aim at educating and deal
with man as a being of purpose, of values, loves, hates, ideas and sometimes as a seer,
or prophet with divine inspiration. - El Cid, Humanities 101 Art Appreciation

3. Elements of Art:

a. Line - point that moves through space

b. space - 3 dimensional volume that can be empty or filled. has height width and depth
c. shape - geometric or free form (organic). area contained within a line. 2 dimensional
d. form - describes volume and mass. the 3rd dimensional aspects of objects that take
up space
e. color - depends on reflected light and hue. refers to the high intensity of that color
f. value - refers to dark and light qualities of those colors
g. pattern - repetitions that enhance the surface of paintings or sculptures
h. texture - way something feels. can be simulated or real.

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