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1. If You Could Only Speak One Word Today, What Would You Say?

2. What Is The Stupidest Thing You’ve Done Because Someone Dared

You To?
3. What Is The Stupidest Thing You’ve Done On Your Own Free Will?
4. What Part Of The Human Face Is Your Favorite?
5. Do You Do Dance Crazy When No One Is Looking?
6. What’s The Wildest Thing You’ve Ever Done In A Hotel Room?
7. Would You Rather Be Trapped In An Elevator Full Of Men With BO
Or Three Soaked Dogs?
8. Would You Rather Look Like A Potato, Or Feel Like A Potato?
9. What Makes Someone A Hero?
10. What’s Something You’ve Tried, That You’ll Never, Ever Try
11. What Are The Qualities You Really Enjoy In A Friend?
12. What’s An Ideal Christmas/Holiday For You?
13. Who inspires you to be better?
14. What was the best compliment you’ve received?
15. What is something you will NEVER do again?
16. What is one of your favorite smells?
17. Money or Love?
18. How to cook an egg?
19. How to sing?
20. How to dance?
Dear sixeleven company,

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our training center. We are SIRALICO
Training center in partnership of Kristy Dawn College of Davao, a private training center for
people who wants to apply as a call center agent. We provide complete training of boosting
confidence, communication skills, comprehension, basic grammar, pronunciation and work-
ethics. Our training is open for all interested people from Comval and Davao and trained them to
be a qualified applicants.

Your company is well-known with friendly staff and environment. It is in this respect that we
would like extend our interest in forming a partnership with your company for producing qualified
applicants from our training center. We believe that our training center can well compliment your
company for letting applicants do trainings first.

Thank you very much, and we hope to receive your favorably response soon.

Best regards,

Sharmine P. Barbosa

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