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Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie

’’Nicolae Testemițanu’’ din Republica Moldova

Facultatea Stomatologie

Voacabulary with medical terms

noun, the space in the body below the chest
1. abdominal cavity

noun, a condition in which the abdomen is stretched because of

2. abdominal distension
gas or fluid

noun, pain in the abdomen caused by indigestion or more serious

3. abdominal pain

noun a condition in which the teeth in the top and bottom jaws
4. abocclusion
do not touch

noun ,a condition in which the surface of the skin has been

5. abrasion
rubbed off by a rough surface and bleeds

adjective ,harmful or unfavourable the treatment had an adverse

6. adverse
effect on his dermatitis the treatment made the dermatitis worse

noun, a harmful event which occurs during treatment

7. adverse occurrence

a situation where someone experiences harmful effects from the

8. adverse reaction
application of a drug

adjective, referring to the alveoli

9. alveolar

noun ,part of the jawbone to which the teeth are attached

10. alveolar bone

noun, a duct in the lung which leads from the respiratory

11. alveolar duct
bronchioles to the alveoli

noun, one of the walls which separate the alveoli in the lungs
12. alveolar wall

noun, inflammation of an alveolus in the lungs or the socket of a

13. alveolitis

noun, a small cavity, e.g. an air sac in the lungs or the socket into
14. alveolus
which a tooth fits
B noun the fact of having bacteria in the blood
1. bacteraemia

plural of bacterium
2. bacteria

adjective relating to bacteria or caused by bacteria

3. bacterial

noun a hard smooth bacterial deposit on teeth

4. bacterial plaque

noun the extent to which a nutrient or medicine can be

5. bioavailability
taken up by the body

adjective referring to biochemistry

6. biochemical

noun the chemistry of living tissues

7. biochemistry

noun a substance which kills living organisms

8. biocide

noun the compatibility of a donated organ or artificial limb

9. biocompatibility
with the living tissue into which it has been introduced or
with which it is brought into contact
adjective easily decomposed by organisms such as bacteria
10. biodegradable
or by the effect of sunlight, the sea,etc.
C referring to calcium
1. calci

noun a process of hardening caused by the formation of deposits

2. calcification
of calcium salts

adjective made hard .Bone is calcified connective tissue.

3. calcified

noun a medical condition where deposits of calcium salts form in

4. calcinosis
joints, muscles and organs

noun a hormone produced by the thyroid gland, which is be-

5. calcitonin
lieved to regulate the level of calcium in the blood.

noun a metallic chemical element which is a major component of

6. calcium
bones and teeth and which is essential for various bodily
processes such as blood clotting
noun a pointed tooth next to an incisor.
7. canine tooth

noun the part of a nerve cell which surrounds the nucleus and
8. cell body
from which the axon and dendrites begin

noun the way in which a cell reproduces itself.

9. cell division

noun a membrane enclosing the cytoplasm of a cell.

10. cell membrane

D adjective referring to teeth discarded at a later stage of

1. deciduous

noun the set of twenty teeth which are gradually replaced by the
2. deciduous dentition
permanent teeth as a child grows older

noun same as primary tooth

3. deciduous tooth

noun the process of becoming deformed, or the state of

4. deformation
being deformed

adjective not shaped or formed in the expected way

5. deformed

noun an unusual shape of part of the body

6. deformity

verb to change so as not to be able to function

7. degenerate
8. degeneration noun a change in the structure of a cell or organ so that it no
longer works properly

9. degenerative disease noun a disease or disorder in which there is progressive loss of

function of a part of the body, or in which a part of the body fails
to repair itself
10. degenerative joint disease noun same as osteoarthritis

11. deglutition noun the action of passing food or liquid, and sometimes also
air, from the mouth into the oesophagus

E noun an illness that causes the usual pattern of eating to be

1. eating disorder
disturbed, e.g. anorexia or bulimia

plural noun the types and quantities of food regularly eaten by

2. eating habits
a person

which can be stretched and compressed and return to its former

3. elastic adjective

bandage noun a stretchy bandage used to support a weak joint or

4. elastic
for the treatment of a varicose vein

noun flexible cartilage, e.g. in the ear and epiglottis

5. elastic cartilage

noun fibre which can expand easily and is found in elastic

6. elastic fibre
cartilage, the skin and the walls of arteries and the lungs

noun same as surgical hose

7. elastic hose

noun the ability to expand and be compressed and to return to the

8. elasticity
former shape

noun connective tissue which contains elastic fibres, e.g. in

9. elastic tissue
the walls of arteries or of the alveoli in the lungs

verb to remove waste matter from the body

10. eliminate
F noun 1. a rubber mask that fits over the nose and mouth and is
1. face mask
used to administer an anaesthetic 2. a piece of gauze which fits
over the mouth and nose to prevent droplet infection

noun a flat surface on a bone

2. facet
verb to give information or comments on something that has
3. feed back
been done

noun the feeling of movement of liquid inside part of the

4. fluctuation
body or inside a cyst when pressed by the fingers

verb to add fluoride to a substance, usually to drinking water, in

5. fluoridate
order to help prevent tooth decay

noun a chemical compound of fluorine and sodium, potassium or

6. fluoride

noun a condition caused by excessive fluoride in drinking water

7. fluorosis

noun a surgical instrument with handles like a pair of scissors,

8. forceps
made in different sizes and with differently shaped ends, used for
holding and pulling
9. fungus disease
noun a disease caused by a fungus

noun the act of joining, especially a surgical operation to relieve

10. fusion
pain in the joint by joining the bones at the joint per-
manently so that they cannot move

1. general anaesthesia noun loss of feeling and loss of sensation throughout the body,
after being given an anaesthetic

2. general anaesthetic noun a substance given to make someone lose consciousness so

that a major surgical operation can be carried out

3. general practice noun a medical practice where doctors offer first-line medical
care for all types of illness to people who live locally, refer them
to hospital if necessary and encourage health promotion

4. general practitioner noun a doctor who provides firstline medical care for all types of
illness to people who live locally, refers them to hospital if
necessary and encourages health promotion.

5. gingiv- prefix referring to the gums

6. gingiva noun same as gum

7. gingival adjective relating to the gums

8. gingivectomy noun the surgical removal of excess gum tissue

9. gingivitis noun inflammation of the gums as a result of bacterial infection

10. ginglymus noun a joint which allows movement in two directions only, e.g.
the knee or elbow

H noun 1. an action which is an automatic response to a stimulus 2.

1. habit
a regular way of doing something

are spelled hem-

2. haem-

noun the clumping of red blood cells, often used to test for the
3. haemagglutination
presence of antibodies

noun a harmless tumour which forms in blood vessels

4. haemangioma
and appears on the skin as a birthmark

noun pain and swelling caused by blood leaking into a joint

5. haemarthrosis

noun the process of stopping bleeding or slowing the

6. haemostasis
movement of blood

noun a system of medical treatment involving the use of

7. herbal medicine
substances extracted from plants

noun a medicine made from plants, e.g. an infusion made from

8. herbal remedy
dried leaves or flowers in hot water

noun a place where sick or injured people are looked after

9. hospital
hospital bed

noun a disease caught during a stay in hospital

10. hospital-acquired

noun swelling caused by excess synovial liquid at a joint

11. hydrarthrosis
I noun a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that relieves pain
1. ibuprofen
and swelling, especially in arthritis and rheumatism

noun the act of preventing somebody or something from being

2. immobilization
able to move

adjective protected against an infection or allergic disease

3. immune

noun a lack of immunity to a disease.

4. immune deficiency

noun a reaction of a body to an antigen

5. immune reaction

noun acomplex network of cells and cell products,which protects

6. immune system
the body from disease.

adjective tightly pressed or firmly lodged against something

7. impacted

noun a tooth which is held against another tooth and so cannot

8. impacted tooth
grow normally

verb to get better, or make something better

9. improve

noun the entry or introduction into the body of microorganisms,

10. infection
which then multiply

1. jaw noun the bones in the face which hold the teeth and form the

2. jawbone noun one of the bones which form the jaw, especially the lower
jaw or mandible

3. joint noun a structure at a point where two or more bones join,

especially one which allows movement of the bones

4. joint capsule noun white fibrous tissue which surrounds and holds a joint

5. joint investment plan noun a plan that health and social services draw up together for
specific areas of care

6. joint mouse plural noun a loose piece of bone or cartilage in the knee
joint, making the joint lock

7. jugular nerve noun one of the nerves in the neck

8. jugular trunk noun a terminal lymph vessel in the neck, draining into
the subclavian vein

9. jugular vein noun one of the veins which pass down either side of the

10. doctor junior noun a doctor who is completing his or her training in hospital

prefix relating to a cell nucleus
1. karyo-

noun the chromosome complement of a cell, shown as a dia-

2. karyotype
gram or as a set of letters and numbers

noun pain felt in the cornea

3. keratalgia

noun a condition in which the cornea bulges

4. keratectasia

noun a surgical operation to remove the whole or part of

5. keratectomy
the cornea

noun an accumulation of ketone bodies in tissue in diabetes,

6. ketoacidosis
causing acidosis

noun a drug which is effective against a wide range of fungal

7. ketoconazole
infections such as cryptococcosis and thrush

noun the production of ketone bodies

8. ketogenesis

adjective forming ketone bodies

9. ketogenic

noun a diet with a high fat content, producing ketosis

10. ketogenic diet

1. Labor noun US spelling of labour

2. laboratory noun a special room or place where scientists can do special-

ised work such as research, the testing of chemical substances or
the growing of tissues in culture
3. lacerated adjective torn or with a rough edge

4. lacerated wound noun a wound where the skin is torn, as by a rough surface or
barbed wire

5. laceration noun 1. a wound which has been cut or torn with rough edges,
and is not the result of stabbing or pricking 2.the act of tearing

6. lethal adjective killing or able to kill

7. lethal dose noun the amount of a drug or other substance which will kill the
person who takes it

8. lidocaine noun US a drug used as a local anaesthetic.

9. lingual adjective referring to the tongue

10. lingual artery noun an artery which supplies blood to the tongue

M noun the process of softening a solid by letting it lie in a liq-

1. maceration
uid so that the soluble matter dissolves
2. macroglossia
noun the condition of having an unusually large tongue
3. macrognathia
noun a condition in which the jaw is larger than usual

noun a condition in which the mouth is too wide because the

4. macrostomia
bones of the upper and lower jaw have not fused, either on one or
on both sides

adjective not having enough to eat or having only poor-qual-

5. malnourished
ity food, leading to ill-health

noun 1. a lack of food or of good-quality food, leading to

6. malnutrition
ill-health 2. the state of not having enough to eat

noun a condition in which the teeth in the upper and lower jaws
7. malocclusion
do not meet properly when the person’s mouth is closed

8. malodorous
adjective with a strong unpleasant smell

9. mandible
noun the lower bone in the jaw

10. maxilla bone

noun the upper jaw bone
N noun a bundle of fibres that can transmit electrochemical
1. nerve
impulses and that forms part of the network that connects the
brain and spinal cord to the body’s organs

noun the act of stopping the function of a nerve by injecting an

2. nerve block

noun the point atnwhich nerves come together

3. nerve centre

noun same as sensory receptor

4. nerve ending

adjective 1.coming from the nervous system 2. referring to

5. neurogenic

noun a disturbance of the bladder function caused by lesions in

6. neurogenic bladder
the nerve supply to the bladder

noun a state of shock caused by bad news or an unpleasant

7. neurogenic shock

noun a person who looks after sick people in a hospital or helps a

8. nurse
doctor in an local surgery.

noun the treatment of illness by nursing care, without surgery

9. nursing intervention

noun 1. the study of the supply of nutrients to the body from

10. nutrition
digesting food 2. nourishment or food

1. oblique fissure noun a groove between the superior and inferior lobes of a

2. oblique fracture noun a fracture in which the bone is broken diagonally

3. oblique muscle noun 1.each of two muscles in the wall of the abdo-
men 2. each of two muscles which control the movement of the

4. obliterate verb to destroy something completely

5. odontalgia noun same as toothache

6. odontitis noun inflammation of the pulpy interior of a tooth

7. odonto- prefix tooth

8. odontoid adjective similar to a tooth, especially in shape

9. odontoid process noun a projecting part of a vertebra, shaped like a tooth

10. odontology noun the study of teeth and associated structures, and their

P noun the feeling of severe discom-fort which a person has when

1. pain

noun plastic surgery of the roof of the mouth, e.g. to repair

2. palatoplasty
a cleft palate down

noun a condition in which part of the body cannot be moved

3. paralysis
because the motor nerves have been damaged or the muscles
have been weakened

noun one of the four pairs of sinuses in the skull near the nose,
4. paranasal sinus
which open into the nasal cavity and are lined with sticky mucus

noun the study of diseases and the changes in structure and

5. pathology
function which diseases cause in the body.

noun a chelating agent which is used to help the body get rid of
6. penicillamine
toxic metals

noun a common antibiotic originally produced from a fungus

7. penicillin

adjective always existing

8. permanent

noun the teeth in an adult, which replace the child’s milk teeth
9. permanent teeth
during childhood

noun (of a membrane) the ability to allow some substances to

10. permeability
pass through

1. radical mastectomy noun a surgical operation to remove a breast and the lymph
nodes and muscles associated with it

2. radical mastoidectomy noun a surgical operation to remove all of the mastoid process

3. radical treatment noun treatment which aims at complete eradication of a disease

4. radio-opaque adjective absorbing and blocking radiant energy, e.g. X-rays

5. recover verb 1. to get better after an illness, operation or accident

6. refraction noun 1. a change of direction of light rays as they enter a

medium such as the eye 2. the measurement of the angle at
which the light rays bend, as a test to see if someone needs to
wear glasses

7. regeneration noun the process where tissue that has been destroyed grows

8. regenerative medicine noun the branch of medicine that deals with the repair or
replacement of tissues and organs by using advanced materials
and methods such as cloning

9. rehabilitation noun the process of making someone fit to work or to lead an

ordinary life again

10. rehydration noun the act of giving water or liquid to someone who has

S noun a white antiseptic substance which destroys bacteria and

1. salicylic acid
fungi and which is used in ointments to treat corns, warts and
other skin disorders

noun the effects of poisoning due to too much salicylic acid

2. salicylism
saline adjective referring to or containing salt

noun a drip containing a saline solution

3. saline drip
noun a solution made of distilled water and sodium chloride,
4. saline solution
which is introduced into the body intravenously through a drip

noun a fluid in the mouth, secreted by the salivary glands, which

5. saliva
starts the process of digesting food

noun a person who specialises in scientific studies

6. scientist
noun an anxiolytic Or hypnotic drug such as benzodiazepine,
7. sedative
which acts on the nervous system to help a person sleep or to
relieve stress (dated)

noun any of the sensory and motor nerves which control

8. somatic nerve
skeletal muscles somatic nervous system somatic

noun the part of the nervoussystem that serves the sense organs
9. nervous system
and muscles of the body wall and limbs, and brings
about activity in the voluntary muscles
T a small flat round object containing medicine that is taken by
1. tablet

noun a rapid beating of the heart

2. tachycardia

noun a particularly rapid way of speaking, as occurs with

3. tachyphrasia
some people with mental disorders

plural of tooth
4. teeth

noun the period when a baby’s milk teeth are starting to

5. teething
erupt, and the baby is irritable

trademark a synthetic polymer injected into the joints of the

6. Teflon
larynx to increase movement and help hoarseness of voice

noun the covering for an organ

7. tegmen

prefix 1. relating to tetanus 2. relating to tetany tetanus

8. tetano-

noun 1. the continuous contraction of a muscle, under

9. tetanus
repeated stimuli from a motor nerve 2. an infection caused
by Clostridium tetani in the soil, which affects the spinal
cord and causes spasms in the muscles which occur first in
the jaw.
10. therapy
noun the treatment of a person to help cure a disease or

1. ulcerative colitis noun severe pain in the colon, with diarrhoea and ulcers in
the rectum, often with a psychosomatic cause

2. ulceromembranous noun inflamation of the gums, which can also affect the
mucous membrane in the mouth

3. ulcerous adjective 1. referring to an ulcer 2. like an ulcer

4. ulitis noun inflammation of the gums

5. ulna noun the longer and inner of the two bones in the forearm
between the elbow and the wrist

6. ultrasonography noun the procedure of passing ultrasound waves through the body
and recording echoes which show details of internal organs
7. ultrasonotomography noun the procedure of making images using ultrasound of
organs which are placed at different depths inside the body

8. ultrasound noun very high frequency sound waves which can be

reflected off internal body parts or off a fetus in the womb to
create images for medical examination vitamin D and kills

9. ultraviolet lamp noun a lamp which gives off ultraviolet rays

10. ultraviolet radiation noun short invisible rays of ultraviolet light.

V noun a substance which contains antigens to a disease or a weak

1. vaccine
form of a disease, used to protect people against it

noun the treatment of a disease with a vaccine

2. vaccinotherapy

noun a space in a fold of a cell membrane

3. vacuole

noun a contraction of blood vessels which makes them narrower

4. vasoconstriction

noun the relaxation of blood vessels, especially the arteries,

5. vasodilatation
making them wider and leading to increased blood flow or
reduced blood pressure

noun a lack of necessary vitamins

6. vitamin deficiency

noun a thin flat vertical bone in the septum of the nose

7. vomer

adjective referring to a liquid which turns into gas at room

8. volatile

plural noun concentrated oils from plants used in cosmetics

9. volatile oils
and as antiseptics

1. waiting list noun a list of people waiting for admission to hospital usually

2. welder’s flash noun a condition in which the eye is badly damaged by very

3. welfare noun good health, good living conditions

4. wheezing noun whistling noises in the bronchi when breathing

5. wheezy adjective making a whistling sound when breathing

6. whiplash injury noun an injury to the vertebrae in the neck, caused when the head
jerks backwards, often occurring in a car that is struck from

7. whiplash shake syndrome noun in young babies, a series of internal head injuries caused by
being shaken violently

8. white blood cell noun a colourless blood cell which contains a nucleus but has no
haemoglobin, is formed in bone marrow and creates antibodies.

9. white commissure Noun part of the white matter in the spinal cord near the central

10. white corpuscle Noun same as white blood cell

noun same as carotenaemia
1. xanthaemia

noun the formation of little yellow fatty tumours on the eyelids

2. xanthelasma

1. an intermediate product in the breakdown of nucleic acids to

3. xanthine
uric acid, found in blood, body tissue and urine
2. a derivative of xanthine, e.g. caffeine or the ophylline

prefix yellow
4. xantho-
noun yellow colour of the skin as in jaundice
5. xanthochromia
noun the process of showing X-ray pictures of the in side of part
6. X-ray imaging
of the body on a screen

noun a picture produced by exposing sensitive film to X-rays

7. X-ray photograph

noun a method of gathering information about the body by taking

8. X-ray screening
images using X-rays
9. Xylocaine
a trade name for a preparation of lignocaine

noun a drug which helps to narrow blood vessels, used in the

10. xylometazoline
treatment of colds and sinusitis
Z noun a white metallic trace element
1. zinc
noun a soothing ointment made of zinc oxide and oil
2. zinc ointment

noun a compound of zinc and oxygen, which forms a soft white

3. zinc oxide
soothing powder used in creams and lotions

herpes zoster
4. zoster
noun a technique used in plastic surgery. A deep Z-shaped
5. Z-plasty
incision is made to relieve tension in the area of a scar, or
to change the direction of a scar.
6. zygoma
noun same as zygomatic arch

adjective referring to the zygomatic arch

7. zygomatic

noun the ridge of bone across the temporal bone, running

8. zygomatic arch
between the ear and the bottom of the eye socket

noun a bone which forms the prominent part of the cheek and the
9. zygomatic
lower part of the eye socket.

noun one of the bony projections which form the zygomatic arch
10. zygomatic process
noun a disease caused by a fungus which infests the blood
11. zygomycosis
vessels in the lungs

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