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World’s leading business platform for international trade

Date: 14 March 2016 (Umair Ahmed)

Mr. Umair Ahmed

Dear Mr. Umair Ahmed,

Reference to your application and consent for employment and subsequent interviews, declared
academics and other job-supporting qualifications, we are pleased to offer you employment and appoint in
capacity of Business Consultant Officer as a D6 resource, as per Company's Band & Grade policy. The terms
and conditions of your employment will be as follows:-


1. Your appointment will commence from 14-Mar-16, and in case you are unable to report on agreed
upon date, you shall request Resourcing Department one week prior to actual joining date for any
change in plan. This Letter shall be deemed to be annulled inevitably in case you failed to inform as mentioned, or
if your request is declined by the Management.

2. Your appointment is subject to your antecedents being substantiated by the Company, however estimated
necessary, and your being and continuing to be qualified, competent and medically fit
to the entire satisfaction of the Company, under certain provisos as laid down herein.


3. You will be on probation for a period at six (6) months in the first instance or until such time as the Company,
at its good judgment and based on your preceding performances; at its sole discretion confirms in writing that you
have successfully completed your probationary period.

4. You may be transferred, deputed or assigned to any subsidiary, associated firm or sister concern, as
the Company may decide from time to time, or required to serve anywhere in Pakistan and you
may be transferred any time to any shift to perform your duties.

5. Your designation, responsibilities or duties, may be changed from time to time by the Company, as
it may deem fit and necessary.


6. Your monthly salary and allowances will be as provided below:

a. Basic Salary Rs. 76,659.0
b. House Rent Rs. 23,000.0
c. Utilities Rs. 7,670.5
d. Medical Allowance Rs. 7670.5
Total Rs. 115,000.0

a) 1st month salary is subject to joining before 24'" of the current month.
b) In case at any income tax payable, the some will be deducted from your salary and deposited in the
Government Treasury.
Ebrahim Ali Bhai Tower, 4th-7th Floor, Plot No. 27/3,Survey Sheet No.35-P/1, Block-7/8, Modern Cooperative Housing Society Ltd., Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-111-539 Fax: +92-21-3236-1265
World’s leading business platform for international trade


7. The standard working hours would be 9 hours with 1 hour break in general. The distribution of weekly working
hours may vary from time to time according to operational requirements. In case at urgent business needs, you
may be required to work extra hours other than the agreed hours of work.


8. Leave Entitlement:

a) Privilege/annual leave - 20 days for each completed year of services

b) Casual leave — 10 days.
c) Sick leave - 8 days at full pay. Such leave exceeding two consecutive days will only be approved against
Medical Certificate.
Any leave in excess of entitlement will be treated as leave without pay.

9. You will be entitled to participate in Associate Benefit Program(s) that may be introduced from time to time
and made applicable to Associates in your grade as per Company's policy.
a) Please refer to the attached Benefits Sheet for details of the benefits.

10. You will also be entitled to participate in Gratuity Fund Scheme at the Company as per policy.


11. During the period at probation, this appointment may be terminated by either party without any notice.

12. After completion of the probationary period, your appointment may be terminated at any time subject to the
following conditions:-
a) If in the Company's opinion, which shall be final and conclusive in this matter, you are found guilty at
breach of Company policies, applicable and enforced from time to time or any other conduct which
violates one or more terms, part or whole, at this letter, the Company shall have sole discretion to
terminate your service forthwith without any notice or salary in
lieu of notice and/or take appropriate legal action against you.
b) After confirmation of service this appointment may be terminated by either party giving one (1) month'
notice in writing or salary in lieu thereof.


13. You will be entitled to participate in Performance Management System as per the scope of the
program in the Company.


14. You will be due for retirement on attaining the age at Fifty eight (58) years. The retirement age will be
calculated on the basis of your Matriculation Certificate or as per your National Identity Card and/or as enlisted in
your employment form / bio data. The management may, at its discretion,
extend the age of the retirement if you are found medically fit.

Ebrahim Ali Bhai Tower, 4th-7th Floor, Plot No. 27/3,Survey Sheet No.35-P/1, Block-7/8, Modern Cooperative Housing Society Ltd., Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-111-539 Fax: +92-21-3236-1265
World’s leading business platform for international trade


15. In all other respects, your services will be governed by the rules at the TradeKey (Pvt.) Ltd. that are applicable
and enforced from time to time.

16. During the period of your employment, you shall not work in any other organization, in any capacity be it
whole time or part time.

l7. If at any time subsequent to your employment having commenced it is brought to the attention of the Company
or if the opinion of the Management that you have been earlier involved and / or accused of any illegal / immoral
or unethical action prior to your appointment, this appointment will be considered as instantly terminated on
grounds of concealment and such termination shall be without prejudice to the rights of the Company to initiate
appropriate action.

18. You will not divulge, either directly or indirectly, to any person or body any knowledge information, which
you may acquire concerning the affairs, property enterprise and undertaking of TradeKey [Pvt] Ltd., its associate
companies or subsidiaries. Furthermore, you shall not take or remove from the premises of the Company without
the written consent of the management, any data, tables, calculations, e-mails, letters and or other document or
items of property or confidential information pertaining to the Company's business and/or affairs, in any form
whatsoever, (i.e. paper. diskette, tape, CD, optical or magnetic etc.) or TradeKey resources tangible or intangible
belonging to TradeKey should not be used for personal gains and benefits.

19. You shall not directly or indirectly engage in a business or other activity directly competing with TradeKey
either as person or with a competing organization. This covenant shall extend to any level of operations
worldwide and shall remain in full force and effect for Two years from the date of separation from TradeKey.

20. The "trade secrets" entails information of the disclosing party, including but not limited to, technical and non-
technical data, formulae, patterns, compilations, programs, devices. methods, techniques, drawings, processors,
financial data financial plans, product plans and lists of potential customers, that is not generally known to, and is
not readily ascertainable by proper means by others who could obtain economic value from its disclosure or use,
and is subject to efforts by the disclosing party to maintain its secrecy.

21. For software, "trade secrets" includes, but is not limited to, copy/transfer of source code/TradeKey portal and
software system design. "Confidential information” entails any data or information, other than trade secrets, that is
competitively sensitive material, and not generally known by the public, such as product planning information,
marketing strategies, pricing, and internal performance results.

22. You understand the significance of information security issues concerning the business, and hence
accede to authorize the Company to monitor your activities on computer systems / laptops as provided to you to
perform required business operations.

23. You are required to notify HR Department immediately at any change in your residential address, phone
number or in your civil status.

24. You will be responsible for the sole custody and return in good condition and order, of all the Company's
property which may be in your use, custody, care or charge. The Company shall have the right to deduct the
money value of all such things from your dues and take such other actions as deemed proper in the event of your
failure to account for such property to the Company's
Ebrahim Ali Bhai Tower, 4th-7th Floor, Plot No. 27/3,Survey Sheet No.35-P/1, Block-7/8, Modern Cooperative Housing Society Ltd., Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-111-539 Fax: +92-21-3236-1265
World’s leading business platform for international trade

If you are in agreement with the above terms and conditions, please sign the duplicate copy of this letter
as a token of your acceptance.


Qasim Mansoor
Sr. Manager
HR & Administration Department


I ________ (Name), bearing CNIC# ______ hereby substantiate in complete consciousness that the fore-
mentioned clauses and any/all sub-clauses in this Appointment Letter have been read, understand &
accepted by me in all their scope and enforceability. I accede to extend my satisfaction on my scope of
work / bindings and any legal implications in consequence of any deviation from the contents of this
letter. As a token of my unequivocal acceptance to the above, I hereby concur to endorse my acceptance.
I further accord to submit the photocopies of all my testimonials (educational, service certificates and
NIC) as presented through my resume / Job Application Form, which, if I fail to provide and/or are
non—verifiable from the concerned granting bodies, I authorize the Company to take appropriate legal
action against me.

I also confirm that I shall be joining on ______________.

______________ ______________ ______________


Ebrahim Ali Bhai Tower, 4th-7th Floor, Plot No. 27/3,Survey Sheet No.35-P/1, Block-7/8, Modern Cooperative Housing Society Ltd., Shahra-e-Faisal, Karachi, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-111-111-539 Fax: +92-21-3236-1265

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