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Sjogren's Syndrome: A review

Article · March 2014

DOI: 10.4103/0976-433X.129070

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6 authors, including:

Mallika Kishore Ashish Aggarwal

Rohilkhand Medical College and Hospital Rohilkhand Medical College and Hospital


Nupur Agarwal Nitin Upadhyay

Rohilkhand Medical College and Hospital Rohilkhand Medical College and Hospital


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Review Article

Sjogren’s syndrome: A review

Mallika Kishore, Sunil Ramchandra Panat, Ashish Aggarwal, Nupur Agarwal,
Nitin Upadhyay, Ritika Garg
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Institute of Dental Sciences, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India

Sjogren’s syndrome (SS) is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by the lymphocytic
infiltration of salivary and lacrimal glands leading to xerostomia and keratoconjunctivitis
sicca. Prevalence of primary SS in the general population has been estimated to be around
1-3%. SS is an under-recognized disease in which most of the significant progress has
been made in the past 25 years. The herald of newer diagnostic tools could help clinicians
and thereby provide significant relief to patients through earlier treatments. The treatment
of SS is limited to symptomatic management, and involves the use of solutions to replace
salivary secretion and afford a measure of hydration. The purpose of present paper is to
highlight the difficulties and complexities that are inherent in the diagnosis of SS and the
important role that dental practitioners can play in the management of its oral manifestations.

Key words: Diagnosis, oral, Sjogren’s syndrome


Sjogren’s syndrome (SS) is a chronic autoimmune disease SS is estimated to affect 1-3% of the general population.[3]
characterized by lymphocytic infiltration and subsequent A cautious but realistic estimate from the studies presented
destruction of the exocrine glands, including those found in so far will be that primary SS(pSS) is a disease with a
the nose, ears, skin, vagina, respiratory and gastrointestinal prevalence not exceeding 0.6% of the general population
systems.[1] It is among the group of diseases overseen by (6/1000). [4] In an epidemiologic study, the calculated
rheumatologists; however, its diagnosis and management prevalence of SS in 705 randomly selected women aged
require 3 areas of specialty practice: rheumatology, ranges from 52-72 years was 2.7%.[5] SS, although a common
ophthalmology, and oral medicine.[2] disorder in Western countries with an estimated prevalence
of 3 in 100 to 1 in 1000, has rarely been reported from
Therefore, this paper aims to review and critically address the India.[6] This report highlights the rarity of this disease in
recent advances on the aetiopathogenesis of the SS, taking our geographic region.
into account the attained clinical features, with particular
relevance given to the oral involvement. ETIOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS

Even if tremendous progress in the field of research has been

Address for correspondence:
Dr. Mallika Kishore, made to unveil the different mechanistic processes underlying
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Institute of Dental the development of SS, the initial triggering events of the disease
Sciences, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India. have yet to be unearthed. Central to the pathophysiology of SS
E-mail: is chronic perpetual stimulation of the autoimmune system.
Access this article online Both B and T cells are implicated in the pathogenesis of the SS,
Quick Response Code: even though the mechanisms underlying humoral and cellular
Website: abnormalities are not yet known.[7,8]
It is probably the result of an environmental stimulus that
DOI: promotes an autoimmune reaction in genetically susceptible
persons. Infectious agents most commonly sialotropic viruses
have been postulated to trigger the syndrome; however,
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Kishore, et al.: Sjogren’s syndrome

associations with most of the potential viral candidates, corneal ulcerations that can lead to perforations and
including cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus, are iridocyclitis.[16]
weak.[9] The putative role of different viruses in SS can be
viewed in the light that salivary glands are a site of latent Extraglandular manifestations
viral infections.[10] Musculoskeletal involvement
Joint disease associated with SS is commonly a polyarticular
A genetic predisposition to SS has been suggested because arthropathy which intermittently affects small joints.
of multiple reports of two or more members of the same Evidence of joint deformity and erosion may be encountered
family developing the syndrome. Affected individuals of in primary SS-affected individuals, as well as nonerosive
different ethnic origins carry different human leucocyte arthritis. Arthralgias, myalgias and fibromyalgia-like features
antigen susceptibilities.[4] are also commonly found.[17]

The high percentage of females with SS compared to

Pulmonary involvement
males suggests that the immune regulatory properties
Although common, pulmonary involvement is seldom
of sex hormones are involved in its development. [11]
clinically significant in patients with SS. [18] Interstitial
Androgen deficiency, both locally and systemically, has
lung disease is a classic feature of SS. The clinical
also been pointed out to be a key factor prompting
manifestations include cough, dyspnea on exertion,
SS. Reduced plasmatic levels (up to 40 - 50%) of
bilateral pulmonary infiltrates on plain chest radiographs
dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, the precursor sex steroid
and other abnormalities on computer tomography scanner
hormone produced in the adrenal cortex, has been
such as wall thickening at the segmental bronchi. With
identified in SS-affected individuals, comparing to age
disease progression, fibrosis and neutrophilic alveolitis are
and sex matched controls.[12]
Renal involvement
Glandular manifestations Kidney involvement is a frequent extraglandular manifestation
Xerostomia of pSS. The renal involvement is rarely overt, and more often
The dry mouth is often manifest as the ‘cream cracker’ sign follows a subclinical course. In some cases, it may precede
an inability to swallow dry dental caries is a common feature the onset of subjective sicca syndrome.[20] In SS patients who
that may prompt a referral from a dentist. About half of the show evidence of glomerular lesions, hematuria, proteinuria,
patients complain of recurrent parotid swelling, particularly and renal insufficiency may be exhibited. Some patients may
relatively young patients in whom the inflammatory phase progress to nephrotic syndrome.[14]

In advanced disease, the oral mucosa appears dry and glazed Gastroenterologic involvement
and tends to form fine wrinkles. Extreme dryness of the The manifestations of gastrointestinal tract are not very
mouth, causing the tongue to stick to the palate, may lead specific and include esophageal dysmotility and gastro-
to a “clicking” quality in the speech of patients with SS. In intestinal reflux. Patients often complain of dysphagia, nausea
general, the surface of the tongue becomes red and lobulated, and epigastric pain. Subclinical pancreatic involvement is
with partial or complete depapillation.[14] present in approximately 25% of cases. There are no specific
liver abnormalities, which can be attributed to SS, but
Ocular manifestations autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis can be
Diminished tear production due to lacrimal gland associated diseases.[16,21]
involvement leads to the destruction of both corneal and
bulbar conjunctival epithelium and a constellation of clinical Neurologic involvement
findings termed keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS).[15] Neurologic disease is one of the most common manifestations
of SS, affecting cranial and peripheral nerves, and more
Symptoms of dry eye may include sensations of itching,
rarely the central nervous system. The eclectic permutation
grittiness, or soreness, even though the eyes’ appearance
of peripheral nervous system syndromes which occur
is normal. Ocular complaints may include photosensitivity,
in SS patients are among the most common and severe
erythema, eye fatigue, decreased visual acuity, a discharge
extraglandular complications.[22]
in the eyes, and the sensation of a film across the visual
Hematologic/Oncologic involvement
In more severe disease, functional disability with visual Pa t i e n t s w i t h S S f re q u e n t l y h a v e l e u c o p e n i a ,
impairment occurs. Complications of KCS include thrombocytopenia, a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate
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Kishore, et al.: Sjogren’s syndrome

and anti-nuclear antibodies.[13] Anemia of chronic disease Sialography

and hypergammaglobulinemia are the most prevalent The sialography typically shows sialectasias in contrast to the
hematologic manifestations encountered at diagnosis and fine arborization seen in normal parotid ductules. Diagnosis
during the course of pSS.[23] is generally based on the classification given in [Table 2].[30]

Thyroid Involvement In the scintigraphic test, 99mTc-pertechnate is given
Hypothyroidism seems to be common in SS.[24] A study intravenously, and in SS patients the typical finding is
has shown that 45% of patients with SS also had associated decreased uptake in response to stimulation of the parotid
thyroid dysfunction. This is further supported by a study and submandibular salivary glands. This test is a sensitive
suggesting that the prevalence of SS is 10 times higher in and valid method to measure abnormalities in salivary gland
patients with autoimmune thyroiditis.[25] function in the hands of skilled personal.[31]

Obstetrical and gynecological involvement Sialochemistry

Dyspareunia secondary to impaired lubrication is verified in SS is a mixture of increased inflammatory proteins and
many premenopausal women with pSS. Other gynecological decreased acinar proteins when compared with healthy
problems include vaginal dryness, endometriosis, episodes controls.[32] Furthermore ionic changes were observed in SS-
of amenorrhea and menorrhagia/metrorrhagia.[26] affected individuals, namely regarding the levels of chloride,
potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium.[29]
Cardiac Involvement Magnetic Resonance (MR) and ultrasonography (US)
Pericarditis and pulmonary hypertension can occur in SS. MR imaging (MRI), MR sialography and US are noninvasive
Cardiovascular tests suggestive of autonomic neuropathy, methodologies that allow the imaging of salivary glands
such as response of blood pressure to sustained hand grip, in their physiological state without artefacts induced by
valsalva maneuver, heart-rate response to deep breathing, intraductal contrast media or biopsy procedures. MRI was
heart-rate and blood-pressure response to standing are shown to provide a reliable imaging procedure to evaluate
abnormal in some patients with SS.[27] glandular alterations. It allows multiplanar evaluation and

Diagnosis Table 1: Diagnostic criteria of Sjögren’s syndrome

The diagnosis of SS is not straightforward as many of the Clinical and Histopathological findings
Ocular symptoms: at least one of the following
symptoms are subjective and vague and can be dismissed
Daily dry eyes for >3 months
initially as other conditions or effect of medications.[28] Persistent sensation of sand or gravel
Although minor salivary gland biopsy has been traditionally Use of tear substitutes >3 times daily
considered “the gold standard” for the diagnosis of SS, Oral symptoms: at least one of the following
Dry mouth daily >3 months
newer criteria have emerged to assist on this disease
Recurrent salivary gland swellings
identification. Use of liquid to aid in swallowing food
Ocular signs: at least one of the following
The revised diagnostic criteria established in 2002 by Schirmer’s I test (≤5 mm in 5 min)
the American-European Consensus Group are listed Rose Bengal score (≥4)
in [Table 1]. [4] Early recognition of SS may prevent Focal lymphocytic sialoadenitis with focus score ≥1 per 4 mm2 of tissue
complications such as dental caries, corneal ulceration, Salivary gland involvement: at least one of the following
chronic oral infection, and sialadenitis, and it allows Unstimulated salivary flow ≤1.5 ml⁄15 min
for clinical surveillance for the development of serious Abnormal parotid sialography
Abnormal salivary scintigraphy
extraglandular systemic manifestations.[14] Autoantibodies
Presence of Ro(SSA) or La(SSB) or both,
Diagnostic Tests
Oral diagnostic tests
Table 2: Sialographic staging
Stages Diagnostic information
Patients with clinically overt SS have reduced flow rate.
Stage 0 (normal) corresponds to no contrast media collection
Measuring submandibular/sublingual flow rates may Stage 1 (punctate) refers to contrast media collection ≤1 mm
contribute to an early diagnosis of SS. In contrast, parotid in diameter
flow rates are decreased in SS and Non-SS sicca patients.[29] Stage 2 (globular) refers to contrast media collection between
1 and 2 mm in diameter
The test should therefore be standardized; the unstimulated
Stage 3 (cavitary) refers to contrast media collection ≥2 mm
whole saliva collection test is performed for 15 min, and in diameter
the test is considered positive when <1.5 ml whole saliva Stage 4 (destructive) refers to the complete destruction of the
is collected.[4] gland parenchyma

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Kishore, et al.: Sjogren’s syndrome

processes a high contrast tissue resolution. Characteristically, CONCLUSION

in SS, MRI reveals an inhomogeneous internal pattern on
both T1 and T2 sequences, with multiple hypo- and hyper- People with SS may be more susceptible to drug allergies
intense nodules of different sizes.[33] and care is needed to monitor their condition if medication
is required. Like all chronic diseases it is important to
Serologic tests have regular contact with your doctor and eye specialist
Serology is used to establish the presence of anti-SS-A/Ro to monitor your condition. Regular dental checkups are
and anti-SS-B/La auto-antibodies,based on (enzyme-linked essential. Although SS is not life threatening, careful
immunosorbent assay). Anti-SS-A/Ro antibodies can also be attention to the problems it causes can help minimize the
detected in other autoimmune processes such as rheumatoid “nuisance” aspect of this condition and assist in a more
arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus; for this reason, relaxed way.
anti-SS-B/La antibodies are considered to be more specific
of SS. Anti- SS-A/Ro can be isolated in 25-65% of cases, and
Table 4: Management of SS
anti- SS-B/La in 13-48%.[34]
Topical and systemic management
Ocular Diagnostic tests Artificial tears & ointmnets
1. Schirmer test Commercially Available Preparations of Artificial Tears
2. Rose Bengal Staining and Ocular Ointments
3. Tear break up time (BUT) Hydroxyethyl cellulose (Adsorbotear)
White petrolatum (Duratears, Lacrilube)
Polyvinyl alcohol (HypoTears, Liquifilm Forte, Tears Plus)
HISTOPATHOLOGY Polyethylene glycol (AquaSite)
Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (Bion Tears, Tears Naturale)
Salivary gland Biopsy Methylcellulose (Murocel)
Carboxymethylcellulose (Refresh Plus)
A positive biopsy is defined as at least one focus of dense,
Soft contact lenses
inflammatory infiltrate containing at least 50 lymphocytes/4 ‘Punctal occlusion’ by using a variety of ‘plugs’ to occlude the
mm2. The lip biopsy may be useful in ambiguous cases or when punctal openings at the inner aspects of the eyelids eye for
therapy beyond symptom management is being considered.[35] longer time.
Muscarinic agonists
Pilocarpine (Salagen)- Oral pilocarpine, at a dosage of 5 mg
Differential Diagnosis twice daily
The differential diagnosis of SS includes conditions and Cevimeline (Evoxac)- Dosage of 30 mg three times daily
medications that can produce KCS, xerostomia, and parotid Anti-inflammatory medications
gland enlargement [Table 3].[14] Steroids
Management Maintenance of good oral hygiene
At present, treatment for most patients is essentially Use of sugarless sweets and chewing gums to stimulate residual
symptomatic.The patient should regularly visit a salivary flow
rheumatologist as well as an ophthalmologist and dentist Artificial saliva products
Commercially Available Preparations of Artificial Saliva and Oral
in order to prevent and treat the consequences of mucosal Lubricants
dryness, in addition to extraglandular manifestations and Salivart
other associated complications [Table 4].[4,36-39] Biotène Mouthwash
Table 3: Differential Diagnosis Saliment
Xerostomia Special toothpaste
Amyloidosis Fluoride supplementation
Diabetes mellitus Eradication of oral candidiasis
Sarcoidosis Antimicrobial mouth rinses
Viral infections Sugar substitutes-Xylitol
Trauma Pilocarpine -dosage of 5 mg four times daily
Irradiation Cevimeline at a dosage of 30 mg three times daily
Psychogenic Natural human interferon alfa- 150 IU 3 times daily
Drugs like antihypertensive, parasympatholytic, for 12 weeks
and psychotherapeutic agents Nystatin in tablets or solution (100,000 IU 4-6 times a day), or
Dry Eyes miconazole gel 4 times a day
Allergic conjunctivitis SYSTEMIC MANAGEMENT
Blepharitis Corticosteroids (hydroxychloroquine 6-7 mg/kg/day
Pemphigoid Prednisone 1-2 mg/kg/day)
Stevens-Johnson syndrome Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
Sarcoidosis Immune regulators
Toxicity (burns or drugs) Immune suppressors reserved for severe cases (azathioprine)

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Kishore, et al.: Sjogren’s syndrome

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How to cite this article: Kishore M, Panat SR, Aggarwal A, Agarwal N,
kidney involvement in primary Sjögren’s syndrome. Nephrol Dial Upadhyay N, Garg R. Sjogren’s syndrome: A review. SRM J Res Dent
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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared
Sjögren’s syndrome. Autoimmun Rev 2010;9:A305-10.

SRM Journal of Research in Dental Sciences | Vol. 5 | Issue 1 | January-March 2014

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