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A debate is a discussion or structured contest about an issue or a resolution.

A formal debate involves

two sides: one supporting a resolution and one opposing it. Such a debate is bound by rules previously
agreed upon. Debates may be judged in order to declare a winning side. Debates, in one form or
another, are commonly used in democratic societies to explore and resolve issues and problems.
Decisions at a board meeting. public hearing, legislative assembly, or local organization are often reached
through discussion and debate. Indeed, any discussion of a resolution is a form of debate, which may or
may not follow formal rules (such as Robert's Rules of Order). In the context of a classroom, the topic for
debate will be guided by the knowledge, skill, and value outcomes in the curriculum.

Structure for Debate

A formal debate usually involves three groups: one supporting a resolution (affirmative team), one
opposing the resolution (opposing team), and those who are judging the quality of the evidence and
arguments and the performance in the debate. The affirmative and opposing teams usually consist of
three members each, while the judging may be done by the teacher, a small group of students, or the
class as a whole. In addition to the three specific groups, there may an audience made up of class
members not involved in the formal debate. A specific resolution is developed and rules for the debate
are established.

Debate Preparation

• Develop the resolution to be debated

• Organize the teams.

• Establish the rules of the debate, including timelines.

• Research the topic and prepare logical arguments.

• Gather supporting evidence and examples for position taken.

• Anticipate counter arguments and prepare rebuttals.

• Team members plan order and content of speaking in debate.

• Prepare room for debate.

• Establish expectations, if any. for assessment of debate.

Conducting Debate:
Debate opens with the affirmative team o the Government Team (the team that supports the resolution)
presenting their arguments, followed by a member of the opposing team. This pattern is repeated for
the second speaker in each team. Finally, each team gets an opportunity for rebutting the arguments of
the opponent. Speakers should speak slowly and clearly. The judges and members of the audience
should be taking notes as the debate proceeds. A typical sequence for debate, with suggested timelines,
is as follows:

1. the first speaker on the affirmative team presents arguments in support of the resolution.

2. The first speaker on the opposing team presents arguments opposing the resolution.

3. The second speaker on the affirmative team presents further arguments in support of the resolution,
identifies areas of conflict, and answers questions that may have been raised by the opposition speaker.

4. The second speaker on the opposing team presents further arguments against the resolution,
identifies further areas of conflict, and answers questions that may have been raised by the previous
affirmative speaker.

5. The rules may include a short recess for teams to prepare their rebuttals. (5 minutes)

6. The opposing team begins with the rebuttal, attempting to defend the opposing arguments and to
defeat the supporting arguments without adding any new information.

7. First rebuttal of the affirmative team

8. Each team gets a second rebuttal for closing statements with the affirmative team having the last
opportunity to speak.

9. There cannot be any interruptions. Speakers must wait their turns. The teacher may need to enforce
the rules.

Post-debate Discussion and Assessment

When the formal debate is finished, allow time for debriefing and discussion. Members of the audience
should be given an opportunity to ask questions and to contribute their own thoughts and opinions on
the arguments presented. Members of the debate teams may also wish to reflect on their performance
and seek feedback from the audience, including the teacher. If some form of assessment was part of the
debate plan, it would be conducted at this time. Assessment could be conducted by the teacher, the
judging team, or the entire class.

Roles of the Teams (Overview)

Opening Government:

• Defines the terms of the debate

• Opens the case for the Government

• Opposes the case of the Opening Opposition when it is presented

Closing Government:

• Extends the Government case

• Opposes the cases of the Opening and Closing Opposition teams

• Summarizes the debate

Opening Opposition:

• Opposes the case of the Opening Government

• Opens the case for the Opposition

Closing Opposition:

• Extends the Opposition case

• Opposes the cases of the Opening and Closing Opposition teams

• Summarizes the debate

Opening Government

Prime Minister:

• Defines the resolution

• Introduces the Government case

Deputy Prime Minister:

• Rebuts what LO said

• Continues Opening Government case

Closing Government

Member of the Government :

• Extends the Government case

• Rebuts what DLO said

Government Whip :

• May introduce new contentions, but it’s not generally recommended

• Rebuts what the MO said

• Summarizes the debate

Opening Opposition

Leader of the Opposition:

• Rebuts what PM said

• Introduces Opening Opposition case

• If there’s going to be a definitional challenge, the LO must mention it in their speech, otherwise all the
other teams in the round must accept the original definition (See: Challenging the Definition)

Deputy Leader of the Opposition:

• Rebuts what DPM said

• Continues Opening Opposition case

Closing Opposition

Member of the Opposition :

• Extends the Opposition case

• Rebuts what MG said

Opposition Whip :

• Absolutely no new contentions may be introduced, but new evidence in support of existing
contentions may be introduced

• Rebuts what the GW said

• Summarizes the debate

Rules of Parliamentary Debate

1) The debate will be presided over by Mr. or Madam Speaker.

2) The Government team (the side in favour) shall sit on the right hand side of the Speake. The
Opposition (the side against) shall sit on the left.

3) The speaking order will be as follows: the Prime Minister, followed by the first Opposition Member
then the Minister of the Crown (second Government speaker) and followed by the Leader of the
Opposition (second Opposition speaker). Finally the Prime Minister will deliver the Government rebuttal.

4) Maximum speaking times are 1 minute for the Prime Minister's first speech, 1 minute forthe other
speeches, 2 minutes for the Leader of the Opposition's speech, and 1 minutes for the Prime Ministers
rebuttal. There are no minimum times.

5) During the rebuttal, Members (debaters) may not bring up any new arguments or new evidence
except in direct refutation of material which has already been presented.

6) All remarks must be addressed to the Speaker of the House and not to anyone else, e.g. say "Mr.
Speaker" not "Mr. Speaker, honourable judges". The Member must address Mr. Speaker in his/her first

7) Other Members (debaters and members of the audience) should be referred to by their constituency
(e.g. the Member for their last name or their city), office (e.g. the Prime Minister) or as "The Honourable
Member" or "The Honourable Gentlemen" or "The Honourable Lady". They may be referred to as "he"
or "she" but never as "you".

8) Members will speak only when called upon by the Speaker. There is to be no heckling. There will be no
Points of Order or Points of Personal Privilege raised.
9) Points of Information are raised while another Member has the floor (i.e. is speaking). If a Member
wishes to raise a Point of Information, he/she should stand and with one hand on their head and
another pointing forward (in teapot-style) and say: "On that point". The person who is speaking may
refuse to take the point saying: "Not at this time." Alternative ey may to choose to take the point. If the
speaker refuses the point the Member raising the POI must sit down. Otherwise, they should deliver
their point as sucinctly as possible (in less than 15 seconds) Often the point is phrased as a question. All
speakers should attempt to both deliver at least one POl and to accept one POl during the course of the

10) The first and last minute of each constructive speech is considered protected time during which no
POls can be made. In addition, no POls may be made during the Prime Minister's final rebuttal or during
the last three minutes of the Leader of the Opposition's speech (also considered rebuttal time.)

11) The Government must define the resolution. Their definition must be accepted unless it is
undebatable or unreasonable. If the Opposition wishes to challenge the definition they must do so prior
to the start of the debate by appealing to the tournament organizer. The Opposition must show that the
Governmentť's definition is unacceptable and then substitute their own. Definitions may not be
challenged during the debate.

12) The Government may introduce a plan for implementing the resolution if they wish to, but they are
not required to do so. fthey do propose a plan, they must fully explain it during the Prime Minister's

13) If, and only if, the Government introduces a plan, the Opposition may introduce a counterplan, but it
is not required to do so. A counterplan is an alternative method of implementing the resolution which is
significantly different from the Government plan and is demonstrably better than the Government plan.
If the Opposition wants to introduce a counterplan, they must fully explain it during the address of their
first speaker.

14) Props (e.g. drawings, models) may not be used.

15) Courtesy must be shown to all other Members at all times.

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