Twelve Pathways

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Eliminate all of the lower consciousness programming which triggere your negative

emotional response.

Twelve Pathways.

1 Im freeing myself from the programing and beliefs that make

me try to control forcefully situations in my life and destroy my
Freeing Myself. serenity and keep me from loving myself and others.
Every limited belief and programs you pay a price in lost

2 Im discovering that my programming, beliefs and additions are

creating my ilusory world.
We see things not as they are -- but as we are.
Every addiction distorts your effective processing (on both
conscious and unconscious levels)

3 I welcome the opportunity (even if painful) that my experience

offers me for consciousness growth and become aware of the
addictions I must reprogram to be liberated.

Everyone and everything around you is your teacher.

When you find that you can remain centered no matter what
he or she does, you will know that you have reprogrammed the
addictions that created the separateness you felt. And although
you have continued the relationship for your own growth, you
will have offered the other person valuable experiences that he
or she can use for his or her rapid .growth.

Your moment-to-moment stream of consciousness becomes

interesting and real when you experience everything as a step
in your growth toward higher consciousness. You will soon
begin to feel peaceful and loving almost all of the time.

4 I always remember that I have everything I need to enjoy my

here and now -- unless I am letting my consciousness be
Bein here and Now. dominated.
If you are not enjoying every here and now moment in your
life, it is because your addictions.

5 I take full responsibility here and now for everything I

experience, for it is my own programming that creates my
actions and also influences the reactions of people around me.

6 I accept myself completely here and now and consciously

experience everything I feel, think, say, and do (including my
emotion-backed addictions) as a necessary part of my growth
into higher consciousness.

I accept emotionally how I feel here and now. Just experience

everything in an accepting, relaxed, and conscious way -- and
realize that every one of your experiences is perfect for your
here and now growth into higher consciousness and transcend
layers of your ego. FEEL IT, ACCEPT IT AND LET IT GO

7 I open myself genuinely to all people by being willing to fully

communicate my deepest feelings, since hiding in any degree
Interacting with keeps me stuck in my illusion of separateness from other
others. people. Manipulation games

I accept myself (including my addictions) as being on an

unfolding journey toward a peaceful, loving state of higher
consciousness.” You have every right to feel exactly as you feel.
If “others” are bothered, that’s their problem.
Remember, hiding separates; openness unites..

8 I feel with loving compassion the problems of others without

getting caught up emotionally in their predicaments that are
offering them messages they need for their growth.
-Compassionate understanding -- yes; pity and commiseration
-- no.

9 I act freely when I am tuned in, centered, and loving, but if

possible I avoid acting when I am emotionally upset and
depriving myself of the wisdom that flows from love and
expanded consciousness.
-if you are caught in the grip of a disturbing emotion, you give
yourself a little time to work on your addiction -- rather than
acting out the fight-or-flight feeling you have triggered.

10 I am continually calming the restless scanning of my rational

mind in order to perceive the finer energies that enable me to
Discovering My unitively merge with everything around me.
awareness. You begin to tune in to the finer energies around you when the
precious space on the screen of your consciousness is not
occupied by the emergency alarms triggered by your addictive
security, sensation, and power models of how the world should

11 I am constantly aware of which of the Seven Centers of

Consciousness I am using, and I feel my energy, perceptiveness,
love, and inner peace growing as I open all of the Centers of
12 I am perceiving everyone, including myself, as an awakening
being who is here to claim his or her birthright to the higher
consciousness planes of unconditional love and oneness.

Instead of labeling things “good”or “bad,” you simply use your

insight to determine to what extent your thoughts or actions
separate or unite you in your feelings toward others.

-Whenever you feel worried, angry, jealous, fearful, anxious, or any other
uncomfortable emotional feeling, life is giving you a message. It is always
telling you that you are not following the Twelve Pathways. Your next step is to find the
ones that you are not using and let them show you what to do to feel beautiful again.
-The Twelve Pathways will help you reprogram your mind so that
ALL of your addictions become preferences
-The Living Love Way enables you to live in this powerful realm of higher
consciousness by setting you free from your addictions, goals, and
expectations that you have unknowingly programmed as essential to your
-Preferences let you stay in touch with the here and now in your life. They enable your mind
to become calmer and calmer -- until it functions as a powerful, quiet, one-pointed,
peaceful, effective servant to your consciousness.
-You add suffering to the world just as much when you take offense as when you give
-Addictions: desires, attachments, demands, expectations, emotional programming, models
of how life should treat you, etc..
-Acceptance:One of the ways out of this wall of isolation is to communicate, “Well, here I
am. This is what my addictions are making me feel here and now. I acceptmyself (including
my addictions) as being on an unfolding journey toward apeaceful, loving state of higher
consciousness.” You have every right to feel exactly as you feel. If “others” arebothered,
that’s their problem.
- When you feel oneness with another, there is no giver or receiver -- there’s just us here.
It’s like one hand washing another. You are just letting energy flow through you.
-We begin to realize that everything we do is either a skillful or unskillful
attempt to find love and oneness.

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