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1. C.

- Bone tissue since under siya ng connective tissue which is one of the four types of tissue in humans.

2. C. Microvilli

- Epithelial cells involved in absorption often contain microvilli, finger-like projections of the plasma
membrane, that increase the surface area of the plasma membrane, allowing for more efficient uptake
of material.

3. A. Tight junction

- coming from the word "tight" chAr hahaha.

4. D. Desmosome

5. There are three types of shapes in epithelial tissues. Dapat instead of which of the following, dapat
except na lang since hindi naman shape ang stratified, number of layers siya. Ikaw bahala kung ano
isasagot mo pero E. na lang.

6. A. simple squamous

- Simple squamous epithelia are found in capillaries, alveoli, glomeruli, and other tissues where rapid
diffusion is required. Cells are flat with flattened and oblong nuclei.

7. B. Simple cuboidal

- Simple cuboidal epithelium is a type of tissue that is found lining parts of organs and ducts in the body.
Its structure allows for absorption and diffusion in those areas

- Simple cuboidal cells are also found in kidney tubules, glandular ducts, ovaries, and the thyroid gland

8. D. simple cuboidal

- lining of blood vessel and air sacs of the lungs ay sa simple squamous, lining of trachea ay sa
pseudostratified columnar. kapag sinabi kasing 'at the surface of the skin', masyadong malawak. so,
letter D. ang sagot, simple cuboidal (pero dapat germinal epithelium yan eh HAHAHA char.)
9. A. lining of urinary bladder

- ang lining of the ducts and glands and lining of kidney tubules ay simple cuboidal, lining of stomach ay
simple columnar, surface of the skin is beri malawak so letter A. ang sagot.

10. A. upper respiratory tract

- both intestine - simple columnar

- heart - endothelium / endothelial cells

- stomach - simple columnar

- surface of the skin - so beri malawak

11. C. apocrine secretion, lipid granules are released covered with a small amount of mammary gland
cell cytoplasm, as well as the cell membrane.

12. E. all of the above

13. C. adipose cells (also known as lipocytes and fat cells, are the cells that primarily compose adipose
tissue, specialized in storing energy as fat.)

- fibroblast - connective tissue that produces collagen & other fibers

- macrophages - a type of phagocyte, which is a large white blood cell responsible for detecting,
engulfing and destroying pathogens and apoptotic cells

- mast cell - a cell filled with basophil granules, found in numbers in connective tissue and releasing
histamine and other substances during inflammatory and allergic reactions.

- melanocyte - specialized skin cell that produces the protective skin-darkening pigment melanin.

14. A. collagen

- dense fibrous connective tissue or areolar is mainly composed of type I collagen

15. D. Bone
16. B. smooth muscle

- smooth nga eh meaning no striations unlike nung sa skeletal at cardiac.

17. B. smooth muscle

- skeletal muscle - facial muscles, attached to bones (of the skeleton), entrance points of the body
(mouth, anus)

- cardiac muscle - wall of the heart ONLY.

18. a neuron is made up of cell body, dendrites, axon, nucleus and etc. and ang synapse kasi ay one of
the functions of the neuron na. so letter E ang sagot.

19. A. merocrine / eccrine

20. D. macrophages

- a cell responsible for detecting, engulfing and destroying pathogens and apoptotic cells.

21. C. is the only muscle tissue controlled voluntarily

- involuntary kasi ang smooth muscle and cardiac muscle.

22. A. epithelium

23. A. cartilage

- under na kasi siya ng connective tissue

24. C. skeletal, smooth and cardiac.

25. B, bone to bone

- tendon - muscle to bone

26. E. a and d ONLY.

27. D. inflammation & clothing, organization restores blood supply, and regeneration and fibrosis
permanent repair

28. A. simple epithelium (one layer ONLY)

- stratified - two or more layers

- pseudostratified - all cells in contact with basement membrane but not all reach the surface

29. B. stratified epithelium (two or more layers)

- simple epithelium - one layer

- Pseudostratified columnar epithelia - they exist in one layer, but the arrangement of nuclei at different
levels makes it appear that there is more than one layer.

30. B. stratified epithelium

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