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Some esoteric thoughts on the Jews…

“The ancient symbol for the sign Aquarius (into which our Sun is now entering) is
that of the Water-carrier, the man with a pitcher of water. This passing of the Sun
into the sign Aquarius is an astronomical fact, as any one can ascertain by writing to
any observatory; it is not an astrological prognostication. The great spiritual
achievement and evolutionary event of that age will be the communion and human
relationships established among all peoples, enabling men everywhere to sit down
together in the Presence of the Christ and share the bread and wine (symbols of
nourishment). Preparations for that shared feast (symbolically speaking) are on their
way, and those preparations are being made by the masses of men themselves, as
they fight and struggle and legislate for the economic sustenance of their nations,
and as the theme of food occupies the attention of legislators everywhere. This
sharing, beginning on the physical plane, will prove equally true of all human
relations and this will be the great gift of the Aquarian Age to humanity. This the
church has ignored and yet their ecclesiastics cannot explain away the fact that the
Jews demonstrated [Page 81] their liking for the Taurean worship of the Bull in the
golden calf, that the Jewish dispensation used the symbol of the scapegoat or ram in
the age of Aries, the Ram, and that the Christian emphasises the fish in the Piscean
era, the Christian era.

Christ came to bring to an end the Jewish dispensation which should have climaxed
and passed away as a religion with the movement of the sun out of Aries into Pisces.
He, therefore, presented Himself to them as their Messiah, manifesting through the
Jewish race. In the rejection of the Christ as the Messiah, the Jewish race has
remained symbolically and practically in the sign Aries, the Scapegoat; they have to
pass—again speaking symbolically—into the sign, Pisces, the Fishes, and recognise
their Messiah when He comes again in the sign Aquarius. Otherwise, they will repeat
their ancient sin of non-response to the evolutionary process. They rejected that
which was new and spiritual in the desert; they did it again in Palestine two
thousand years ago; will they do it again, as opportunity is offered to them? The
difficulty with the Jew is that he remains satisfied with the religion of nearly five
thousand years ago and shows as yet little desire to change.

The coming in of the Aquarian Age, Christ foresaw and reduced to pictorial form for
us, thus preserving for us—down the centuries—a prophetic episode, the
interpretation of which is possible of demonstration only in our time and age.
Astronomically, we are not yet functioning fully within the influence of Aquarius; we
are only just emerging from the Piscean influence, and the full impact of the energies
which Aquarius will set loose has not yet been felt. Nevertheless, each year carries
us closer to the centre of power, the major effect of which will be to induce
recognition of man’s essential unity, [Page 82] of the processes of sharing and of
cooperation and of the emergence of that new world religion whose keynote will be
universality and initiation. If the word “initiation” signifies the processes of “entering
into,” then it is indeed true today that humanity is undergoing a true initiation as it
enters into the new age of Aquarius; it will then be subjected to those energies and
forces which will break down the barriers of separation, and which will blend and
fuse the consciousness of all men into that unity which is distinctive of the Christ

(The Reappearance of the Christ, AAB)

“… the main contention … today of the Jews, is territory [post WWII], thus evidencing
a most distorted sense of values …They were also, during the years immediately
following the war, under the control of … the Zionist Dictators … [who] … worked
through the same methods—terrorising, withholding information, browbeating their
opponents, making false claims and bribing and corrupting. They were and are a
minority, but a powerful minority because of their great wealth and their being in
positions of power.

They are claiming a land to which they have no possible right and which the Jews
have ignored for two thousand years. … Very few lands today are in the possession
of their original inhabitants, and if restoration is made to all original inhabitants
(which is not possible) an impossible situation would be brought about just as
legitimate as the Zionist position. If the Zionist claims are to be considered (and they
have been) they in their turn should realise that (if The Old Testament is to be
believed) they originally took the land of Palestine away from its original owners
nearly three thousand years ago, at the point of the sword and through an
unprovoked aggression.”[6]

The force of the Jewish people (the solar plexus centre).

The teachings of the Tibetan on the Jewish people have become a controversial
issue. We are told that the Jewish idea of Jehovah as a God of vengeance is not
helpful to humanity. Indeed, the entire Jewish religion is so ancient that it has
become obsolete. The Jewish race is governed by the 3rd ray and also expresses the
intelligence of the previous solar system. They are descended from those held over
at the end of that system, and thus became the advanced humanity of this system;
Hence the Jewish belief that they are the chosen race and their desire for racial
purity. The Jewish problem is one of separation and a refusal to integrate, and the
problems of humanity will not be resolved until the Jewish problem is resolved.

Some people do not feel comfortable with such teachings, and Alice Bailey has been
accused of being anti-Semitic. My own view is that it is not a question of whether
such teachings offend people; the question is simply: are such teachings true?

I think we have to give the Tibetan’s statements on the Jewish race the same
authority as we give any of his other teachings. Let us remember that we are souls
experiencing physical incarnation. The soul is beyond both race and religion, and
every Jewish person alive has had numerous incarnations in non-Jewish races. If such
teachings offend people, then perhaps they are over-identifying with form.

Given the Jewish belief that they are the Chosen Race with the corresponding
emphasis on racial purity, it is a tragic irony that the Jews of Europe were the main
victims of the Holocaust because of the Nazi belief that the German people were the
Master Race and because of the Nazi ideal of racial purity. Had Hitler been
victorious, then millions more would have been enslaved to serve the material needs
of Germany, and European Jewry would have been exterminated. Terrible as the
Holocaust was, humanity was saved from an even worse fate.

The Holocaust is almost beyond comprehension, but we have to assume that

enormous racial karma was being worked out. We may not understand how the
racial karma of the Jewish people and the individual karma of each person combined
to bring about the deaths of so many and the survival of so few, but as esotericists
we have to consider the unseen causes of physical events.

It is a historic tragedy that having been the victims of the policy of lebensraum (the
need for living space) in Nazi Germany, many Israelis now wish to impose that same
policy of lebensraum on their Palestinian neighbours.”

A history talk by a student….

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