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259 Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City
889-7489 loc. 138

Mad Science Variety Show

“Colors in the Move and Elephant Toothpaste”

I. Committees
A. Director
1. Abad, Iron Dave P.
2. Namuco, Jonas L.
B. Props
1. Alburo, Paula Joy L.
2. Cosico, Francine Nicole O.
3. Cruzado, Ina Cheska M.
C. Script Writers
1. Angeles, Mickaella O.
2. Caña, Jeric Bong Jessie L.
3. Evero, Hanz Florence L.
4. Magale, Gabriel Luis A.
D. Researchers
1. Germino, Angel Clarence O.
2. Husain, Lynne Isabel S.
3. Asis, Esmeralda J.
4. Ramos, Melgen Anne R.
E. Stage Crew
1. Makioka, Miyuki Marie M.
2. Baldeo, Alyssa Shane S.
F. Casts
1. Flores, Mariane Ella C.
2. Caniedo, Adonis D.
3. Villarubia, Frances Guia B.
4. Hales, Christopher R.
5. Riparip, Kenneth S.

II. Topic
A. Showing Chemical Reaction by doing Elephant Toothpaste Experiment
III. Genre
A. Comedy and Educational
259 Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City
889-7489 loc. 138

IV. Script

Scene 1: Colors in the Move Experiment

Three scientists were invited to a talk show hosted by Ella Flores and Frances Villarubia.
*Background Music*
Ella: Good Morning, Mygetchings! And Good Morning Sismarz Frances!
Frances: Good Morning Sismarz Ella! And Good Morning to all Mygetchings! Getching?
*Audience Noise*
Ella: So! Sismarz Frances, do you have any idea what we’ll do for this day?
Frances: Hmm, what will we do, Sismarz Ella? Oh! Does it have something to do with a guy?
Because I saw a new guy backstage and he’s cute!
Ella: Oh my god, Sismarz! But yes, it’s about him for today! Or should I say them.
Ella: Yes, that’s right Mygetchings! It’s not just one, not two, but three guests! The best Scientists
found from all over the world, guesting to propose a new experiment, showcased in our show! For
our First Scientist, coming from New Delhi, India, he was awarded the Noble Prize for the most
Outstanding Scientist in the year 2019, winning 30 Million Indian Rupees, ladies and gentlemen, let
us welcome, Mr. Chris Hales!
*Chris enters*
Chris: *all Indian accent starting here* Hilu Gudmurneng!
Frances: Good Morning Mr. Hales! Please have a seat so we can discuss about the new experiment
you’ve been working on.
Ella: We are so glad and thankful you picked our show to showcase your new experiment! Thank
you, Mr. Hales, we are so honored.
Chris: Thank you, I am honored to be guesting here as well.
Ella: So, can you tell us about the new experiment you came to propose?
Chris: So, I came up with this experiment a few months ago, I called it ” Colors in the move”. The
needed materials include cotton and milk.
*Goes to the table with prepared materials*
Chris: So I put the milk here, then use these for dropping different colors in the milk. And this
cotton, it is soaked in dish soap, you take the soap-soaked cotton and place it on top of the milk.
Now wait and see.
Ella & Frances: Wow! Look at that Sismarz! That’s Magic!
Ella: How did that happen?
Chris: The milk is made up of water molecules, but it also has fat molecules and protein molecules
which are bigger than water molecules. The detergent is made up of detergent molecules. The cool
thing about the different molecules is that they have positive and negative charges in different areas.
Some molecules or parts of molecules have no charges. When you first put the detergent on the milk,
the negative end of the detergent molecules lines up with the positive end of the water molecules.
259 Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City
889-7489 loc. 138

This causes the detergent molecules to zoom out in every direction over the surface of the milk and
push the food coloring out toward the edge of the plate.
Frances: Now you see, Mygetchings! Mr. Hales is truly incredible!
Ella: Thank You, Mr. Hales! What a wonderful experiment! Truly amazing! We are so honored to
have you here, and we wish to have more of your experiments soon! Thank You so much.
Chris: Thank you too! I hope to come back here for more!
Ella & Frances: Getching?
Chris: Getching!
*Chris exits*
Scene 2: Elephant Toothpaste Experiment

Frances: So Sismars Ella!

Ella: Yes, Sismarz?
Frances: You told me we’re not just having 1 guest, who are the next two?
Ella: Right, the next two. Coming from Chicago, Illinois, a professor and a cute-cute student of 1-I
Science Institute, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Dr. Adonis Caniedo and Mr. Kenneth Riparip!
*Adonis and Kenneth enters*
Adonis & Kenneth: Good Morning!
Ella: Good Morning! So I heard you are the popular professor, Dr. Caniedo, and this is your student?
Adonis: Yes, this is my student from the Chemistry class, one of my best actually.
Frances: Wow, sismarz, can you imagine they are the best in Chemistry, I can’t even master the
Electronic Configuration.
Ella: Yes, sismarz, me too I suck at those, let’s seek help later.
Ella: So what experiment will you show us for today, Dr. Adonis?
Adonis: *Walking to the prepared table* It’s called the Elephant-Toothpaste. I made this experiment
about a year ago with Kenneth, but now I’m gonna need Mr. Hales back because I can use his help
for this one.
France: Let’s call in again, Mr. Hales!
*Chris enters*
Adonis: We’re gonna need cylindrical bottles, food coloring, dishwashing liquid, and the two
solutions, Hydrogen Peroxide and Saturated Potassium Iodine.
Adonis: First, we fill the cylinders with 1/8 dish soap of the bottle. After that get some hydrogen
peroxide and mix it with the potassium iodine.
Hales: Wow, You’re good Dr. Adonis!
Kenneth: Wow Magic!
Adonis: Thank you, now let’s put some food coloring in the dish soap mix it a little pour the
hydrogen peroxide combined with iodine on the cylindrical bottle.
Kenneth: Wow Magic! Explain it sir, explain how it worked!
Ella: That was amazing! How did you do it?
259 Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City
889-7489 loc. 138

Adonis: The potassium iodide reacts with the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by removing an oxygen
atom. This essentially produces water and oxygen gas (H2O + O2). The oxygen gas produced gets
trapped in the soap which produces the big ball of foam. The reaction produces oxygen gas, water
and iodine. That is why the foam has a yellow color. If you were to touch this foam, your hand
would be stained yellow just as if you put iodine on your skin.
Kenneth: Yes, Dr. Adonis is amazing! That’s my prof!
Frances: Wow, sismarz! Can you believe how good they are at chemicals?
Ella: I also can’t believe it, we’re nothing compared to these three!
Ella: Now, there you have it, Mygetchings! These three showing off their skills in chemicals are
truly incredible! We do hope we’re as good as them, but no we’re not, we suck, lets accept it.
Frances: It’s really an honor having them in our show to showcase their experiments! Until next
time, you guys!
Ella & Frances: Getching?
Hosts & Guests & Audience: Getching!
V. Concept
A. Chemical Reaction/Exothermic Reaction

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