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Kelompok 4:

Muhammad Hudzaifi
Muhammad Iqbal
Naesya Feani
Nindy Fadhilah Putri
Niken Sri Nugroho Utami

B.J Habibie
September 11, 2019, who is not familiar with the figure of this young inspirational person.
Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie or more familiarly called B.J Habibie has changed the views of
millions of people through his love story with the famous Hasri Ainun Besari through the film
“Habibie & Ainun”. But make no mistake, not only is the love story that can stir feelings, the
spirit of his life has also made many people admired and inspired him. Here are some portraits
of B.J Habibie will change your outlook on life.

Using his time only to study, work and worship in Aachen, Germany, is Habibie known as
the one who devoted his life to study. For him, studying diligently would be the key to him
being able to work one day, so that he could give back to him laborious mother who had tried
to send him to school. Though busy with his studies, it did not make him forget his obligation
to worship. This was implanted from his father’s childhood. He said that when he was sad and
troubled, this father would often read a scripture from the koran to comfort him.

Only four hours of sleep a day did he confess, one of the things that made him smart was
the limited time he needed to sleep. In the release of his biographical book in 2015, Habibie
relates that he has been accustomed to sleep at a very short time since childhood. There’s an
interesting reason that it takes so little time to sleep. He chose not to spend most of his time
sleeping but rather to spend it exploring the things that attracted him and elicit his curiosity,
making him try to find answers to his questions.

Became Soeharto’s confidant for this accomplishments, the 2nd President of Soeharto
finally gave his trust two Habibie. In 1978, Soeharto appointed Habibie as the minister of the
country for research and technology. He held the office until 1997. During him ministry,
Habibie gave way to creating a national plane by PT. Dirgantara Indonesia. This plane is called
the N-250 Gatot Glass. The plane was then shown in 1995.

A two hours swim habit of reading Yaasin, Tahlil and short Surah were asked Najwa
Shihab on one of the television programs called Mata Najwa when asked “Eyang (B.J Habibie)
a habit of youth Eyang perhaps almost young people today rarely does this thing?” asked
Najwa Shihab “to swim, part-time reading Yaasin, Tahlil and short letters” answers B.J

Paragraph 1 :
Stir : Menggerakan
Spirit : Semangat
Admired : Kagum
Outlook : Pandangan

Paragraph 2 :
Devoted : Mengabdikan/Berbakti
Diligently : Rajin
Laborious : Melelahkan
Obligation : Kewajiban
Scripture : Tulisan Suci

Paragraph 3 :
Confess : Mengaku
Accustomed : Biasa
Attracted : Tertarik
Elicit : Memperoleh
Curiosity : Rasa Ingin Tahu

Paragraph 4 :
Confidant : Orang Kepercayaan
Accomplishments : Prestasi/Pencapaian
Appointed : Ditunjuk
Minister : Menteri

Paragraph 5 :
Habit : Kebiasaan

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