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FOR SY 2018-2019

This study was conducted for the purpose of determining the effects of cell phone use on

academic performance of the students. It aimed to answer the following questions: (1) What is

the demographic profile of the respondents? (2) What is the actual average time they spend on

cell phone and their academic performance? (3) What are the effects of cell phone use on

respondent academic performance? (4) Is there any relationship between cell phone use and

academic performance of the students?

This study used descriptive- correlation method and used survey questionnaire. The

frequency count and percentage were used to describe the demographic profile of the

respondents and actual average time they spend on cell phone and their academic performance.

The weighted mean and Pearson moment correlation were used to describe the results and the

relationship on the effects of cell phone use on academic performance of the students.

The findings showed very weak relationship on the effect of cell phone use and

Academic Performance of the students. The result also manifested that the time they spend on

using cell phone does not affect that much their academic performance.

This research will never be possible without the support of the following individuals.

With this, the researchers would like to extend their grateful acknowledgement and recognition

to the following:

Sir Shir Anthony Valencia, for guidance and support, particularly on shaping our ability

as researchers.

Ms. Irna Esplana, who give her guidance, suggestions, corrections and advice to go

deeper into the research process.

The teachers and students who participated and shared their knowledge during the

survey conducted.

To our very own family, words can never express the gratitude we want to express for

the love, support, and guidance.

Lastly, to God who had been there all along with us. Thank you!


Background of the study

Through the technological advancement, modern devices or gadgets arise such as cell

phones, laptops, tablets and etc. Cell phone is the most popular form of electronic

communication that is now part of adolescent’s daily life. The use of this communication is

rapidly increased. Almost every people in our society having cell phone on their pocket that

enables them to be socially connected. Ordinary cell phone used only to make call and send text

messages. But now, modern cell phone (smart phone ) allow users not only to make call and send

text messages but also to connect with social network, surfing on internet, watching videos and

playing online games. The use of cell phone make our communication easier. We can

communicate to our fellow students, teachers, parents and relative abroad by just sitting in the

corner. However, we must remember that it can bring a positive and negative effects to us or in

our society.

Thus, the purpose of this present study is to investigate the effects of cell phone use on

academic performance among selected Grade XI students of Villamayor High School for SY


Statement of the problem

This study aims to determine the effects of cell phone use on academic performance

among selected Grade XI students of Villamayor High School for SY 2018-2019.

This study answered the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

2. What is the actual average time they spend on cell phone and their academic


3. What are the effects of cell phone use on respondent academic performance?

4. Is there any relationship between cell phone use and academic performance of the


Objectives of the study:

The study focused on the following objectives:

1. To determine the demographic profile of the respondents.

2. To determine the actual average time they spend on cell phone and their academic


3. To describe the effects of cell phone use on respondents academic performance.

4. To determine the relationship between the effects of cell phone use and academic

performance of the students.

Scope and Limitation

This research study of the effects of cell phone use on academic performance focused on

the selected Grade XI students of Villamayor High School for SY 2018-2019 in Salingogon,

Minalabac, Camarines Sur. The total respondents of this study were 50 selected students. It

includes the selected students from XI- Kryptonite & XI- Krypton. The grades of the respondents
only covered the first semester general point average. The findings and conclusions of this study

may not be applicable to other schools in the country.

Significance of the study

The purpose of conducting this research is to find out the effects of cell phone use on

academic performance among selected Grade XI students of Villamayor High School for the

following reasons:


-The result of this study will help school to learn the advantages and disadvantages of the cell



-This findings may serve as a guide to create policy that can limit the students to use their cell



-This study may help them to realize that the use of cell phone must minimize.


-This study may be helpful to open the parent’s awareness and develop the concern to guide their


Other researchers

-This study will benefit and can use as a source of reference for the future researchers.

Background of the study

In terms of functionality, cell phones complete many the same tasked as an internet

connected computer. Such as todays cell phone allows users to call, text, email, video

conference, surf the internet, watch and share videos and pictures, and play online games. Cell

phone allows these services to be accessed almost anywhere and anytime.

Yen et al. (2009) found an association between cell phone use and participants self-

assessment or not, they had allowed cell phone use to interfere with “important social, academic

or recreational activities”

The cell phone technology continues its rapid development; the device appears capable of

contributing to students learning and improves academic performance. (Bull and McCormick,

2012; Tao & Yen 2013).

Today’s even college students reveal cell phone being used. Both overtly and covertly,

every possible campus setting, including the frequently use the cell phone during class time

despite rules against doing so. (Tindell and Bohlander, 2012)

Rosen (Amur et al, 2013) study found that the participants typically distracted by media

such as Facebook and texting in less than 6 minutes after initiating studying session.

Intensive use of cell phone was related to school failure as well as other negative

behaviour. Most recent studies operationalize cell phone use as calling and texting while a

variety measures for academic performance. (Jacobsen & Forste, 2011) identified a negative
relationship between the uses of variety electronic media including cell phone (calling & texting)

and self-reported grade point average (GPA) among students on the US. Even though the study

found a negative relationship between variables, it failed to acknowledge that social media, web

surfing and gaming for examples might have similar or worse effects compared to texting and


Levine et al. (2007) suggest that college student’s cell phone use may be distraction in

academic setting.

Woodcock et al. (2012) demonstrated contrast findings; students were found always

using their phones more for playing games and other leisure activities than for learning.

Modern cell phone enable users to access a variety of electronic media at almost anytime

and anywhere. Popular activities such as playing video games, surfing the internet and

monitoring social media sites are new all easily accomplished with most cell phones. Low levels

of internet use have been associated with improved academic performance.

Norries, Hossain, & Soloway (2011) in their study demonstrated that students achievement

increase significantly when students use mobile learning devices including smartphone’s during

learning time.

Woodcock et al. (2012) reported that respondents in their research believe that

smartphone had allowed them to improved productivity and eventually their learning


Norries et al. (2011) also found that students were constantly using their smartphones

camera to take pictures of abstract concepts taught in class so that they could relate them w5th

the concrete ideas.

Kumar (2011) indicated that students were downloading online lecturers and reading

eBooks to improve learning.

A study conducted by Mtega, Bernard, Msungu & Sonare (2012) shows that the

respondents in their study do not just use traditional mobile learning applications, such as text

messages and calls, but they utilized mobile learning applications such as GPS, camera, voice

calls, e-mail, Google drive, and so forth to create, upload and share academic resources with

their friends.

Anzai, Funada, & Akahori (2013) investigates mobile devices use for mobile photo note

taking in order to examine the effects of this trend on vocabulary retention. The study found no

significant differences in short term vocabulary.

Despite the prevalent smartphone usage among students, the extent to which technology

has contributed to their academic achievement still inconclusive. Cell phone functions are no

longer limited to only texting and calling; instead a wide array of activities need to be

considered. Based on the existing literature, this descriptive-correlation study was carried out to

determine the extent of cell phone use in terms of learning by the students.

Theoretical Framework

This research is anchored on the Cell Phone Theory, and Theory of Mobile Learning

Cell phone Theory (Divided Theory)

Alan Brown proposed this theory. This means that when we are distracted with

something else, we subliminally taken in what’s around us but may not truly register it
consciously. Then, we are able to focus on what we are doing, those surrounding’s appear to

already be familiar to us even when they shouldn’t be.

Theory of mobile learning

A theory of mobile learning is essential when thinking of the role of mobility and

communication in learning environments (Sharples, Taylor, & Vasoula, 2005). A key point in

mobile learning theory is that is the learner that is mobile, not the technology (Shuler 2009).

Control of mobile learning environments can be distributed and context is constructed by

learners through their interaction with the devices and with each other. They acknowledgement

that mobile learning can both complement and conflict with format education and raises ethical

issues both of privacy and ownership.

when we are distracted P
with something else, we
subliminally taken in
what’s around us but R
may not truly register it

the learner that is
mobile, not the
technology E
Figure 1
Theoretical Framework of the study
Conceptual Framework
This conceptual framework is anchored on the idea of the effects of cell phone use on
academic performance. The input of the study is the cell phone use; the process which are the
social media, social networking, surfing the internet, watching videos, playing online games and
call & text messages; and the output is the student’s academic performance.


Social media
Social networking
Surfing in Internet
CELL PHONE Watching Videos Academic
Playing Online Performance
Call & Text

Figure 2
Conceptual Framework of the study

Ho. There is an effects between cell phone use and academic performance of the


Ha. There is no effects between cell phone use and academic performance of the



In this study, it assumed that:

A1. Students of Villamayor High School uses cell phone.

A2. The students’ academic performance varies.

Definition of terms

To facilitate the understanding of the present study, the following terms were defined:

Academic performance

 A performance done by the students of the Villamayor High School

Cell phone

 A small device that people used to communicate


 The act of using something

 The way that something is used


 “General Point Average” which is a number representing the average value of the

accumulated final grades earned in courses over time.

Outstanding 93-100

Very Satisfactory 85-92

Satisfactory 77-84

Poor 69-76

Social Media

 Websites and applications that enables users to create and share content or participate in

social networking

Social Networking

 Online platform which people use to build social networks on social relations with other

people who share similar personal or career interest, activities, background or real-life


Surfing in Internet

 Is the act of browsing in the internet by going from one webpage to another webpage

using hyperlinks in an internet browser

Online Games

 Is a video game that is either partially or primarily played through the Internet or any

other computer network

Call & Text message

 Is the act of sending short alphanumeric communications between cell phones pagers or

other hand held devices as implemented by wireless carrier

Watching Videos

 Type of visual communication which uses moving pictures and sounds to tell stories or

teach people something


Research Methodology

This chapter presented the methods and procedures to obtain the needed information that

is very useful in this research. These include the research design, respondents of the study,

instrumental of the study, validity and reliability and statistical tools to be used.

Research Design

This study used the descriptive-correlation method. Descriptive method of research was

used to determine the effects of cell phone use on academic performance of selected Grade XI

students of Villamayor High School for SY 2018-2019. Checklist was distributed to get the

respondents view regarding the topic of the data had served as the basis of the proposed culture

based instructional materials.

The correlation method was used in determining the relationship between cell phone use

and academic performances of the students.

Respondents of the study

The respondents of the study are selected Grade XI students of Villamayor High School

for SY 2018-2019. The participants consisted of 19 males and 31 females.

Purposive sampling was used in determining the respondents of the study. The grade XI students

were selected to compose the respondents of the study.

Instrument of the study

A well- constructed self- respondent questionnaire titled “The Effect of Cell Phone Use

on Academic Performance among selected Grade XI students of VHS for SY 2018-2019” was

used to get the desired information from the students. The questionnaire was divided into three


Part I was for collection of information of personal data of the respondents, Part II consisted of

questions of hours they spend on their cell phones and Part III consisted of questions that elicited

responses from the respondents with response options: STRONGLY AGREE (SA), AGREE (A),


The grades of two sections of grade XI students were gathered by asking or requesting it

from the advisers and teachers.

Statistical Tools

The data gathered from the respondents were tallied, analyzed and interpreted

using the different statistical tools. This research made use the frequency count, percentage,

weighted mean and Pearson moment correlation for independent and dependent sample.

The frequency count and percentage were used to describe the demographic profile in

terms of age and gender of the respondents. The weighted mean was used to describe the effects
of cell phone use on academic performance among grade XI students of Villamayor High School

SY 2018-2019.

Formula for Percentage:

P=𝑁 x 100


P= Percentage Distribution

f= Frequency of an item or respondents

N= Total number of respondents

Formula of weighted mean:



X = mean

f= frequency

x= class mark

N= total frequency

The Pearson Moment Correlation was used:

- To know the relationship between the effect of cell phone and academic performance

of the students

- The formula for Pearson Correlation is:

𝑛(∑ 𝑥𝑦)−(∑ 𝑥)(∑ 𝑦)
r √[𝑛 ∑ 𝑥2− ∑ 𝑥)2]⌊𝑛 ∑ 𝑦2−(∑ 𝑦)2⌋


n= number of pair score

∑ 𝑥𝑦= sum of the product of paired score

∑ 𝑥= sum of x score

∑ 𝑦= sum of y score

𝛴𝑥 2 = sum of squared x score

𝛴𝑦 2 = sum of squared y score


Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter includes the data presentation, analysis and findings of research study.

Researcher use tables in presenting the data gathered from the respondents. In addition, it

includes the interpretation of data.

Table 1. Students’ Response on the Demographic Profile


Frequency Percentage

MALE 19 38.00%

FEMALE 31 62.00%

Total Average 50 100%


16 3 6.00%

17 29 58.00%

18 16 32.00%

19 0 0%

20 2 4.00%

No. of Respondents 50 100.00%

The table 1 showed that 38% of the respondents are male and 62% are female. It can also

be gleaned that 58% of the respondents’ age is 17, 32% are 18 years of age, 6% are 16 years of

age, and only 4% of the respondents’ age is 20.

Table 2: General Point Average of the Respondents

Average Frequency Percentage

93%-100% 0 0

85%-92% 24 48%

77%-84% 25 50%

69%-76% 1 2%

Table 2 showed the General Point Average of the respondents. It can be gleaned that

almost 50% of the respondents have the average of 77% to 84%, 48% of them have the average

of 85% to 92% and the least of them have the average of 69% to 76%.

Table 3: Students’ responses in hour spend on cell phone and studying

Hours spend on cell phone Hours spend studying

Time f Percentage f Percentage

1-5 41 82% 26 52%

6-10 6 12% 21 42%

11-15 3 6% 3 6%

Total 50 100% 50 100%

Table 3 showed the responses of students hours spend in cell phone and hours spend on

studying. It can be gleaned that 82% of the respondents spend 1-5 hours on cell phone, 12%

spend 6-10 hours and only 6%spend 11-15 hours on using cell phone.

It was also noted that must of the respondents spend 1 to 5 hours studying with 52%, 42%

for 6-10 hours and only 6% spend 11-15hours on studying.

Table 3.1. Result of the Effect of cell phone use on Academic Performance

no. sum f Weighted mean

1. 175 50 3.5

2. 176 50 3.52

3. 165 50 3.3

4. 169 50 3.38

5. 156 50 3.12

6. 192 50 3.84

7. 202 50 4.04

8. 182 50 3.64

9. 194 50 3.88

10. 199 50 3.98

11. 182 50 3.64

12. 191 50 3.82

Total 2183 600 3.64

Table 3.1 showed the result and the weighted mean gathered from the respondents using

the survey questionnaire.

It can be gleaned that the weighted mean on the effect of cell phone use on academic

performance is 3.64. This showed that almost of the respondents agreed on the different

statements on the effect of cell phone use on academic performance. The weighted mean from

the statements 1 to 12 is ranging from 3.12 to 4.04.

Table 4: Pearson Correlation Method

Parameter Df Computed Computed Value Conclusion


Male & Female 48 0.17 1.21 Very Weak


This table showed that the computed correlation of 0.17 is less than the computed value

of the 1.21, thus there is a very weak relationship between the effects of cell phone use and

academic performance of the students.


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

This chapter discusses the summary of the study, findings, conclusions and

recommendations offer.


The study on Effects of Cell phone use on Academic Performance among selected

grade XI students of Villamayor High School for SY 2018-2019 was undertaken to: 1.)

To determine the demographic profile of the respondents; 2.) To determine the actual

average time they spend on cell phone and their academic performance.; 3.)To describe

the effects of cell phone use on respondents academic performance; and 4.) To determine

the relationship between the effects of cell phone use and academic performance of the


The respondents of the study were the selected grade XI students of Villamayor

High School who uses cell phone.

This study used descriptive- correlation method and used survey questionnaire.

The frequency count and percentage were used to describe the demographic profile of the

respondents and actual average time they spend on cell phone and their academic

performance. The weighted mean and Pearson moment correlation were used to describe

the results and the relationship on the effects of cell phone use on academic performance

of the students.
The findings showed very weak relationship on the effect of cell phone use and

Academic Performance of the students. The result also manifested that the time they

spend on using cell phone does not affect that much their academic performance.


Based from the findings drawn on this study noted that the respondents are mostly female

and most of them aged 17; The respondents’ academic performances are mostly ranging from 85

to 92; and There is a very weak relationship on the effect of cell phone use and academic

performance of the students.


Based on the findings and conclusion of the study, the researchers recommended the


1. Replication of this study be done to validate the current findings and to reveal whether

different study condition yield similar results.

2. Students should give sufficient time in their studies. They should motivate themselves to

have better academic performance.

3. Using cell phone is not that bad, but students should know their limitations.

4. Investigate other factors that will affect the academic performance of the students.

Questionnaire for the respondents

Dear students,
The information you will provide will be used for academic purpose only. Please assist
though contribution toward this study by answering the following question.

I. Demographic Profile
General Point Average:
Gender Male Female
Age :
Grade & Section :


1) Do you own mobile phone/cell phone?



2) How many hours do you spend on your cell phone in a day?

3) How many hours do you spend studying in a day?

III. Likert Scale

5-Strongly Agree 4-Agree 3-Undecided 2- Disagree 1-Strongly disagree

Statement 5 4 3 2 1

1) Cell phone distracts me from my studies.

2) The time I spend on my smartphone takes away from

my time studying.
3) Cell phone use influenced my grades positively.

4) The hours I spend on my cell phone are more than the

hours I spend reading.
5) Cell phone use influenced my grades negatively.

6) I find cell phone useful for my studies.

7) I use my cell phone for socializing and making new

8) I use cell phone for academic purposes.

9) Communication with classmates and teachers is easily

though the use of cell phone.
10) I always check my CP every time.

11) Using CP while studying loses my concentration.

12) I can do my assignment easily though the use of cell

phone that allows me to connect in different Social
Networking Site.

General Point Average

NAME AVERAGE Capendit 79.57

MALE Espinas 87
Aragdon 83.7 Labriaga 78.85
Bandola 78.85 Morada 83.42
Barbacena 78.42 Reposapos 86.14
Bas 82.42 Sumido 81.85
Basmayor 78.14 Vergara 85.85
Belen 83.57 Villanueva 86.42
Benamira 83.28 Amaro 86
Boloy 76.57 Aringo 84
Del Rosario 77.57 Baraquiel 87
Matos 77.85 Bea 89
Orosco 79 Belen 85
Roadiel 80.14 Bellen 84
Benamira 86 Bermas 86
Bermas 90 Bernaldez 87
Cabezudo 86 Bohol 88
Esta 82 Caya 85
Lozares 84 Divinasflores 86
Malmis 84 Divinasflores 86
Nuñez 82 Jamila 87
FEMALE Oida 87
Altamarino 87.14 Orosco 87
Bandola 82.71 Sanico 89
Bas 79.57 Ulvida 86
Basmayor 78.14 Ulvida 88
Belardo 78.71

Computation of Pearson moment Correlation

No. Code x-test y-test X2 Y2 xy

1. 00001 2 83.7 4 7005.69 167.4

2. 00002 2 82.42 4 6793.0564 164.84

3. 00003 2 83.5 4 6972.25 167

4. 00004 5 82 25 6724 410

5. 00005 3 86 9 73.96 258

6. 00006 3 90 9 8100 270

7. 00007 7 78.14 49 6105.8596 546.98

8. 00008 3 83.28 9 6935.5584 249.84

9. 00009 1 78.42 1 6149.6964 78.42

10. 00010 4 77.85 16 6060.6225 311.4

11. 00011 3 79 9 6241 237

12. 00012 10 84 100 7056 840

13. 00013 3 78.85 9 6217.3225 236.55

14. 00014 6 87 36 7569 522

15. 00015 5 87 25 7569 435

16. 00016 1 85 1 7225 85

17. 00017 4 86 16 7396 344

18. 00018 4 86 16 7396 344

19. 00019 5 86 25 7396 430

20. 00020 2 88 4 7744 176

21. 00021 12 89 144 7921 1068

22. 00022 5 84 25 7056 420

23. 00023 8 82 64 6724 656

24. 00024 3 83.42 9 6958.8964 250.26

25. 00025 2 87.14 4 7593.3796 174.28

26. 00026 1 78.85 1 6217.3225 78.85

27. 00027 4 86 16 7396 344

28. 00028 8 84 64 7056 672

29. 00029 15 82 225 6724 1230

30. 00030 3 84 9 7056 252

31. 00031 1 80.14 1 6422.4196 80.14

32. 00032 1 77.57 1 6017.1049 77.57

33. 00033 6 86 36 7396 516

34. 00034 5 87 25 7569 435

35. 00035 5 88 25 7744 440

36. 00036 2 87 4 7569 174

37. 00037 3 86 9 7396 258

38. 00038 10 87 100 7569 870

39. 00039 4 89 16 7921 356

40. 00040 4 79.57 16 6331.3849 318.28

41. 00041 2 78.14 4 6105.8596 156.28

42. 00042 1 85.85 1 7370.2225 85.85

43. 00043 1 79.57 1 6331.3849 79.57

44. 00044 5 78.71 25 6195.26641 393.55

45. 00045 5 82.71 25 6840.9441 413.55

46. 00046 4 87 16 7569 348

47. 00047 2 86.14 4 7420.0996 172.28

48. 00048 3 86.42 9 7468.4164 259.26

49. 00049 2 81.85 4 6699.4225 163.7

50. 00050 4 76.57 16 5862.9649 306.28

Total 206.00 4,182.81 1,270.00 350,553.14 17,322.13

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