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Recruitment A Private Employment Agency (PEA) engaged in

the recruitment and placement of workers for

overseas employment must secure a licence to
3. Are any grants or incentives available for
operate from the DOLE through the POEA.
employing people? Does any information/paperwork
need to be filed with the authorities when employing
people? Minimum wage
Grants or incentives 9. Is there a national (or regional) minimum wage?
Republic Act No 6727 (1989) is the law governing
There are laws which grant incentives to companies the minimum wages that apply to different industrial
which employ specific classes of employees. For sectors. The Regional Tripartite Wages and
example, the Magna Carta for Persons with Productivity Boards prescribe the minimum wage
Disabilities gives tax incentives (for example, rates for agricultural and non-agricultural employees
additional income tax deductions) to employers who in different regions based on established criteria. As
employ persons with disabilities. Under Republic of 4 October 2013, the minimum wage rates of these
Act No 7916 (the Special Economic Zone Act of employees in the National Capital Region (NCR),
1995, as amended), enterprises in the ECOZONE are inclusive of the Cost of Living Allowance (COLA),
given an additional deduction equivalent to one-half are PHP429.00 and PHP466.00, respectively.
of the value of training expenses incurred in Petitions for exemption from the prescribed wage
developing skilled or unskilled labour or for rates can be filed with the appropriate Regional
managerial or other management development board, under certain circumstances. Different
programmes. minimum wage rates apply to helpers or "domestic
workers", and a different mechanism for determining
Filings the minimum wage applies to those who are paid by
Recruitment for local employment. A Private In industries where apprentices or learners are
Recruitment and Placement Agency (PRPA) must employed, the wage rate for these employees must in
secure a licence from the Department of Labour and no case start below 75% of the applicable minimum
Employment (DOLE). The licence is valid all over wage. If disabled persons are employed as
the Philippines for two years from the date of apprentices or learners, they are entitled to a
issuance, unless it is suspended, cancelled or revoked compensation that begins at not less than 75% of the
by the Regional Director before the end of this two- applicable minimum wage. However, a qualified
year period. disabled employee is entitled to receive the same
In addition to the licence, a PRPA or its authorised compensation, privileges, fringe benefits, incentives
representative must secure an authority to recruit or allowances as any other qualified able-bodied
from the Regional Office of the DOLE which has employee.
jurisdiction over the place where recruitment
activities will be undertaken. The authority to recruit Illness and injury of employees
operates on the same terms as the licence, unless it is
revoked or cancelled by the issuing Regional Office 12. What rights do employees have to time off in the
or terminated by the PRPA. Only representatives case of illness or injury? Are they entitled to sick pay
duly authorised to recruit and whose names are during this time off? Who pays the sick pay and, if
registered with the Regional Office can engage in the employer, can it recover any of the cost from the
recruitment activities. government?
Recruitment for overseas employment. The
Philippine Overseas Employment Administration Entitlement to time off
(POEA), which is under the DOLE, regulates private
sector participation in the recruitment and overseas Philippine laws do not automatically grant
placement of workers through a licensing and employees sick leave, although employees are
registration system (Migrant Workers' Act, section entitled to be given service incentive leaves.
However, there is nothing that prohibits the 13. What are the statutory rights of employees who
employer and employee from agreeing on the grant are:
of sick leave through voluntary employer policy or
collective bargaining agreements. Parents (including maternity, paternity, surrogacy,
Under Republic Act No 8282, an employee who has adoption and parental rights, where applicable)?
paid at least three monthly Social Security System Carers (including those of disabled children and
(SSS) contributions in the 12-month period adult dependants)?
immediately preceding the period of sickness or
injury, and is confined for more than three days in a Maternity rights
hospital or elsewhere with the approval of the SSS, A female member of the Social Security System
will be paid by his employer a daily sickness benefit (SSS) who has paid at least three monthly
equivalent to 90% of his average daily salary credit contributions in the 12-month period immediately
for each day of confinement. However, this preceding her childbirth or miscarriage will be paid
allowance will only begin to be paid after all sick a daily maternity leave benefit equivalent to 100% of
leave with full pay due from the employer has been the average daily salary credit (based not on actual
exhausted. salary but on the SSS graduated scale, with a
Under Republic Act No. 9710, a woman employee maximum monthly salary credit of PHP15,000) for:
who has rendered a continuous aggregate service of
at least six months for the last twelve months is 60 days in the case of a normal delivery.
entitled to a special leave benefit of two months with 78 days in the case of a caesarian delivery.
full pay based on her gross monthly compensation
following surgery caused by gynaecological This is subject to the conditions prescribed by the
disorders. SSS which include notification requirements
(Republic Act No 8282 (SSS Law of 1997), section
Entitlement to paid time off 14-A).
Full payment of the maternity leave benefit will be
The SSS will reimburse the employer 100% of the advanced by the employer within 30 days from the
daily sickness benefits, provided the SSS receives filing of the maternity leave application. The SSS
satisfactory proof of that payment, and the legality of will immediately reimburse the employer 100% of
that payment, and the employer has notified the SSS the amount of maternity leave benefits advanced to
of the confinement within five calendar days after the employee upon receipt of satisfactory proof of
receipt of the notification of sickness or injury from that payment.
the employee. In addition to the maternity leave benefit, the
Republic Act No 9710 (also known as the "Magna
Recovery of sick pay from the state Carta for Women") also guarantees access for
women to services such as:
Employees who become ill or experience work-
related injuries can make a claim to the Employees' Maternal care including pre- and post-natal
Compensation Programme (ECP). The ECP is services to address pregnancy and infant health and
designed to provide assistance (in the form of nutrition.
medical services, rehabilitation services, and/or Promotion of breastfeeding.
income cash benefit) to employees for work-related Responsible, ethical, legal, safe and effective
injury, sickness, disability or death. Only the methods of family planning.
employer is required to pay monthly contributions,
no contribution is due from the employee. The Paternity rights
employer's contributions for the ECP make up the Every married male employee is entitled to a
State Insurance Fund, from which compensation for paternity leave of seven days with full pay for the
approved claims is sourced. first four deliveries of his legitimate spouse with
whom he is cohabiting. "Delivery" includes
childbirth or any miscarriage. Unused paternity leave
Statutory rights of parents and benefits are not convertible to cash (Republic Act No
carers 8187, section 2).
Surrogacy rights
There are no provisions governing surrogacy in the To give solo parent employees a flexible working
Philippines. schedule provided that this does not affect individual
Adoption rights and company productivity.
Adoption leave is available to an employee who Not to discriminate against solo parent employees
adopts a child from a child-placement or child-caring with respect to terms and conditions of employment
agency that is duly licensed and accredited by the on account of their status.
Department of Social Welfare and Development
(DSWD). The adoptive parents will, with respect to An employer can be exempted by the Department of
the adopted child, enjoy all the benefits to which Labour and Employment (DOLE) from the
biological parents are entitled. Maternity and requirement to provide a flexible working schedule
paternity and other benefits given to biological on meritorious grounds.
parents upon the birth of a child will be enjoyed if the The employee must obtain a Solo Parent
adoptee is below seven years of age as of the date the Identification Card, which is issued by the
child is placed with the adopted parents through the Municipal/City Social Welfare and Development
Pre-Adoptive Placement Authority issued by the Office after assessment and evaluation, in order to be
DSWD (Rules and Regulations to Implement eligible to take advantage of these benefits.
Republic Act No 8552 (The Domestic Adoption Act Carers' rights
of 1998), Article VI, section 34). There are no provisions governing carers' rights in
Parental rights the Philippines.
A single or solo parent as defined by law who has
served at least one year of service is entitled to a Discrimination and harassment
parental leave of not more than seven days with full
pay per year. Unused parental leave benefits are not 17. What protection do employees have from
convertible to cash and cannot be accumulated discrimination or harassment, and on what grounds?
(Republic Act No 8972, section 3). As defined, a
single or solo parent is: Protection from discrimination

The Labour Code prohibits discrimination against any

A married person whose spouse is absent or female employee with respect to the terms and
conditions of employment solely on the basis of her sex
A woman who gives birth as a result of rape and/or
(Labour Code, Article 133), by, for example:
other crimes.
A person left alone:
due to the death of the spouse;
while the spouse is detained or is serving Paying a lesser compensation than that applicable to a
sentence for a criminal conviction for at least a year; male counterpart.
due to legal or de facto separation from the
Favouring a male employee over a female employee
spouse for at least a year, or a declaration of nullity
with respect to promotion, training opportunities and
of marriage decreed by a court or church as long as
study and scholarship grants.
he/she is entrusted with custody of the children;
due to abandonment of the spouse for at least a
as an unmarried mother/father who has It further prohibits discriminating, or otherwise
preferred to keep and rear her/his child/children prejudicing, a female employee merely by reason of her
instead of having others care for them; marriage (Labour Code, Article 134). The Republic Act No
who is any person who solely provides parental 9710 (also known as the "Magna Carta for Women") also
care and support to a child; penalises public and private entities and individuals
who is any family member who assumes the found to have committed discrimination against women.
responsibility of head of the family. The law is an expression of the state's policy to eliminate
all forms of discrimination against women and ensure
In addition to providing parental leave, the law also equality between men and women.
requires employers:
The Labour Code also prohibits the following forms of The sexual favour is made as a condition in the hiring,
discrimination: the employment, the re-employment or the continued
employment of the person being harassed, or in granting
the person being harassed favourable compensation,
Discriminating against a person with respect to their terms, conditions, promotions, or privileges, or the
terms and conditions of employment based on age refusal to grant the sexual favour results in limiting,
(Labour Code, Article 138). segregating or classifying the person being harassed in
such a way that it would discriminate, deprive or
Discriminating against workers who exercise their right diminish their employment opportunities or otherwise
to self-organisation (Labour Code, Article 255). adversely affect that employee.
Discriminating with respect to wages, hours of work, The above acts would impair the employee's rights or
and other terms and conditions of employment in order privileges under existing labour laws.
to encourage or discourage membership in any labour
organisation; or discriminating against an employee for The above acts would result in an intimidating, hostile,
giving, or being about to give, testimony under the or offensive environment for the employee.
Labour Code (Labour Code, Articles 257 (e) and (f)).

It is the duty of the employer, or the head of the work-

Finally, Republic Act No 7277, as amended (also known related institution, to prevent or deter the commission
as the "Magna Carta for Persons with Disability"), of acts of sexual harassment and to provide procedures
provides that: for the resolution, settlement or prosecution of acts of
sexual harassment. The employer must promulgate
appropriate rules and regulations prescribing the
No disabled person can be denied access to procedure for investigating cases of sexual harassment,
opportunities for suitable employment. and put in place administrative sanctions so that
incidents of harassment can be dealt with appropriately.
A qualified disabled employee must be subject to the
same terms and conditions of employment and the same Whistleblowers
compensation and benefits as a qualified able bodied 18. Do whistleblowers have any protection?
While there is no law specifically protecting
whistleblowers, the Labour Code prohibits
Protection from harassment discrimination against any employee who has filed any
complaint, or instituted any proceeding, against their
The Philippines has laws relating to sexual harassment employer. It is unlawful for an employer to refuse to pay,
requiring employers to take certain measures to prevent or reduce the wages and benefits of, or dismiss, or in any
and address it. manner discriminate against any employee who has
Sexual harassment is committed when a person either:
demands, requests or otherwise requires any sexual Filed any complaint or proceeding relating to their
favour from another. The harasser can be an employer, conditions of employment.
employee, manager, supervisor, agent of the employer
or any other person who has authority, influence or Testified, or is about to testify, in such proceedings.
moral ascendancy over the person who is being
An employer's act of discriminating against an employee
In a work-related or employment environment, sexual for having given, or being about to give, testimony in
harassment is committed when: such proceedings is specifically classified as an unfair
labour practice under the Labour Code.

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