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Widyawan & Partners Application Form

Please enter your full name in the footer and answer all questions in this application form.

Please upload a completed application form, together with your CV and transcript(s) via the candidate
portal for our review. We will only review submissions using this application form and will not review
incomplete submissions.

If you have any questions during the application process, please contact a member of the Graduate
Recruitment Team by emailing

Application Questions:

1. Tell us about your experience of teamwork and the impact you have had on these teams, whether
from your work, studies or other roles and responsibilities. Include detail also on how you have managed
to balance your various commitments. (350 words)

2. The firm’s purpose is to steer our clients through great change. In your opinion, what are two of the
major changes and industry disruptions that could impact Widyawan & Partners in association with
Linklaters and our clients? (500 words)

3. One of The firm’s core values is that we strive for excellence. Tell us the ways in which you have
sought to develop yourself personally and professionally to attain excellence. (350 words)

Click here to enter your name (Last Name, First Name).

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