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1. Name / Age / Years of Spritual Service / Obligation as a church leader.

Eve Loreine Auxilio Viscayno / 45 yrs old / 5 yrs / Worker.
2. In your many years of spiritual practure, what is meant by being a spritiual
Spritual person for me means, you are focus on the things that our Spirit needs,
like listening to God’s word and wisdom. I see to it that my brothers and sisters
in the church be always present to attend our services, like our Prayer Meeting,
Worship Service, and Thanksgiving.
3. Is there a difference between spirituality and religiousness?
For me there is a big difference between spirituality and religiousness. Spirituality
form the root word Spirit, which means the being inside us, our soul.
Religiousness from the root word religion which means to reconnect or reconcile
to God.
4. In your spiritual walk, how has God used adversity to mature you?
How God used adversity to mature me, by surrendering to him all my difficulties,
problems, and misfortunate. By believing in him that he can make things easy for
5. What are your spiritual disciplines and practices?
My discipline and practices simply following the God’s doctrines as what had
written in the Holy Scriptures.
6. What evidence is there in your life and ministry that you are leading in the power
of the Spirit, and not out of your abilities and strengths?
First of all, our abilities and strengths comes from God. By doing all the things I
have in my life in the ministry are all God’s doing. I can’t do a things without his
divine intervention.
7. In the past, how did you handle an unanswered prayer?
I handled unanswered prayer as lightly as I can, because not all prayers are
good for you or meant for you to ask. God knows what is good for us. We just
need to trust him that he wants the best for us.
8. What is your church/ministry/religious beliefs about the how a person can be
saved or attain an everlasting life/peace?
In our church, we are taught to follow God’s Doctrines in order for us to be
saved and to attained peace.
9. If you have one piece of advice to young people around our age, in what way or
how can we cultivate our spiritual self?
Young people now adays should take time to ponder and reflect on God’s word.
They should take the time to find out what God really wants them to do.

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