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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 r CLASSIFICATION _esmarorED ai uront Se : INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS Of RADIO BROADCASTS COUNTRY Yugontavia Date oF INFORMATION 2948 SUBJECT agrpbie = Are, reLter, apérogcapty, clinite, vinde How DATE ost. fy sun 1952 PUBLISHED maoabooe were PUBLISHED —belgrase No. OF PAGES 20 Dare PUBLISHED nor « pee 2988 SUPPLEMENT TO unource REPORT no. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ‘TEE cmoctarmt oF wwo9sLaviA ‘Tas folioving report is| ‘from the Informit ivai STAT See REST Hind ines net ee a Te larger part of Tujcelevia occupies the central asd northvest yortion of he Balkan Pentauln (7h percent or ita territory), white the enaiiees serebern PETE Frovects nto iddale Burope, Tugoelavie te sieuted teres ney oe $6,33 North intitute, nd betveen 13 23 32 ant 23 C2 East longiteae’ “aeons 1» fame intstude range’ts 6 01 40 Forth, and tn teagitaie'9 Sab net, Mey pe Unk, south of Velika Craddon Telaod, ad fet Rortberasott io vbere the Yugoelay Austrian, and garden frontigre sect, uttvert of Viscka Kanioa (2,585 ereara) co the ant the euatermmoct 1a at the top of Conpiae fale Yugorlayie is Dounted on the north by Austria ant Bungary, on se east by Rugania and Bulgaria, on the south by Gresoe, and ca the veot by kiteaia’ Stety, gat the Froe Territory of frieste. according to eratiasie tatecotiee as austrian frontier te 323.7 Kiloavere Tong (this reters to the preston’ fhestier); EBs Bgarinn, 625.3; Rumanian, 551; Bulgarian, 538.1) Greek, abeeiy Algeciaoe 465.54 Italian, 1755 anf the Free Territory of Trieste, 63 $'kilooeens” he Mriatic seacoast, trou the Bojane River to the Mirna River, t= 1,916.1 ctenetere long (aot tnciodtng slants): cussiicarion _ SSRECED [meyer co eRUTON mt baer —— Pla ——1 RT ft 1 i ‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 re ‘gonavia tas an ares of 256,509 equare Kilometers (Welix Anton, Jugoelavis, ‘vo Jubliniea ia higust 1910) seuss ‘Tee People's Repsbiic of Serbia bas an aren of 68,563 square iitoasters, of vhieh the Wojvodirs, an autonoeous province, occupies, 22,080 square Ecloneters {tod the Kosovo-Matobl ju Aucononous (blast, 10,451 square Kilouetera, the People’ Republic of Serbin comprises 3h.) percent of the toual area of the Peder) People's Republic of Yugoslavia’ (the Wojvotinn, 9 percent? Kosore Metall, Ei percent). ‘tee People's Republic of Croseia has en arse of 55,937 aquire KLLoeeters Before a yart of the avaboarl, Istria, Zedar, Rijeka, Lastovo Toland, and there ‘ere incised, tbe area ves 42,539 aquare kilometers. Accordingly, the sree of isided Lersitozy 9 3,398 square Elloaetere. The People's hepiblie’of croxtin Gomprisee 21.8 percent of the total aree of the Federal Peopleve fepwblic of Yeeorlevia, ‘tee Poople's Sepiblte of Slovenia bas an area of 20,192 square xiloneters, Before a part of the Slovenian secboard anda tart of latria vere added to the People’s Repiblic of Slovense, the eres var 16,229 square Kilomterr Accordingly, te aren of the added verritory 6 3,963 square kilouoters. Tae People's Re~ [Punlic of Slovente comprises 7-9 percent of the total aren of the Federal People's Aepubiie af Tugosiavie, ‘he People’s Republic of Bosnia-Herzegorina has an aren of 52,564 equare xttoweters, or 20.1 percent of the total aren of the Pederal People’s Republic ‘me People's Repinlic of Wacedonta has an aren of 26,kgh aquire KiLomters, for 10.3 percent of the total aren of the Pederel People's|Repubise of Tugoalaela. ‘mee Paople's sapubiic of Montenegro has an aren of 33,38) square KLlometers, for 5.t percent of the total ures of the Federal Propla's Republic of Yagoeinvia. igortevia is largely mount tnous; 75 percent of Ste area cons od mosstaion anf oniy 25 percent consists of plains, valleys, fd Fiver valleys. Tagoeinvia'e relief 1s beterograoug end ca ni Forme “~ testcnte, fhursal, veleanic, kacst, eolitate, eter, ant can be Sivided inco severe] Sarge sorgbologiea! units!” the lariatie seacoast ant 1. ante, the vestera coor of yourger folded rouitains, the central sone of old wousehias, the eastern zone of folded wounteins, ani the Tinok ‘Mee Adriatic coucoest ant teluade represent « aarrov ané very intented zoo ‘mata fatentation se the Teruls of eubaaraion of the coastal aren Beneath be ee ice parst of he continent sane tnd crented inlets, ajs, valleys, canal peniarslas, islands, groteoen, etc. be onnala, vaich today separate Islands From the soak of idlante from ielonis (Neretva, Korewla, Brac, ar, Poagora, Mijee, ant ther chgaie], are an fect submerged longitudinal karst valleys and Aepretatons ‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 esreicrep STAT Inlete, bays, ant valleys vere forned tn ‘Ebrowgh the’ aacrov obstacles tate barsy seuiny dover reashes of rivers. Such is the erigia, ‘alleys. The Boka Kotoreba valley eles delonge Gloptansxt zaniv, rivetant Zaliv, Aasiatis seacoast bas ‘mutha of rivers (the Raea ‘sol Mactingciee rivers). the same vay. Tae vater penetrated ‘tat Fields and aise fiobied the fhe Baiar, Sibenik, aad Oras ‘0 thie tye; it bas four bays ‘Risaank Zaliv, ant Kotoree: Zaliy),. the Fuanel-sbaoed, narrov'talete vaich are in fect footed ‘scairna rivers in Tetra, aad the Oxbin, Slane, alte the eynelinal depressions ent old river valleys becane bays theough gubeersion, the lov sourtain riagos decane ieianie. “the isloste foley tee ‘erection of the Disaric Mountains aod are built of the sane renee ‘Asong the mary talenda, the largest and noet injortant are the folloving: sqm 407.93 Duss ovo uy.16 Hager 3.90 ma 85.08, Ms 35.34 Pasman 56.93 forewie Lastoro gg pastes Estey 51.95 fue Tugosiar coast also bas peninsulas, the largest of vbich are the {ourtan and’ Feljeree pentenuten, Detveen the tvo lover parte of the coast te the vinich rise the meunendna, (er ov Kistenska Pore, fron Planine, Oe meters; Promina Fianiaa, 1,388 ) sod vate in out by canyon-eype river valleys (the Zraaae,’ ths Reka crfbutary the Cikola, aad the Gotan rivers ‘Tue ccantal zone consists of iinestone and rocks; tt bas many very voll ovelopes rarst formations (caves, sinks, vadleye, dry niaian). Te vestern zone of younger folded aountains, covering 40 percent of the country, consists of the Aipise, Dinaric, and Sar soureaia ‘Tee Alpine Mountains are « seuntain belt viich extents in A vest -tocesst Airection, indented by the Save end Goce rivers. The best koom setawaiae fare Trigity (2,653 esters), Skritica, ant dalove.. Tbe Karevenke and fasnisbe ‘Ape belong co’ this group.” Glaciers covered thie aree in dilevial perioter ss ‘conehusion vhish can be drawn fren the relief (elcaies, wide Walleye, ikes)™ od from the Kobarid-Tolatn—skot Ja Toke toe wp valleys, Sitatca, Tbar, Dieta, aad feltbere, © ‘a "whole, this mountain sjeten te in the fore owly deciining Nighlant, “ivided by’ loagitudsoal parallel ridges wht extend in 8 northvest -enuthoust direction, vish karst Tieln, depesiefone, ralleys, sot river valleys between the ridges, Te Dinarie Rountatas’ are dtvided oy eraneveruai valleye in three parte: ‘uorthern, central, an! southern, Tae orthera part, extending frou the Julian Alpe to the Actua River tnd Kige River Line starts with lover gounteian in the valleys apd deveiope {ato higher*aoese taine (Iryovabt Gord," 1,95 aetere; Suexaik, 1,796 netara): dere appear ail Karst formaticns. Ltcated here is the well knova Postojax gravee (ever IF kiloneters tong); the Skoojan grotto (2.5 KLloetere loag)i aot tae care at ‘te village of Hispo, the deepest cae in the Diuarie Mountains (380 severe, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 someone Tas contra part of the Dinaric aysten (between tht Recine and Kypa river Line anit she Reretva and Zapedan Norava river line) ia a limestone sate, sepectally tine veatern part, viere, in addition v0 other arcu fermions, taeve toe great many Laret'siolde, This ie the region of genuine Dinurté karst. tere Delong Yelebit Fianisa (1,758 meters), the Sapels and Like platecary tod sertain arene in vestern Bovaln etd the Daleatien Zagorse, where parallel seunrais Fdges alternate vith karst fields. Also lorated here are the wellcccery plaines Glasceko Pole 'Avanjnko Polje, Duvanjsko Polje, Oraboveks Poldey Siajeks fotte, noteeo ¥o1e, and the Svilaje, Noser, Biokovo,’Setory Gincer, aid croeioa eee sine, Toward the more central and esetern parte of this area, stain The highest: sountatne in this area are Vissicy Vraaica, Ozreny Romer eters), Majevien, Gasevo, Povijen, ad Males. ‘eden tay629 Tee tolloving high nowitetns belong to the southern highest part of the Danaris systen: Fron} (2,155 meters), Bielaanicn (2,067 setera), Brenteving (2,09 motors); yagi and Yolujak (2,238 acters), Bjelasice (2,338 vetere), sol Koaor: (2,84 netere}. This part'eads in the south vith tee Prokletige Fegion, in vaich the highest mountains are the Djerayi acters), ostaetien, oprarik (252 acter), Badin (2,800 meveresy ane Dey (6322 eters). he bighest Diserte Wountains are aepereted by walleye of the GoraJa Seretva, Tare, Piva, and Sutjeaka rivers, “These poustelne were coverca So glassers durieg thr aiduvial period, Souevhat lover mountain regions ere ia the southwest, vith the foLloving rien (2085 meters), Loveen ‘1,749 aeters), aad Pamija. hig part 4s also geouice baret, “Te aaaivion vo anult arse forasttong these are tiateey soderground sivers, ant grottoes, inslutieg the seternicn Miver, ateh iy ores 4 kiioarters long, the Dol juasice River, 2 kllovetera Lous, tint the Dubkl bo cave sh Mjogust which te over 3hO severe deep. Northeast cf the aighewt Dinaric Mountains te the Rask bightand vith owntalne of Lov or neditn altitude (1,520 seters), zistibor (1,436 nt ‘Toe Sar Hountain syaten, the third part of the vestern aoutain belt, ox- sods etveen the Metobaja, Polosko, Aiceve, ard’ Preapa eepresic Greek frontier. Ser Plaaiva, where thie ayoten starte, highest everage ititale moog Yagorler acunieins, The best inom peels aro farsi on Aulcka Flanion (2,702 aetere), Kobilice (2,526 meters), and Lisboven (2,499 neters). Sar Planing vas covered vith glactera during the Gtluvial pertad’ ar far as fre concerned, tin Tugeslavia's riohert Bountaln, "Ive perellel Rend to the south fron sar Planioa: one, betreen the Rovere ‘Stégoro, and Galleica nowtaine, end te other extents clone the frontier between Yagositvia and Albunte, voi-h doclades he astriky Yoritnth, Djatie, Krab, Deasty and Jablaniee ourveien, Korb Pianina (Gofeni Horab, peak, 2,764 acters) ie ascond to Sriginw tn helghe, he central acne belongs to the old Balkan sainiend and is broken up into ruber of missive soutain. aad valleye, Ie containe tro eeparete resto ‘Be northern, vith plang aod Yalleye; and the southern, in which sassive bn falas predontonte, ‘ie norteera region, the Punnoaian basin aod Ste periphery, te a depression, ‘Fee nondepressed parte of thie aree are the noustaizs between te Sera ead Drove sivers, wish ‘he rusia ore, Di2}, Pape, aot other nounvaine, ‘Tee Panoontan basin vas first under sen afd laier wader lake} the seceding votere left sedimentary deposits, In the ailuvtur perfod, send an} gravel Were deposited, aot large alluvind plaine alluvial plains along the Daaibe, seve, ‘ad wooded ‘Rove there wooded ‘Saotten ia Baska, (5-90 meters), eat Teleckt and Titel in hacks, Sremy Barend, cat ober vfaces are t¥o sand dunes at Delibiato ta the Banst, aad ante sustanoren ‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 r nesrescrey STAT Tee socthero periphery of the Paanoaian besin rises gradually. rt constete Sf, 2,REEE of sbranton areas whieh graduntiy ecrente fees ¢ neigie Of SSC Parca iueted sountatos rise inthe fore or selande Livia, Raise, KeeeG, renne, Inntk, Ovtrvica, Cer, Viasie, Majerics, Prosara, aad aoureee ieee ‘sm Serbia and northern Sosata} ee southern region of the central zone beionge to the Rodopt systes, The fon Continues in the center ead consists ef @ seeker of (raaje, Skophje, Veles, Kavadaret, ane others). fee ats tea the old Rotopt sass ts cast of thie deprestzon. ‘Wouatgine tau ein eer tone warding $LL tmovm poumvaias are Belasicn (1,660 acters), Ogrataen (reife tates), teletis Plantae sol Packovice peak (1,676 aeters),Geotorsee Sheakee: see saa Kabila, and Streaer (1,422 severe), Between thene aona\ciee are y Males, Koeast, aad Ariva Palania valleys, Souevhat pouger toneel, ge gre found to the West of the Vardar valley! ‘Daltcay Side net Kester calan (2,521 anters), Jekapiea (2yst0 serene), tat easee {agen shim se the Iatge Felagons je aren (FrflepsBicely sesaah pee ee see igs the Kosovo vabley al the Mécava.tardar deprestion caso eeione rei roa Gora, Kopacni, vastsebec, asd there 42 noantadne fant oval tape, romoaat Bethsy much ad Felicter ant Jatuptcn, were covered by glaciers Gury neat evil period, “Tabee and roiling formations give evsaeers or tone: he Rodopt system are charactertaed by very steep slopes of the old Mghland viich waa Drckea up.” he hegneet ee Vardar depression vas under 6 son during the Oligocene; Later oo be. ame part of the large Aegean take, vhish arpatho-Batkan systen, which ox: valley aed the Vinsko Foutie basins "this tose ‘by the valleys of the foreska, oral Pint, bait rivers, aod by other snail rivers asd valleys, qitt Delian mountain system, extending acrstward to the velco Y, OFaL Veo noustain, and dowsl je Fleniae, iecludee Store ior peak {2,169 antecs), Sure Plants, Bias, and Osres coun. ‘stae, Between them are tht Stan Rete, Svriig, ant dchs Roose saviors he sovateine of the Carpathian system, orth of the Badtas eystes, ‘nelute the Sewmcaine: “iros, Deli! Jovan, Veliki Kea, ad Gomoljane Pacase ee ITE powtain soot coniiste of crystalline achists, grenives, eandarean, tea tates shate,, tid taret formations, except the plaine, are represented in eho Seljesiea somteia and the KicaJeke Plantae ‘he Federa2 People's Repub oveaptes a small part of the Magko-Pontis Denia.” fais aren is cast of the Carpacoraation sera ee cludes the Kyu and krajinn arena, ned a pare of She sisck ese Peake wosstate anzivute (9) Teigiev sultan Alps Storente 2,053, Geleat tors Kora Macedon 268 Seiatice Fallen Alpe Slovenia 28 necta ar Macedon eye 5. aseRrcrE, ‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 | Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 r eae mepiute assets asaace sovenia Seettye staat Dasrerisn Nestesegr aires Homie Ritter mctacia iain ea trsea tcedonte Srtaree Slovenia Sea ciare icetacte Sector at tetestere Eigen perme Ebon eccacaie emi Enrasise fair mae ora chore Sadteiee Stat eouecica. srACTIRE grotogicel structure of Yagoslavia ta very compliceted, Dectuse ‘agorlavis inslutes that portion of the Alpe which once wre a part of the Mediterranean Sen, vhish had a very latte tortor, “Sellnentation took place fs thie aren durizg severe: geologicel pertoas.” Younger souatein ranges of fowthern Burope vere foraed through the folding ahd rateing of eediaentary Socks, Becsuse of strong dtevarbencee to various areas of the couerys Tece® (imctictes of hot masses peottrated through the fin ‘Bat, sone slevat part of Tagoriavia vee shaneed fecténte disturbances and shangeo explain the complex ‘igcolavia aa well ar ite Hich'siaoralrevources,” ‘Toere are rocks of aifferent comesition end age, frou the archaic to the youngest, tn Yugoslavia. fare cryataliine schists of archate ege, cathy enets fapnibolites, and sarbiee. hey fora the geclogical foun” ‘ation slavin aad the egtire Beltas feninsws, ‘Their age ie eatizated ‘hat they are bighay euricbed with ‘ners an" at Prilep, aolig at Stele, gold-bearing riot (360-460 mili" years ago), and later on flooted hn area o1 Xopaonix, Skopekn Cras Gora, Sar Platina, Rarab, uma Stave Plaaioss Tee Strian portato represents ty Vnestoone, eitetsy fylitten, aol ‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 ‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 STRICTED STAT “imestones of the Devonsan Perioa (320-280 million years ago) are found coniy tn the Havavanke and Cartnehing Alpe. Yast chaagee cccurred tn Yugoslav ter (260-320 niliion years ego). Tas aountaias of vbw fodepl nase roee sii rolaed. Since thet tine, they bave Feaained abore sen level, Like eh island. Dosing ‘hae period, the ocean extented fron Kareranke thrcigh Krenjaa Gora, Bosnia, Stara Matt, Touovo, and Matohi Je, Mae depth of the ocean enirtea fiom deep’ ‘to shallov, and for this reason ton sedizeste ere feud in those parts, of te soutry. Lioentones, shales, ani sandstones aiternave vith continental for ‘atone and layers of Diack coal tm Lake and Velobit tory during the Carbon: serous Period existed tn eastern Serbia in the firet bal? of the Carbon ‘rgiilaceous rocks, sundstense, end coaglo- erates ere found.” This afea vas subjectet to nila fclSing in the eroond BAL? (of the Gartoniferou Period, viich creates the foundation for the present Gergethinne asd Buitans. Tuese reas becane mainland te the eniof this period, ‘ith large svampe in vaich fore secumilated, frou whish thin layere of back ‘coul developed in the course of tine at Kindurovo, Mieljenorac, ant Mastante. Great dances of eruptive rocks, containing many ofan {ison) tn Serbia ana Bosnia, appeared dari thoes cremate th the Carboniferous Forica ‘The Rotopt snes, being the centri portion of the minlant between Greeee ‘large sea. tn the vestere regions from e nore or iese fora Serbia during the Persion Period (230-260 eillion eatery sandetones sod cotglonerates vere deposited 4n snallover water} linestonee vere deporized. in deeper eater. A sharacteriatie rock in eastern regioas is red wendetone which coeastanally containe copper ore. {ato waich the Nediverraneas Sea continues to Snvade, anf the eastern part, vere the sen is shallower. Therefore, there io a aitfereace between the 10 arte with reyara to geological structure eid to sine : : erted, the abost 1,000 meters) of aedimenvary’2ineetone, dolomite, fschlet, and sandstone vere formed, Many nouneaine in the Westers ares, fron aravasie tn the north to Lake Okiid tn the south, consist of these eoaponen Taree aummeitiee of porphyry, velaphyre, aad aienase vere deposited fo the Bou- athe of this aren. ‘Batyea, stanebar, tot Seon ore (at ferisenovic, Livelde, fat Yarea) are fount in this eruptive ronk. toe Aecouporition of Biesate Liaw Stoner creased huge deposita oF batxite tn egESIOVUEPE EEE Wes © manta Soto ven the water temporary penebctad In the Jurassic Fersos anaes, and dolonites Tulle Seueite dapneite Busters Serbia war covered by & ehadioy jones and e)eten ene Gaponited.” Layers of Sasine on the periphery sf ene son fe strata, penezracea by ‘nsontus ores at Ser Planina aa ‘at Caaay, ‘Ziatitor, ad Hragujevee 1 2 which sedsnentary eand- ack coal were formed i eloeed sea Cun, SrDok! Balkan, an der eridenite end serpentine, conesa js Cran ore, end magneatte and aabestor Sue esr Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 mesrarem> Daina Ye Cretaceous Fertot (60-135 aiiiéen years ago), there vere certate novenenta of the sea aad mainland. In the vestern part of she country, on the Yotten of the cea vhish covered tite region, certain movenezts began which fe fulted in the elevation of the Dinarie Mountains, ‘Thereyy the ower ant aoetiy coral litre vere deponiteds te IBighes! centr {2 Moutains Desamt mainland in that. perfol- ‘A trenagression repeated im the upper Cretaceous Period, sol sedtseatary Aseetones and dolonttes vere deposited in the asa, They created the Targere part of Dalaatin ant merous islands, a large suber of aouateina in Grestia, Western Bosna, Hercegovina, and sontonegro. Thir sem hal a large tay covert ra Serbin, Kosovo, ad Macedonin. Linsstonee, eaadstonte, enalay eiye, Slay from the bay ane fourd in the vicinity of Belgrade, A deep sea covered eastern Sesbin in the lover Cretaceous Period, asd seatanaaty Linestones and they shay vere degostted theres, Tmat sea ort {tated to the weet ever Sunadijey ‘Soon tanceafver the eee became shaiioe, ee ‘otten teena to fo28 at the end of the Lowr Cretaceous FerioSs aad aon pasts of she arpchian ac alban bese masied.” on) epurte'wne formal ce, he peripaery of that thallow se0 and in evanpe erected fy foldiag (Mean, Fevin, Dobra Sreca, Tresiteta). in addition, bitaninou slates sppear aere (22"petcest bitimen), The disvarbasces casted thn flow of aadentee ia weteh, yer ores acd pyrite are deposited [or a Majeh). 1p the cenorote fra (690,000.60 mi2iton years ago), the orogeais sovenente ‘Yoich tad ogun at the ena ef the Cretaceous Feria costinued throorh the Tertiary Bra ao that in the alddle ar the Jertiary Era the water ell. bat cous st from Yugoolay territory, outalts of she Alpine, Pind, carpathinn, aid Belkan raager enmrged, acd the Solop! vent great changes feportted atsing ee water's receteste. ‘he vestern pare of the Dinarie, Kozara, ena Rajevica Houstatsa, Thee sradually disappeared completely. Brackish lakes reraised to form con! beste Siveric in Dalmatia). Muserous cther con) bastion are of the ‘sgt im other parts of the coutrj: in Serbia, the blac soul mines 19 Tesava, Senge, ‘Aleitiuae, cod Petrovacy in Slovenia, tsborijey Vedadk Tian), Teijeate, Drete, and kreva is Bovala,. Lignivee of the Tertiary fre are foun at the Korova, Kelubaca, Kostolac, Zagorfey aod chatky clay vas deposited is depresotons created by oligentovente fo1dtne, Vigorous volcan: actions erupted masten of dactte and other rocks contatne canjove, evo Bria, and Kretoro-tletoro areas). ny gerate a Matjumurje, Selnica, Puklonica, from Steak, acd Bree to Viskores, ita of salt vere reborn parte of the courtry ‘ning feos the north, at the ead of the festiery fer ‘od Linvetones vero deposited. ‘Taio gen azelaed through the Danube at the beainning of the dilurial period.” Some takes remained, hovever, bat they dtasopenrad tn ist. The dflurial period sof eddy nd wave {foruatiins on acta of the Bighsousting suo aa Trigay, Pres, Sy aod Me folloving geological unite can be sdentited by this velopsint of the eountry! 4 Rodop: maeai ‘mate consists mostly yetalline and eruptive rocks. Tt exergnd sferous Ported, va Liatarbed in the nildae of the Tertiary Ere, a the sore of the coutry. 8+ sesriucrD ‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 asewrores 2. Regtoca of Younger Nountatn Ranges cop TNE souslet Of Oe Aape, aol the Dinarie Mountaina. These are cone posed of various rocks, vith rineste, Jurassio, and Oretassous lieestracs pre= , Soaioating. ioe enersion of these apuntaine began at the sad of the Coeeeccees f _Fertod'ant van completes in the middie of the Rertuary Bra, 3. Pronoatan Basia ‘Tois 4s a plain formed betveen the mountaiss. The leveling begas at the end of the Greteccous Period, aad ves completed ia the Chigocene Period, ‘Fee plain 1s covered by ciays and cuts ef the Mocene-Piiocens age, Sopooll inthe resale of vind action, vorooe Yogosiavia sa rich tn sta:tonary aod floving vaters. This ie the result of the land relief and of the inpersrabie sol- Atrsatie 6 ‘The sarietie Sen, vith an aren of 135,000 aquare Kilometers, 19 800 ito betere losg, the average viden being 160-170 bilonetere, ne Straice of Otrasto, Wuich conect it vith the Weaiterrasain, are 7} ailonetore wide’ half ot the ‘Adriacic fen area beLoege te Yogoelavia ‘moe nariatic sa 0 a foutung of the erro entered Tonzusdy ar a toa rented in the Oligece statan. be water witch f “hipise a op thie 5 Uhr iluviat period and creaced a fertile plain, The Disicie axlelant od through tbe ‘ip hte beet ita eedspent starten co lover at tne ent of tht dluvial perfod eed crested gamerouy talents Sof tenals Therefore, the vest chore ta low ead bas Deeches vente the steep as Toe Aarintae Sen 29 ahatlor, sunaergea barr! esas eters deep), "Poe deepest Besse oF he ‘im ite aiddle, 60 hilometers south Sen to somevbat lover than thet of the of cold water de enptled ‘ay the savers, fhe texperatare ia higher ost in the een tina je of the mataiend's influence, ia viater, ft fe Tob dee ‘the torthwett and satigrade 12 the sautiaast. tonpersture are not #9 pronounced in sumer, 25 degre ‘ot 22 degree te tho zorthvest. The water sescheo the bi . the water is zat 56 peters) and the iecet traneparent othe wowthe of ritery. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 ‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 ‘BisTaIcTED STAT Tee sant content &cerceses fron south to the north. Tt ie 38 percent tn {he sowthenst aad 39 percent in the norehvert, ‘thie ta the remit Or ieeges water influx and lover rate of evaporacion in the norsk, [Ree Asiatic to nevor cela. orth and aoath vints (bure ant suse) blow S{BGPHeDIY, from Ontober to February. the northern vial (bara) te S Sowteaeetay, ‘ibd and ie copecteliy stroag fron Velebit Planion aad Blotors Hani ee a sauaee short, lov, but stenp, wares (22.5 meters). a contrast to rte Sth wind) she ooith vind (jugo) ie warm and danp abd couses rolling waves shone fo rnetere long ant 3-5 revere high, vo sobs aot tvo floods of the tide appear in the Adriatic every day, ‘They ‘ince the Adriatic te a bay sat has a com ue fhoo8 2186 in the sovthera portion of che vce te fee ‘sn che northern portion, it ta about ore acters HE 4 30 centlaeters tm Dubtovnte; 0 Sussk, §7 centimeters; tal 10 Sri Gor titer, “Flood and ebb do not appear in the entire Adrfacie See at the gia ‘time. “Whtn shere Sa flood tide in the south, there fo e®b tide tn abe Sere ‘The main noveseat of the sea is caused by curres ‘Adriatic current comes from the Tonten Ses, saves elong’the east Zeturas along the vest coast. The averags’ spect of this careest Elloneters a day. “Te has a Zavorabl ‘the Cenperatare in the winter, “ita epecd 10 7.5 Eslosacers g24 13 Kilonetera between Hotor Bay ant Vis} {i doan Rot exceed t eiloareare’ day 33 the northern part. Breaches separate fron this mala cuszent aot nervete APA, thereby creating s oysten of transversal curreates eapecialiy teowten Debrovatk anf Korsulas “ia andition, there flood’ tad ebb tides, "Thay are the deroneee Heretva, Podgora, acd Hvarhes coma Yogoslavia is rich tn rivers. The dense retvork of rivers to related to the topogzaphte advastagen, petrographic aot] atracture, acl aaasal.azacegbecic precy cas sre not ateteibuted ‘the rigott, the Adriatic Sen ent the Aegeaa Sea recesves 9.) percent of the eatise 4a sect co Crnolyjeva Plasisa. The Difurcetion of the erodinka Rives tales place sere, in the area sloee to Troseves, whtcs sends its water through the Lapenton Aiter dato the Aegean Sea aa through ake seeamica soto the 3ieck Sea.” the rivers of these dratonge areas sot caly difter vith ree rd t0 the area of the vacerahed, oye also differ with regard 90 the ater ‘lune, or water level ia thes, aut with regard 0 the aecfionas Ss Rivers of the Black Sea Drainage Aree ee Danube originates tn the Setvarsvaia Houstains tn Germany. After Shy Yolgs, the Taine is the largest river in Burope, the eative deageh Delas 2,860 iilountars, "Tie length fe tegoslavin te 591 kilourters. Te hes © recy arse draioge aren, “sboct Ho ierger rivers eapty into the Danske fa'vegoeieria ‘lone, the ost ‘opertane being the Savay Dravey Morava, aed 2 erase n10- somone SS ONO CUT ROP GO COGOeT COUT OOO TOneere 5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 ‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 stance STAT Aesth of the Danube 40 4 meters, but there are places where the depth 48 orer 4s meters, an ot Kazan (160 neters). ‘The Dambe fa vides just berore it ostere ‘the Dierdap Gorge (iron date) at Doayt Milanovae (2,000 meters). "fhe Danse Flows through tbe Djerdap dorge, vhich tn 130 kilomttere long. Because of she Evid aud elite in the gorge,” the ip Canal (2,200 meters ioag, 73 ante Wie, aod ot the lovest level, 2.4 meters deep) was eonstristed oo the Yogoslay ‘side'of the Danine to mike noraai shipping on the Dane poseible, {Tee Sava ta tir iargest river criginating in Yugselavia, Tt originates where the Sava Bohinsis ant Sura Dolinsua neet at Hatoviicn, aba flows fete ‘ihe Daasbe ot Belgrade, “Ite fait from Zagreb to Buigrade in 85 meters. it hae great iayortaace for transportation becatse of ite fail ant vidth “he Sarave Fight tributaries are the Drian, which originates tram the Dive sal the fore ‘nd vhooo ost important cributaries are the Lis and ite tribuvary the, Orety ‘he Djoting, Sut jeaka, Prace, danfe, Drinjaca, eat the datery tbe Bosca eo 86 tribatarien the Losva, Ueora, Kitvagn, end Sprece; the Troe ant fee tribe fazten he Trbanja end Fliva, on which bere n'a beaitina vetertail ee fee (28 setere high); the Use and {te tributery the Sana; the tape ani ite trite [aries the Gliae end Kerang, vbich carry uncer from Lake Plicrichs, Hrka, the Ljwijenica, aod the Xolubare with St tributaries the TJig aad Tesaare,’ Seo sva'e left ‘tributar‘es are the Savinja, Sutlay Krapian, Lonje aad ite trie, tery the Comm, the Tova and ite tributary the Fakta, Orijere and ite ribuc , tary the Loxdja, nf the Bosut vith its tributaries the Svdrve. end the Spasra, a2 of which are short rivers wich flov throwgh the plain of the Seve fires velaey. ‘Tee Morava Raver, after che Sara, {6 the 2argeat Danibe tributary. Ie ‘Originates fron the coaflience of the Binackn Horava tnd the Coliela Morera, Welch unite into the Wellin Morava, The Binks Dorara‘s tributaries are the Netornica, Jablanice, foplica, Vissinn, Hisave, and the Nerevicas, the Colin Morava's tributaries'are the Mber, Veliki Act, Cetian, Cesernice, Crise, tal he Raoina. The tributaries of the Velika borive are Ghe feseaiss, Reserae ra, a river of the Alpine type, carrion Iarge masses of sedteent, aod hao shifting rapids aot bed, Ite tributaries are the Ziofay uray Beanie, Sot the Earenies, ‘he i, wich eatere the Danube at iitel, ie x meanderiag river. s bed as been regulated vith canale ard aifes, ite depth ie quite subotantial (about 8 meters). oe Tisae tributer fod the Boge), vaich Se 4 canalize river, In addition to these, the Dansbe bas severe onalier teibutertes nok loriginates vith the Sv/ijtaki Piast and Trgoviaki Tisok),, the Hera, Pe, end Porecke Reka in eantern Serbia, the Tanta, Kraeava, ead fera tn the Bentt, aot the Vain ts Slavonia. ‘he Sanabe vs triSuter ‘a ctrabutery of the Sova, earry in their app sof water becmuse they cone from regions sich in eesospherie: precieitation, ‘Me Drava in at ste highest atage in sumer. tn other rivers of the Black ona ‘tages are in spring aud autumn, There are wide ‘soi the fave have aretonge area, the evo. big aiftecesces 13 the fait of th f ereduai Zall. All those ravers vhish flov through’ wount Dupe fall. Ain rivers of this Araiaage are Lave great, Po pecially rhe Danube In the Djerdap Gorge, and the Dravn and Drisa vith ito tribue ary the Lis. ‘rivers. he Dame, Ti 2. Rivers of the Adriatic Dratnage Ar ‘These rivers exe short and rapid, tafiuenced Yy the high Diaarte Noune satan euch are’ parliel fhe ide cua. “stating fom the Souty the mot -ue asreren=D Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 F ==ucD STAT ‘Toe Dein, viich originates from the confluence of the Belt Drin ant ort Brin rivers,” The Beli Dri flove through the fersiie Metohie aren where | many tributariea eapty into {tt the Peckn, Decanskn, Prisrenska Districay the reuth, Klima, and the Istek. The ayper shew of the Oral Bria beloog Yo Tetcivia, "Getgtoating ia ius Ohrid, she oly tvtary ‘he Radke coming Moe Yorace love tnvo Lake Scutari, vere the Bosenn originates (the Woraca's trivutarion in the Zeta plain are the Zete nat the Cljeraa, the Crnojevica ant the Crmica also flov inte Lake Goxtars) [Toe Weretve enters the Adriatic Sen, foraing a deite after baring ‘penetrated through canyons of the Crrenice aid Drea} (receiring on ite Way the Flo fron the tributaries Rasa, Erebiaat, Bregove, aot Buns) sary the citoia, Anelading the Maaoslovae (05 aetera) and Skradinahs Duk /A$.7 amters) fella Ta Zeeanja flove throsgh Hovigredeko More and Karen Jake; ite largest watertant te Dravid: Seod Tee vara, Give, Rawa, acd the Vigava, an well ae some thortes © (Oubla, lov iste the Aérsatic, wich the tributaries Trae and ‘ae the Rectan tn Rijeka and the fhe rivers of the Adcintic drat~sae aren have en ab ‘have to maxsumn evagee ‘Yoon tae suov gets and ven there in mach £8 Timer Vhagurt) aad sz winter (Rebrancy). Rey sprang (Apri), aia late in eetunn (Hoveater), ‘he Lowest stages are in os 3. Aegean Seu Dretzage Area ‘Tee Vardar ant the Stra Sea, ‘the Vardar, the prigeipal river of ‘umber of vaileyt ent Geftiee. Conequentiy, Ste fait fe very drreguiary Ia (etiiee (Dervesy Zagorexa Kitwra, Dealt fapiJa) the fall ts copeiderablo, nd Dagraelssaise se more gradual. The principal Gf the Vardar, on the left aide are the Leyenae, Petnja, And the Begaiaice) oo the right aide, the tribstaries are the Teel, Topouka, Babana, fot the Craa Reka. “Toe Cron fxn, the largest t=ibitary, {owe through the td through, havea Principal Rivers of Tagosieria nuns tenga Pratonge fsee —_Bavigmone Lengts = Tee “er our 16,980 591 so een i 568 6,651 isier m sts ua ‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 ‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 fon the nurfoce ar the (jubljanica’. here are severas salergrou rivers 1a Tika {ube itia vith tts trabutary the Jadora, che Gacka, ent tbe Erbava), ant {in otner parte of the Aarst regioca ‘ube Sagica in Devaageko Polje, ee Ealoska. eka 1s Reyssiajsa> Poije, amt Poljel. The’ most typical Solergroma river #3 Yagorlavie te the Treblsaica t= Popoto Polje, watch Fiaally ‘apponra on the surface te the Gx There ace many lave fares, aid river laser be saableat They are ‘heey acter aa co aetera), in the so vnere tbe Eiaciers were sevelt ey ery (1800 Woneay the ent of the glacter fexcented axe where ts pelted. Of euch oe of the ice lakes are Located or high gourtatse on Trigiew ‘seven eassi ialee’, burmtcor (lake Crno. and Lake Bas jisjedy Bielasatce (aake S3osrad, take Peslea, aut take Fitovac,,, Ser Planios Gi iides\, ant oa Fertever /eene of Ines not gtveg’. ie audition, ‘there are rojak aouacelne, ‘ay age large and deep, Ohrid, Pres sof Dotzan lakes belong £0 Chis type Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 ‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 ake curid, voich 12 695 netera shove sea level, tao an aren of 366.74 square Hiloastera, (267.78 square Kiloaetere belong £6 Yogoslavia sat 318,98 {S'iisenta), Te io tie deapest lake on the Belkan Pesinauia, act only i ‘ecisam depeh (265 meters) but also in average depth (145-150 meters). 18 ‘Sino, with reonrd to veter volume, tbe largest lake (20 tines larger than Lake Scutard). Lake Chria receives {te Vater aostiy fon springs on its periphery. ‘the lnrgest spring is at Sveti etm, delivering 30-K0 exie meters ‘'tecond, Since the vater contains barely Any suspended particles, it is very ‘hear and transparent. (transparency £0 16.3 peters). The vater temperatare i b'to 22 aegrece centigrade. 253 metere shove sen ievel ant as an ares of 285.4 aquare fora belong to Yugoelivin, 49.4 aquare EAlonetere eihae eurfece tritueeries, and ite vater sbyet and into several there. it flove audergrou on the surface through mum depth of Lake Freep ‘fhe aprings on the perigoery of Lake Obri ie sh.g meters aie Dotran, iosated ins billy ron Delov Belesicn Houtatn, 18 tbe seaisest tectomis Jaks. Te bas an doen of 82-7 aquare Eilonetere (27.12 square Eiloortere ip Yogonlavia ant 15.58 tn Greece) an te 10 maters deep, Se karat areas, karat 2 ones vere fereed by sieznsie Sa’ Pronletige south of Sant developed vatch aitfer in ortain. The emliest aah te Lake Hosro Oco veat of Cpuzey Lake Savino Take Zagubicko rele, Lace Fooukva on KE In Sone tars (river lactt) ates developed tn river valleys aa 8 seush £0 partition forastions. Thun tvo lates vere formed on the Pllva River, ant 2 Ib Pustvice 1 ‘the Horasa River. ihe plttvice lores are situates tn ‘Setween S02 and 632 acters above sen level. The aargest of these Sise are Late Feoscen aod Lake Horas. Lake Sica et Otocue. in of the sane orsgias Sone karst Laken vere formed through depretnions of the Dinaric miniand vetov sen lerel (crypto depressions). take Trans in Dalmatia beloage to this Uypes aut else other ouaiier lakes 1a the lover reackes of the Neretva River cy irom’ the ooth of the Bojann River. te targeet crypto-depression ie Lage Scutass. Tt 1s the largest lake on ‘tue Dalinn Pentseuisy ihe aren at lov vater level ts 369.72 aquare kilometers {eens equare kilonsters sn Yugoslavia sat 267.8 Te ia abot UPiittectere song andap to Ls kidoneters wide, Ip epriag acd autism, ven ‘he water level risen 2-5 to 3 aetere, the ares” insteanen to 530 equa’ KilO- Deteres, The averene depth of Lake Seutert to betveen b acd 7 necers, bt Shere Bases inte (ayant) which are C to Sy meters deep. Since it 8 6 Seana sonic! alee manu cet a 1 aeons Tie setae in gm Sissce is 30 getare below sen Jewel. The area of Lake Severs has been tn Rearing aarsag the ine’ bendved. youre alace one branch of the Drin enters the Bognen shortly after leaving tte lake.” Moe Drin filue the river bed of the Bojhae vith earth asa spades the noraal flow of water ‘he Prokiaa lates, ae the south of ceraa Hore wore formed in a valley depre ca sens Karinato Wore, aad Hovt= ta atteion, in the Dart tart, thre are funds a ema vate swatch are attee, copecially in epriog aod tutuza because the ekpnoee TELE apette of coreyiae oft te getumiintet veter, Tbe duration of foot SEpects upon vater influx ead upon the capacity of the abyeces. Lake Crno 18 Reeraror= ‘ 0 the begining Of Tuy. the water in 21.6 eters nop, ‘he vater clove fester from Lipreako Folje, Gatacko Foie, eal Daranjako Folje. Some flelds, suali valleys, ant sinkholes are floated’ caly ever faye, yer [te] ite orighnte tron munes-0oy ofthe bg rivers inte Pamnonian fe ee of these lakes receive @ fresh vater supply during floots Seirme hae Sib seit al apprcee {etna ae SR ter fp eleye te sot foto sony fet taint efe hae eae FOS (6.8 etiae loners) ts Socks, sot be haste G58 ats Ch ‘mters) in the Banat sss pian erticn Hievetion shove rae ex Dope ce rar, a of 18 cE Prespe 3 853 Dotras Fd ab9 ‘eae a i Prokian 2 93 Paite 35 20 Boniay 8 523 Plitrise 43 3oa-632 Baad 5 os Play 3 so Daraivor takee G7 taxes} . 3,A10-2,016 Dilanie takes (h tases) * 3,320-1,650 orice iy Grae" un 2, hig ‘Ser Plantoe Jakes Gites) onz . 1,330-2,470 ‘rigiar takes (Sinker) oot . 1,340.2, 008 + deta wavasiabie. cuDace According to the seographte latitute, 1 ectante, ent also bees Piblic hus various clinates Decaune the sirrouling solstains prevent eo Snftumce tron being feit deeper in the hinterland and beeaate the 2azger part of Yogoslavie extents northward 40 that 1¢ is exposed to the penetration of colder climte, In addition to the moderate contineatel and Wediterranean Elimes, there are various clinic aubeypes! aofstied Mediterraneen, Alpine, mub-Alpibe, and noderate continental, =e soRICTED et TERISTIC EEE tC Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : C1A-RDP80-00802A000700070329-8 i i H S3SA3ca7Ias3eetsessss32, « Siindqddddddsasdsggagss asagaaasegangajressacce siadidddeaddasasaasaeda Sabwindadddeduadessaass ddddgeasaagatasedsnages > sinddedydag saaaag gaggge R ARRadddddsagagasosadscs saddizeasscescseed ai Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 - ClA-RDP80-008094000700070329.8° aN Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 r ‘me fnerrvey tomer Eh srerage Jaaty temperature in Rusia ie 53 fo centigrade; tn Ontri Rit (nouth Adriatic], t-te 9.2 degrees centigrade. w+ santition ‘an July: in Rijeka, 10's 22.9 ogress contigradey i Oxtet Bit, it dn 25.4 degrees centigrade, Autumn 1s 2 to h dogzecs varaer than, ring. “‘Taia'sone bas maxiam precipitation in the winter helt of che year. ‘Toe snfiuence of the Yedsterrancen climate te feit in the valleys of the Yorace, ‘eretva, anf Krka rivers, and on iarat bighian's,(Siajsko Pole; Inoteko Fodje, Lfubusko Polje, auf other plaiss)- This ts aos the gracing Yetiterranean climate, but, throngh the influrnce of the coatinenty © modified Megsterranaan clint, “Witers are colder end eumere are waren ¢haa th the soastal ares. Titograd, vith the varnset rumer in the repabiie (che everege Ialy tenperniare 10°56.9 degrees centigrade), has temperatures 2.7 degress higher than Uleing. ‘Aino, Mostar has nummer’ tenperetaree 1-5 degrees bigher ‘Guan Dubrovnik. Tae temperatures at Movvar are influnaved sot only Wy the mathe and, ven varus up and cools off quicker tn the ses, tu €leo y elest an ‘and tare rocks vitch help the air te wars up quisbly, Tee warm influence of the Aagens Seu is felt long the Yastar River to Denis Tapiey abd on sonviat lesser scale in Earedntcly anf in ths Serice sd broguinice'river ralinya. ‘Bat theee tenperasaren ee’ aover than they ‘ould according to the gegropbio Intitake, she eLeision shore ase lovely the ton inflwnse, “Por intance, OGovo hao al erarage Ay seaperetre ot 25.4 degrees centigrade while the ual tenperaruce Hiestuticas eee eoanle- ‘hie, "ALD thie to caumed by the cooling inflinse ot the Vardares Pied Gorinetiy Wind of She Yantae region] Yost of the other parte of the country have moderate central Baropean cline, Hovever, there ere, within that large area, some clinstie aidterence ‘Ree vinter temperatures sutdenly decrease from the soutivest corard the northe ‘cert, "The changes in tonpersturen going fron vest fo eet aze chow Oy the foLloving table (in degrees centigraie)s Frostier (ie seero aug 232 ‘ain (2,067 meters) in 0 dsgrece centigrade; the average January tempereture 1s 8.9 dagreco} the average in Aprii ‘a =i.8, ip duly 9.9, aad in Oesoo= 2,6 agrees, ‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 sESTRIOED STAT Sw-Alpioe climate 12 charactirtatie for the plaiae surromded by high mountain ranges. Heavier, colder siz aettles here in winter duriog temper” ‘Sture daversioes 90 that it fe weruer in the soastaine than ot thege pleine- Such paenonena can be observed in the plains in Lik, Hopres, end Clate. x ‘Tere are valleys tu the central somtatn aussie of Yogoelevia, pro- ected fea cold vinds and vith a very Bild climate (MetehiJe, Polog, Fopitca, Keusevacka Zapa, abd the volleys slong the Drim, Lim, ant ber). Sten te he cliaate of the Ohrid valley, wbich fe favorsily Lnfisenced by the Lake Ntaoepheric precipitation te very unevenly datributed. There such rain in sone areus, aod very little Ip others. Tale te teflue the variations {a rellef. The mourtain areas above Bola Kotorska (ezivice in krivosie, i) centincters) hove the highest snoune af precipitation, tot ‘Only in Yoguelavia, but also 10 Europe, The Slovenian aigh soustaice, Yeledtt ‘uso have mich precipitation: 160-300 zene ineter ‘he anount of prectpization Locresses frou the coast toward the noustains, find decreases from the wovntate ‘Torcheeastward. The islente bave 40-95 Sen-faetera of rata on the average. To the constal areas and the Prisorje fod che highlands above, 1t reaches 90-290 centiarters. This cbtaioe up 190 to 100 centineters; in Sunadtje, Posorerlje, and Geraje Povardag.e, 60° to 70 centineters; in Potinnvl sey eastern Serbtn acd Southern Povardar(e, 6D ceatinetere eed belov. Kavadaret (Macetoote) nas te Sbveot amount of Precipitation in the entire country (abrat bhclé centimeters) not evenly distributed spheric Pressures 32 ‘tee quantity of vtnsepheric precipitation emroughout the year, Ths ta the Pesult of varying aifterent.sounote. ‘Toe telande tn the Prinor.e, and Macedonia have the grestes® rater ta inter and autan, aod mick lees tn summer. ip che invertor of the country {nthe northeast, the opposite prevatis vidh rain being teavier during the fiumer. tae dividing line Setvecn tbe Nediterranean uni Central Burepean Pata areas goes along the nountetn ridgo of Karavanie eastward to the Trangetca Sountaine ron there to the Konere sourtsine and weed Bjelasien Mouvtale (iontecegro) ard Skopeta Croa Gora, and farther over Yardentke Mountain, 10 the Belgarian frontier. There are Sn toth sectors certain Sramoteions and Ulfteresces in satin and ainimn of precipitation, Fer ‘aetame, "0 eRe re porte of Slovenia, belonging to the Alpine rein regica, precipitation fe ibe antimen Guriag’the varaeat tosth, JWy, and tee minim in Jenary Sok Fesrantysoonty-seren posunne of fae pieeipatioy ts fearing at 30 Geeiculture,, the ral Aleteivution in the centenl parte of Yugonzavia, Wee heen Trevaix, Viaegrad, aud ora, Se very even. The Aisferesce between ‘Rinimus precipitation aad maximus precipivetion ie fot higher than 3.5 Der~ “uw. aermscren a Sanied Copy Approved for Release DOTTIO10 CIA RDPSO-DUSOOAOOOTO0070S20-3 nnn Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : C1A-RDP80-00808A000700070329-8 seemeeiees stars’ 2 & 2 Feeeieazsisesia! 828: Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 - CIA-RDP80-008094000700070229- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8 - ssmmrom9 woms ints appear 4s the sequel of the geceral distribution of atuospteric re; ies characteriotic vinds are!” the bith. (blow frou seree et terthe Stlok br ageth vied, koaava /oast], and vardhre: [aortheriy wistenor fda Peston]. ‘Tee bare Dlovs fron the cold Dinaric Mountatas toward the sea in winter Et te the renult of aifterences ia temperature abi acaospterie fitetace ee tween the high mountains and the sea. "Where: the a re greater, Q su Yelov the Yelebit or Btokovo mountatnay the bara ta stronger. “Toe seloctty of the bura varies between 16.5 end 3} meters per secon Sot gous teats oot strooger, Between 50 and 60 setere per second. This wiod ean coaslereiy paralyze ebipping in soxe Baye and porte exposed tet ‘Tee stot or south ving blove during cold the warner regions, {¢ {a ware and Soi Since 4¢ comes from ‘hick clouds abd rein vaich ‘the efnor ie not es ‘the ura, but te tea rigors ous wind. The average velocity tn 596.5 asters per secon. Ta adetttor eve Plows continuously at steady velocity for several ayer cold southeast vial vateh blows during the cold fest of the Tise, the middle Denthe, end abe ‘bursaetrie depres Kosava blove in gusta. Ite average velocity te Sell mscers aa svach a velocity of 27.5 maters per second.” Bria ried Fecches rength between Veliko Gradiste ant Belgrade, When ft te;vecy strong, {te felt at Sremka Misrovica, Mis, and Pisot ‘Tee vardarac blow from the Ser Planta and Shopets Crea Gora toward the Aegean Sea. tis the renult of tae Girt sures over the aaislasd and over she sem tar eto Teo vardarac sores fron the sorth to the south aloes the Varaae mavery tet ever, 4 is affected by the reliet, co that it Blows soscvinee te astous aece Hons in different disections. Toe verdarac 1a vignrove end soa Ieronited” asd mild and fresh in sumer. Tue average velocity Le 5-1 aeters far seeeea uring the winter period, but ecnetines sibetantintly heguese END mestarcreD ‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/19 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700070329-8

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