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BBS College Of Engineering & Technology

1st Sessional(2019-2020)

Branch: Civil Semester: VTH Subject: Geotechnical Engg.

Max Marks: 20 Max Time: 1:30 hr.
Note: 1.Question paper contains three parts.
2. All questions are compulsory.

(Section –A)

• Attempt all parts of the following:(1x5=5)

• What do you understand about index properties?

• Write methods to determine the water content

• Define Consistency limits.

• Differentiate between Activity and Sensitivity.

• Define clay minerals. Also discuss Montmorillonite with neat sketchces.

• Attempt any two parts of the following: (2.5×2=5)

• b) A saturated sand layer over a clay stratum is 5m in depth. The water is 1.5m below ground level.
If the bulk density of saturated sand is 17.66kN/m3.calculate the effective and neutral pressure on
the top of the claylayer.

• What is plasticity index and how will you classify the soil with the help of plasticity chart? Also write
the equation of the ‘A Line’ in this plasticity chart.

• Establish the following relationship :

na= {e(1-S)}/(1+e)
Where na= percentage air voids, S= Degree of saturation, e = Void ratio

(Section –B)

• Attempt any two parts of the following: (2.5×2=5 )

• Derive the relationship between dry density and bulk density in terms of water content.

• What do you understand by residual soils and transported soils? Give the grain size ranges
of different soil types according to IS specifications. .

• c) Write short note on consistency of clayey soils. d)

Describe in detail the Indian system of soil classification. When would you use dual symbols
for soils?

(Section –C)

• Attempt any two parts of the following: (2.5×2=5)

• A partially saturated sample from a borrow pit has a natural moisture content of 15%
and bulk unit weight of 1.9 g/cc. The specific gravity of solids is 2.70. Determine the
degree of saturation and void ratio. What will be the unit weight of the sample on

• The in situ void ratio of a granular soil deposit is 0.50. The maximum and minimum void
ratios of the soil were determined to be 0.75 and 0.35. Gs=2.67. Determine the relative
density and relative compaction of the deposit.

• A uniform soil deposit has a void ratio 0.6 and specific gravity of 2.65.the natural
ground water is at 2.5m below natural ground level. Due to capillary moisture, the
average degree of saturation above ground water table is 50%.determine the neutral
pressure, total pressure and effective pressure at depth of 6m.draw a neat sketch
BBS College Of Engineering & Technology
1st Sessional (2019-2020)
Branch: Civil Semester: 7 TH Subject: Design of
Steel Structure
Max Marks: 20 Max Time: 1:30 hr.
Note: Attempt all questions

Use of IS 800 and Steel Tables are permitted. Assume suitable data if missing. Answer of
conceptual question should be supported with logic .Use steel with fe 410 if not specified in
the problem.

Q.1 Attempt any five of the following: (1×5=5)

(a) Write different between LSM, WSM and Ultimate method.

(b) Give advantages and disadvantages of structural steel .write chemical composition of
structure steel

(c) What are different types of welds and bolted joint. Explain briefly.

(d) Determine the bolt value of a 20 mm diameter power driven field rivet which connects two
8 mm thick plates to a 12 mm plate on either side of it.

(e) Explain different type of failure of riveted and bolted joints.

(f ) Define the term: pitch, gauge ,edge distance, end distance tacking rivets and nominal

Q. 2 Fig 2.1 show the joint in the bottom chord continuous member of a steel roof truss. Design
the connection using M16 bolts of property class 4.6 and grade 410 steel. (1x5=5)
Q.3 Attempt both parts of following: (5x2=10)

(a)An angle section 90 x 90 x 8 mm is to be connected to gusset plate by 6 mm fillet weld on

sides and at the end of the member. The member is carrying tensile load of 120 KN. Design the
connection .Assume steel grade Fe410 and field welding.

(b) A tie member consisting of angle section ISA 150 x115 x 8 mm is welded to a 10 mm G.P.
with 150 mm leg in the plane of G.P. Design welds to transmit a load equal to the full strength of
the member.

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