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Together with the faculty and staff of Nabulao NHS- Cayhagan Extension, I am very proud to see

finish your basic education. You are the second batch of students who would graduate under K to 12
Program. Having witnessed your struggles and growth over the years I am confident that you are ready
to face the world: to work under your chosen field or pursue higher education.
This event, momentous as it is, is not the end of your journey. You have a long travel to take
before you can actually reach your dreams. This is why you will have to keep your high school memories
fresh and the lessons you have learned from them because you will be repeating some of the life
strategies you had to proceed to college. Don’t hesitate to be, once again, the hardworking and
motivated student you were in high school. If your parents cannot afford to send you to college because
of their economic status, then it is your chance to make a change in their lives. Be an extra pillar in your
home for your younger siblings to bring them hope.
Your NNHS- Cayhagan Extension will always be there, encouraging and cheering for you as you
face life’s many adventures. We were trying to mold you for a better future, both for yourselves and for
your families. We didn’t mind if we rendered our services even outside the school premises. For there
are some of you here that needed to be visited at your home just so you could continue with your
studies after having stopped for a short while. We maybe stubborn for you. In our part as your second
parents, we are truly blessed that you have once become our own children. Thank you for sharing your
lives with us.
May you all follow your dreams with passion and optimism. Above all anchor your dreams to
God Almighty who is the owner of everything. Congratulations and see you in the chapters of your
wonderful lives



Principal II
Donors and Sponsors:

Hon. Gerlie “Che-Che” Galvan

Ms. Leslie Alejano
Hon. Johny Will Selga
Mr. Noel “Bong-Bong” Lim
Baby Gopalor Bitangga
Hon. Jonathan Eran
Hon. Elaine Pearl Garinganao

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