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Kusnata Wijaya
SDN Batukarut Kec. Cigombong Kab. Bogor
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Improving Students' Ability to Complete Story Questions for Class VI SDN Batukarut Kec. Cigombong
Kab. Bogor Through the Realistic Mathematical Approach (PMR).

Key Word: Improve, Approach, Math, Story Questions, PMR

This research is a classroom action research that aims to find ways to improve students' ability to solve
math problems in grade VI students of SDN Batukarut through the Realistic Mathematics Approach in semester
I of the 2016-2017 Academic Year, with a total of class VI students of 26 people.

The method used in this study is a class action research method. This research was conducted through the stages
of planning, class action / implementation and observation, and reflection. Data collection was carried out using
instruments Improving Student Ability to solve story problems.

The results obtained from this study are the Improvement of Students 'Ability to Solve students' mathematical
story problems by applying a realistic Mathematical Approach (PMR). Percentage of Students' Ability Resolving
mathematical story problems in cycle 1 reached 72.76% and in cycle 2 it reached 90.17%. This is increased
because learning is carried out by applying the Realistic Mathematical Approach which has improved from time
to time. Thus learning by applying the Realistic Mathematics Approach can improve students' ability to solve
mathematical story problems.

Based on the above results it can be concluded that we as teachers must be able to improve the quality of
performance as people who are directly involved in the effort to educate students, by providing appropriate
teaching both in the use of media and learning methods. In addition, based on experience in implementing
improved learning, it is necessary to establish a working group between teachers in the KKG forum to always
exchange knowledge and information as well as experience regarding various problems encountered to discuss
ways of solving these problems.

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