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Staff Traini All farm secAll farm secUse of hazardous productsAll farm sectors Manipulation of organic fertilizers
TraceabilityFeed, waterHousing den Effluent emissions, resource Housing density, i Feedstuffs and food additives
Bird Inspec 1x daily 3x daily 1x daily 2x daily
Treatment oPoultry Health and WeBiosecurity protocol, anim Pest and disease cPest and disease control plan
Temperature No direct e T 26C/ RH 75% T 15-27C / RH 40- T 32C
Lightning li Light intens8 hours continous light / 6 hours contiUniform lightning throughtout the house photoperiod
Availability Fresh, depth 10 cm Dry, depth 10cm
Noise limitsMinimun soMinimum sound level Minimum sound level
Shelter an Place shoulFacilities should be well maintained and a litter area to rest should be provided
Beak trimmTrained stafChicks at 1 day of age / infrared equi Birds with 7-10 da1 beak trimming 7-10 days of age /
Feed and wa Abundant wa Abundant wa Feed protection from rain Abundant water, suAbundant water, supply nutritional
Use and insRegularly cleaning and inspection of equipment Adequate technical information on
Egg collection and storage if not automated, if not automated, eggs should be co
Bird transp Crates withAdequate ventilation in shipping crates / trained staff Fasting for 4 hours before loading /
Chick and pullet management Chicks purchased fChicks purchased from and vaccinat
Waste coll Avoid exposDry waste kIntegrated Nutrition Plan Composting of soliWaste composting and recycling
Biosecurity measures Plicy to prevent diseases Daily records of mor
Security fencing and isolation of the
labor health and safety Use of PPE / training falls /Health and Safety use of PPE / isolated toilets
ulation of organic fertilizers
uffs and food additives

d disease control plan

htout the house photoperiod according to the age and physiological status of the laying hens

uld be provided
trimming 7-10 days of age / 2 beak trimming: 10-12 weeks of age
ant water, supply nutritional requirements, sufficient access to feeder
ate technical information on all pieces of equipment
utomated, eggs should be collected 4x daily / eggs must be selected and classified, separated by weight packaged and identified / storage
for 4 hours before loading / appropriate crates to prevent injuries
purchased from and vaccinated in hatcheries licensed by the Ministry of Agriculture
composting and recycling
y fencing and isolation of the poultry house / all-in, all-out system
PPE / isolated toilets
d and identified / storage in cool and clean room

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