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José Raúl García Giles

Software developer (age 28)

email / skype:
phone: +52 777 132 0909
home: Mexico City

Personal details
I constantly seek perfection and I'm very interested in details. Normally quiet and discreet,
and work without problem once that have explained me minutiously what it is the goal. I
need to do tasks of varited character to avoid boring me and achieve ef ciency. Systematic,
methodic and disciplined. On work, I tend to follow up closely the policies, guidelines and
rules. I work better in structured, clear and unequivocal situations. I can work good by my
self on the problem's solutions and activities planning. I can be ef cient on work teams, small
groups, and person to person relationships. Respect the ideas, opinions and conducts of the
other people; specially of whom I trust. My authority is based principally on the expertise
and my functions can include taks of variated character. I preffer have a good data quantity
to my disposition before compromise to an action course or take a desicion.

Work experience
Teacher at DGETI (SEP)
Aug 2014 - Aug 2018
Taught subjects about object oriented programming (using Java/JavaFX) and matemathics
(algebra, geometry, calculus and probability). My approach is begin with a practical situation,
in such way that the need of mathematics surges naturally.

Software developer at El Monitor

Jan 2015 - Jun 2017
I was part of the team that developed a management system for services planning and
monitor, as well as inventory of industrial complex inventory. I worked as well in the backend
as the frontend of some system modules. I had participation in the implementation stage.
Freelance software developer
Jul 2017 - Jul 2018
I developed some systems for SME using web technologies. One of the projects solved the
photographic work gallery management. Another was about addresses' geolocalization
from their text form.

Software developer at BeeckerCo

Jul 2018 - Oct 2018
I worked on process diagrams, and their associated user interfaces. This was done by using
IBM tools such as BPM and ODM.

Java developer at Equifax

Oct 2018 - Now
I'm in a scrum team. We are migrating a ntech software suite in order to improve the
security, increase the performance and to use cloud computing.

Skills (exp)
HTML (2) Java (1) Wild y (1)
Javascript (2) Maven (1) Linux (2)
Angular (1) Spring (1) Git (2)
PHP (3) SQL (3) Spock (1)
Express (1) Apache (1)

Another skills
Groovy Jenkins Swagger
Apache Spark Docker Java Google Code Style
AWS EMR Logback

Facultad de Ciencias/Universidad Autónoma del Estado de
Bachelor degree
Computer science (2014)

Scrum Fundamentals Certi ed (2018)

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