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Chapter 16 : Turning Moment Diagrams and Flywheel l 589
12 (2 cos2θ – 1) – 5 cos θ = 0 . . . (∵ cos 2θ = 2 cos2θ – 1)
24 cos2θ – 5 cos θ – 12 = 0
5 ± 25 + 4 × 12 × 24 5 ± 34.3
∴ cos θ = =
2 × 24 48
= 0.8187 or – 0.6104
∴ θ = 35° or 127.6° Ans.
Substituting θ = 35° in equation (i), we have maximum torque,
Tmax = 600 sin 70° – 500 sin 35° = 277 N-m
Substituting θ =127.6° in equation (i), we have minimum torque,
Tmin = 600 sin 255.2° – 500 sin 127.6° = – 976 N-m
We know that maximum acceleration,
Tmax 277
α max = = = 3.46 rad /s 2 Ans. . . . (∵ I = m.k 2)
I 500 × ( 0.4)2

and minimum acceleration (or maximum retardation),

T 976
α min = min = = 12.2 rad /s 2 Ans.
I 500 × ( 0.4 )2

Example 16.13. The equation of the turning moment curve of a three crank engine is
(5000 + 1500 sin 3 θ) N-m, where θ is the crank angle in radians. The moment of inertia of the
flywheel is 1000 kg-m2 and the mean speed is 300 r.p.m. Calculate : 1. power of the engine, and 2.
the maximum fluctuation of the speed of the flywheel in percentage when (i) the resisting torque is
constant, and (ii) the resisting torque is (5000 + 600 sin θ) N-m.
Solution. Given : T = (5000 + 1500 sin 3θ ) N-m ; I = 1000 kg-m2 ; N = 300 r.p.m. or
ω = 2 π × 300/60 = 31.42 rad /s
1. Power of the engine
We know that work done per revolution
 1500cos 3 θ  2 π
= ∫ (5000 + 1500sin 3 θ ) d θ = 5000 θ – 
0  3 0
= 10 000 π N-m
∴ Mean resisting torque,

Work done/rev 10 000 π

Tmean = = = 5000 N-m
2π 2π

We know that power of the engine,

P = T mean . ω = 5000 × 31.42 = 157 100 W = 157.1 kW Ans.
2. Maximum fluctuation of the speed of the flywheel
Let CS = Maximum or total fluctuation of speed of the flywheel.

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(i) When resisting torque is constant

The turning moment diagram is shown in Fig. 16.15. Since the resisting torque is constant,
therefore the torque exerted on the shaft is equal to the mean resisting torque on the flywheel.

Fig. 16.15
∴ T = T mean
5000 + 1500 sin 3θ = 5000
1500 sin 3θ = 0 or sin 3θ = 0
∴ 3θ = 0° or 180°
θ = 0° or 60°
∴ Maximum fluctuation of energy,
60° 60°
∆E = ∫ (T – Tmean ) d θ = ∫ (5000 + 1500sin 3 θ – 5000) d θ
0 0

60° 60°
 1500 cos 3 θ 
= ∫ 1500sin 3 θ d θ =  –  = 1000 N-m
 3 0

We know that maximum fluctuation of energy ( ∆E ),

1000 = I.ω2.CS = 1000 × (31.42)2 × CS = 987 216 CS
∴ CS = 1000 / 987 216 = 0.001 or 0.1% Ans.
(ii) When resisting torque is (5000 + 600 sin θ ) N-m
The turning moment diagram is shown in Fig. 16.16. Since at points B and C, the torque
exerted on the shaft is equal to the mean resisting torque on the flywheel, therefore

Fig. 16.16
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Chapter 16 : Turning Moment Diagrams and Flywheel l 591
5000 + 1500 sin 3θ = 5000 + 600 sin θ or 2.5 sin 3θ = sin θ
2.5 (3 sin θ – 4 sin3 θ) =sin θ ...(∵ sin 3θ = 3 sin θ – 4 sin3θ)
3 – 4 sin2θ = 0.4...(Dividing by 2.5 sin θ)
3 – 0.4
sin 2 θ = = 0.65 or sin θ = 0.8062
∴ θ = 53.7° or 126.3° i.e. θB = 53.7°, and θC = 126.3°
∴ Maximum fluctuation of energy,
*∆ E = ∫ (5000 + 1500sin 3 θ) – (5000 + 600sin θ ) d θ

126.3° 126.3°
 1500cos 3 θ 
= ∫ (1500sin 3 θ – 600sin θ ) d θ =  – 3
+ 600cos θ

= – 1656 N-m
We know that maximum fluctuation of energy (∆ E),
1656 = I.ω2.CS = 1000 × (31.42)2 × CS = 987 216 CS
∴ CS = 1656 / 987 216 = 0.00 168 or 0.168% Ans.
16.11. Dimensions of the Flywheel Rim
Consider a rim of the flywheel as shown in Fig. 16.17.
Let D = Mean diameter of rim in metres,
R = Mean radius of rim in metres,
A = Cross-sectional area of rim in m2,
ρ = Density of rim material in kg/m3,
N = Speed of the flywheel in r.p.m.,
ω = Angular velocity of the flywheel in rad/s, Fig. 16.17. Rim of a flywheel.

v = Linear velocity at the mean radius in m/s

= ω .R = π D.N/60, and
σ = Tensile stress or hoop stress in N/m2 due to the centrifugal force.
Consider a small element of the rim as shown shaded in Fig. 16.17. Let it subtends an angle
δθ at the centre of the flywheel.
Volume of the small element
= A × R.δθ
∴ Mass of the small element
dm = Density × volume = ρ.A .R.δθ
and centrifugal force on the element, acting radially outwards,
dF = dm.ω2.R = ρ.A.R 2.ω2.δθ

* Since the fluctuation of energy is negative, therefore it is shown below the mean resisting torque curve, in
Fig. 16.16.

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Chapter 21 : Balancing of Rotating Masses l 843
tional to m1.r1.l1 and acts in a plane through Om1 and perpendicular to the paper. The
vector representing this couple is drawn in the plane of the paper and perpendicular to
Om1 as shown by OC1 in Fig. 21.7 (c). Similarly, the vectors OC2, OC3 and OC4 are
drawn perpendicular to Om2, Om3 and Om4 respectively and in the plane of the paper.
4. The couple vectors as discussed above, are turned counter clockwise through a right angle
for convenience of drawing as shown in Fig. 21.7 (d). We see that their relative positions
remains unaffected. Now the vectors OC2, OC3 and OC4 are parallel and in the same
direction as Om2, Om3 and Om4, while the vector OC1 is parallel to Om1 but in *opposite
direction. Hence the couple vectors are drawn radially outwards for the masses on one
side of the reference plane and radially inward for the masses on the other side of the
reference plane.
5. Now draw the couple polygon as shown in Fig. 21.7 (e). The vector d ′ o′ represents the
balanced couple. Since the balanced couple CM is proportional to mM.rM.lM, therefore
vector d ′ o′
CM = mM ⋅ rM ⋅ lM = vector d ′o ′ or mM =
rM ⋅ l M
From this expression, the value of the balancing mass mM in the plane M may be obtained,
and the angle of inclination φ of this mass may be measured from Fig. 21.7 (b).
6. Now draw the force polygon as shown in Fig. 21.7 ( f ). The vector eo (in the direction
from e to o ) represents the balanced force. Since the balanced force is proportional to
mL.rL, therefore,
vector eo
mL ⋅ rL = vector eo or mL =
From this expression, the value of the balancing mass mL in the plane L may be obtained
and the angle of inclination α of this mass with the horizontal may be measured from Fig. 21.7 (b).
Example 21.2. A shaft carries four masses A, B, C and D of magnitude 200 kg, 300 kg,
400 kg and 200 kg respectively and revolving at radii 80 mm, 70 mm, 60 mm and 80 mm in planes
measured from A at 300 mm, 400 mm and 700 mm. The angles between the cranks measured
anticlockwise are A to B 45°, B to C 70° and C to D 120°. The balancing masses are to be placed
in planes X and Y. The distance between the planes A and X is 100 mm, between X and Y is 400
mm and between Y and D is 200 mm. If the balancing masses revolve at a radius of 100 mm, find
their magnitudes and angular positions.
Solution. Given : mA = 200 kg ; mB = 300 kg ; mC = 400 kg ; mD = 200 kg ; rA = 80 mm
= 0.08m ; rB = 70 mm = 0.07 m ; rC = 60 mm = 0.06 m ; rD = 80 mm = 0.08 m ; rX = rY = 100 mm
= 0.1 m
Let mX = Balancing mass placed in plane X, and
mY = Balancing mass placed in plane Y.
The position of planes and angular position of the masses (assuming the mass A as
horizontal) are shown in Fig. 21.8 (a) and (b) respectively.
Assume the plane X as the reference plane (R.P.). The distances of the planes to the right of
plane X are taken as + ve while the distances of the planes to the left of plane X are taken as – ve.
The data may be tabulated as shown in Table 21.2.

* From Table 21.1 (column 6) we see that the couple is – m1,r1.l1.

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Table 21.2
Plane Mass (m) Radius (r) Cent.force ÷ ω2 Distance from Couple ÷ ω2
kg m (m.r) kg-m Plane x(l) m (m.r.l) kg-m2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

A 200 0.08 16 – 0.1 – 1.6

X(R.P.) mX 0.1 0.1 mX 0 0
B 300 0.07 21 0.2 4.2
C 400 0.06 24 0.3 7.2
Y mY 0.1 0.1 mY 0.4 0.04 mY
D 200 0.08 16 0.6 9.6

The balancing masses mX and mY and their angular positions may be determined graphi-
cally as discussed below :
1. First of all, draw the couple polygon from the data given in Table 21.2 (column 6) as
shown in Fig. 21.8 (c) to some suitable scale. The vector d ′ o′ represents the balanced
couple. Since the balanced couple is proportional to 0.04 mY, therefore by measurement,
0.04 mY = vector d ′ o′ = 7.3 kg-m 2 or mY = 182.5 kg Ans.

All dimensions in mm.

(a) Position of planes. (b) Angular position of masses.

(c) Couple polygon. (d) Force polygon.

Fig. 21.8

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Chapter 21 : Balancing of Rotating Masses l 845
The angular position of the mass mY is obtained by drawing OmY in Fig. 21.8 (b), parallel
to vector d ′ o′ . By measurement, the angular position of mY is θY = 12° in the clockwise
direction from mass mA (i.e. 200 kg ). Ans.
2. Now draw the force polygon from the data given in Table 21.2 (column 4) as shown in
Fig. 21.8 (d). The vector eo represents the balanced force. Since the balanced force is
proportional to 0.1 mX, therefore by measurement,
0.1 mX = vector eo = 35.5 kg-m or mX = 355 kg Ans.
The angular position of the mass mX is obtained by drawing OmX in Fig. 21.8 (b), parallel
to vector eo. By measurement, the angular position of mX is θX = 145° in the clockwise
direction from mass mA (i.e. 200 kg ). Ans.
Example 21.3. Four masses A, B, C and D as shown below are to be completely balanced.
Mass (kg) — 30 50 40
Radius (mm) 180 240 120 150
The planes containing masses B and C are 300 mm apart. The angle between planes
containing B and C is 90°. B and C make angles of 210° and 120° respectively with D in the same
sense. Find :
1. The magnitude and the angular position of mass A ; and
2. The position of planes A and D.
Solution. Given : rA = 180 mm = 0.18 m ; mB = 30 kg ; rB = 240 mm = 0.24 m ;
mC = 50 kg ; rC = 120 mm = 0.12 m ; mD = 40 kg ; rD = 150 mm = 0.15 m ; ∠ BOC = 90° ;
∠ BOD = 210° ; ∠ COD = 120°
1. The magnitude and the angular position of mass A
Let mA = Magnitude of Mass A,
x = Distance between the planes B and D, and
y = Distance between the planes A and B.
The position of the planes and the angular position of the masses is shown in Fig. 21.9 (a)
and (b) respectively.
Assuming the plane B as the reference plane (R.P.) and the mass B (mB) along the horizon-
tal line as shown in Fig. 21.9 (b), the data may be tabulated as below :
Table 21.3
Plane Mass Radius Cent.force ÷ ω2 Distance from Couple ÷ ω2
(m) kg (r) m (m.r) kg-m plane B (l) m (m.r.l) kg-m2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
A mA 0.18 0.08 mA –y – 0.18 mA.y
B (R.P) 30 0.24 7.2 0 0
C 50 0.12 6 0.3 1.8
D 40 0.15 6 x 6x

The magnitude and angular position of mass A may be determined by drawing the force
polygon from the data given in Table 21.3 (Column 4), as shown in Fig. 21.9 (c), to some suitable

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Chapter 23 Visit :
: Longitudinal and Transverse Vibrations l 959
If when damped to this extent, the body is subjected to a disturbing force with a maximum
value of 125 N making 8 cycles/s, find the amplitude of the ultimate motion.
Solution . Given : m = 20 kg ; δ = 15 mm = 0.015 m ; c = 1000 N/m/s ; F = 125 N ;
f = 8 cycles/s
Frequency of free vibrations
We know that frequency of free vibrations,

1 g 1 9.81
fn = = = 4.07 Hz Ans.
2π δ 2π 0.015
The critical damping to make the motion aperiodic is such that damped frequency is zero,
 c  s
  =
 2m  m

s m.g  m.g 
∴ c= × 4m2 = 4 s.m = 4 × ×m . . . ∵ s =

δ 
m δ

20 × 9.81
= 4× × 20 = 1023 N/m/s
This means that the viscous damping force is 1023 N at a speed of 1 m/s. Therefore a
viscous damping force amounting to approximately 1000 N at a speed of 1 m/s is just sufficient to
make the motion aperiodic. Ans.
Amplitude of ultimate motion
We know that angular speed of forced vibration,
ω = 2π× f = 2π× 8 = 50.3 rad/s
and stiffness of the spring, s = m.g/ δ = 20 × 9.81 / 0.015 = 13.1 × 103 N/m
∴ Amplitude of ultimate motion i.e. maximum amplitude of forced vibration,
xmax =
c .ω + ( s − m.ω2 )2
2 2

(1023) (50.3) + [13.1 × 103 − 20 (50.3) 2 ]2
2 2

125 125
= = = 1.96 × 10–3 m
2600 × 10 + 1406 ×10 63.7 × 103

= 1.96 mm Ans.
Example 23.20. A machine part of mass 2 kg vibrates in a viscous medium. Determine the
damping coefficient when a harmonic exciting force of 25 N results in a resonant amplitude of
12.5 mm with a period of 0.2 second. If the system is excited by a harmonic force of frequency
4 Hz what will be the percentage increase in the amplitude of vibration when damper is removed
as compared with that with damping.
Solution . Given : m = 2 kg ; F = 25 N ; Resonant xmax = 12.5 mm = 0.0125 m ;
tp = 0.2 s ; f = 4 Hz
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Damping coefficient
Let c = Damping coefficient in N/m/s.
We know that natural circular frequency of the exicting force,
ωn = 2π / t p = 2π / 0.2 = 31.42 rad/s
We also know that the maximum amplitude of vibration at resonance (xmax ),
F 25 0.796
0.0125 = = = or c = 63.7 N/m/s Ans.
c.ωn c × 31.42 c

Percentage increase in amplitude

Since the system is excited by a harmonic force of frequency ( f ) = 4 Hz, therefore corre-
sponding circular frequency
ω = 2π× f = 2π× 4 = 25.14 rad/s
We know that maximum amplitude of vibration with damping,
xmax =
c 2 .ω2 + ( s − m.ω2 ) 2

(63.7) 2 (25.14) 2 + [2 (31.42)2 − 2 (25.14) 2 ]2
2 2
. . . ∵ (ωn ) = s / m or s = m(ωn ) 

25 25
= = = 0.0143 m = 14.3 mm
2.56 ×106 + 0.5 × 106 1749
and the maximum amplitude of vibration when damper is removed,
F 25 25
xmax = =
2 2
= = 0.0352 m
2 2 2[(31.42) − (25.14) ] 710
m (ωn ) − ω
 
= 35.2 mm
∴ Percentage increase in amplitude
35.2 − 14.3
= = 1.46 or 146% Ans.
Example 23.21. The time of free vibration of a mass hung from the end of a helical spring
is 0.8 second. When the mass is stationary, the upper end is made to move upwards with a
displacement y metre such that y = 0.018 sin 2 π t, where t is the time in seconds measured from
the beginning of the motion. Neglecting the mass of the spring and any damping effects, determine
the vertical distance through which the mass is moved in the first 0.3 second.
Solution. Given : tp = 0.8 s ; y = 0.018 sin 2 π t
Let m = Mass hung to the spring in kg, and
s = Stiffness of the spring in N/m.
We know that time period of free vibrations (tp),
m m  0.8 
0.8 = 2π or =  = 0.0162
s s  2π 
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