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1 5D 500ml Steriport Aug/19 40160560 64.39 1 64.

2 Abdominal Sponges Jan/21 292 75 1 75
3 Abgel Nov/19 120816 250 1 250
4 Affix Fixer Aug/19 CF1606 50 1 50
5 Anawin Heavy Sep/18 KP1713166 24.6 1 24.6
6 AnnovaPlast Fixator Oct/20 AS17122 70 1 70
7 Annovate Gel Oct/18 15001629 91.75 1 91.75
8 Aptamil Milk Powder Nov/18 1708196911 640 1 640
9 B.T. Set Dec/20 28609 120 1 120
10 Baby Diapers Apr/19 8700015 120 1 120
11 Bactigras Gauze Apr/20 GS731 26.4 1 26.4
12 Bandage 2" Jun/20 175 5.7 1 5.7
13 Bandage 4" Jan/23 177 11.45 1 11.45
14 Bandage 6" Nov/21 180 17.12 1 17.12
15 Bifi Biotic Sachet 1g Aug/18 RL0028 22 1 22
16 Budesole 0.5mg Feb/19 R17C001 20.25 1 20.25
17 Calcijoint D3 400 IU 15ml May/18 AKL7822 34.49 1 34.49
18 Cannula 18 No Mar/21 60066/033 120 1 120
19 Cannula 20 No May/21 60262/0212 120 1 120
20 Cannula 24 No May/21 62541G 121 1 121
21 Cannula 26 No Aug/21 60502/223 130 1 130
22 Canula 22 No May/21 62541G 120 1 120
23 Canula Venflon BD Aug/19 4237356P01 250 1 250
24 Cap B-Complex Forte Sep/19 AE8058 2 1 2
25 Cap Becomax Forte Aug/18 HL0110 1.26 1 1.26
26 Cap Becosules Sep/18 720291200 1.56 1 1.56
27 Cap Cipmox 500mg Dec/18 ABH7004 5.98 1 5.98
28 Cap Clindanol 300mg Sep/18 HC447 22 1 22
29 Cap Clingen Forte Vaginal Mar/19 37217026 125 1 125
30 Cap Coepreg Aug/18 PIRAG21 15 1 15
31 Cap Cofol Z Jan/19 GL7049 7.83 1 7.83
32 Cap Darolac Sep/18 M383D047 8.5 1 8.5
33 Cap Depin 10mg Jun/19 M800408 0.87 1 0.87
34 Cap Depin 5mg Jun/19 M801214 1.17 1 1.17
35 Cap Evion 400mg May/19 M01BP17038 2.23 1 2.23
36 Cap Evion 600mg Mar/19 M01BR17009 3.22 1 3.22
37 Cap Imodium Hcl 2mg Apr/20 N261 3.53 1 3.53
38 Cap Jox 100mg Jul/19 708043C 2.5 1 2.5
39 Cap Leezole VG Feb/19 SG17081 84.5 1 84.5
40 Cap Lycoguard May/19 ADW7026 13.3 1 13.3
41 Cap Maxirich May/19 BX7026 9.55 1 9.55
42 Cap Ovashield Jun/19 800118 550 1 550
43 Cap Ovashield DS Dec/18 1430917 700 1 700
44 Cap Ovorich Nov/19 AF6120 14.9 1 14.9
45 Cap Oxyvit 19NS Sep/18 EC0028 12.65 1 12.65
46 Cap Pantosec DSR Apr/19 AFB7278 11.4 1 11.4
47 Cap Pregcert 200mg Oct/18 DJAA12 22.1 1 22.1
48 Cap Rabesec DSR Oct/18 GL6514 12.2 1 12.2
49 Cap Rapid CL Nov/19 ALD7070E 105 1 105
50 Cap R-Cnex Jul/19 A704471 6.45 1 6.45
51 Cap Simrose 1000mg Nov/18 AD16006GJ 13.44 1 13.44
Cap Urimax 0.4mg Jan/19 SA64448 10.03 1 10.03
52 Cap Zedott 100mg Oct/18 CD34C013 13.25 1 13.25
53 Cardiac Monitor Pad Mar/19 16617S11G000 18 1 18
54 Chromic Catgut 2.0 D/N Sep/21 B6009 200 1 200
55 Cipcal D3 Sachet Jan/20 GL9079 30 1 30
56 Cipladine Lotion 100ml Jun/18 VDB44 76.65 1 76.65
57 Cipladine Ointment 20G Feb/19 UZN15 36.91 1 36.91
58 Clocip Cream 15g Jan/21 L8028 38.61 1 38.61
59 Cotton Roll Oct/19 156 150 1 150
60 D 10 % Dextrose 500ml Feb/19 9C0013E 28.15 1 28.15
61 D 25% 100ml May/18 AF60973 18.03 1 18.03
62 D.J. Stent White Oct/19 161126 900 1 900
63 DNS 500ml B/Braun Jul/22 A17H170N 31.19 1 31.19
64 DNS 500ml Steriport Jun/20 41770401 68.24 1 68.24
65 Drop Dompital 30ml May/18 1602 34.37 1 34.37
66 Drop Vi-Syneral-Z 15ml Jun/18 CLDZD7002 46 1 46
67 Duolin Respules 2.5ml Apr/19 SA72379 10.59 1 10.59
68 E T Tube 7.5 No May/21 FGF21358 180 1 180
69 E.T.Tube 8 No Sep/20 20150905 199 1 199
70 Econorm Sachet Sep/19 2615 43.75 1 43.75
71 EM 500ml Baxter Jul/18 9C0003F 109.93 1 109.93
72 EM 500ml Steriport Oct/20 48970725 148.5 1 148.5
73 Enema Aug/18 GF-191 48 1 48
74 Enterogermina Oct/18 30280 42 1 42
75 EP 500ml B/Braun Jul/19 10160030G 109.93 1 109.93
76 Ethilon 3.0 Dec/19 B3076 159 1 159
77 Feeding Tube 8 No Jul/21 16082287 39 1 39
78 Flow Regulator Set Apr/19 160176 375 1 375
79 Fluticone-FT Nasal Spray Jul/18 AHS1071 294 1 294
80 Foley Catheter 16 No Oct/19 16K16 200 1 200
81 Genteal E/D Feb/19 4G09 167 1 167
82 Gentle Baby Wipes Apr/20 M101-Cos-pb 80 1 80
83 Geofresh Mouth Wash Feb/19 DR07002 55 1 55
84 Glove 7 No B/Braun Aug/21 1611B103 70 1 70
85 Glove 7.5 No B/Braun Dec/21 115004 70 1 70
86 Gloves 6.5 No B/Braun Dec/19 115004 70 1 70
87 Gloves Examcare Box Aug/20 3 450 1 450
88 Glycine Bottle Jun/20 C7J033 315 1 315
89 Gynecological Canula 5mm Jan/21 FEB13485 70 1 70
90 Haemaccel 500ml Dec/19 HMA7013 317.24 1 317.24
91 Halothane Dec/20 NP572001 330 1 330
92 Hipore 1" Sep/20 17JPK91 50 1 50
93 Hygifem Vaginal Wash Oct/20 2439 180 1 180
94 Hyginium 500ml Aug/18 3680916 384 1 384
95 I.V. Set Jul/21 3H61025 135 1 135
96 inj Merogold Apr/19 1617013B 2990 1 2990
97 inj T-Planin Nov/19 GBS17091 1838 1 1838
98 Inj Acdof 40mg May/19 LPZ294A 45.24 1 45.24
99 Inj Alfakim 100mg Dec/18 MHS0011 26 1 26
100 Inj Amiject 500mg Feb/19 AJT17080SR 95 1 95
101 Inj Amoxyclav 1.2g Oct/18 NLB0054 119.6 1 119.6
102 Inj Anawin Heavy Jun/18 KP1713137 24.7 1 24.7
103 Inj Arachitol-6L Nov/20 PCD0085 46.44 1 46.44
104 Inj Artacil 2.5ml Jul/18 1303067 126.4 1 126.4
105 Inj Atropine Aug/18 AT133 4 1 4
106 Inj Avil Feb/20 2417015 2.16 1 2.16
107 Inj Betnesol 1ml Aug/18 GR592 4.28 1 4.28
108 Inj Bharglob 2ml Nov/19 A0731600B 1263 1 1263
109 Inj Buscogast 1ml Apr/19 SB17019 10.35 1 10.35
110 Inj Caboprost 1ml May/19 9772 192.2 1 192.2
111 Inj Calcium Gluconate Sep/18 CG338 9.5 1 9.5
112 Inj Capritaz 4.5g Nov/19 CT141713 446.37 1 446.37
113 Inj Ceflox 100ml Mar/20 R2060029 16.76 1 16.76
114 Inj Cefotax 1000mg Dec/18 0107Z001 33.44 1 33.44
115 Inj Cefotax 250mg Oct/18 0086Z005 16.53 1 16.53
116 Inj Cefotax 500mg Dec/18 0097Z001 21.56 1 21.56
117 Inj Cone 1000mg Dec/18 0017Z004 50.34 1 50.34
118 Inj Cone 250mg Sep/18 0026Z016 24.04 1 24.04
119 Inj Cone 500mg Sep/18 0036Z021 43.92 1 43.92
120 Inj Cone SB 1.5g Oct/18 0046Z172 192.3 1 192.3
121 Inj Cone TZ Aug/18 0056Z016 250 1 250
122 Inj Depo Medrol 40mg 1ml Apr/19 R51703 70.53 1 70.53
123 Inj Depo Medrol 40mg 2ml Sep/19 R77745 93.24 1 93.24
124 Inj Deriphyllin 2ml Jan/21 AIT1018 5.2 1 5.2
125 Inj Dexasone 2ml Feb/18 16212 5.65 1 5.65
126 Inj Domin 5ml Apr/18 1334042 29.8 1 29.8
127 Inj Dotamin 5ml Feb/18 1332013 287.5 1 287.5
128 Inj Drotin 2ml Jul/18 MHE615 17.83 1 17.83
129 Inj Drotipen 2ml Dec/19 IDV2149 19.5 1 19.5
130 Inj Duvadilan 2ml Nov/19 JAZC6019 20.15 1 20.15
131 Inj Dyanapar AQ 1ml Sep/19 D122A119 25.15 1 25.15
132 Inj Emitiva 2ml Oct/19 LOSI57A 11.88 1 11.88
133 Inj Epicetam 100mg May/19 2543039 108 1 108
134 Inj Epicetum Dec/18 2543046 110.45 1 110.45
135 Inj Epidosin Sep/19 16AD92 17 1 17
136 Inj Eupen 500mg Jan/18 28821 512 2 1024
137 Inj Evatocin Jan/19 KP09092 17.15 1 17.15
138 Inj Finecef 1000mg Jun/19 NPC0339 52.32 1 52.32
139 Inj Frusimide 2ml Oct/18 FM88 2.25 1 2.25
140 Inj Gardasil Feb/20 N027808 3259 1 3259
141 Inj Glyneutol 100ml Mar/19 A7104 162 1 162
142 Inj Greatum 1500mg Jul/18 BI16047 429 1 429
143 Inj Hermin 200ml Jul/19 170101014 508.2 1 508.2
144 Inj Human Actrapad May/19 B5084568 149.5 1 149.5
145 Inj Hydrocort 100mg Dec/18 CJ7008 36.36 1 36.36
146 Inj Influvac Jun/18 N39N 810 1 810
147 Inj IVcros 5ml Jul/18 179137 261 1 261
148 Inj KCL 10ml Mar/19 PC171 22 1 22
149 Inj Labebet 5mg/ml Mar/18 HKR0246 197.5 1 197.5
150 Inj Labelol 4ml Sep/18 388016 197 1 197
151 Inj Lasix 4ml Dec/19 2117010 6.44 1 6.44
152 Inj Levonir 100ml Jul/20 A7214 120 1 120
153 Inj Linetic 300ml Sep/17 T118287 400 1 400
154 Inj Lori 2ml Dec/19 143251 11.8 1 11.8
155 Inj Lovolkem 100ml Oct/19 DK70353 150 1 150
156 Inj M.V.I. 10ml Oct/18 MA7E22 25 1 25
157 Inj M.V.I. 10ml Feb/19 MU52 30 1 30
158 Inj Mega-CV 350mg Nov/17 P1512041 78.89 1 78.89
159 Inj Mem 1ml Mar/19 KP39025 14.4 1 14.4
160 Inj Metrogyl 100ml Jan/19 10170003S 13.34 1 13.34
161 Inj Moxidac 100ml Dec/18 A7019 250 1 250
162 Inj Moxplore 100ml Jun/18 DG60231 234 1 234
163 Inj Myostigmin Nov/19 V349082 21.2 1 21.2
164 Inj Nasix 2ml Jun/18 A6G520 3.23 1 3.23
165 Inj Neo-Drol 125mg Sep/18 75842 118 1 118
166 Inj Neo-Drol 40mg Feb/19 89953 56 1 56
167 Inj Neomol 2ml Aug/19 SM91131 7.5 1 7.5
168 Inj Neticol 250mg Mar/19 1324013 108.2 1 108.2
169 Inj Neurobion Forte Apr-19 M01RD17181 11.22 1 11.22
170 Inj Nitroplus 5ml Jan/18 1733114 42.2 1 42.2
171 Inj Odicef 1g Jan/20 ODFI8004CG 54.79 1 54.79
172 Inj Ofuxin 100ml Nov/18 DL60405 126 1 126
173 Inj Omnatax 1000mg Feb/19 ncp0131 33.44 1 33.44
174 Inj PCM 100ml Jan/19 DB70036 313 1 313
175 Inj PD 500mg Aug/18 16NHI0902 174.9 1 174.9
176 Inj Pentalab 1ml Dec/19 IPZI009 5.49 1 5.49
177 Inj Peptac 2ml Sep/19 IRH3776 3.19 1 3.19
178 Inj Perinorm 2ml Dec/19 GE187005R 4.75 1 4.75
179 Inj Phenergan 2ml Sep/19 NPB0532 7.6 1 7.6
180 Inj Pregsafe 500mg Dec/19 A10769 150 1 150
181 Inj Pubergen Aqua 5000 IU Aug/19 H211801 397.63 1 397.63
182 Inj Pyrolate 1ml Jan/19 6602 11.5 1 11.5
183 Inj Ranbiotic 2ml Dec/18 MMS0001 4.9 1 4.9
184 Inj Reokay 1ml Nov/18 ME-80 6 1 6
185 Inj Rhoclone 300mcg Feb/19 A10017006 2541.6 1 2541.6
186 Inj Salsol 3ml Dec/17 SLS1605 4.24 1 4.24
187 Inj Sifasi 5000 I.U. Jan/19 SF2101 385 1 385
188 Inj Sodabicarbonate 10ml Aug/18 SB244 12 1 12
189 Inj Stemetil 1ml Jun/19 EAWA6043 13 1 13
190 Inj Strone 200mg Nov/18 P03M1605 186.2 1 186.2
191 Inj Strone AQ 25mg Dec/18 AP015 120 1 120
192 Inj T.T 0.5ml Apr/19 246A6012E 11.6 1 11.6
193 Inj Tazofix 4.5g Mar/19 TZF02 427.9 1 427.9
194 Inj Tenacid 5ml Oct/18 A6K919 69 1 69
195 Inj Tidilan 2ml Nov/19 1412019 15.65 1 15.65
196 Inj Tramagal Oct/19 MA6k37 26 1 26
197 Inj Tramore 2ml Jun/19 IRT4287 21.28 1 21.28
198 Inj Tranefit 5ml Apr/19 AI17181 69.78 1 69.78
199 Inj Trofentyl 2ml Jan/19 T140338 44.22 1 44.22
200 Inj Troyhep 5ml Feb/19 T123546 98.2 1 98.2
201 Inj Troypenem 1000mg Oct/18 B25627B 2722 1 2722
202 Inj Troyperazone S Jul/19 CLD7034 522 1 522
203 Inj Troypipera-T 4.5g Jul/19 B27744A 446.32 1 446.32
204 Inj Troypofol 20ml Aug/19 T88630-C 146.6 1 146.6
205 Inj Typbar TCV Nov/20 76DL17043 1799 1 1799
206 Inj Vancotroy 500mg Oct/18 C12608A 267.4 1 267.4
207 Inj Vanking 1000mg Jun/18 34645 444.65 1 444.65
208 Inj Vanking 250mg Apr/18 1319005 269 1 269
209 Intra Fix Safe Feb/19 JK5004673 211.43 1 211.43
210 Ipsal-L Neb May/18 CF6168 14 1 14
211 Iv Set Feb/19 JK5004673 132 1 132
212 Kefbax 1.5g Sep/18 1146130B 225 1 225
213 Klik Clamp Oct/19 RM15K124 25 1 25
214 KS Care 4" Jul/20 KSEA13 575 1 575
215 Lactare Granules Aug/18 TLC16003 192 1 192
216 Lactare Granules Oct/19 TLC17280 231 1 231
217 Lee Biotic Sachet Oct/18 FVSAT03 18 1 18
218 Lee Dott Sachet Jul/18 VSHT13 18 1 18
219 Levolin 0.31mg Dec/18 L870036 3.37 1 3.37
220 Levolin 0.63mg Nov/18 L860354 4.06 1 4.06
221 Levolin 1.25mg May/19 D17089 5.69 1 5.69
222 Listerine Mouth Wash 250ml Apr/20 BKM7003 115 1 115
223 Lokia Pad Nov/19 15112016 220 1 220
224 Lox 2% Jelly Jan/19 U674 38.5 1 38.5
225 Lrzin Sachet 10g Dec/18 60SLZ010 37 1 37
226 Maxplore E/D May/18 PPUAF01 99 1 99
227 Merksilk Oct/21 B4041 150 1 150
228 Mesh Dolphin Sep/21 PMS081546 1250 1 1250
229 Metrogyl Gel 2% Jan/19 PGD7002 57.39 1 57.39
230 Mixbiotic Ear Drop Sep/19 D5D19 55 1 55
231 N/2 DNS 500ML Aug/19 10160024i 121.7 1 121.7
232 Nasoclear N/D 20ml Apr/20 AFT1040 38 1 38
233 N-Bact Ointment 5gm Jan/19 MO031 152 1 152
234 Nebulization Mask Pead Nov/18 200CM 250 1 250
235 Neoway Stop Cock Nov/18 HP311 89 1 89
236 NS 100ml Steriport Feb/20 40670158 32.92 1 32.92
237 NS 3000ml Aug/20 C7L016 315 1 315
238 NS 500ml Steriport Jan/00 40670232 70 1 70
239 Nutri-Nephro 7% 250ml Jun/19 A7J020 667 1 667
240 Nutriven 200ml Apr/18 TBT6I1 450 1 450
241 Ointment Aparin 20g May/18 DQE6001 65 1 65
242 Omnigel 30g Jan/19 Q7219 86 1 86
243 ORS Powder Mar/20 AC7268 15.65 1 15.65
244 Oxygen Pipe Nov/18 200CM 180 1 180
245 P.O.P Prime 5" Apr/19 201904 1050 1 1050
246 Phlebotroy QPS 5ml Aug/19 B003 126.5 1 126.5
247 Pollyvol Burette Set Oct/21 1613570M 164 1 164
248 Povidot Ointment 20g Jan/20 PZDO21 65 1 65
249 Pressure Monitoring Line Mar/20 A08249 180 1 180
250 Prolene 805 May/21 B6007 300 1 300
251 Prolene 843 Apr/22 B7016 332 1 332
252 Protien Moms Dec/18 NVTMC17001 375 1 375
253 Protiost Powder 200g May/19 SH876 250 1 250
254 RL 500ml B/Braun Jul/21 B17H005N 60.86 1 60.86
255 RL 500ml Steriport Jun/20 42070478 86 1 86
256 Romo Vac Set 16 No Sep/22 17102270 610 1 610
257 Ryles Tube 14 No Jun/21 16072487 48 1 48
258 Safe-Lon 100ml Jan/19 SL-05 48 1 48
259 Skin Stapler Nov/19 20161227 1400 1 1400
260 Sodium Chloride 10ml May/19 SI25001 7.66 1 7.66
261 Spinal Needle 26 No Oct/21 1B11032 135 1 135
262 Stappler Hemorrhoidal Sep/20 M4J61X 21138 1 21138
263 Sterling Zig-Zag Cotton Oct/20 61 375 1 375
264 Stretchoplast 4" Feb/20 44E4114 785 1 785
265 Stretchoplast 4" 1/2 Feb/20 44E4115 392.5 1 392.5
266 Stretchoplast 4" 1/4 Feb/20 44E4114 196.25 1 196.25
267 Suction Catheter 10 No Mar/22 17042441 52 1 52
268 Suction Catheter 16 No Mar/22 17042441 52 1 52
269 Suction Vac Tube Jul/19 A09125 347 1 347
270 Sumag 75g Jun/20 10130 120 1 120
271 Surgical Blade Nov/20 S05480 4 1 4
272 Syp Alcal D Jan/18 ADS6012sb 61 1 61
273 Syp Alex Sugar Free Jan/19 11171354 94 1 94
274 Syp Alkacitral Sep/19 BA17652 76.1 1 76.1
275 Syp Ambrodil S 100ml Jan/18 D1088H236 55 1 55
276 Syp Antacid 170ml Feb/19 646ASL 70 1 70
277 Syp B-Complex 200ml Sep/19 119 108 1 108
278 Syp Brokuf DM 100ml Nov/18 HL1612010 88 1 88
279 Syp Broxyl DX Aug/19 BOX1705 89 1 89
280 Syp Cipcal 150ml Aug/19 CSRL7060 75 1 75
281 Syp Coscopin 100ml Jun/19 D1600317 64.3 1 64.3
282 Syp Cremopen 170ml Apr/19 SL0026 78 1 78
283 Syp Digel 170ml Feb/19 HDML003 82 1 82
284 Syp Enerex A 100ml Dec/18 EN707 75 1 75
285 Syp Fexim O May/19 ZSMN028 44.02 1 44.02
286 Syp Fruitobion 200ml Jun/18 SCS0006 97.5 1 97.5
287 Syp Honitus 100ml Aug/20 BD0854 76 1 76
288 Syp Lactolook 100ml Nov/18 S11103 102.9 1 102.9
289 Syp Liv rock 100ml Jun/19 A073 92 1 92
290 Syp Liv-52 200ml Nov/20 25700739 110 1 110
291 Syp Lupizyme 200ml Jan/19 17022BBSD 104 1 104
292 Syp Medicane Gel 200ml Feb/19 SWL29716 120 1 120
293 Syp Mifucet 60ml Dec/18 MFFF19 36 1 36
294 Syp Milk Of Magnesia 110ml Mar/20 MF2124 33 1 33
295 Syp Minmin 200ml May/19 RPG470975 138.5 1 138.5
296 Syp Paracip 250mg/5ml Jun/19 GS7L67 36.74 1 36.74
297 Syp Phenergan 100ml Mar/18 PNT6063 26.35 1 26.35
298 Syp Rexcof Dx Oct/18 GL7517 92 1 92
10 Syp T 98 Jan/20 B9AJR008 20.36 1 20.36
299 Syp Zencid 170ml Nov/19 ZNS17L54 78 1 78
300 Syp Zincomac 60ml Dec/18 AKL7659 40 1 40
301 Syringes 10ml B/Braun Oct/22 17M07M8201 22 1 22
302 Syringes 1ml Dispo Aug/21 636015AG41 6 1 6
303 Syringes 3ml B/Braun Nov/19 15N02M8201 10 1 10
304 Syringes 50ml/Dispo Aug/22 735505WJR2 35 1 35
305 Syringes 5ml B/Braun Sep/21 17A02M8202 14 1 14
306 T.U.R. Set Jan/20 16012222 270 1 270
307 T.U.R. Set Feb/22 17032535 284 1 284
308 Tab Acemiz 100mg Jul/18 049H6AEL 4.6 1 4.6
309 Tab Acemiz-S Feb/18 016C6ANZ 7.9 1 7.9
310 Tab A-Doc SP Jan/20 TMT18201 10.7 1 10.7
311 Tab Aldactone 50mg Nov/19 37A17003 4.54 1 4.54
312 Tab Alerid D Nov/18 GL6643 3.6 1 3.6
313 Tab Alex Cough Lozenges Oct/20 73170051 7.8 1 7.8
314 Tab Alphadopa L 100mg Jan/19 JS10134 12.2 1 12.2
315 Tab Alprax 0.25mg Dec/19 2E09D003 1.21 1 1.21
316 Tab Alprax 0.5 mg Dec/19 2E10D004 2.55 1 2.55
317 Tab Amlip 2.5mg Jan/20 B270114 1.6 1 1.6
318 Tab Amlip 5mg Jan/20 B270065 2.44 1 2.44
319 Tab Amoxyclav 625mg Nov/18 DT17D114 17.66 1 17.66
320 Tab Ativan 1mg May/19 78024 2.05 1 2.05
321 Tab Atorva 10mg Feb/19 S704461 5.34 1 5.34
322 Tab Augmentin DUO 625mg Oct/18 MB276 17.28 1 17.28
323 Tab Azax 500mg Oct/19 RGR0152 18.71 1 18.71
324 Tab Azicip 500mg Sep/19 I060114 18.72 1 18.72
325 Tab B-9 5mg Jan/19 1702001 1.34 1 1.34
326 Tab Benadon 40mg Jun/19 PMC0170 1.59 1 1.59
327 Tab Benalgis 100mg May/18 SH16009 7.23 1 7.23
328 Tab Betadine Vaginal Feb/20 DC0047 125 1 125
329 Tab Betahist 16mg Jun/18 1607152 8.1 1 8.1
330 Tab Betaloc 25mg Dec/19 BTU003 3 1 3
331 Tab Betaloc 50mg Jan/20 BFU002 4.55 1 4.55
332 Tab Betnesol 0.5mg Mar/19 N4462 0.44 1 0.44
333 Tab Blong F May/19 2DR9D002 4.13 1 4.13
334 Tab Caberlet 0.5mg Oct/18 16LGKT027 64 1 64
335 Tab Calpol 500mg Jan/20 ET879 0.87 1 0.87
336 Tab Cblin 0.5mg Sep/18 CB99 72.85 1 72.85
337 Tab Cefablast 500mg Nov/18 6063A005 38.5 1 38.5
338 Tab Cefasyn 500mg Oct/19 C970128 43 1 43
339 Tab Celin 500mg Jan/19 BJ635 0.7 1 0.7
340 Tab Cephbid 500mg May/18 160208005 4 1 4
341 Tab Cheston Cold Jan/19 GS7337 3.6 1 3.6
342 Tab Chymothal Forte Oct/19 EA17458 14.45 1 14.45
343 Tab Chymtral Forte Jan/19 WEA1721 15.09 1 15.09
344 Tab Cip TZ Mar/19 GTZT022 11 1 11
345 Tab Cipcal 500mg Aug/19 AFH7B87 4.8 1 4.8
346 Tab Ciprodac 500mg Dec/17 JK15010 4.05 1 4.05
347 Tab Cipzen D Dec/19 B680055 10.8 1 10.8
348 Tab Citicad 10mg Oct/18 ZCHT454 1.6 1 1.6
349 Tab Clocip Vaginal Jan/21 I070039 42.5 1 42.5
350 Tab Combiflam Feb/20 7NA0273 1.3 1 1.3
351 Tab Combutol 1000mg Feb/20 A702140 7.45 1 7.45
352 Tab Combutol 400mg Nov/19 A607290 2.2 1 2.2
353 Tab Combutol 600mg Feb/20 A701595 3.3 1 3.3
354 Tab Combutol 800mg Feb/20 A702156 3.95 1 3.95
355 Tab Crocin Pain Rlief Mar/19 R17008 3.29 1 3.29
356 Tab Depin Retard 20mg Sep/17 ZHR3729 2.2 1 2.2
357 Tab Deplat 75mg Jan/18 2Y32B047 5.03 1 5.03
358 Tab Deplat A 75mg Mar/18 2Z29C101 55.5 1 55.5
359 Tab Ditim DS Jun/18 BD16662 6 1 6
360 Tab Dolo 650mg May/21 DOBS0754 1.82 1 1.82
361 Tab Domstal 10mg Jan/20 2CG1D004 2.23 1 2.23
362 Tab Dox 100mg Mar/19 TDOD01 5 1 5
363 Tab Doxofyl 400mg Apr/19 T7050234 6 1 6
364 Tab Dytor 5mg Nov/19 L060189 2.46 1 2.46
365 Tab Ecosprin 75mg Feb/19 13010752 0.29 1 0.29
366 Tab Elzefen-SP Nov/19 PC7353 8 1 8
367 Tab Eptoin 100mg Jan/20 ADC0042 133.35 1 133.35
368 Tab Erocin-L 250mg Feb/19 MUTOA1701 3.9 1 3.9
369 Tab FCN 150mg Feb/19 T070316 11.54 1 11.54
370 Tab Fexophen 120mg Apr/19 C70343 10.8 1 10.8
371 Tab Fexophen 120mg Oct/18 OML161102 9.9 1 9.9
372 Tab Flavogen 200mg Sep/18 T2193 14.9 1 14.9
373 Tab Folitas 5mg Jun/18 T1701045 1.28 1 1.28
374 Tab Glimda 2mg Mar/19 E760165 5.55 1 5.55
375 Tab Glimipen 1mg Mar/18 C60078 3.43 1 3.43
376 Tab Intagesic MR Jan/19 T1702001 6.55 1 6.55
377 Tab Jalra 50mg Aug/19 BL391 25.75 1 25.75
378 Tab Jumplat Apr/18 RS13T147 39 1 39
379 Tab Lactolus DS Aug/18 QPIAU06 3.66 1 3.66
380 Tab Lactopen Feb/19 MT17089 1.6 1 1.6
381 Tab Lanzole Junior 15mg Jan/20 BA80694 6.73 1 6.73
382 Tab Lee Biotic Mar/19 AKC2714F 9.5 1 9.5
383 Tab Leezole Kit Jan/19 G17LKA004 86.7 1 86.7
384 Tab Leflox 500mg Dec/18 LXA050 6.54 1 6.54
385 Tab Levera XR 1000mg Jan/19 VW0178 27.3 1 27.3
386 Tab Levoquin 500mg Feb/20 AEP7035 6.54 1 6.54
387 Tab Levosetride 5mg Feb/18 WPL1606 3.71 1 3.71
388 Tab Librium 10mg Jun/19 LBA6008 4.9 1 4.9
389 Tab Linzoin 600mg Jun/18 1602276 88.75 1 88.75
390 Tab Lipvas 10mg Oct/18 V260829 5.34 1 5.34
391 Tab Lipvas 20mg Jul/19 N370189 13.5 1 13.5
392 Tab Liv-Cet-5mg Dec/19 714ITF 4 1 4
393 Tab M Prost 200mg Aug/18 16SGIT022 15.37 1 15.37
394 Tab Magniclav LB 625mg Dec/18 JYB17001 23 1 23
395 Tab Mecofol OD Sep/18 IRP170402 9.7 1 9.7
396 Tab Metrogyl 400mg Jan/21 DM87047 0.78 1 0.78
397 Tab Mobizox Apr/19 FHS0104 15 1 15
398 Tab Monotrate 10mg Nov/21 BSR3474 1.91 1 1.91
399 Tab Movexx Plus Sep/18 AEP6139 4.65 1 4.65
400 Tab Mucinac 600mg Jan/19 SB70130 200 1 200
401 Tab Mucyst 600mg Jan/19 0603BQ 194 1 194
402 Tab Natrilix SR Nov/18 141514 9.8 1 9.8
403 Tab Neeri Jun/20 ANNERT1429H 4.1 1 4.1
404 Tab Niftagen SR Feb/18 1703055 11.8 1 11.8
405 Tab Norlut-N Jul/19 17Dhht015 5.19 1 5.19
406 Tab Nucoxia MR Nov/18 S605292 18.03 1 18.03
407 Tab Ofron OZ Jun/19 AKT1450 7 1 7
408 Tab Okamet 500mg Nov/19 E760907 0.96 1 0.96
409 Tab Olox OZ Apr/19 AEP7064 10.6 1 10.6
410 Tab Pantosec 40mg Mar/19 AFB7264 10 1 10
411 Tab Pantosec D Jan/19 RC7015 11.3 1 11.3
412 Tab Paracip 500mg Apr/20 GS7D06 0.88 1 0.88
413 Tab Pregabel-M Sep/18 HC458 13 1 13
414 Tab Pregcert 300 SR Aug/19 DJAB32 41.2 1 41.2
415 Tab Pyridium 200mg Aug/19 P011715 8.7 1 8.7
416 Tab Rabesec 20mg Dec/18 AFB7063 8.9 1 8.9
417 Tab Rantac 150mg Dec/18 N5201 0.69 1 0.69
418 Tab Redotrex 500mg Nov/18 AKT9761 13.5 1 13.5
419 Tab Safexim 200mg Feb/19 UTCSXA769 9.75 1 9.75
420 Tab Setride 10mg Jun/20 WPE1730 1.67 1 1.67
421 Tab Sinate OD May/19 SB02 6.15 1 6.15
422 Tab Sioflox OZ Oct/19 DD17048 16.1 1 16.1
423 Tab Solonex DT 100mg Apr/19 HIA703A 0.83 1 0.83
424 Tab Spasmonil Plus Nov/19 J760918 2.25 1 2.25
425 Tab Sporset Dec/18 OTG08 2.68 1 2.68
426 Tab Stemetil 5mg Feb/18 SMM6088 5.43 1 5.43
427 Tab Stugiron 25mg Apr/20 JJ7027A 5.64 1 5.64
428 Tab Tariflox 200mg Aug/18 AEP6125 5.52 1 5.52
429 Tab Tariflox OZ Feb/19 AEP7045 10.6 1 10.6
430 Tab Tidilan Retard Jul/18 160800INT 6.9 1 6.9
431 Tab Totalis Jul/18 TTC007 27 1 27
432 Tab Trajenta 5mg Sep/20 AA20068 46.8 1 46.8
433 Tab Udinol 300mg Nov/18 HT2335 36.5 1 36.5
434 Tab Udizen 300mg Apr/19 UDN1058 40 1 40
435 Tab Ultrabest Dec/18 A0083 5.58 1 5.58
436 Tab Urider 0.4mg Aug/19 NV7193 6.5 1
437 Tab Valparin 500mg Apr/20 7NG013 6.88 1 6.88
438 Tab Vertiford 16mg Oct/18 AKT9591 7.7 1 7.7
439 Tab Vertihist 8mg Aug/18 T6090728 4.9 1 4.9
440 Tab Vominil MD 4mg Apr/18 90VMD16004 5.31 1 5.31
441 Tab Vominorm 10mg Nov/19 B260866 0.96 1 0.96
442 Tab Wocipflo 500mg Apr/18 WPA1532 4.21 1 4.21
443 Tab Xonez 200mg Sep/19 ZPL171011 5.14 1 5.14
444 Tab Xoom Nov/18 EDT0265 8.58 1 8.58
445 Tab Zinetac 150mg Feb/19 N5299 0.69 1 0.69
446 Tab Zybend 400mg Oct/19 ZHA0007 7.5 1 7.5
447 Tab Zyfoly 5mg Aug/18 ZCHT326 1.34 1 1.34
448 Tab Zypyra 500mg Dec/17 ZLB0007 4.19 1 4.19
449 Tab Zypyra 750mg Sep/18 ZLB0018 5.47 1 5.47
450 Tegaderm I.V. Mar/19 201903L1 103 1 103
451 Thrombotas Ointment 20g Apr/19 T1707 71 1 71
452 Urobag Feb/21 N17C049 150 1 150
453 Ventilation Full Face Mask Apr/20 PE1837 4000 1 4000
454 Vicryl 1.0 NW 2347 May/19 T4005 610 1 610
455 Vicryl 3.0 NW2437 Dec/21 T7004 396 1 396
456 Vicryl 4.0 NW 2465 May/19 T4001 340 1 340
457 Vicryl Plus 2.0 May/19 TP3090 610 1 610
458 Zedott Sachet Nov/18 CD84D001 11.5 1 11.5
459 Zytee Gel Sep/19 SP17063 84.5 1 84.5
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