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able airport
afraid bridge
amazed bus station
amazing bus stop
amusing car park
angry city centre
annoyed corner
anxious crossing
ashamed crossroads
awful fountain
bored market
boring motorway
bossy park
brave pavement
brilliant petrol station
calm playground
challenging road
cheerful roundabout
clever route
confident shopping centre
crazy signpost
cruel square
curious station
delighted subway
depressed taxi rank
difficult tunnel
disappointed turning
tell dizzy underground
translate easy zoo
translation embarrassed bank
vocabulary embarrassing café
word excited cinema
apartment block/ exciting dentist
block of flats fantastic doctor
bank fit dry cleaner
bookshop fond gallery
café frightened garage
castle funny guest-house
cathedral generous hairdresser
church gentle hotel
cinema glad library
clinic guilty museum
club happy post office
college hard restaurant
cottage healthy sports centre
department intelligent swimming pool
store jealous theatre
factory keen advertise
gallery lazy assistant
garage lucky bill
guest-house mad book
house merry buy
hospital miserable cash
hotel negative change
kiosk nervous cheap
library noisy cheque
mosque normal choose
museum old-fashioned collect
office block ordinary complain
palace original cost
police station patient credit card
post office personal customer
prison pleasant dear
ruin positive deposit
school punctual exchange
shop realistic expensive
sports centre reasonable hire
stadium relaxed inexpensive
supermarket reliable luxury
swimming pool rich money
theatre rude order
tower sad pay
university satisfied price
area serious reasonable
bay skilled receipt
beach slim reduce
canal smart reduced
cliff special rent
desert strange reserve
earth strong return
farm stupid save
field sure sell
forest surprised motor-racing
harbour terrible net
hill tired point(s)
island true practice
lake typical practise
land unable prize
mountain unusual race
ocean well race track
path wonderful racing
port village racket
quay waterfall reserve (n)
railway Wood riding
rainforest Sport rugby
region athlete running
river athletics sail (n & v)
rock ball sailing
sand baseball score
scenery basketball season
sea bat shoot(ing)
seaside boxing shorts
sky champion skateboard
soil changing room skiing
stream climbing squash
valley coach stadium
abroad compete surfing
accommodation competition swimming
(aero)plane court table-tennis
bicycle/bike cycling take part
airline dancing team
airport diving tennis
ambulance enter track
announcement fishing track suit
arrival fitness trainer(s)
arrive football train(ing)
at sea game volleyball
backpack goal water skiing
bag golf departure
baggage gym(nastics) destination
board (v) high jump direction
boarding pass hit (v) document(s)
boat hockey dollar
border horse-riding double room
brochure ice hockey drive
bus instructor driving licence
bus station jogging due
bus stop join in duty-free
by air kick (v) embassy
by land locker (room) euro
by rail long jump exchange rate
by road match facilities
by sea motorcycling fare
cab parking lot ferry
cabin parking space flight
canal passenger fly
capital city passport foreign
car path fuel
car alarm petrol gate
car park petrol station guide
case petrol pump guidebook
catch (v) pilot guest
change (v) platform guest-house
charter railroad handlebars
check in (v) railway harbour
check out (v) reception helicopter
check-in (n) hitch-hike on board
coach hotel on business
confirm hovercraft on foot
consul(ate) hydrofoil on holiday
crossing immigration on time
crossroads inn on vacation
currency interpret(er) operator
customs jet overnight
customs officer journey overtake
cycle (n & v) land (v) road sign
cyclist lorry roundabout
deck (of ship) lost property route
delay (office) sail (v)
deliver luggage scooter
depart map seat belt
reservation motorbike/ (bus) service
reserve motorcycle ship
return motorway sightseeing
ride nationality signpost
speed underground single room
subway train animal
suitcase unleaded autumn
take off vehicle beach
taxi visa bird
taxi rank visit(or) branch
terminal voyage bush
tour waiting-room cave
tourist windscreen cliff
traffic environment climate
traffic jam fall (Am Eng) coal
traffic lights farmland coast
train field continent
tram fish countryside
translate flood desert
translation flower dolphin
traveller’s cheque forest duck
trip freeze earth
tunnel giraffe elephant
tyre/tire hill summer
underground lake sun
mouse/mice land sunlight
nature leaf sunrise
planet lion sunset
plant monkey sunshine
pollution moon tiger
rabbit mountain tree
rainforest blow valley
range centigrade waterfall
river cloud waves
rock cloudy wild
sand cold wildlife
scenery cool winter
shark degrees zebra
sky dry lightning
soil forecast mild
spring frost rain
star fog shower
Stone foggy snow
(travel) agent gale snowfall
actor get wet storm
actress heat sun
application hot sunny
apply ice sunshine
architect icy temperature
army priest thermometer
artist profession thunder(storm)
assistant professional wet
athlete professor wind
banker (computer) windy
boss programmer farmer
businessman publisher film star
businesswoman qualification fireman
butcher quit flight attendant
cameraman reporter full time
candidate retire factory
canteen retirement farm
captain sailor flight attendant
career salary greengrocer
chef sales assistant grocer
chemist salesman guard
colleague saleswoman hairdresser
comedian scientist housewife
company secretary housework
conference security guard instructor
consul/consulate servant interpreter
contract shopkeeper/ journalist
cook shop assistant judge
crew soldier laboratory
curriculum vitae staff part time
/ CV taxi driver pension(er)
customs officer teacher photographer
dancer trade physician
dentist unemployed pilot
department wage(s) poet
designer waiter/waitress policeman
detective labourer police officer
diploma lawyer policewoman
director lecturer politician
diver librarian porter
doctor manager postman
employ (v) mechanic presenter (e.g.
employee model TV/radio)
employer musician
employment newsagent
engineer novelist
officer (e.g.
out of work

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