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Letter Writing (Formal)

Name of the person (If given in the question)

Address (3 lines)

(Sender’s address)


12th March, 2019.

Leave a line General instructions:

1. Nowhere in the answer
paper student shall write
Receivers’ Address
HIS/HER name, parent’s
3 lines___________
name/college’s name, contact
number or reveal their
Leave a line
Reference:- (If any )
2. NO religious biasness while
Subject :- ________________________. attempting writing skills or
Leave a line personal response answers.
Respected Sir, 3. Fictitious names can be used
Leave a line for writing skills or the name

Body of the letter specified in the question.

In three paragraph

Leave a line

Leave a line after every paragraph

Leave a line

Thanking you.

Leave a line

Yours faithfully,
(Name of the person if given in the question)

Leave a line

Enclosure: 1. Photocopy of the documents

2. _______________________
(Border is MUST)

Logo (creative aspect)

Make catchy/useful/short advantages of the topic given as per the question

 Slogans (_2 0r 3)

(Leaflet as per the question)

Name of the celebrity invited

Venue: (as per the event)

Contact person :
[ along with email address and phone number (which will be ficticious)]

One or two logos as per the question

Report writing/ News item:

News Heading

Place, date:

Andheri, 29th March: ________________________________________



News will always be in past tense/reported speech.

Two paragraphs if nothing is specified in the question.

No personal remarks or opinions to be given in the news writing



Should cover 3/4th of the board answer sheet.


Leave a line

Reported by,

Staff reporter,

(if writing for news paper)

Student reporter,

(if writing for school magazine)

No name or signature to be
Speech Writing:


Good morning (greetings should be ambiguous as it will depend on the question –

as to where is the speech being delivered.)


3 paragraphs :

1: introduction

2: Body of the speech

3. Conclusion


While paragraphing leave a line


 Incorporate a Rhetorical question

 Exclamatory sentence
 2 proverbs/idioms/quotes/phrases as per the topic.


Closure: thanking you for your patient ear (is mandatory)

Important instructions:
1. True or False the statement needs to be written and the answer needs to be

2. Match the following the student needs to write column A and the correct
answer in the front.

Eg: 1. _________________ - Correct option form column B

2. _________________ - Correct option form column B

3. Fill in the blanks the statement should be written and the answer should be

4. Web diagrams should be drawn with pen – which ever shape is made in the
question the student is expected to draw the same. It should be answered in One
or Two key words maximum.



6. Q1B. Unseen Grammar for 3 Marks will: 1. Articles ;

2. Prepositions. (for 2 marks each );

3. Any grammar sentence.

7. Q3 B. Summary : Should have a TITLE

Should be answered in 10 sentences.

Should be in past tense

Single paragraph.

8. Note making should answered as per the question , if the diagrammatic

question is given the student is expected to recreate the same format in the
answer sheet as well and underline the blanks which are being answered.
9. Poetry session will have a question wherein the student will be expected to
compose two lines as per the above given poem, it should be rhyming and in
reference t o the poem given.

10. Underline whatever the student feels is important or needs to attract the
examiners attention/ proverbs or data interpretation numbering.

11. Underline can be done with pencil or pen (BLACK or BLUE pen can be used to

12. Incorporate proverbs/idioms/quotes/phrases in personal response questions.

Agree or disagree/ yes or no should be written by the student if the question
demands it as it holds ½ marks.

13. Please be careful with spelling mistakes especially short texting language
should not be used, avoid grammar mistakes while constructing sentences across
the English paper.

13. Special care need to be taken in regards to the paper presentation and
neatness, avoid cancellation

14. New questions should be written on a new page.

15. PLEASE read the entire question completely and thoroughly, as at times
hidden instructions are mentioned.

16. Answering format: One mark questions should be answered in on e

sentence maximum.

Two Marks questions needs to be answered in 5-6 sentences

and not lines.

Personal response questions should be written by the student

and not to be copied from the passage given.

17. Please be careful in managing the TIME! (Tips : Be thorough with the H.S.C -
English Text book ).As, the paper will be lengthy.

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