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AP= OLOR’ TELEVISION RVICE MANUAL MODEL NO.: AT2002S/AT2002 CHASSIS NO.: CN-12C1 CONTENTS SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS « SPECIFICATIONS KEY ICS AND ASSEMBLIE’ SIGNAL PROCESS AND SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAMS IC DATA AND WAVEFORMS OF KEY CIRCUIT ADJUSTMENTS « SET-UP ADJUSTMENTS ~~~ SERVICE MODE AND BUS DATA ‘TROUBLESHOOTING FLOW CHAR’ PARTS LIST + APPENDIX 1.CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS ZPRUNILD GITGULL BUAID DIAGRAMS 3.FINAL ASSEMBLY DIAGRAMS AND FINAL WIRING DIAGRAMS SERVICE MANUAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING: BEFORE SERVICING THIS CHASSIS, READ THE “X-RAY RADIATION PRECAUTION”, “SAFETY PRECAUTION"AND “PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE"INSTRUCTIONS BELOW. UL X-RAY RADIATION PRECAUTION 1. The EHT must be checked every time the TV is serviced to ensure that the CRT does not emit X-ray radiation as result of excessive EHT voltage. The nominal EH for this TV is 28.8#0.8KV at zero beam current (minimum brighiness) operating al AL 12UV. The maxim nstances must not exceed 3IKV, When checking the EHT, use the High Voltage Check EAL voltage permissible tn any op erating ire pprovedune in this manual using an accurate EHT volimetet of X-RAY in this TV is the CRT. To prevent X-ray radiation, the replacement T must be identival to the ori 2. The only sour al nal fitted as specified in the parts list 3. Some components used in this TV have safety related characteristies preventing the CRT from emitting X-ray radiation. For cont the PRODUGT SAFETY NOTICE below 11 safety, replacement component should be made after referring SAFETY PRECAUTION 1. The TV hus a nominal working EHT voltage of 27.5KV. Extreme caution should be exercised when working on the TV with the back removed, 1) Do nor auempt 19 servive thin TV af pow ane a cunseaneat with the peer mul procesduees for working on high voltage equipment 2) When handling or working on the CRT, always discharge the anode to the TV chassis before removing the anode cap in ease of electric shock, 3) The CRT, if broken, will viol whale handing ly expel glass fagments, Use shatterproof goggles and take extreme cave 4) Do not hold the CRT by the neck as this is a very dangerous practi. 2. I is essential that to maintain the safety of the customer all power cond forms be replaced exactly as supplied from factory 3. Voltage exists between the hot and cold ground when the TV is in operation. Install a suitable isolating transformer of heyond rated overall power when servicing oF « ting any test equipment for the sake of safety 4, Replace blosen fase within the TV with the fuse specified in the parts list 5, When replacing wires ot components to terminals or tgs, wind the leads around the terminal before soldering. When replacing safety components identified by the international hazard symbols in the eir- cuit diggram and pats list, it must he the company-approved type ancl must be mounted as the original 6. Keep wires away from high temperature components SERVICE MANUAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (continued) PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE Many electrical and mechanieal components in this chassis have special safety related characteristics. ‘These characteristics are often passed unnoticed by a visual inspection anvd the X-ray radiation protect afforded by them cannot necessarily be obtained by using replacements rated at higher vollages or wattage ete. Components wh h have these special safety charaeweristis in this manual and its supplements are dentified by the international hazard symbols in the circuit diagram andl parts list, Before replacing any of those components read the pasts Tit in this manual carefully, Substitute replacement components whieh do hot have the same safety characteristics us specified in the parts list may ereate X-ray radiation, PRECAUTIONS Power Sources-The TV set should he operated only from the tgp uf raeer source inclicated on the TV set or as indicated in the Service Manual H you are not sure of the type of passer supply in your home consult your sales person oF your local power ‘company. For TV sets designed to operate from Dattery power, ar other sources, refer to the ‘operating instructions Grounding oF Polarzation-Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized oF groundingtype plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one water han the other. A grouncing-type plug has to blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong is provided for your safety. Ifthe provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult fan cleetrician for replacement of tho absalete outlet Wile te Lame large CCorhlla eorhe Altemate Warsings-A three wire grounding type plug-a plug having « thied (grounding) pin. This plug will only ft into grounding type power outlet. Water and Moist for exa Warmings-Do not use the TV le, near a bath tu, wash ago Dol tabs Ho ot basement; of near a swimming pool; and the Tike ‘The TV set shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and no objects hlled with tiqulas, V sel Ventilation-Slots and openings in the eabinet are provided for ventilation and to ensure reliable weration of the TV set ane to protect it from overheating, and these openings must not be blocked or enseeed. The openings should never be blocked! hy placing the or other similar surface. This TV set should not be placed set on a bed, sofa, mig, ‘builtin installation such as a hookease or rack unless proper ventilation is provided or the manufacturer's instructions have been adhered to SERVICE MANUAL SPECIFICATIONS (ATZUU2ZS, AT2002) ‘Television system NTSC-M Channel coverage: VHF 2-13 UHF 14-69 CABLE TVMID BAND (A-8-A-1, A-1) SUPER BAND (J-W) HYPER BAND (AA-ZZ, AAA, BRB) ULTRA BAND (65-94, 100-125) Channels preset: 81 Antena input 750 (unbalanced) Picture tube: Effective serven dimensions: 406mmx30Smm (15.98%12.01 in.) (Approx.) Audio output 2W'+2W (for AT2002S only): 2W%2 (for AT2002 only) (THD= 74%) Power souree: =120Vae 60H Weight 25kg (55 hs) (Approx.) Dimensions (W/H/D) '866%450%47 Tema (22.28%17.72x18.78 in.) (Approx.) Packing dimensions (W/H/D}: 640x531540mm (25.20%20.91521.26 in.) (Approx.) Rated poser consumption: 90 Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. KEY ICS AND ASSEMBLIES Table 1 Key ICs and Assemblies Serial No, | Psiton No Made No Function Deserpion 1 vio Aven Smal signal praca 2 N301 | TATea0 Vertical ampat cirait 3 N08 T9808 "Teena olan 4 Nit [pa70s74Q | Sw power amples 3 prot ee 6 p72 aT24c08 EEPROM 7 sis waar Rnalog woe caret 8 viol THQ-388/136-F | Tunes SERVICE MANUAL SIGNAL PROCESS AND SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAMS CN-12CI chassis comprises a LAT6814 (N1OL) small signal processor, TDA70S7AQ (NI81) sound power samplifion, LA78AO (N301) sertinal output cieeuit, MS2ATOAP (NSIRI) TV LC86F3248A (D701) microcontroller, AT24CO8 (D702) EEPROM and discrete components including: horizontal output cigeuit, video amplifier and power circuit as shown in Fig.l. ‘The following give deserip- tions of signal flow process of AT20028 according to different channels in the LAT6814 small signal pro= ‘cessor, For signal process of AT2002, refer to AT2002S° 1, Common Channel ‘The common channel includes a tuner, IF fl ter eineuit, PIF amplifying eireuit and audio/video separa ing eiveait, In accordance with Fig. anel the cizeuit diagram, the RF TV signal evewived fy th antenna is tuned, bigh-frerpeney amplified and converted in LIOL tuner to develop a PIF signal (38MHz) and SIF signa G3SMHz), Then the two signals are sent to Z1O1 surface acoustie wave filter for IF filtering after IF amplified by VIOL pre-PIF amplifier and compensating insertion loss of the SAW filter and to the PL amplifier through NIOV‘S Pind and Pino, In N11 the IP signal is separated out a video signal as welll as a sevond SIF signal (4.5MHz) after mul tipolar amplified by the IF amplifier theough PLL, video detecting (see Block Diagram of LAT6814). Af ter externally connecting Pin48 and Pind9 of NIOL to 1201 tuning loop of VEO phase-locked loop, unl Pind7, PinSO to the low-pass filter of phase-locked loop APC formerd of C239, C242, €244, R219 and 1220, video signals ure separated from the two generated signals by the inner trap and output tn two ways, One set is output from NOU Pind6 to Pind of NSI81 TV/Video switch einvuit. Another set is ‘outoat from N1OVs PinS2 to the auelio channel. So TV signal proressing in common channel hus beet ‘completed, An AGC circuit is also set in the common channel to ensure the TV normal operat eapavivor of IPAGG minal of UIOL sven with too strong or too weak signal neeption, ENterally vonnect NOLS Fin w C204 ane Pind to the output terminal of RFAGC. RFAGC control voltage is sent to the AGC tuner to contral gain of HF amplifier A set of carrier frequeney signal (38MHz) is also output from VCO of the PL the AFT circuit by which AFT voltage is eroromtrller, used Kor sui puoi ad Gaur nee of tae Video detweting eireuit 10 10 10 Pind of D701 mi- snerated| and output from NIOU's P 2. Sound IF Circuit (See System Block Diagram of LA76814) The second SIF FM si pass filter comprising C240, C241 and 1.240, then bulfer amplified hy the V231 emitter follower, eou- ples! by C235, finally sent into the audio channel in NIOL through NIOVs PinS4. ‘The second SIF si nals is generated from the FM wal output from NIOUs 52 is filtered out part of video signal by the T high nal in NIOL is further separated out through the hand pass filtering, then audio sige Is after through amplitude—Limited amplifying, PLL disesimination and output in two ways after low-pass filtered by the deemphasis circuit: In one way the signal is output from NIOI Pin2 (suitable for AT20028/AT2002 as the volume control is performed in TDATOSTAQ): in another way. the si pal is switched over with external sudio signal inp from NIOM PinSH through volume control and auelio amplifying, then output from NIOW's Pint, Extemally connect NOLS PinS3 to the APC low pass filter 34,236 and R217 of the nd Pi 4 PLL discriminator, to the ncorpor SERVICE MANUAL SIGNAL PROCESS AND SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGKAMS (continued) 202 deemphasis capacitor The TY auudio signal output Irom NTOI' Pind is coupled by CSSD to Pinky and Pin22 of NSIS switeh 2. TV/Video Switch Cireuit The TV/Video sviteh viteuit in this chassis mainly comprises « MS2470AP analog sviteh eineuit and TV/Video sie elicits ty NEOL. Frou dhe elevate dhagram, we ean see bat he FY view siglo NIDUS Pind6 is sent to NSEBE’S Pin®, video signal from the AVE or AV3 terminals to NSISI's Pin. vidleo signal from the AV2 terminals to NSLS’ PinS, chroma signal ftom the S-VIDEO terminal to VIDEO terminal to NIOVs Pind2 respectively the video signals from NSI81‘S Pind, Pin7, PinS and Pin3 output composite video f Ss VDI swuyes Inone: way, the signal is ent into NIOU through N1O1'% Pind aller divided! by RSB87 and RSB8R and coupled by CS829A of which the ‘composite video signal is sent into the luminance channel NSI8I’ Pin3 and huminanee signal from the Throw witcha co chroma signal of th £0 terminal in thee chroma channel and syne separ switched with the luminance signal input from Pind2, or the chroma signal from the S-VIDEO terminal is sent into thee chrom channel theough NIOVS Pind2 + signal from the S-VIDEO termi nal is divwetly sent into the luminance channel and syn separator through N1OUS Pind? after coupled by C8810, In another way, the signal is output in two ways alter buffered by VS8I2: One set to the video output terminals and another set to D701 Pint. ‘he TY aubo signal 1s output trom NIUU'S Pind to NSIS’ Fink and PinzZ, L/AC auho signals trom the AVL or AV3 terminals are sent to NSI81’s Pint and Pin2L respectively. L/R auclio signals from the AV2 terminals are sent to NSI81‘S Pin13 ane Pin20 respectively, and L/R audio signals from the S-VIDEO terminal are sent to NSI8T-S Pin12 snl Pin19 respectively dheough the AN terminals, all of which are output from Pin! aul PinLT of NSIS] in two ways alter switched over by NSI8I: One set is set a lve aul power auupliier sil ander sey is ema th VSL4 and VS8I6. NSI8I TV/Video switch eireuit is controlled by the level output from NSI8L'% Pind and Pin6, Refer to Table 8 about the control relation. ust gerniaaty fier bulfesed ty 4. Sound Powor Amplifice The sound power amplifier comprises a TDATOS7AQ (NIBH). The two sets of audio signals from Pint and inf of NSISI are input to NISL’ Pin3 and Pin$ ane output from NIST’ Pin8, Pin4O, Pin} Lane Pinl3 through BTL. poser amplifying driving speakers to output sound Through integrating filtered by RISB and C181 and level conversion of R788 and R182, width pulse ‘ouiput from PinS of the D701 microprocessor is processed into DC. volume control voltage, whieh is sent to NIST Pint and Pin? (volume control tesminals) to finish volume contro, When Pin2 of the D701 thigh level, change output level of NI8I'S Pink and Pin? to low through V8O0 saturation and conducting, thus mute contol completed. The power-off mute ciecuit incorporates V813, VD813, C821, RBIS and R816. microcontroller ou 5. Video Signal Processor The video signal processor incorporates a I ance channel, cheom channel and video ampli 5 SERVICE MANUAL SIGNAL PROCESS AND SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAMS (continued) luminance channel, all in LA76814, mainly includes a clamping circuit, video switch eireuit, chroma tap, luminance deli: peaking caring eireuit, black level steetcher, canteast control eivenit and In in LA76814, mainly includes an ACC eizeuit, killer t, sub-cuurier restorer, NTSC color difference demodulator, color difference switeh, I of which are nance contr cireait. The chroma channel, all dlentification cite 1H baseband delay Inne, color di controlled by the FC hus. ‘The TV/Video switeh circuit shifts to output a composite video signal to NIOI'S Pind which is sent to the chroma/luminance channels in two ways ulter through clamp DC level restoration and switchover of erence matrix, primary color matrix and RGB citewit the video switch eireuit: One set of signal is filtered out a chroma signal by the color band pass filter and sent imo the chroma channel; another sec 18 fered out I nanee channel, Ifthe TV/Video switeh eiteuit is shifted to the S-VIDEO mode, the cheoma signal is input to NIOL’s Pin 44 ane luminance signal to Pin42, and then two kinds of si nae: signal by he color aap au sent into the I are sent into the chroma and luminance channels respectively after switched by the video switeh eiteui In the luminance channel, the Iuminanee signal is sent to the primary matrix eiecuit through delay and Aefiuition contiol, Externally connect PindS of NIOL to the filter comprising C246 and R225 in the black level detector. ‘Through ACC amplifying and NTSC color difference demodulation, the chroma signal in the chroma channel is restored to two color difference sigaals: R-Y and B-Y, which are sent to the color difference: tmatrix to restore (o a G=Y color difference signsl through IH haschand delay. Then the three kinds of color difference signals are cont inte the primary salor matrix togsthur with the luminance signal to n- store to three primary color signals: R, G. B. Externally connect N1O1 Pin 35 to the 260 filter eapac- itor in the auto killer iteuit, Pin36 to the filter incomorating C254, C256 and R235 in the APC sub cartier restorer, Pin38 to the G201 3.58MHz crystal oscillator in the subcarrier restorer, Pin39 to the 274 filter eapacitor in the A Jrcuit respectively. When NIO1's Pin!7 outputs high level, three pri= vary ears signals ontpint from the matrix eirenit mix sith the character primary calars inp from Pint4, PinlS and Pinl6 of NIOL, which then are output from Pin19, Pin20 and Pin21 of NIOL through white balance calibration to the video amplifier to drive the CRT to display pictures. The video amplilier incorporates discrete components, including. YUL, V9UZ and V9US video amphtying transistor, « DC bias regulator incorporating V90S, D904, D90S, R909, R910, R911 and R912 and bleedine nower-off spot killer incororating. V904, D906, C906, 907 and R913. 6, Scan Circuit ‘The scan circuit includes u sean previous stage ciecuil, vertical output circuit and horizontal output eir- A76814, a dividing sean cite phase shifter, line drive, field divider, sawtooth former, line/field cuit. The scan previous stage located in ‘comprises a horizontal oseil- lator, horizontal divider, AFC1, AFI syne. The horizontal oscillator in NUOL is a 4MH2 frequeney is controlled by the R24S resistor ext 6f4)_voltage-contelled oscillator whose free osillating mally connected to Pin29 by means of the bus data ad- justment. To rea horizontal syne, the AFCI phase discriminator controls the voltage-controlled oseil- lator. After the AFC] comparing frequeney and phase of the horizontal frequency pulse output from the horizontal divider to those of the horizontal syne pulse from the xyne separator, two err voltages dite ly proportional to pulse phase difference are generated to control syne of the voltage-controlled oseillas tor, Externally connect NIOV’s Pin26 to AFC‘ low pass filter comprising C228, C230 and R21. 6 SERVICE MANUAL SIGNAL PROCESS AND SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAMS (continued) 4MHz oscillating pulse strictly locked by the AFCI ontputs a horizontal frequency pulse signal to the he 1 phase shifter contenled hy the AFC2 phase discriminator after divided by the horizontal di- vidler. After the AFC2 comparing the horizontal frequeney signal (ased as a reference signal) outpat from the horizontal di Jer to horizontal flyback pulse input from Pin28, an error voltage directly proportional to the phase difference is generated to control phase shift capacity of te phase shifler nl pealinm cali= bration of horizontal center, After properly amplified through calibration of the horizontal center, the horizontal frequeney pulse is output from N1OV's Pin27 to V431 line drive for pulse amplifying and shaping. After coupled by T31 line drive transformer, amplified and controlled by the horizontal output citeuit, horizontal sawtooth cur rent ts generat iv the Itizwtal fleets rain Field changing veetically fe formed to control the eleeteonie beams in C is w horizontal output transistor including a damping diode, C435, C436 and C437 are flyback capaci tors, 1432 is u flyback transformer, C ductor, L441 is a horizontal arplitusts ind UT an complete horizontal sean, In the horizontal output stage, V432, 2 is uw $ correction capacitor, L406 is a horizontal linearity in- tor and H-DY is a horizontal deflection yoke. During normal operation, the horizontal out tude af nearly IKV, which is voltage—dropped by T432 Ayhuck transformer in two ways. In one way, 1432’ Pin10 outputs filament voltage, Later the flyhack pulse is processed into high voltage, focus volt ineuit alan develops horizontal flyback pulse with ampli- age, serwen voltage through step-up, hi voltage pulse rectilying an! filenng. AIL of the four voltages fare supplied to the CRT. In another way, the horizontal flyback pulse output from Pint of T432 is pro once into, +100 DOC valtage for the video amplifier after pulse—revtified by VDSSSA and filtered by C401, T432"s Pin3 outputs the dropped horizontal flyback pulse to N1OU Pin2B8 (one way) ane! D7OUs Pin2I (another way). Externally connect T432' Pin7 to C422, R424, R423, VDAOS, VD4O3 and C444 in ABL exrcut. In NIOL, horizontal frequeney pulse signal output from the horizontal divider is also sent into the verti- ceal divider to develop a vertical frequency pulse signal through vestieal division. To reach vertical syne, the vertical divider is also controled by vertical syne pulse output from the syne separator. ‘The vertical ual is sent to the sawtooth former for sawtooth transformation to devs fequeney pulse si lop vertical saw- xh vole wl N1OU‘s Pin24 to C220 and €222 filter capacitors of the ALC citeuit ‘The horizontal output stage consists of a LA7&40 (N31). Vertical savstooth voltage from N1OI Pin23 is to the vertical dellertion is output ions NIOW Pind to the vertical output ctage iit. Externally nput from N3O1' PinS to Pin2 through power amplifieation, and then yoke to develop vertical frequency sawtooth curren, By this means, a sean magnetic Field changing hor rontally io formed te control alactennin Kam in the CRT and complete vertical sean, N301‘S Pind fune= tions as an in-phase input terminal for the vertical output stage. This TY is equipped with « DC bias ixcuit incorporating R301, R301A and C321 to regulate the operation point. N301s Pin6 functions as a 424V supply voltage input terminal, Pind as a 448V pump supply voltage input terminal, and Pin? as a vertical flyback pulse output terminal. €301, C304, C306, R304, R305, R307, R313 and R314 are formed into a vertiral DC/AC negative feedback circuit, of which DG negative feedback is used for res lating the operation point and AC negative feedback for improving vertical linearity IKefer to Fig. 2 about the signal process of AT2002, Fig, 3 about the block diagram for CN 12C1 has sis supply voltage system and Fig.4 about the block diagram for the remote control structure, 7 SERVICE MANUAL SIGNAL PROCESS AND SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAMS (continued) mong 1 ty eng youd SH HIZT-NE 9 WHEE SERVICE MANUAL SIGNAL PROCESS AND SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAMS (ontinued) sry UOC VERA tt ‘SERVICE MANUAL SIGNAL PROCESS AND SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAMS conunuen Sith Relator Farm VSI, VSI2 VSHL TSH dng 19ZT-NO 19) ema Yor € “AA Ne bate fe ways afeyo ‘SERVICE MANUAL SIGNAL PROCESS AND SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAMS (conunuea) rit See |» 38 ie 2 5 SERVICE MANUAL IC DATA AND WAVEFORMS OF KEY POINTS LA76814 Small Signal Processing IC 1. Introduction of LA76814 IC LA7684 is a NTSC=M only system color TV specific monolithic IC developed by SANYO Co. whieh is ‘controlled by Inter IC Bus. LAT68I4 i processing cireuit, horizontal/frame seanning small signal processing circuit ete. [thas fallowing fi lnles a IP processing virvuit, luminance and eheoma signal tutes Number of extemal component adjustments reduced by the use of an FC bus and by reducing the num ber of on-board theostats An FC bus ts used for controlling this 1G, and this allows the number of achustment that requiee trim mers on the printed ciseuit board to be reduced, Number of adjustments reduced by the adaption of adjustment-free technology. The VCO eal adjust- iment and the AFT coil adjustment are now handled by adjustment-free technology "Number of external components reduced hy the adoption of eiteuit technologies, -S-TRAP, S-BPF ‘The sound trap and sound bandpass Filter einewits, shih were previously implemented! using external components, are now prosided on chip. Horizontal osellator element ‘The horizontal oseillator element, which was previously an esteraal component is now provided! on chip. Single erystal operation provided hy DDS technology “The fanetions of the two or thes « revivals sespvieal fo clay sennntutenion ean now be hanced by a single crystal oscillator element dae to the adoption of DDS technology: 12 SERVICE MANUAL IC DATA AND WAVEFORMS OF KEY POINTS 2. Block Diagram Tar jes [ il 3. Refer to Table 2 about Functions and Service Data of LA76814's Fins. Fig § 13 ‘SERVICE MANUAL IC DATA AND WAVEFORMS OF KEY POINTS (continued) TDA7O57AQ (N181) 2H8W Storco BTL Audio Output Amplifier with DC Volume Control 1. Features 2. General Description “DE volume control ‘The TDATOSTAQ is a stereo BTL output amplifier with +Bew extemal components DC volume contol. ‘The deviee is designed for use in Mute mode ‘TVs and monitors, but is also suitable for battery fed “Thermal protection portable recorders and dio, *Short-cieeuit proof +No switch-on and switeh-off clicks Good overall stability AUMCL protection cireuit is built-in. The MCL eiteuit is +Low power consumption activated when the difference in current between the out- Low HF radiation put terminal of each amplifier exceeds 100 mA (typical 300 mA). This level of 100 mA allows tor single-ended headphone applications “ESD protected on all pin 3. Block Diagram Tr = Tee ww T z Fig. 6 Block Diagram 4. Refer to Table 3 about Functions and Service Data of TDA70S7AQ’s Pins. 14 SERVICE MANUAL IC DATA AND WAVEFORMS OF KEY POINTS (ouinuea) LO86F3248A (0701) 8 Bit Single Chip Microcontroller ‘The LC863264/56/48/40A. are 8-bit single chip microcontrollers with the following on-chip functional blocks: CPU: Operable at a minimum bus eyele time of 0.42 On-chip ROM capacity Program KUM: 64K /20K/48K/4UK bytes CGROM: 16K bytes On-chip RAM capacity: 640 bytes OSD RAM: 352x9 bits losed-C ption TV controller and the on-sereen display controller losed-Caption data slicer Four channelsx8-bit AD Converter Three channelsx?-bit PWM Two I6-bit timer/eounters, 14-bit base timer bit synchronous serial interface circuit > a A 48 [Black level eotooting filter of black level atveteher [3.1 6.89 63 46 leo output terminal 21 on 071 47 [PLL APC fil of video dotootor 37 5.10 65 48. [PLL VCO coil of video detector 43 088 0.88 49 [PLE VCO vil of view devevior 43 o.08 0.00 50 PLL APC filter 2 of video detertor 24 7.1 6.26 D1 [axtemal audio sygnal input 22 727 9.03 52 |Second SIF sigmal output 20 7.29 633 53 [Sevond APC filter 23 13 as 54 |Seconcl SIF signal input 3.1 7.35 6.38 20 SERVICE MANUAL IC DATA AND WAVEFORMS OF KEY POINTS (conunuea) Table 3 Functions and Serview Data of TDA70S7AQ (NIB1)' Pins GDMBTNS Muli Pie) ine hele gnting 3 | Auelio input teveinal 2 vy i on 11 [Audio signal output terminal 1 (-} — 4.76 Table 4 Functions and Service Data of LC86F3248A (D701)‘s Pins Pin No, Function Description Voltage of [Measure with red|Measare with Pn) ing Hk ele szoubeine 2 ae output terminal (effective with 0 1136 4.79 Continued) 21 ‘SERVICE MANUAL IC DATA AND WAVEFORMS OF KEY POINTS (conunuea) i Clock oscillation signal output terminal, 2.8 12.6 5.61 13. [Buttoncontrol voltage input terminal 0 75 50 14 [AFT voltage input terminal 23 54 5.23 20 | Vertival Ayback pulse ing las 168 a ee os 7 31 [Input terminal for overload detector 5 127 545 Ce eee |e cos 34 [Remote signal input terminal 5 126 . eee output terminal (Not con] — = 36 | Not connected 0 127 37 [TV/Video control output terminal 5 69) 38 [TV/Video control output terminal 3 69 39 | Not connected 0 17 40 [Not connected 0 17 41 [Clock line 1 48 19 4.96 42 [Data line 1 48 79 499 22 SERVICE MANUAL IC DATA AND WAVEFORMS OF KEY POINTS (conunuea) ‘Table 5 Functions ancl Service Data of AT24C08 (D702)'s Pins GOMBLAS Mulsrser Ground Resitanee (KO) Pin No. Doses Voltage of [Measure with red] Measure with Pav {mb while lark pe rounding black] while grounding probe: red probe, 1 [Adres terminal 0 0 0 0 2 [Ades erm 0 0 0 3 [Mite 0 a 0 4 [mand 0 0 0 3 [Dat Hine 48 17 525 6 [Clock Tine a eH 33 7___[Write=in/rearl-out contol terminal 0 0 0 [Sunny voltaze 5 tor a ‘Table 6 Functions andl Service Data of LA7840 (N3O1)' Pins SDMBT4S Multimeter Grund Resistance (KO) Pin No, Function Description Voltage of [Mesone with red) Measure with Pruki [tbe she] lark pe : grounding black | while grounding pre ted probe, 1 Grout i: jo oO 0 2_[Vertiral output terminal 03 05 3 | Pamp supply voltage input _ e = &—[In=phase inp terminal ia 1a 3 __[Invertng input teominal 4.56 355 6 __[Swnnly voltage 19) 149 7 [Pump supply voltage output/vertiral Dyback ae ee pulse output Table 7 Functions and Service Dats of 524 /0AF (MSI81) 5 Pins GDM8145 Multimeter ceo | Grund Resiotonon (EO) Pin No, Function Description Pin (V) [Measure with red] Measure with probe while|black —_probe| frrounding black while grounding TV | AV |probe, ed pod 1 [Nui signal output terminal 1 4a laa = = 2 __ [Supply voltage 94 [94 | 035 035 3 |Video signal input terminal 1 ss[as | 746 622 © [Control level input termunal 52]52 | oss 508 (Continued 23 SERVICE MANUAL IC DATA AND WAVEFORMS OF KEY POINTS (continued) 5 [Wiles vignal input tonne 2 3 [33 1.30 621 6 [Control level input terminal 5.0 | 50 6.385 50 7__ |Video signal input terminal 3 as|as 7.38 6.22 8 [Not connected o jo © e 9 |Video signal input terminal 4 a5] 3s 747 6. TO [Ground 0 |0 0 0 U1 [Audio signal ouput terminal 2 44| 4a 2 5.95 12 [Audio signal inpur terminal 2-1 imi 715, 5.92 13 [Audio signal input terminal 2-2 ss 25 5.92 14 [Audio signal input torminal 2-3 Sal 7.35 02 15 [Audio signal input terminal 2-4 s [5s 7 59 16 [Not connected o lo 2 a 17__| Video signal output terminal 42/42 2.02 2.02 18 [Ground o lo 0 0 19___[Nadio signal input terminal 1=1 3 [5 73 59 20 | Ausio signal inpat terminal 1-2 s_[s 73 59 Bt [ear sia nya weal 13 Bas 132 «2 | 22 [Audio sip terminal I= s [5 1 59 Exch Blectrode Voltage of Key Triodes oan | vain | vsi2 | vsis | vsss | vst ] vss2 | vsia | va02 | va0s ] vaos By | 97 | 07 | 06 | 67 | 58 w | 45 [0 [or ey) | 07 [06 [a0 [sas | 24 ms [51 | 45 [49 EW) w fe fo |e | x2 32 [0 | 0 Viol | v231 |vset2 |vssia | va3i | v432 [v901 | v902 |v90s | voos |voos | Ns03 py) fia fe iat ig2 fos pos fas 23 fas fo los fins cy 4 fos fos joa tea fiza7 Jno us jo Ba fo fas os fo Ra fs fo jae bs 2 ps for fis lao 24 SERVICE MANUAL IC DATA AND WAVEFORMS OF KEY POINTS (continuca) Waveforms of Key Points 1. D7OL (5) (10) (11) (29) (30) (41) 42) 2. NLOI (19) (20) (21) (23) (27) (28) (38) (46) 3. N3OL (3) 2) 4, W431 (B) (C).V432 (B) (C) Hg ey es = | I : rt oho: SERVICE MANUAL IC DATA AND WAVEFORMS OF KEY POINTS (conunuea) Nm) Tel64m SS 265Vp 20 vai@ T6440 630\pp van® Hots 26.5» O6Vp-p 26 SERVICE MANUAL CIRCUIT ADJUSTMENTS, 1, General Description AIL adjustments. are shorougly chevket ans conseeted before th TV outgoing, Therefore the TV should operate normally and deliver proper colour pictures upon installation, However, several, mi- nor aeljustments may be required depending on the particular location where the TV is operated. This TV is shipped © all packing materials, Connect the power cont into a 120V AG, 60H two-pin power outlet, Turn fon the TV ‘lian natural colour pictures npletely in carton, Carefully take out the TV from the carton und remove heck ant adjust all the customer comiroks such as Inigliuess, + ind colour to 2. Automatic Degaussing val ving coil ix monntes! sound the CHT so that external degassing after moving the TV is zeuwtally wanecessary, providing itis properly eeyautssed upon installation, The degaussing coil operates i about L sevond after power on, I the set is moved of faced to a different direction, the poner sited must he switehed off for at east 30 minutes in onder that the automatic degoussing, te pwrntos reds, Should the chassis or parts of the cabinet berome magnetized to cause poor colour pity. sssing coil around the sereen, the sides si externa eegansing evi, Stoves mee the ian front of the TW anul slosly within the ceil toa distance of about 2m before unplug it. If colour shusling still esis, perform the Colour Parity Adjustment and Convergence Adjustment procedures. 3. Supply Voltage Adjustment Caution: +B voltage has close relation to high voltage. To aol Notay sasiaivu +B voltage shoul be #130. 1) Sor RPSSI to the mechanical 1 AC power supply to 1202 2) Connect a digital voltmeter to two pins of 1. and these ten om the TV. 3) Receive Philips test patter signals. 4) Adjust RVSOT to make the voltmeter reac SLY 4. Flight Voltage Inspection Caution: No high voltage adjustment should be done in the chassis, 1) Connect « precise high voltmeter to the second anode of the CRT. 2 Tu 201. 4) The high voltge tested should be 25.521.5KV. the TV and set the brightness and contrast to minimum (je. set heam current of the CRT to 4) Set the brightuess to minimam or maximum, and ensure high voltage not beyond limitation of 28KV in any ease. 27 SERVICE MANUAL CIRCUIT ADJUSTMENTS (continued) 5. Focus Adjustment 1) Use the remote control to set the contrast to maximum and the brightness, chroma to medium 2) Set H. V. lines near Philips pattem center to thinnest with the FCB on the FBT. Alter finishing aeljust- tment, ensure that no poor forusing exists near the center or around af the frsme Before Adjusting Afler Adjusting SET-UP ADJUSTMENTS The following adjustments should be made when a complete realignment is required or a new CRT is installed. Perform the adjustments in omer as follows, 1. Colour purity 2. Convergence 3. White Balance Not: ‘The purity/convergence magnet assembly and rubber wedges neee! mechanical positioning. Refer to Fig 11. 1. Colour Purity Adjustment Note: Before attempting any purity adjustment, the TV should be operated for at least 15 minutes 1) Demagnetiog the CRT ain! cabinet using a legunsing coll 2) Set the brightness and contrast to maximunn, 3) Receive the green raster test signals 4) Loosen the clamp serew holding the deflection yoke and slide it backward or forwanl to display vertical green belt (gone) on the sereen, 5) Remove the suber wedge 6) Rotate and spread the tabs of the purity magnet around the neck of the CRT until the geven belt is on the centee of the sereen, 7) Slowly move the deflection yoke forward or backward until « uniform green screen is obtained Tighten the clamp sorew of the yoke temporarily 8) Check purity of the red and blue rastes 28 SER’ f MANUAL. ET-UP ADJUSTMENTS (continued) Dumny Weer Deflection Coil \ Et uber Wedge J jz ae Fables Wo Adhesive Deflection Yoke Magnet Mo Fig. 1 -pnle Muse! Atle Magnets Adjust the Angle Wert Lit Rotate Two Tabs AU Same Time Horizontal Lines) Aausment of Magnets Py Mage Converge Magnet Assembly 2. Convergence Adjustment Note: Before attempting any convergence adjustment, the TV should be operated for at least 15 minutes, © Center convergence adjustment 1) Receive the grille toot putters signals 2) Set the brightness and contrast propely 3} Adjust two tabs of the 4-pole magnet to change the angle between them and red and blue vertical lines are superimposed on the center area of the serven, 4) Turn both tabs at the same time keeping the angle constant to superimpose red and blue horizontal Tines om the center of the sereen. 5) Adjust two tabs of 6-pole magnet to superimpose red/blue Tine and affee green line, Adjusting the angle the vertical fines and rotating both magnets affects the horizontal ines, 29 SERVICE MANUAL SET-UP ADJUSTMENTS (continued) 6) Repeat steps 3)~5) keeping in mind red, green and blue movement. 4=pole magnet und 6=pele Jntetar rach ales, fenulting i complicating uit dor movement © Circumference convergence adjustment 1) Loosen the clamping screw of the defeetion yoke slightly to ullow it to til 2). Temporarily put a wedge as shown in Fig. 11, (Do not remove cover paper on adhesive part of the wedge.) 3) Til front of the deflection yoke up or down to obtain better convergence in citeumfere Push the mounted wedge into the space between the CRT asd yeke ta fi the yak t 4) Put other wedge into bottom space and remove the caver paper to stk, 5) Tilt front of the deflection yoke right or left to obtain better convergence in circumference 6) Keep the deflection yoke position and put another wedge in either upper space, Remove cover paper and stick the wedge on the CRT to fix the yoke. 7) Detach the temporarily mounted wedge and put it im another upper space, Stick it on the CRT to fix the yoke, 8) After fixing three wedges, recheck overall convergence. Tighten the serew firmly to fix the yoke and check if the yoke is fixed 9) Stick three adhesive tapes on wedges as shown in Fig, 10, BLL Red RoW/BLY_ CRN pole Magnet Movement (6-ple Magnet Moversnt Incline the Yoke Rightor le) «by DEP Yoke SERVICE MANUAL SERVICE MODE AND BUS DATA 1, How to Enter the Service Mode 1) Deen 2) Press the MUTE button on the remote control and VIDEO button on the TV at the same time 3) Adjust the TV with the MENU SELECT buttons on the remote control ith the Remote Control volume to 0. 4) Press the (1) button on the remote control to quit the Serve mode 2. Bus Data 1) For 720028 only MENU. 00 MENU, OF V.POS OH M4 SUB-BRIGHT 63 HPHSE SO 8 SUB-CONT 6 VSIZE S0H 84 V.KILL 0 V.POS 60H 21 RPAGC 1s HPH OH 12 RBIAS 60 VSIZE. OH 82 G.BIAS 60 vse 4 BBIAS 60 V.LINE 19 R.DRIVE 70 vstze emp 7 DRIVE 15 BDRIVE 70 MENU, 02 MENT) 03 HAF GAIN 0 FM.MUTE 0 HBLK.L 4 AUDIO. MUTE 0 RL 4 Vinee MUTE 0 CROS.BW 0 SND-TRAP 0 VIDEO.LVI. 4 FMALEVEL ' MENU. 04 MENU. 05 SUB.COLOR ” BLINK-DEF ° SUB.TINT 4 BLKST.DEF ° SUBSHARP. 31 FBP.BLK.SW 0 conING 1 FILTSYS ° CEXT 0 VOLFIL 0 C.BYPAS 0 VIFSYSSW o CKILLON o VIDEOSW 1 MENU. 06 MENU. 07 Rts ANGLE, 9 BRT-ABLTH 7 GRAY MODE 0 EM.ABL.DEI 1 V.SEPUP Il BRT.ABI.DE 0 B.GAMSEL. 3 MID STP.DF 1 RG.GAMDEF 1 SERVICE MANUAL SERVICE MODE AND BUS DATA (continued) MENU 08 meTaL Asn. OSD.CONT OSD.H.POS MI u lo OPT-TV.AY OPr.AVL2 OPT.AV3 OPT.COLOR, opry-cHIP opr.ceD, OPT.CLOCK OPT.P-ON 2) For 812002 only MENU. 00 Y.POS HPHSE VSIZE V.POS HPH vsu Vsc VILINE VSIZE 0H 0H 0H 00H ‘60H 60H MP MEND, 02 Ware HBLK.L HBLKR eROS RW GAIN VIDEO.LVL FM.LEVEL MENU, 04 SUB.COLOR. SUB.TINT SUBSHARP DRING CENT BYPASS C.KILLON 0 24 32 MENU. 09 HEREQ C.KILLOFF AUDIOSW ‘TDISBLE OPT.LOGO OPT.VID SW SRCHSPEED ROM Cont MENU. OF SUB-BRIGHT SUB-CONT \.KILL BP, Gc Hanns GBS BBIAS. R.DRIVE G.DRIVE BDRIVE MENU, 03 FM MUTE AUDIO.MUTE VIDEO.MUTE, snnrRaP MENU. 05 BLINK.DEF BLKST.DEF FBP.BLKSW FILE VOL-FIL VIFSYSSW, VIDEO.SW 8 6 0 Is 0 60 0 Is 0 a a SERVICE MANUAL SERVICE MODE AND BUS DATA (continued) MENU. 06 MENU. 07 Bulb ANGLE, 9 BRT ABL.TH 7 GRAY MODE 0 EMLABLDEF 1 VSEPUP 1 BRUABLDE 0 RGAMSEL 3 MIDSTP.DF 1 ROGAM.DEF 1 MENU. 09 MENU. 08 HLFREQ n DIGTAL OSD, 0 CKILLOFF, 0 08.CONT 1 AUDIOSW 0 ‘OSD.HLPOS 2 TLDISBLE 1 OPTLOGO, 0 OPT.VID SW 1 MENU. 10 opr Ty AV 1 OprAVI2 0 OPTAV3 0 OPr.COLOR 0 ovt.v-CHIP 1 orr.cep 1 opr.cLock 1 OPEP-ON 1 SRCHSPEED 0 ROM CORREC ° Notes: ‘on differsnt models ‘on different CRTS for the same movlel. D The sate cheet may differ dependes ® The data sheet may differ depender 3, Service Mode Adjustment 1) Sub-brighiness b) Set the contrast to maximum sand brightness to medium. 6) Set the chroma to medium. Enter the TV to the Service mode, Select °SUB-BRIGHT™ by pressing the */—> buttons on the remote control, and set the data to 31 by pressing the data adjustment buttons. Operate the TV ioe 5 ines inthe: male: a of the dd) Adjust the sub-bright data until blurry picture does not appear on the high bright a serwen and too dim picture not on the low-bright area 6) Set the contrast and brightness to maximum or minimum, and then test normal picture alternation Df the pieture does not bevome dark when the contrast and brightness are set to minimum, or not hecome bright when set to man in, then acjust the sub-bright data to get normal pitiue. 33 ‘SERVICE MANUAL SERVICE MODE AND BUS DATA (conunueay 2) White balance adjustment a) Tum on the TY and preheat i for over J minutes. ) Use the remote control to set the contrast to maximum und the brightness to medium, Set the chroma to minimum, ©) Enter the TV to the Service mode, and set the following date without changing other items, R-DRIVE. GODRIVEs e+ PODRIVE. + 0 Is 0 40) Pall out the external antenna and press the MUTE bution once on the remote control until a right horizontal line appears on the sereen, Adjust the R-DRV data to get 160V20.5 green gun vollage across the CRT RGB PCB, 6) Adjust the © DRV and B DRY data according to Step 4 so that the bright bozantal Hine tus to yellow. then to. white, 3) Horizontal centering adjustment Enter the TV to the Service mode and reveive Philips test pattem signals, Select “H.PH/60H" by pressing che Duns on the remore control, and adjust Norlzontalpleture post contre of sewen by: pressing the data adjustment buttons, 4) Vertical centering. adjustment Enter the TV to the Service mode and receive Philips test pattem signals. by pressing the “/— butions on the remote control, une asyust vertical picture position an the centte of screen by pressing the data adjustment buttons 5) Vertical amplitude aj a Enter the TV to the Servioe mode and receive grille test pattern signals, Select “V.SIZE/60IU" by presse Ing the /— buttons on the remote control, und adjust vertical amphtude by pressing the dats axjust= ment buttons so that vertical amplitude is not enough. C ne to adjust vertical amplitude by pressing the data adjustment button until the first bar on grille signals touches eae of the sexven, SERVICE MANUAL TROUBLESHOOTING FLOW CHARTS Wi ts pera [eck ae on fui Fr the iT] See) fn te TV. in] [he aoe ol mem he RAC ex the H/C | | TFesthe VOF,+ fain on) [EhapkvolnwoF DTOTS]|__Nbmormal [tek the #5 oa 13 volar semen Ie 1/6 al mare Pin 2 for momma — [D701 Pins for warelorm tion viet [emcee (fin sow dowwith leplace ln osrllosee Norma (D208. oe " sv aa | [ Le ficwow TOTS Find] Wy [Check rplae U Usy Jn hod for” S2MHa| "gh, Fina th 0 and DIOL nominee wrhin=) Normal Wow) Now : 1 im, Feat mana : [SOBA letieck if all control bard ors fut Ca WAIST To|_Atmomal_ cere —) ag Fe eee Sl en, " rs an ot soma es (Gieek the rat fo Henne om the TVs] YO Iivortrireiel elect) lakes oe peace Nw 35 SERVICE MANUAL TROUBLESHOOTING FLOW CIIARTS (conunuea) [No characte Apa] a ‘Check DIOS Pin20_ and Pin2I for horignntal/verties [Check /replace R729, R733 V703, V704, R722, R723, R726, R728 and C726, [puts high level or not. isback alse inputs Yes (Check voltage of D7OT=|_Abwormel Tre isos RTD 18 nai IS Cit nd 3 Normal [Check DON. PS ou] No | + [Check replace D701, 4#— lad Pint For Yes oo rh [chek TNT Fn oat]_—__No a thigh level heck eeplave RW. (Chek DVOVs Fae PaeS|_NO__ Foheok voltage of NTOTS 2 15 too bh Yes na (Gieskreplace NIOT] [Sanh Pam om malontion {ries the Q patton on the RTC] No and check i level of D701 Pin} ———¥9 [becomes higher or lower. Yes heck if voltage of VDSIS% Pind] No Ibecomes higher ot lower in the} same way mentioned above. f= (Check7repair the switching regulator. Trepluce RMO2, (Check the remote vireult (Check replace V885, V8R6, [VD886, 885, REBG, ete. 36 SERVICE MANUAL TROUBLESHOOTING FLOW CHARTS | CRT, [Measure voltage] q armal of NIMs Pi for normality sma wok replace 11209, sant (226, sek replace 1432, Measure —collertor] a [Measure collector] Normal ie fof V32 fon RSS an normality Abort [nm Measure base voltage of ¥431| >) R405, C404, in seni Normal Measure collector] Woltage of VA31 for normality Abnormal [Cheek rep 'Va31, T431, Ras, R403, CAI, C40 lc: Normal Normal [Cheek/Feplace vormal V432, 7432, C435) Caso, C437, eve Abocmal Cbeek/replave pant Rand, | Replace T4381 SERVICE MANUAL ‘TROUBLESHOOTING FLOW CHARTS (conunuea, [No picture and no isonet i ewer) Sa fap inerferene| [Si =r fur off Hue back and] Yeq [pigmals to the IF) input terminal tol icheck if noise do terminal of UIOL output terminal of) land check if noe a a etic sr {epeakern click. | = [Giese | No [spat video the TV/Videole- witch cineui Mis ‘appear om tel z Jscreen and the} i jgnal to ' the AV terminals and) Yes a check if pictures. ap= [pear on the seen (Cheek the tine) (Check /ieys the IF premamplif Yew " voltage of Pin& for) ‘normality Normal —— (Measuae vol NIOMs Pind? fort [normality. ‘Normal oe — Weare voltage oll Abnomaat _fobeeh7eepace Niate. Pins) for C239, C242, R219] Dora la 219) Normal (Check a Abnormal [Pind8 and Pind9 out- ee —2[Check/replare 1.201] Nonmal ore ee Anmonmar [Cheek /replace R322, | NiOths Bint and ee aS, [Pn or roma [55.W7S7. se tm Replace NIOL ‘SERVICE MANUAL TROUBLESHOOTING FLOW CHARTS (continued) N but with io sound victure) [Shon comes NT0T coe is tt solid is out No No 7 wou inerirence ag] Serh=eonnest_ NTOYS) [Cherk fie TA kafe Yell to Pin al Pins] 2 Wo Past witha! Ves BSS a4, mate cant | [fof NBT and chieck if) [IOMF eazcion, | andl C241, V2a1, ts Sound is outp. et 280, R281, No | No a + Abnormal Measure vohage of [Mescure voltage off abnormat [CHK cee NI8L's Pind for, IN1O1's PinS3 for, Bas C236! (romality. reat — a cand 217. | | Nonna (ret | oer ese |. Gearon | BPN EL Pel fe Yo SS amd Oe Normal control circuit | Norma + (Check 7replace NIOL SERVICE MANUAL TROUBLESHOOTING FLOW CHARTS (contnuea) ce Tait with normal] ne picture | eye 2g oF VOT) [Geet Zrelan Normal [Check/replace Abnormal [Measure voltage of NIOTS ee nt ee te nomen Normal + (Chearrrpace |, N° (Gh MOT Pin 289 and C201 — Normal (Check/replare CTH x Abmornal ~[Pin39 for normality Normal Replaee NIOT] 41 SERVICE MANUAL TROUBLESHOOTING FLOW CHARTS (continued) PARTS LIST SERVICE MANUAL rats on Main PCI Parts ‘Type 309 Carbo in resistor RT13-0.166W- 19) ro) Carbon film resistor RV13-0.166W 220) 207 Garbo film resistor RT13-0.166W S60) 108 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-680) RS8I7 Carbon fil wesistor RTI3-0.166W-7504 R122 Carbon film resistor RT13-0,166W-10005 Ris Carbon film resistor R130, 1908-10005 R707 Carbon fli resistor RT13-0.166W 1000) RIB Carbon fn eesistor RT13-0.166W 100) R744 Caron filmy esistor RTI3-0.166W-10005 S803 Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W=10005 RSSORR Carbon fin resis RT13-0.166W 1000 RS8O4 ‘Carhon film resistor RTI3-0.166W 10000) T8108 Garon film resistor RTI3-0.166W 1000) RS812 Carbon film resistor RT13-0,166W 10005 S822 S244 Carbon film resistor Carhon film resistor RT13-0.166W-10005 RTI3-0.166W~ 1000] RS818 Carhon film resistor RT13-0.166W-1000) HOS ‘Carhan Fits seine RTI2_0,166W_1000) RS851 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0,166W-1000I R101 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W=1200) 209 Carbon film resistor RTI3~0.166W- 1500) R219 Carbon film resistor RT13-0,166W=15005 Rod ‘Carbon iim resistor BTI3=-0.166W 18085 R222 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-2200) Rd Carhon film resistor RT13-0.166W-2200] R732 [Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-22005 RS816 [Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-22005 R730 Carhon film resistor HI13-0.100W=2700F RIG Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-2700) 221 Carbon film resistor RT13~0.166W-3900 R223 Carbon film resistor RTI3~0.166W-39005 R741 Carbon filin resistor RTI3-0.166W4700) R742 Carbon film resistor RT13=0.166W 4700) R186 RT13~0.166W-4700) Riss RTIAW0 166W 56001 R120 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-6800) SERVICE MANUAL PARTS LIST (continued) Position Parts Type 405 Carbon fl resistor RPI3~0.166W-68005 R143 Carbon film resistor RP13-0.166W-1KO} R217 Carbon files resistor 1T13-0.160W-1KO aol Carbon flim esistor RY13-0.166W-1KOI Rao Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-1KOI RSIT Earbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-1KQ) 296 Carbon film vesistor RP13-0.166W-1KQ) 12908, Garon lm wsistor 1113-0, 166W 1K) R193 Carbon film resistor RI13-0.166W-1KOI RMOL Carbon fn resistor RTI3-0.166W~1KQI M02 Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-1KQ S003 Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-1KOJ S801 ‘Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-1KOY S802 Carbon flan resistor RII3-0.166W-1KOJ S809 Carbon fl resistor RTI3-0.166W—1KO RS8I3, Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-1KOQ) S824 Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-1K OF RS84 Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-1K OI S887 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-1KOJ Reese (Caron fle weaiotor TPI3-0.166W=1K ON R106 Carbon film resistor RT13-0,166W-1.2K0) R107 Carbon film resistor RT13-0,166W-1.2KO) R280 Carbon film resistor RI13-0.166W-1.2KOJ 423 Carbon fli eesistor RTI3-0.166W=1.2K OY 523 Gaalnn Gls vests IT13-0.100W=1 3K) R721 Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-1.5KOT R130 hon film resistor RT13-0.166W=1.8KO) Ra2s Carbon flim resistor RT13-0.166W-1.8KO) noIs Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W 2.2K OJ 101A, ‘Carbon film resistor HU 1S-0.106W-2.2K0) R307 Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-2. 2K) R728 Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-2. 2K Ra02 Carbon fil resistor RT13-0,166W-2.2K0) R228 Carbon fil resistor RI13-0.166W-2.7KO) HUIB (Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-2.7K OI R526 Carbon film resistor RP13-0.166W-2.7KO S83 Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-2.7KO) ROU Carbon fl resistor RTI3-0.166W-3.3KO) 44 SERVICE MANUAL PARTS LIST (continuea) Position Parts Type R736 Carbon film resistor BT1S-0.160W -S.3KU R237 Carbon flim resistor RT13-0,166W-3.3KQ) R738) Carbon filme renstor RT13-0.166W-3.3KQ) R739 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-3.3KQ) R749 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-3.3KO] R182 Carbon film resistor RTIS-0.166W-3.9KOF R105 Carbon film resistor RI13-0.166W-4.7KO) 1933 ‘Carne fl ve RTI _0.166W—TKOS RIT Carbon film resistor RT13-0,166W-4.7KO) R746 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-4.7KO) R747 Garhon fil resistor RT13-0.166W-4.7KOT R748) Carlin film resistor RTI3-0.166W-4.7KOT RISS| Carbon film resistor TT13-0.166W—4.7KOI RIS7 Garbon film wesistor RTI3-0.166W-4.7KO] R760 Carbon film resistor RI13=0.166W-4.7K OI RIB ‘Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W=1.7KOJ R712 ‘Carbon flim resistor RI13-0.166W-4.7KO RIS Carhon film esistor W113-0:100W 4.7K S100 Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-4.7KQ) 202 Caron Bil wictor RT13-0,166W-5.6KQ) RSIL Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-5.6KQ) R724 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-8.2KOQH R201 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-B RE RISL Carbon film resistor RT13-0,166W-82KO) mi92 “Garhon film ratstor RTT 16AW-R KOT R126 Garhon film resistor RT13-0,166W 10K R127 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W—10KQI R281 Caron film resistor RTIS-0.166W-TOKOY R282 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W—10KQ KoA, ‘Garon fr eosin RTI 0.166W 10KOH R586 Garhon fil eesistor RI13-0.166W-10K OF RI10. Carhon film resistor RT13-0.166W-10KOJ R726 Carbon film resistor RY13-0,166W-T0KOT R729 Carhon film resistor RT13-0,166W-10KOI R733 Caron film resistor RTI3=-0.160W-10KOI R734 Caron film resistor RT13-0.166W-10KOI R702 (Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-10K OF R793 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-10KO5 45 SERVICE MANUAL PARTS LIST (conunueay Position Parts Type Rig Carhon fl resistor RT13-0.166W -10KO) S830 Carbon fli resistor RTI3-0.166W-10KOU RRA Carkon fl weaiator ~_ | Rr13-0.166W—10KOF R887 Carbon film resistor RT13-0,166W 10K waos, Carbon film resistor RTI3-0,166W-10KQN S82 Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-10KOI R305 Carbon RT13-0.166W-12KOF 131d Cauda RT15-0.160W=12K25 RAIS Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-15KO) R522 Garhon film resistor RT13-0.166W-15KO) 1833 | Garhon film resistor RT13-0.166W-15KO) RTI bon film resistor RYI3-0.166W-I8KQI 74 ‘Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.160W=18KO RI83 Carbon fl resistor RTI3-0.166W-18K 0 RSIS Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-22K 01 R556 Carbon film wsistor RT13-0.166W-22K OF R233 Carbon film wesistor RT13-0.166W-27K OI RRS, Garon film resistor RT13-0.166W-27KOH S002 Carbon film resistor 0.166W 27K) son ako Film wesc 0.166 27K RII Carbon film resistor RT13-0,166W-33KQ) R585 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W RISS Carhon fil resistor RTI3-0.166W-A7KOY RSSIIA Carbon fil resistor RT13-0.166W-47KOU RESIN ‘Garbo fly waistor ITID-0.166W 47K S820 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W 47K OY S823 Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W 47K) 10 Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W 47K RBI Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-S1K OJ fea ‘Conlon Gln vests IT19=0.1008-91NS R562 Carbon film resistor RP13-0.166W-S1K OI Carbon film resistor RT13-0,166W-100KQ Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-100KOI | Carbon film resistor RI13-0.166W-100K0U Carbon film resistor HET15-0.160W 100K12) ‘Carbon film resistor RI13-0.166W-100KQ) Carbon film resistor RIT3-0.166W—100KOL Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-100KQI 46 SERVICE MANUAL PARTS LIST (conunucay Position Parts I Type a6 Garhon film resistor BTT3-0,160W — 1SUKE RSS Carbon film wesistor RTI3-0.166W-150KQU 220 Carton film resistor RTI3-0.16W-220KO} Rado Carbon fil resistor RTI3-0.166W -220K0) R722 Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-220K0) R701 ‘Carhon fil resistor RT13-0.166W-300KQ] R725 Carhon film resistor RT13-0.166W-IMOJ 19304 RTIs 05W 10 R323, Carbon film resistor RTI5-05W-15001 323A Carbon film resistor RTIS-OSW-1KOJ R403 Carbon film resistor RTIS-0SW-1KOJ RXO2 Carbon film resistor RTIS-0.5W-12KOU ‘Carbon film resistor HTIS-0.SW—A7KO) Metal film vesistor RYI4-0.25W4 7KOF Metal oxide film resistor RY21-0.5W-2200) Metal oxide film resistor RY21-1W-105 Metal oxide film resistor RY2I-1W-1KAL Metal oxide film resistor Wa zI-1W-2.2KOy R581 Metal oxide film resistor RY2I-1W-2.2KO] RSS1A, Mata avid Bilin roxio RY21-1W-2.2KO) S37 Metal oxide film resistor RY21-2W-270) R525) Metal oxide film resistor RY2I-2W-680 RaOt Metal oxide film resistor RY2I-2W—S900 RXOL Metal oxide film resistor RY21-2W-8.2KO) nist Metal oxide fiom nedstor RY W1SKOF RSSL Metal oxide film resistor RY21-2W-15KOY | RS52 Metal oxide film resistor RY2I-2W-15KAI R568 Metal oxide film resistor RY21-2W-22KOI RFSOS Metal oxide film resistor RY21-2W=10) 1924 Wire wound wesinn RxGT @W 180) R520 Solid resistor RS11-0.5W-120KOK S20 Solid resistor RI40-0,5W-120KOK R521 Solid resistor RS1I-0.5W=120KNK R521 Solid resistor R140-0.5W-120KOK R502 Wirewound resistor RNGO-H3—10W-2.20) RESOSA Wiresvound resistor Rays Wirewound resistor RXGH-6W-8.20K RFS09 Fuse resistor RFIO-1W-10) 41 SERVICE MANUAL PARTS LIST (conunueay Position Parts ‘Type RESO Fuse resistor RFLI-IW-10y REAR] Fuse resistor RPI-2W=1.50) RPSSI ace plazed potentiometer Wlo6 2Y 0.125W 2KQ_A. RVSOIR Glass glazed resistor VR68—1W-2.7MOF RVSOIB Glass glazed resistor RISI-1W-27MO) RTSOLA Thermistor 232266296709(8C96709) RTSOLA, MZ73-70M e710 LPF (238 Ceramie capacitor ISPFI C709 Ceramic eapacitor 1SPEI e240, [Ceramic capacitor ~63V -06n-C-39PE) 239 Cemamie capacitor B4-A7OPFK, 6108 ‘Ceramie capacitor (CHI-03V —O6a~2184— 1D00PFK, (234 Ceramie capacitor C11~63V-06-2884—1000PFK, C301 Ceramie capacitor (CT1-63V-06u-284-1000PFK 260 Ceramic capacitor (CT1-63—06u-2184-1000PFK. C788 Ceramie capacitor (CTI~63'-06u-284—1000PFK, S809 (Ceramie capacitor (CTI~63V'~06u-2144— 1000P FR, cs8098 Ceramic capacitor CTI-63V'—06a-284—1000P FR 00 Coramie expan (CTI_63V_D64 24 1S00PFK, co Ceramie capacitor CTI=63V'=06u-284—1500PFK cul Ceramic capacitor CTI-63V-06a-284- 1S00PFK e201 Ceramic eaparitor cri €203 Ceramic capacitor CT1~63V 08-24 10nFZ Comamie capacitor GM —G3V-0B9- 27104 Ceramic capacitor (CT1-63V-08-2F4—10nkZ Coramie capacitor CT1-63V-08n-2F4-10nkZ je capacitor CT1-63V-081-2F4-10nkZ (CT1-63V-081-2F4—10nkZ (GT1-03V—08a-2F4—10nFZ CT1-63V'-083-2F4-10nkZ CTI-63V—080-2F4-10nkZ capacitor CTI-63V08u-2F4—10nkZ Ceramic eaparitor CTI-63V-08-2F4-10nZ, ‘Geramie capacitor (CT1=63V -08a—2F4—10nFZ, Ceramie capacitor (CTI-63V-081~2F4—10nkZ Ceramie capacitor Coramie capacitor 48 SERVICE MANUAL PARTS LIST (continuea Position Parts Type em3 ‘Coram capacitor : (CIB 3V 08-210 C1664, Coramie capacitor T1638) -08u-2F4-100 CIR? Ceramie capacitor (CT1-63V 08u-2F4—10nFZ C1988 eramie capacitor CT1-03V-08u-2F4- 1087, C191 ie eapaeitor (CP1-63V-O8a-214-3300PFR. C193 amie capacitor (CTI-63V-08a-2B4-3300PFK ene Ceramic capacitor | GT1-63V-081-284-3300PEK Caramin eaparitor Person nar PEL Ceramic capacitor CTI-SO0V-060—2R4-390PFK Coramie capacitor CTI-S00V—10e~2B4-1000PFK “Coramie capacitor CTI-S00V=14e—284-3900PFK Geramie capacitor CTRI=TRV-O80—2884-470PFK, Ceramic capacitor CTS1_TKV_10e 211 1000PFM 504) Conumie capacitor C181 TRV=10e-2884— 1000P FM Geramie eaparitor Geramie eapacitor (CPS1—TKV—100—214— 1000P FM (CT81-TKV—100—284- 1000P FM Ceramie capacitor (CTS1—1KV—100—24- 1000P FM ‘Genimie eaparttor GTS1-2KY 0802642208 PK eapacitor CT81-2KV-08--284-220PFK Ceramie canacitor CTS1-2KV-10e-2B4-470PFK, Ceramie capacitor CT81-2KV-120—284-680PFK Ceramie capacitor CTRI-2KV—120~284-680PFK Goramie capacitor (CPS=250V AU=2B4-4 FEN Ceramic capacitor (181-250 AC-2B4-470P FR. Connie rapariior| (CTRI-250V AG-24-2200PFM Aluminum electrolytic capacitor EDIN0-16V-47 uF. ‘Aluminum electrolyte capacitor CD110-16V-474FM, Alun m electolylie capacitor CDI0-16V—87 FM Aluminum electrolytic eaparitor (CDLOX-16V—1004FM, EDITOX— 16100, FM 58304, Alamioum electrolytic capacitor CDIOX-16V—100HFM. e122 £250, Aluminum electrolytic eaparitor CDINOX-16V—4700F Aluminum cleeteolytie capacitor EDINOX-16V—470nFM. Aluminum electrolytic eaparitor EDIOX-16V—470nF Al vu elt CDILON-16V470KFM. ‘lunar electrolytic eaparitor CDIOX-16V—470n FM. electtolytie capacitor CDNOX-16V=10002FM. electrolytic capacitor CDION-25V-470,FM 49 PARTS LIST (cow SERVICE MANUAL Position Parts Type G302 lune Tectia SD ITON=25V 470 RF €306 Aluninum electrolytic capacitor EDION-25V-1000 nF 565 Aluminum electolytir capaitor EDIOX-25V-2200,F 403 Aluminum electrolyte capacitor CDION-35) 47 uF Aluminum elecirolyiie Papsestor CHTUN=S9¥ “10 aT Al electrolyte capacitor CD HON=35 1000 Aluminum electric cana CDIN0-S0\ 0.47 FL Aluminum electrolytic capacitor CDIO-S0V-0.47 4M Aluminum electrolytic capacitor (CDI0-S0V 0.47}. Aluminum electrlyhie capacitor EDINO-S0V— Tur Aluminum electrolytic eaparitor EDITO-S0V=i WEN ‘Aluminum electrolytic capacitor CD 11O-S0V—1 KEM Aluminum electrolytic capacitor CD110-50V=1 4PM. Aluminum electrolytic capacitor CDI0-SOV=1aFM Aluminum electrolyte capac CD110-S0V=1nFM ‘Aluminum electrolytic capac CD110-SOV—TnFM C8954, Aluminum eleetroly eapacitor ‘ea9204 Aluminum elactralytin capa EDIO SOV 1KeM C8968 Aluminum electrolytic capacitor CDINO-SOV-1uFM Aluninum electrolyte capacitor CDI10-S0V=1uFM. CDL10-S0V-2.24FM Aluminum electrolytic capacitor CDI0-S0V—4.7 4PM Alusinnan elec twlytt apart ED 110-30V—4 7AM Aluminum electrolytic capacitor CDHO-S0V-10uFM Aluminum electeolytie capacitor CDI0-S0V—10uFM Aluminum electrolytic eapacitor CDI10-SOV=10.FM Nluminum electrolytic capaci EDI10-SOV-10, FM ‘Tuminum eleetraly capa CDITU-D0V— 10k aT ‘lumina electealy eapacitor Aluminum electrolytic eanacitor Aluminum electrolytic capacitor Aluminum electrolytic eapacitor CDI10-50V—10nFMt Aluminum electrolytic eaparitor EDI10-S0V—10aF Mt Aluminum electrolytic eaparitor (CDI10-SOV—104FM Al uum electrolytic capacitor CDI10-SOV—10,FM al ium elecirolytie capacitor ‘CDI0-S0V—10FM Alun 1um electrolytic eapacitor CDIO-SOV=10nFM Aluminum eleetrelytie capacitor CDI10-50V—10uFM 50 SERVICE MANUAL PARTS LIST (conunuea) Position Paste Type i) Aluminum electrolyte capacitor CDIO-SWV-10F ey Aluminum electelytie capacitor €D110-S0V-10,FM (S09 Aluminum electolytie vapocitor (€D110-S0V=l0uFM 830 Aluminum eleetrolstie eaparior CDI0-SOV—10FM Aluninam electrolyte capacitor CAI 16OV=A.7 HP ATuninanrelectlytie capacitor ‘CD2RR-160V 220.7 ~ [Aluminum electrolyte capacitor (CD2N8H-250V—22nFM Alsi lootelytie rapier ‘GD202_ 200" 270, | Aluminum eleetilytie capacitor CDTI-SOV-A THEM Polyester film eaparitor CL2IN-30V-0.033F) Polyester film eapaeitor CLIUIN-S0V-0.033,FK Polyester fil capacitor [GLI 50V-0.056.FK Polyester la eaparito [_CLUIN=50V~0.056u0K Polyester film eapaeitor CLI2-SOV-0.056nFK Polyester film capacitor CLUTX-S0V=0.056uFK Polyester film capacitor CLI2-SOV-0.056uFK Polyester film eapacitor Payester tlm eapariior CLIZV OTEK, Polyester film capacitor TIX-S0V-0.1nFK Palvester film eapacitor C1L12-100V-0.033uFK Polyester film eapacitor LIX-100V-0.033FK Polyester fli eapacitor CLI2-100V-D.1mFK Polyester film eaparitor CLITX-100V-0.1MFK Polyester film eaparitor CL2X-S50V-0.015 pF) Palyastor fle eapaciton PDN =80V 01S FD Polyester film capacitor CL2X-S0V-0.018 FI Polyester film capacitor CL21X-S0V=0.022 FI Polyester film capa CL2IN-50V-0.022 HFT CL21N-SOV-0.033 FI] X50 O.1nFK, CL2IX-S0V-0.22aFK Polyester film eapacitor CL2IX-SOV-0.224FK Polyester film eapaeitor CL2IX-S0V-0.22EK Polyester film eapacitor CL2IX-SOV-047 4K Polyester fl vaparivor CL2IN-S0V-047aFK Polypropylene capacitor CBBI3-400V-0.39uFI Polypropylene MKP3355-275V-0.14FM. Palypropylene capacitor MKP3355-275V-0.1 4M. St SERVICE MANUAL PARTS LIST (continua) Position Parts I Type olypropglene capacitor (CBRAT=1.6KV-7200P FI Polypropylene eapacitor CBBSI=1.6KV-7200PF Polypropylene capacitor CBBRI=1.6KV—7200P FI Fixeel inductor L.GB0606—Tn HI : Fixed inductor LGRO606—10.HK Fixed inductor T.GR0606—10,HK Fixed inductor LGRO606—10_HK Fined inductor LGRO6O6 1S ,tHI Fixed inductor [_icR0606~68,.H Feedthrough inductor ZZ008 Horizontal amplitude coil TLNOO28A Horizontal Tinearty inductor HXT39 Pevei-thivugh incuctor TEM2001 IF transformer 16030 : Filtering inductor LCL-FIS(IU4.757.001) Filtering inductor LCL-F16(1U4.757.002) Line drive transformer BCT-S(JU4.739.031) Sweteh transformer BUNZASZSL. 732, Fer BSC6GI(IU4.799.029) (pros Diode WOSZ3.04, |_Yp704 Diode HZ4C3 vp104 Diode RD3.6EL, VDs33 Diode WOS75.60 Vbs33 Diode MTZIS.6C. ps6 Dine WnS74 90 VDS61 Diode MIZ16.2C. vbs04 Diode WOSz7.50 Vb404 Diode MIZi75C vps19 Diode WOSZ7.5C vps Diode MII 56 VDS87A Diode WOSZ108 VDS87A Diode MIZJ108 VDS86 Diode WOSZ16i VDs86 Diode MIgji68 VDxo2 Divwle woszs8 vp302 Diode 1Z7S vp261 Diowle INAS ‘VD261 Diode 2CK75D 52 SERVICE MANUAL PARTS LIST (continued) [Position Pats - Tune vp262, Diode 7 |__IN4148 0202 Dio 2EKTSD 10263 Dio iN ¥0263 Dio 2oKTSD Duos Dine 2cK7SD vas Bind inate was Tie eK vost Dink inal bss! 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Tok 2Sca4585-M c La7ado 1 7 [1p arosTag C 78080 1 ANTROS 1e CWTROSCS Jumper Stam Jumper Smo Jumper Smm 55 PARTS LIST (continued) SERVICE MANUAL Position Parts Ty 2 Jumper Simm 27 Jumper Sm 3200 Tamper ‘Smm 1501 Jumper 5 Ri9) Sam LSU Simm Tomper 75mm Tuner 73mm Jumper 75mm per 7.5mm Jumper 7.5mm Tunper 75mm Jumper 7.5mm Jumper 75mm Jumper = 7.5mm a Jumper 75mm Jumper 75mm Tamper $num =] Tamper 75mm Temper 7a Tamper 75mm Jumper 75mm Jumper 7.5mm Jumper 73mm Sones 7.3mm, Jumper 7.5mm Junper 7.5mm Jumper 7.5mm Jumper 7.5m Jumper 7.5mm Jumper 75mm Tamper 7. Tamper 75mm Jumper 7S Jumper 75mm Tomper 75 Tamper 7.5mm Jumper 75mm SERVICE MANUAL PARTS LIST (continued) [Position Pans Type JB Jumper 7S 68 Sumper 7mm 1169) 75mm 1180 per 75am hig? tumner _ 75am iow per 7.5mm a7 Jumper Bat [_lumper 234 [tamper Tomer Super Jumper Tuner June Fumper Jumper 7mm Jumper 7S Jamper 75mm Jumper 75mm umper 75mm Junge 7.5mm v209 Jumper 7.5mm Voss7 Jumper 7.5mm ‘VDs8e umper Re “hamper na Jumper rie Tumper 289 Jumper I Jumper 400 Tamper mm wat Jumper 10 wao1 Jumper 10mm Ws Jumper 1mm WSIl Jumper 10mm 1109 Samper Om 1068) Jumper Om 1080) Tamper Om 1035; Jumper 10mm aL PARTS LIST (continued) SERVICE MANUAL Postion Parts Te Jo Jumper TO 1046 Jumper TO 1054 Tuwper Tom 7 056 Lumper _ 1mm 1065 Tamper [10m 1073 Jumper 10mm 1076 Jumper TOnm 0H Jumper Tom J24 Jumper On 126 Jumper TO 38 Lumper Oram Ju Jumper Tox 1150 Tamper JIS) Jumper 1160) Tamper Lr Tamper wot Tumper 19) Jape 1206 Tamper E400 rr 1340 Jumper ML Jumper 1350 Tamper a2 Jumper was umper 624 Lumper S886 Jumper RSBIO Jumper RSH Tamper Om 801 Tamper 125i 802 Tomper 125mm W586 Tumper 125mm W509 Jumper 125mm W512 Jumper 125mm 007 Tumper TS 1026 Tuper T2Sinm 1050 Tamper 12S 1086 Tamer a 58 PARTS LIST (continued) ‘SERVICE MANUAL Postion ts 1123 Tamper 125mm 1133 Tamper 125mm 7) Thumper P25. Jia) Thumper 12.5mm 1a Tuner 1258 D3 Tamper 125mm 10794 Jumper 125mm B59 umper 123mm W054 Jumper 125mm 355 Tamer 15mm W556 Jumper Simm S800 Tamper 15mm u181 Tamper Sim 1031 Tamper 15mm 1052 Jam 15mm 1060) Tamper 15mm 1079) Tumper 15mm J109% Sump 15m aid Jame Siam 78 ae 1184 Jumper 15mm Po Tuner 151m ne) Tumper 15m a [9 Tamper 15mm (Las Samper 13mm 1555 Tamper 15mm wpa Tomer Sam 1037 Jumper 175mm 1061 Tamper 17S 1069 Tumper Trea 120 Jumper 175mm wet Tamper 175mm 1125 Tamper 17 Sin Jia Jumper V7 Js imper 175 LI61 Tamper 17S nT Tamper 175mm i) Tamper 17 Sam 59 ‘SERVICE MANUAL PARTS LIST (continued) Position Parts Type ima Dos Tamper 175m 1250 Jumper 175mm 1606 Jumper 175mm 1678 Jumper 17.5mm SRO Tamper 3203 tamper 2203 Jumper woz umper Wa0s Tamper 230 Jumper A 1222 Jumper 20mm 104 Jumper 20mm [tows Tamper 20m 051 Jumper 20mm 107 Jumper _ 20mm S137 Jumper 20mm a4 Jumper 20mm 404 Tamper 20mm 1016 Jumper 25mm 190 Jumper 1237 Jumper 3400 Jumper 1556 Jumper Sam W240 Jumper 25mm arts on Ké PUI vp92t LED FGSRD, R988. Catbow film resistor RTI4-0.25W-1KO1 Nos Ic HS00384/A2 Noas Ic HRM3800 NOMS ie SFHS06-38 Parts on AV PCB Jumper Sra Jumper Sion Jumper Senn Jumper 7.5m Tamper 7.5mm Tamper 7.5mm AV terials AV-1-3PE, 60 SERVICE MANUAL PARTS LIST (connucay [Position Parts Type Pants on CHT KGB FOR ROOD Carbon fl resistor RT14-0.25W-1505 ROW Caran fil exis RTT4-0.25W 560 R903 ‘Garbo film resistor HT14-0,25W—47005 R905, Casbon film eesisor RTL4-0,25W 47005 R907 Carbon film tesinor RFT4=0,25W—a 8B) R909) Carbon film resistor RT14-0.25W-68001 nwo Cashon fl rovctor RTL 75068001 WO Carbon film ersisor RPL4-0,.25W 68000) RWOS Carbon fil resistor RT14-0.25W 68001 ROOF Carbow film resistor HETI4=0.25W 7500 906, ‘Carbon fi wesistor RTL4-0.25W 75005 908, Carbon film vexinn TT-0.25W—75005 ROM Carbon film resistor RT4-0.25W-1KOI ROL Carbon film vesistor RTI4-025W-1K0} R910) Carbon film resistor RTIA-0.25W-2.7KO RoI, Carbon film eesistor RTIS-0.5W-1.2KO RoIT Garbon hm resistor WY21-0.5W= 12605 ROIS, Carbon film resistor RTIS-05W-12KO roig ‘Cabin fil eestor RY21-0.5W=1 2K ROL Carbon film resistor RTIS=-0.SW=1.2K0 ROI9 Carbon film resistor RY2i-0.5W- 12K OI ROWE Metal oxide film resistor 1) ZI-2W— 18K ROIS, Metal oxide fil resistor RY21-2W—18K OI no16 Metal oni il motetor RY21-2W=18KO C901_| Ceramic eapacitor 163Y'~06a-2184~330PFK 902, eramie capacitor P1=63V -06i-284-330PFK 903 Ceramic capacitor 3 S30PHK C10 Ceramic capacitor (CTSI=1KV=10C-2114- 1000PFM 1309) Ceraunis vapacitor ‘cre aN AC— TCS 1000P FM. 6909 Geramie capacitor (CD85-F2GA102MYHS 909) Ceranie capacitor (CTTI~A00VAC-10sl-24-1000P FM. 6906 ‘Aluminum electrolytic capacitor | _CDITOX=16V—4700FM C907 Alominum electrolytic capacitor | CD110-SOV-0.47aFM 904 Aluminum electrolytic capacitor CD10-S0V_10uEM 905 Aluminum electrolytic capacitor | CDIV0-SOV-22uFM C908 Aluminum electrolyte eapacitor EDTON-250V-22uFM £908, Aluminum electrolytic capacitor UVR2E220MHATAA 61 PARTS LIST (continucay SERVICE MANUAL Position Parts ‘Type 1901 LU BUO06—10KHIK D901 Diode INS148 D9OL Diode 2CK7SD ‘D902 Diode INS148 D902 Diode 2CK75D us Dios ING D903 Diode 2CK75D D908 | Diode INT D904 | Diode 2CK7SD D905 Diode INALa8 D905 Diode 2CK75D. D906 Diode INaa8 1906 | Dinwle 2CK75D vo0s | Triode 3CG1015-¥ = Vyoos | Triwle 25A1015-Y voos | Tried 3DGI815 vo04 | Triode 28C1815-Y 901 Tried Sm 24821F AL) ‘yoo! Triode 3D62688-L voo2 | Triode SD62482FA-1) yo02 | Trine: 3DC2688-1. vo03 | Triode SDC2482FA-1) 90s) Triode 3D62688-1 C201 GZS CRT socket 7 woot [Jumper W910 | Jumper R920 [| Jumper 20mm Other Parts 21" CRT ASIKQK99XOL 20" CRT, ASLIPORNIG) Electric speaker YDTSI3-A2-SW-80 Electric speaker YDIS13-B2-SW-80. Power cond RVVZ-202M-C17 Power switch KDC-AO4-MUITL If using small-neck CRT, remove the following. paris from the CRT RGB PCB when using large-neek CRT. GZS CRT socket 67810-2-108 a 7.5mm 62 SERVICE MANUAL PARTS LIST (continued) Peston Pas Te 1920 | mer 2mm TF asin sala CRT, wl Ue flowing pane to the CRT RGR PCB whe sing large = nevk CRT ames oreo ca38-0- wos [per 7am [/v908 | dunes 7.5mm ¥908 | mer 7.5mm woos Jumper mn 1920 [mr 20mm wanghai Novel small-neck ERT, remove the following parts from the parts Tf using Rainbow o list when using Seg, Samsung or LG CRT Remove the following parts from the main PUB, RASS] | Fase resistor RPIO-IW-150) RPAG1 [Tome vir REN AW-1S0) CID | _ Ceramic caparitor CTI=63V=08-2F 4 10aFZ (436__|_Ceramie captor S1-2KV=120—2084-680PFK CA35___|_ Polypropylene capaitor (CEI-L6KV—7200PFJ 1406 | Horizontal Tinearty inductor | HNTS9 VE901 21" CRT ASIKQK99XOL VOL 21" CRT ASAJFC82X 13(C} Thusing Rainbows or Shanghai Novel small=neck CRT, acl the following parts to the parts Tist when using Seg, Samsung or LG CRT Add the following parts to the main PCB, Fane reiator RFIO-1W-3.30) Fuse resistor RFI-IW-3.30 Ceramic eapacitor (CTS1-2KV—12e=284-470PPK Polypropylene capacitor CBBSI=1.OKV-O800P FI Polypropylene capacitor CBB8I-1,6KV-6800PF Polypropylene capacitor CRRRT=1.6KV-6800P FI Horizontal linearity in ACOOZE voHoor | Diode INGT4R vpHoo! | Diode 2CK75D 63 PARTS LIST (continueay SERVICE MANUAL Position Parts ‘Type ‘vpri002 Dione Naas YDHO02 Diode _|_20K750, VDHOO3 Dios IN4148 YDHOO3 Diese |__2eK75D VDHOO4 Diode INGI48 HOO Diode —2CK75D VpHOOs Diode IN4148. VDHOOS Die 2eK75 VDHO06 Diowle INa1a8 VDHO06 Diode 2CK75D. VDHOO7 Diode ING148 VDHOO7 Diode 2CK75D vnHI0g Diode INAA YDH008 Diode 2CK75D VpHOIO Diode IN4148 YDHOIO Diode 2CK75D VDHOI Diode IN4148 ypuott Dine 26K75D VDHO09 Diode IN4148. YDHO09 Diote 2CK75D C182 Diowe INa1a8, C182, Diowbe 2CK75D 10306 Jumper tom Adel other parts VE9O1 SSNS03¥22-DCOL 64 ‘SERVICE MANUAL PARTS LIST (continued) Position Paris Type ‘AT2002 adds the following parts on basis of AT20028, Parts on Main PCB wor Jumper Sram wiol Jumper ‘Seam Ru Jumper Seam G582FA “Aluuuiauin electrolyue capacitor | GD110-30V—1uFM X801 AV terminals AVLP-23-4 Parts on AV PCB X803 AV terminals AV-1-2PE ‘AT2002 remove the following parts from the parts list of AY20025, Paris on Main PCB S803 Carbon fil resistor RT13-0.166W-10091 RS8038 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-1000) RSSTOA Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-1000) RS8I2 Carbon film ve RTI3-0.166W-1000) RSee ‘Carton film resistor RTI3_0.166W 10004 S822 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-10007 RSS5I Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-1000 R296 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-1K QJ RS8O1 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-1K OJ nse02 Gaal Fin tein TP1-0.166W-1K9J RS824 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-1KOJ S003 Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-1K OF Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-15KQ] Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-27K QT ‘Garion film resistor RTI9-0.100W-27N 2 Carbon film resistor RTI3-0.166W-47K QJ Carbon film resistor RT13-0.166W-47K Ceramic capacitor (CTI~63V'—06a-284—1000PFK Ceramic capacitor CT1=63V-06a-284—1000PFK. Aluminum electrolytic capacitor | CDI10-S0V—1ukM Aluminum electrolytic eapacitor | CDI10-SOV-10y FM Aluminum electrolytic capacitor [| CD110-S0V—10 y FM Aluminum eleeteolytic capacitor | CD110-SOV-10y FM 65 SERVICE MANUAL PARTS LIST (continuea) Position Parts Type S08 ‘Aluminum electrolytic capacitor CD11O-SOV=10 y FM 3809 ‘Aluminum eleeteolytie capacitor CD110-SOV—10 y FM 5820 Aluminum electrolytie rayaritor CD110-50V—10 FM (5825 ‘Aluminum electeolytie capacitor CDIO-SOV=10 yu FM X801 AV terminals AVLP-33-98 XS804 S-Video terminal PH VDs001 Diode IN4148 “yp3001 Dive 20K75D ‘VDSOO02 Diode Naa ‘vDS002 Diode 2CK7SD S001 “Triode 3DG1815-¥ ‘YSOOH Triode 2SCI815-Y VS Tod SDG1815-¥ S002 Triode 28C1815-Y, VS8I6 Triode 3DG1815-Y VS8I6 Triode 2SC1815-¥ 2200 Jumper Smm 1501 Tumper 2mm 1200 Jumper Smm 3501 Temper Simm BIT Jumper 75mm a2 Jumper 75mm Js Jumper 75mm W406 Jumper 75mm 1066 Jumper 1mm wads Jumper 1mm wss4 Tumper 10mm S810 Jumper 10mm 24 Jumper 125mm W380 Tuner 125mm W599 Jumper 125mm W556 Jumper 15mm waoe Jumper 20mm Parts on AV PCB Pea Jumper Sram KSI Jumper 75mm R03 ‘AY terminals AV-1-3PB. 66

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