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Superior Group Of Colleges



(1) Food is heated in microwave ovens by the effect of
(A) mechanical resonance (B) electrical resonance
(C) sharpness of resonance (D) Place discuss
(2) A force of 20 N displace a body attached to a spring upto 10 cm, the spring constant k is
(A) 10 Nm-1 (B) 10 Nm-2 (C) 2N m-1 (D) 200 Nm-1
(3) The time period of mass spring system can be increased by
(A) decreasing the length of spring
(B) decreasing the mass of object attached to spring
(C) increasing the mass of object attached to spring
(D) none
(C) gravitational acceleration (D) all of these
(4) In mass spring system as the mass rises to the top of the swing then
(A) P.E converted into K.E (B) K.E converted into P.E
(C) no change (D) none of these
(5) Swing is an example of
(A) free oscillations (B) forced oscillations (C) damped oscillations (D) none of these
(6) The unit of spring constant k is same as that of
(A) force (B) pressure (C) flow rate (D) surface tension
(7) The acceleration of a body executing S.H.M is directly proportional to
(A) amplitude (B) displacement from mean position
(C) frequency (D) time period
(8) The one complete round trip of an object in motion is called
(A) time period (B) amplitude (C) frequency (D) vibration
(9) Velocity of a body executing SHM is given by
(A)  xo  x (B)  x  xo (C) xo  2  x 2 (D) x   xo
2 2 2 2 2 2

(10) At what distance from mean position the energy of vibrating body is half potential and
half kinetic (x0 = amplitude)
x0 x0 x0
(A) (B) (C) (D) 2x0
2 4 2
(11) The total distance traveled by an object moving with SHM in a time equal to its period if
its amplitude is x0
(A) zero (B) 2x0 (C) 3x0 (D) 4x0
(12) Maximum velocity of a body executing SHM is
(A) v   x0  x (B) v   x0 (C) v   x (D) v   x  x0
2 2 2 2

(13) By increasing the weights on an oscillatory spring, the period of oscillation would be
(A) increases (B) decreased
(C) remain same (D) may increase or decrease
(14) The phase angle θ=ωt of a body performing SHM indicates
(A) both direction and displacement (B) only direction of displacement
Superior Group Of Colleges
(C) both magnitude and direction (D) none of these
(15) 
The expression for displacement x  xo sin t  90o is equal to 
(A) x  xo sin t (B) x  xo cos t (C) x  xo tan t (D) x   xo cos t
(16) The angle   t executing SHM is known as
(A) amplitude (B) displacement (C) phase (D) time period
(17) If a mass is attached to an elastic spring then its maximum velocity v o

(A) vo  xo m (B) vo  xo k (C) vo  x k (D) vo  x m

k m m k
(18) The angular frequency is
(A)   m (B)   k (C)   2 (D)   2 m
k m m k
(19) If four springs, each of spring constant K are connected in parallel then the resultant
spring constant is
(A) k (B) 2k (C) 4k (D)
(20) Frequency of a mass spring system is given by
1 k k m 1 m
(A) (B) 2 (C) 2 (D)
2 m m k 2 k
(21) The frequency of simple pendulum is given by
1 1 g g
(A) f  (B) f  (C) f  2 (D) f  2
2 g 2 g
(22) In simple pendulum the value of “g” can be calculated by
4 2 4 2 2
2 2
(A) g  (B) g  (C) g  (D) g 
T2 T2 T2 T
(23) Total energy of mass spring system is equal to
(A) (K.E) max (B) (P.E) max (C) both A & B (D) neither a nor b
(24) The maximum K.E of mass spring system is
(A) K .E  kx02 (B) K .E  1 kx 2 (C) K.E = 2 k x02 (D) K.E  kx02
2 2
(25) At any instant the K.E of vibrating mass spring system is given by
1 2
(A) K .E  1 kx02 1  x  (B) K.E 
kx 0
2 
x0  2

(C) K .E  1 kx02 1  x0  (D) K .E  1 kx02 1  x 

2 2

2 2
2  x  2  x0 
(26) The total energy of mass spring system
1 2 1 2 2 1 2  x2 
(A) kx0 (B) k x0 (C) kx02 (D) kx0 1  2 
2 2 2  x0 
(27) In microwave oven, heating is produced by phenomenon of
(A) resonance (B) harmonic vibration
(C) free oscillation (D) forced oscillation
Superior Group Of Colleges
(28) Resonance occurs when the frequency of the applied force is_ to one of natural
(A) equal (B) smaller (C) greater (D) none of these
(29) At resonance the transfer of energy is
(A) zero (B) minimum (C) maximum (D) none
(30) If the spring of spring constant K is cut into two pieces, then spring constant of each
spring is
(A) k (B) 2k (C) k/2 (D) none of these
(31) The frequency of a second‟s pendulum is
(A) 1 Hz (B) 0.5 Hz (C) 1.5 Hz (D) 2 Hz
(32) Tuning of a radio is the best example of
(A) mechanical resonance (B) electrical resonance
(C) damping (D) phase modulation
(33) A body is executing SHM. What fraction of its total energy will be kinetic energy when its
displacement from the mean position is half of its displacement?
1 3 3 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 4 4
(34) The frequency of second‟s pendulum is
(A) 1Hz (B) 2Hz (C) 0.3Hz (D) 0.5Hz
(35) The product of time period and frequency is
(A) Zero (B) One (C)  (D) Two
(36) Distance covered during one vibration of an oscillating body in terms of amplitude „A‟ is

(A) (B) A (C) 2A (D) 4A
(37) The frequency of waves produced in microwave oven is
(A) 1435 Hz (B) 2450 MHz (C) 1860 MHz (D) 2850 Hz
(38) In simple harmonic motion the velocity of a particle is maximum at
(A) Extreme position (B) Mean position
(C) In between extreme and mean position (D) none of these
(39) The product of frequency and time period is equal to
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
(40) If amplitude of a simple pendulum is increased by 4 times the time period will be:
(A) Four times (B) Half (C) Same (D) Two times
(41) The distance covered by wave in 1 sec. is:
(A) Wave number (B) Wavelength (C) Frequency (D) Wave speed
(42) Tuning of radio is the best example of:
(A) Mechanical resonance (B) Electrical resonance
(C) Magnetic resonance (D) Musical resonance
(43) The wavelength of waves produced by microwave oven is:
(A) 0.12 cm (B) 1 cm (C) 6cm (D) 12 cm
(44) The process in which energy is dissipated in oscillating system is called
(A) Resonance (B) Forced oscillation (C) Damping (D) None
(45) Angular frequency is basically a characteristics of
(A) Circular motion (B) Linear motion
(C) Vibratory motion (D) Elliptical motion
(46) At mean position during SHM
Superior Group Of Colleges
(A) PE is maximum and K.E minimum (B) P.E is minimum and K.E is maximum
(C) Both P.E are maximum (D) Both K.E and P.E are minimum
(47) The frequency of second‟s pendulum is
(A) 0.5 Hz (B) 1 Hz (C) 2 Hz (D) 4 Hz
(48) In S.H.M, the velocity of the particle is maximum at
(A) Mean position (B) Extreme position
(C) In between mean and extreme position (D) None
(49) In simple harmonic motion, the restoring force is directly proportional to
(A) Velocity (B) Acceleration (C) Displacement (D) Time period
(50) The frequency of waves produced in microwave oven is
(51) The acceleration of a body performing S.H.M depends upon its:
(A) Mass (B) Time period (C) Amplitude (D) Displacement
(52) The process by which energy is dissipated from an oscillating system is called
(A) resonance (B) damping
(C) forced vibration (D) harmonic oscillation
(53) The frequency of second‟s Pendulum is
(A) 0.5 Hz (B) 1 Hz (C) 2 Hz (D) 4 H
Q.1. Name two characteristics of simple harmonic motion.
Q.2. Does frequency depends on amplitude for harmonic oscillators?
Q.3. Can we realize an ideal simple pendulum?
Q.4. What is the total distance traveled by an object moving with SHM in a time equal to its
period, if its amplitude is A?
Q.5. What happens to the period of a simple pendulum if its length is doubled? What
happens if the suspended mass is doubled?
Q.6. Does the acceleration of a simple harmonic oscillator remain constant during its motion? Is
the acceleration ever zero? Explain.
Q.7. What is meant by phase angle? Does it define angle between maximum displacement and the
driving force?
Q.8. Under what conditions does the addition of two simple harmonic motions produce a resultant,
which is also simple harmonic?
Q.9. Show that in SHM the acceleration is zero when the velocity is greatest and the velocity is
zero when the acceleration is greatest?
Q.10. In relation to SHM, explain the equations:
(i) y  A sin t   

(ii) a   x

Q.11. Explain the relation between total energy, potential energy and kinetic energy for a body
oscillating with SHM.
Q.12. Describe some common phenomena in which resonance plays an important role?
Q.13. If a mass spring system is hung vertically and set into oscillations, why does the motion
eventually stop?
Q.14. Write any three uses of simple pendulum?
Q.15. How resonance is produced in tuning a radio set?
Q.16. Define S.H.M.
Q.17. Define frequency and time period. Give relation between them?
Superior Group Of Colleges
Q.18. Define phase angle.
Q.19. What is the frequency of a second‟s pendulum?
Q.20. Define damping and resonance?
Q.21. Why soldiers are advised to break their steps when marching on a bridge?
Q.22. Briefly give two phenomena in which resonance plays an important role.
Q.23. What are damped oscillations? Give some of its applications.
Q.24. Define resonance and give an example of resonance.
Q.25. Define sharpness of resonance.
Q.26. State Hook‟s law. Write it in mathematical form.
Q.27. Define simple harmonic motion. Does it obey law of conservation of energy?
Q.28. Differentiate between free and forced oscillations.
Q.29. Describe function of a microwave oven.
Q.30. Which force actually provides the restoring force to the simple pendulum?

Q.1. Define Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM). Show that motion of mass attached with a
spring is SHM.
Q.2. Define Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM). Derive the relation for instantaneous velocity
for the projection of particle “P” moving in a circle.
Q.3. Define Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM). Derive the relation for acceleration in terms of
ω and displacement for the projection of particle “P” moving in a circle.
Q.4. Discuss the motion of a horizontal mass spring system.
Q.5. Define Simple Pendulum. Show that the motion of pendulum is SHM. Find relations for
its time period and frequency.
Q.6. Derive an expression for K.E and P.E of the mass spring system executing SHM. Also
prove that its total energy remains conserved.
Q.7. Write a note on Resonance

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