Calorimetry Mixture Paper Post Referees 5oct13 2

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Isobaric Heat Capacity Measurements of Liquid Methane + Propane,

Methane + Butane and a Mixed Refrigerant by Differential Scanning

Calorimetry at High Pressures and Low Temperatures
Tauqir H. Syed, Thomas J. Hughes, Kenneth N. Marsh, and Eric F. May*

Centre for Energy, School of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, The University of Western
Australia, Crawley WA 6009, Australia.

ABSTRACT: Isobaric heat capacity cp measurements are reported at temperatures between (108

and 168) K for liquid mixtures of CH4 (1) + C3H8 (3) at x1  0.8 and p  5 MPa; CH4 (1) +

C4H10 (4) at x1 = 0.96, 0.88, and 0.60 and p  5 MPa; and a five component mixture that is

similar in composition to a commercial mixed refrigerant at p = (1.0 and 5.0) MPa.

Measurements were made, with an estimated uncertainty of about 0.02·cp, using a specialized

calorimeter further modified to prevent preferential condensation of the less volatile component

and minimize possible stratification of the mixture during sample loading. Our results for CH4 +

C3H8 agreed within 0.02·cp of the values predicted using the GERG-2008 equation of state (EOS)

whereas literature cp data over the same temperature range agree within 0.03·cp. In contrast the cp

predicted for this mixture with the Peng Robinson EOS (PR-HYSYS) shows an offset of about

0.02·cp from the average of the literature data at 165 K, which increases to 0.045·cp at 120 K. For

CH4 + C4H10 our data for x1 = 0.96 and 0.88 are within 0.05·cp of the GERG 2008 predictions;

however, at x1 = 0.6, the deviations increase from 0.02·cp at 168 K to nearly 1.1·cp at 118 K. The

PR-HYSYS predictions for this binary mixture deviate from the measured cp data by 0.11·cp at

168 K, which increases to 0.21·cp at 118 K. For the mixed refrigerant (mole fraction composition

0.247 CH4 + 0.333 C2H6 + 0.258 C3H8 + 0.076 C4H10 + 0.059 N2) the deviations of the measured

cp from GERG 2008 are less than 0.02·cp in the range (168 to 148) K increasing to 0.19·cp at 108

K. The deviations from the predictions of PR-HYSYS range from 0.07·cp at 168 K to 0.15·cp at

108 K. Similar trends are observed for the data of Furtado, who measured the cp of a mixture

with a mole fraction composition of 0.359 CH4+ 0.314 C2H6 + 0.327 C3H8 at similar



To design and operate liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities, calorimetric properties for binary

and multicomponent hydrocarbon fluids and refrigerant mixtures over a wide temperature and

pressure range are needed for calculating heat balances. The equations of state (EOS) used to

calculate the calorimetric properties of these mixtures are usually regressed only to pressure-

volume-temperature (PVT) and vapor liquid equilibria (VLE) data, and their ability to provide

accurate heat capacity data has been tested rarely. This is in part because there are few accurate

measurements of isobaric heat capacity, cp, for binary and multicomponent hydrocarbon liquid

mixtures at conditions relevant to LNG operations. In our previous communication1 a

modification of a commercial differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) Setaram BT2.15 was

described that enabled accurate isobaric heat capacity measurements on cryogenic, high pressure

pure liquids at temperatures between (108.15 and 258.15) K and pressures between (1.1 and

6.35) MPa. The estimated uncertainty at the 95 % confidence limit (k ≈ 2 ) of the heat capacity

measurements was about 0.02 cp. This paper describes a further modification to the apparatus

that enables reliable measurements of cp for liquid hydrocarbon mixtures. The modification

pertains to the method of loading the mixture into the DSC cell without any preferential

condensation of the heavier component, which could result in separation and/or stratification of

the mixture sample. Measurements of isobaric heat capacities for binary and multicomponent

liquid mixtures made with the modified calorimeter are then reported with an uncertainty similar

to that for pure fluid measurements over a similar temperature and pressure range.1 These data

are then compared with two EOS of industrial importance: the GERG 2008 EOS2 as

implemented in the software REFPROP 9.13 (GERG 2008) and the Peng Robinson EOS.4 Two

implementations of the Peng Robinson EOS were tested, one being in the process simulation

software Aspen HYSYS,5 (PR-HYSYS) and the other being in the software REFPROP 9.13 (PR-



The suppliers and purities of the gases used in this work are listed in Table 1. The compositions

chosen reflected the need to prepare a mixture that was a single phase gas at room temperature in

an amount sufficient to fill the DSC cell and tubing with a liquid mixture. The methane (1) +

propane (3) mixtures were prepared gravimetrically in a 1 L cylinder using a balance with an

uncertainty of ±0.2 g (empty cylinder mass was 3278.9 g, mass after filling with mixture was

3347.8 g). The uncertainty in the mole fraction composition of these mixtures was less than 0.01.

The methane (1) + propane (3) mixture was prepared in a larger cylinder so a larger number of

experiments could be completed with the same sample. All other mixtures were prepared

gravimetrically in 300 mL bottles (empty cylinder mass 1073.089 g) using an electronic balance

with uncertainty of 0.001 g, and the calculated uncertainty in the mole fraction compositions of

these mixtures was 0.001.

A commercial calorimeter Setaram BT2.15 Tian-Calvet type heat flow DSC with an operational

temperature range from (77 to 473) K, modified to allow accurate isobaric heat capacity, cp,

measurements of liquid methane, ethane, and propane between T = (108.15 to 258.15) K and

pressure up to 6.4 MPa, has been described previously.1 Figure 1 shows a schematic of the

specialized calorimeter, and the modifications made in this work. The details of the calorimeter

sensitivity, calibration and measurement method were described by Hughes et al.6 In this paper

the additional procedures required to make measurements on mixtures are described in detail.

The procedure for filling the calorimetric cell completely with a liquid mixture assumes that the

mixture exists as a single phase gas at room temperature. If the gas mixture of known

composition were condensed directly into the calorimeter cell at low temperature from the

sample cylinder at ambient temperature, the mixture in the calorimeter would become richer in

the less volatile component and/or the mixture would become stratified. To avoid this and ensure

that the transfer of the single phase gas mixture to the low temperature cell did not result an

inadvertent change in composition, a procedure of successive batch transfers was adopted.

The calorimeter temperature was set to below the dew temperature of the mixture but above its

freezing temperature and allowed to stabilize. Initially the system was evacuated with all valves

on the measurement side open except 1M, 3M, and V11. Valve 3M isolated the reference side

from the measuring side of the DSC; the reference side was always filled with pure nitrogen at

atmospheric pressure. Valves 2M, 4M, 5M, 6M, and 7M were then closed. A portion of the gas

mixture was transferred from the sample cylinder in which it was prepared to a volume V1  25

cm3 shown by a thicker red line in Figure 1 by opening valve V11 and then closing it again once

the pressure reading had stabilized. The gas mixture within volume V1 was condensed into the

cell by opening valve V10. The pressure reading would then drop to a value around the

saturation pressure corresponding to the temperature of the liquefied sample; often the initial

reading was close to the transducer’s resolution limit. Valve V10 was then closed and the

procedure was repeated until the DSC cell and half the length of the fill tube was filled with the

liquid mixture. The amount transferred and thus the fill level could be estimated by calculating

the cumulative number of moles transferred from V1 to the DSC cell, which had a volume of

(8.506 ± 0.043) cm3 at 300 K1. In addition, when the system pressure was significantly larger

than the mixture’s saturation pressure at the calorimeter’s temperature, the known temperature

profile of the fill stem could be used to confirm the estimated level. The number of transfers

required was from 7 to 12 depending on the pressure of the sample cylinder in which the mixture

was prepared; mixtures with low sample cylinder pressures required more transfers.

During a measurement the height of liquid in the filling tube was controlled by measuring the

temperature with the six resistance thermometers and controlling the three heaters that were

installed along the fill tube, as described by Syed et al.1 For scans at elevated pressure, the gas

ballast shown in Figure 1 was first filled with pure methane at slightly above the saturation

pressure of the mixture. The pressure of methane in the ballast was then increased gradually so

as to not disturb the location of the gas-liquid interface in the fill tube and avoid the mixing of

methane with the liquid mixture in the cell. Any mass transfer by diffusion of methane into the

liquid mixture contained within the calorimetric cell would be limited by the small surface area

of the vapor-liquid interface and the long length of tubing between the interface and the

calorimeter cell. There was no evidence that the use of methane in the ballast had any effect on

the measured heat capacities or on the final mixture composition, which was determined at the

end of the experiment.

To check that neither methane diffusion nor the batch transfer procedure affected the overall

composition of the mixture, the composition of the calorimeter cell’s contents was measured

after the completion of the cp measurement. The calorimeter cell was heated to close to its

normal boiling temperature and then the cell’s contents were condensed into an evacuated

sample bottle that was immersed in liquid N2, connected via valve V10 and V11. The sample

bottle was of sufficient size to ensure the mixture was single phase. The composition of the cell’s

contents was then analyzed using a gas chromatograph (GC). The calibrations of the GC and the

method of measurements followed those of Kandil et al.7,8 and had an estimated mole fraction

uncertainty of 0.001. In all cases the measured composition was found to be in agreement within

the combined uncertainties with the gravimetrically prepared composition.

Heat capacities were measured using the two step method, as described by Syed et al. 1, with a

scan rate of 0.03 Kmin-1. Prior to starting a scan, the calorimeter was held at constant

temperature for at least 6 h. During the scan, the cell temperature was held constant for 1 h

before and 6 h after each step (i.e. 7 h at the temperature between two temperature ramps). These

hold times were found to be necessary to allow the net heat flow signal to return to a stable

baseline. Baseline scans with nitrogen in both the measurement and reference cell were

performed before and after each series of measurements. No shifts in the baseline scans were


The volume of the cell at temperatures removed from 300 K was corrected to account for thermal

contraction1. The measured amount of energy required to raise the temperature of this volume of

liquid by 10 K allows determination of the volumetric isobaric heat capacity.1 To convert these

values to massic heat capacities, knowledge of the density of the fluid as a function of

temperature and pressure is required. Liquid densities for all the mixtures were calculated using

the GERG 20082 equation of state as implemented in the software REFPROP 9.1.3 From our

previous work1,6 we estimate the combined uncertainty at the 95 % confidence limit (k ≈ 2) in the

heat capacity to be about 0.02·cp. The standard uncertainty in the temperature was estimated to

be about 0.25 K above 220 K and 0.5 K below 220 K. The standard uncertainty in the pressure

was estimated to be about 35 kPa. Pressure changes due to thermal expansion/contraction over

the 10 K steps were within this uncertainty.6


For the methane (1) + propane (3) system, measurements were made on mixtures with x1  0.8

because at this compositions the mixtures are single phase at room temperature and have a

relative excess heat capacity of 12 %. This is close to the maximum relative excess heat capacity

of 16 % for this system, which occurs at x1  0.6 (calculated using GERG 20082). The isobaric

heat capacity of methane (1) + propane (3), with x1 = 0.82 at P = 5.2 MPa, was measured three

times between 108.15 K and 128.15 K with 10 K steps, and two times between 143.15 K and

163.15 K with 10 K steps. Additional measurements were made with x1 = 0.81 at P = 4.7 MPa

and P = 6.0 MPa between 108.15 K and 128.15 K with 10 K steps and between 143.15 K and

163.15 K with 10 K steps. The isobaric heat capacities measured for this mixture are listed in

Table 2 and shown in Figure 2(a). In Figure 2(b), the isobaric excess heat capacity for this binary

mixture c  c p ( x1 )   xi c p,i at x1 = 0.82 , P = 5.2 MPa are compared with values calculated

from GERG 2008.2 Good agreement is observed at higher temperatures but the difference

steadily increases at lower temperatures.

Figure 3 shows the relative deviations of our results and literature measurements from GERG

2008.2 The error bars on our measurements indicate the repeatability of our measurements.

Literature values include the data of Yesavage,9 Mather,10 and Manker11 measured using a freon

boil-off total enthalpy flow calorimeter with an estimated relative uncertainty of 3 %,12 and the

data of Grini et al.,13 measured using an electrically heated flow calorimeter with an estimated

relative uncertainty of 0.22 % in the measured enthalpy increment. The relative difference

between our results and those of Grini et al.13 is less than 2 %, while the data of Yesavage,9

Mather,10 and Manker11 are within 3 % of our data, which is within the combined uncertainty of

all the measurements. The literature data for methane (1) + propane (3) have a relative scatter of

about ±3 % and are approximately centered on the predictions of GERG 2008.2 In contrast the

predictions of the Peng Robinson4 EOS as implemented in Aspen HYSYS v7.35 (PR-HYSYS)

show a relative offset from the average of the literature data with a maximum of 4.5 % at 118 K.

The deviations of the Peng Robinson4 EOS implemented within REFPROP 9.13 (PR-REFPROP)

follow a similar trend with decreasing temperature but only reach a maximum of about 3.2 % at

108 K.

The isobaric heat capacity of methane (1) + butane (4), with x1 = 0.95 at P = 5.0 MPa, was

measured between 148.15 K and 178.15 K with 10 K steps. A binary mixture with x1 = 0.88 was

measured twice between 118.15 K and 138.15 K and once between 148.15 K and 168.15 K,

using 10 K steps. Measurements were also made for a mixture with x1 = 0.60 at P = 5.15 MPa:

twice between 138.15 K and 168.15 K with 10 K steps and once between 118.15 K and 128.15 K

with a 10 K step. The measured isobaric heat capacities for these mixtures are listed in Table 3

and are shown in Figure 4(a) together with the EOS predictions. Figure 4(b) shows the measured

excess heat capacities together with the GERG 2008 predictions; the excess mixture heat

capacities at temperatures below the freezing point of pure butane (134.9 K)3 are shown as dotted

lines because they were calculated by linear extrapolation of the pure butane heat capacities

obtained from GERG 2008 over the range (138 to 178) K.

The comparisons in Figure 4 show that the GERG 2008 predictions are in reasonable agreement

with the experimental cp values for mixtures with high methane mole fractions but that as the

methane mole fraction or the temperature decreases, the GERG 2008 predictions deviate

increasingly from experiment. In contrast, while the PR EOS predictions are less accurate than

those of GERG 2008 at high methane mole fractions, they do not deteriorate as drastically as

either the methane mole fraction or temperature is decreased. These observations are

demonstrated more clearly in Figure 5: for the experiments with x1 = 0.88 and 0.96, the relative

deviations of the measured cp data from GERG 20082 are shown in Figure 5(a) to be within 3 %

between (168 and 118) K, increasing to 5 % at 108 K. Figure 5(b) shows that the divergence of

the data from the GERG 2008 predictions at x4 = 0.4 as the temperature decreases is considerable,

reaching 21 % at 138 K and nearly 110 % at 118 K. The cp values for this binary system

calculated with PR-HYSYS are more robust over the entire composition range. For x1 = 0.88 and

0.96 (Figure 5(a)), the PR-HYSYS predictions are within 10 % relative to the measured values

over the entire temperature range. At higher temperatures the c p T  x, p
values from PR-

HYSYS are slightly more positive than those of the measurements but at lower temperatures

(< 130 K) the differences in slope start to decrease again. For mixtures with higher mole

fractions of propane (Figure 5(b)), the PR-HYSYS predictions are also relatively poorer, being

11 % below the measurements at 168 K and 31 % below at 118 K. This deterioration with

decreasing temperature is, however, much smaller than that of GERG 2008. Moreover, a

different implementation of the Peng-Robinson EOS performs even better for this mixture:

Figure 5(b) shows that the relative deviation between the measured cp and the predictions of PR-

REFPROP for the rich mixture is only 4 % at 168 K and 9 % at 118 K. This reflects the fact that

different implementations of the Peng-Robinson EOS often use slightly different descriptions of

the pure component fluids and/or different binary interaction parameters and that these

differences can have an appreciable effect on the model’s predictions for mixtures.

The observed deviations of the data from GERG 2008 are not unexpected as the model was

developed for methane rich mixtures and data sets used in its development were mainly pure

component calorimetric data with very limited binary calorimetric data. Given the complex

functional form of GERG 2008, it is not surprising that sufficient extrapolation of the model

beyond the range of the data used in its development will result in poor predictions.

Experiments were also made on a mixture representative of a five component mixed refrigerant

reported in a patent by Roberts et al.14 and assigned to Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. for

cooling natural gas in the production of LNG. The mixture was prepared gravimetrically and had

a mole fraction composition of 0.247 CH4 + 0.333 C2H6 + 0.258 C3H8 + 0.076 C4H10 + 0.059 N2.

The isobaric heat capacity of this mixed refrigerant at P = 1 MPa was measured at 108.15 K and

118.15 K using 10 K steps and at P = 5 MPa (by using methane as the ballast gas) between

108.15 K and 168.15 K with 10 K steps. The results reported in Table 4 are shown in Figure 6,

with the relative deviations between the measured cp and the GERG 2008 2 predictions shown in

Figure 7. For the five component mixed refrigerant system, the GERG 2008 predictions are in

excellent agreement at the higher temperature, with relative deviations of less than 2 % in the

range (168 to 148) K. At lower temperatures the deviations increase to a maximum of 19 % at

108 K. In contrast, the cp predictions of the Peng Robinson4 EOS deviate from our results by an

initially larger but comparatively constant offset: relative to our data, the PR-HYSYS predictions

are 7 % lower at 168 K and 15 % lower at 108 K whereas the PR-REFPROP predictions deviate

by 5 % and 10 % at these temperatures, respectively. The results of Furtado,15 who measured a

ternary mixture of 0.359 CH4 + 0.314 C2H6 + 0.327 C3H8, are shown in Figures 6 and 7 together

with the corresponding predictions of the GERG 2008, PR-HYSYS and PR-REFPROP models.

The similarity of the deviations between the models and the data of Furtado15 indicates that the

trends observed for our results have a degree of generality.


This work demonstrates that the modifications made to the specialized, high-pressure DSC

calorimeter reported by Syed et al.1 were successful in enabling it to measure isobaric heat

capacities of liquid alkane mixtures at cryogenic temperatures. It also shows that there is still

significant room for improving equation of state predictions for the heat capacity of liquid alkane

mixtures, including those of significant industrial importance such as the mixed refrigerants used

in the LNG industry. New measurements of mixture heat capacities at cryogenic temperatures

are therefore needed so that EOS developers can utilize them directly during model regression,

instead of only relying principally on measured volumetric properties such as density to produce

accurate predictions of caloric ones.

Our results agree well with the prediction of GERG 20082 for methane rich mixtures but as the

methane mole fraction and the temperature decrease, the data deviate significantly from the

GERG 2008 predictions. The GERG 20082 model is explicit in the Helmholtz free energy and

uses a multi fluid approximation to describe the thermodynamic properties of binary mixtures

from fundamental equations for the pure components and correlation equations for the

mixtures.16 Experimental data for thermodynamic properties such as density, speed of sound,

heat capacities, and phase equilibrium properties from the database detailed in ref 16 were used

to determine the coefficients and parameters of the correlation equations. The GERG 2008 model

also uses binary specific or generalized departure functions for mixtures depending on the

available experimental data, with binary specific departure functions being superior to the

generalized departure functions if the specific data needed for their development are available.16

For methane + propane the model uses a binary specific departure function since the data bank

contains sufficient data over a wider range of temperature and composition, and this is reflected

in the good agreement observed between the GERG 2008 predictions and our experimental

results for that binary system. For methane + butane, GERG 2008 uses a generalised departure

function as there was limited mixture data available in the database over a limited composition
range, and there was no calorimetric data available at all for this system. Thus it is to be

expected that when the model is extrapolated beyond the range of data to which it was regressed

that the deviations between measurements and predictions will increase, although the magnitude

observed here at temperatures below 135 K for a butane mole fraction of 0.4 is surprising.

Accurate isobaric heat capacity data for binary and multi-component mixtures such as those

reported here are should be of significant value in future efforts to improve and increase the

range of applicability of GERG 200816 or similar models.

In contrast with GERG 2008, the data show an appreciable but constant offset from the

predictions of the cubic PR EOS4, with subtle but noticeable differences apparent between

different software implementations of the model. Standard methods for improving mixture

predictions with the PR EOS4 , such as the use of alternative mixing rules or adjusting binary

interaction parameters, kij, are not generally focussed on the accuracy of heat capacity

calculations. The kij parameter is usually determined by regression to experimental vapour-

liquid-equilibria (VLE) data. In principle, however, using a temperature dependent kij may enable

both a good representation of VLE data and a better prediction of excess enthalpies and excess

heat capacities through the Gibbs Helmholtz relationship. An alternative approach for improving

cubic EOS predictions is the volume translation method such as the one described by Peneloux et

al.17 This method was originally developed to improve the prediction of density but it also affects

the prediction of the heat capacities. By combining these two modifications it may be possible to

tune cubic equations of state to better predict Cp data for binary mixtures.

The details (e.g. pure component perfect gas heat capacities) of the Peng-Robinson EOS as
implemented in the software packages AspenTech HYSYS 7.3 and REFPROP 9.1 are provided
as supporting information. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at

Corresponding Author *E-mail:
Tauqir H. Syed:
Thomas J. Hughes:
Kenneth N. Marsh:
Fax: +61 8 6488 1024

We gratefully acknowledge funding from Chevron Energy Technology Company, the Western
Australian Energy Research Alliance, and the Australian Research Council.

The authors declare no competing financial interest

■ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank Terry Edwards for his contributions to the
measurement analysis and Alan Mather for the provision of the PhD thesis by Manker.11

Burst Disk

Sample Injection Tubing

P 2R 2M P
Vent Vent
V10 V12
1R 3R 3M 1M

Reference V9 Measurement
Regulator Regulator
< >

5R 6R 7R 7M 6M 5M
Connecting Tubing
4R 4M
8R 8M
Gas Cylinder P

1L 1L

Ballast cylinder bath Gas Cylinder

DSC cell
DSC cell

Vacuum Pump

Figure 1. Schematic of the specialized DSC with the new mixture filling system shown in red.

(a) 3.1






100 120 140 160

(b) 0.0




100 120 140 160
Figure 2. (a) Absolute isobaric heat capacity, cp, for methane (1) + propane (3). This work: , x1
= 0.82, p = 5.2 MPa; , x1 = 0.81, p = 6.0 MPa; ▲, x1 = 0.81, p = 4.7 MPa. (b) Excess heat
capacity, cEp , at x1 = 0.82 as a function of temperature for methane (1) + propane (3). This work:
, x1 = 0.82, p = 5.2 MPa; solid line, calculated from GERG 2008.2


100 120 140 160
Figure 3. Relative deviations (cp-cp,ref)/cp,ref of the measured isobaric heat capacity cp for
methane (1) + propane (3) with x1 = 0.82 from cp,ref calculated from GERG 2008.2 The
uncertainty bars on the data from this work indicate the difference between measurements that
were repeated. This work: , x1 = 0.82, p = 5.2 MPa; , x1 = 0.81, p = 6.0 MPa; ▲, x1 = 0.81, p
= 4.7 MPa. Literature: Mather:10 , x1 = 0.88, p = 6.9 MPa; , x1 = 0.88, p = 3.4 MPa; , x1 =
0.72, p = 6.9 MPa; , x1 = 0.95, p = 1.7 MPa; Δ, x1 = 0.95, p = 5.2 MPa; Manker:11 , x1 =
0.95, p = 6.9 MPa; Yesavage:9 , x1 = 0.49, p = 6. 9 MPa; Grini et al.:13 , x1 = 0.68, p = 14
MPa. Calculated: ---, PR-HYSYS,4 x1 = 0.82, p = 5.2 MPa; ̶ · ̶, PR-REFPROP,4 x1 = 0.82,
p = 5.2 MPa.

(a) 4.50
cp / J.g-1.K-1

105 125 145 165

(b) 0.00

cpE / J.g-1.K-1




105 125 145 165

Figure 4. (a) Absolute isobaric heat capacity cp and (b) excess heat capacity cEp for methane (1)
+ butane (4) as a function of temperature. This work: ▲, x1 = 0.96, p = 5.05 MPa; , x1 = 0.88, p
= 5.15 MPa; , x1 = 0.60, p = 5.2 MPa. Calculated: dashed curves, PR-HYSYS4; solid curves,
GERG 20082; dotted curves, extrapolation using GERG 20082.
(a) 0.06


105 125 145 165

(b) 1.25


105 125 145 165
Figure 5. Relative deviations (cp-cp,ref)/cp,ref of the measured isobaric heat capacity cp for
methane (1) + butane (4) from cp,ref calculated using GERG 2008.2 The uncertainty bars indicate
the difference between measurements that were repeated. (a) This work:  , x1 = 0.88, p =
5.15 MPa; , x1 = 0.88, p = 5.15 MPa; ▲ , x1 = 0.96, p = 5.05 MPa. Calculated: ̶ · ̶ , PR-
HYSYS,4 x1 = 0.96 , p = 5.05 MPa; ̶ ·· ̶ , PR-HYSYS, 4
x1 = 0.88 , p = 5.15 MPa. (b) This
work: , x1 = 0.60, p = 5.20 MPa; , x1 = 0.60, p = 5.20 MPa (repeat). Calculated: ---, PR–
REFPROP, x1 = 0.60 , p = 5.20 MPa; ̶·̶ 4
, PR–HYSYS, x1 = 0.60 , p = 5.20 MPa.

cp / J.g-1.K-1



100 120 140 160
Figure 6. Absolute isobaric heat capacity cp. of the refrigerant mixture with mole fractions 0.247
CH4 + 0.333 C2H6 + 0.258 C3H8 + 0.076 C4H10 + 0.059 N2. This work: , p = 1.00 MPa; ▲, p =
5.00 MPa. Calculated: ̶ · ̶ , PR-HYSYS;4 ___, GERG 2008.2 Literature: , Furtado15 (with mole
fractions 0.359 CH4+ 0.314 C2H6 + 0.327 C3H8 ) , p = 5.0 MPa. Calculated (for Furtado
mixture): ̶ · ̶ , PR-HYSYS4 ; ___, GERG 20082.







100 120 140 160
Figure 7. Relative deviations (cp-cp,ref)/cp,ref of the measured isobaric heat capacity cp for the
mixed refrigerant with mole fractions 0.247 CH4 + 0.333 C2H6 + 0.258 C3H8 + 0.076 C4H10 +
0.059 N2 from cp,ref calculated from GERG 2008.2 This work: , p = 1.0 MPa; ▲, p = 5.00
MPa: , Literature: Furtado 15 (with mole fractions 0.359 CH4+ 0.314 C2H6 + 0.327 C3H8 ), p =
5.00 MPa: Calculated: ---, PR-HYSYS4 (for our work); ̶ ·· ̶ , PR-REFPROP4 (for our work);
---, PR-HYSYS (for Furtado mixture) ; ̶ ·· ̶ , PR-REFPROP (for Furtado mixture).

Table 1. Chemical Suppliers and Gas Purities.

Chemical Supplier Mole

Name Supplier Fraction Purity*
Methane BOC 0.99995
Ethane Coregas pty Ltd 0.9999
Propane Air Liquide 0.9999
Butane Air Liquide 0.9999
Nitrogen Coregas pty Ltd 0.9999

*Used without further purification

Table 2. Isobaric Heat Capacities a for Binary Mixtures of Methane (1) + Propane (3)
Measured on a Volumetric Basis and Converted to a Gravimetric Basis Using Densities
Calculated from GERG 2008.2

T/K cp / J·ml-1·K-1 cp / J·g-1·K-1

x1 = 0.82 at p = 5.2 MPa
108.15 1.434 2.807
118.15 1.406 2.822
128.15 1.383 2.847
143.15 1.355 2.909
153.15 1.347 2.982
163.15 1.325 3.033
x1 = 0.81 at p = 6.0 MPa
108.15 1.387 2.692
118.15 1.379 2.742
128.15 1.355 2.763
143.15 1.339 2.845
153.15 1.338 2.927
163.15 1.313 2.967
x1 = 0.81 at p = 4.7 MPa
108.15 1.431 2.782
118.15 1.402 2.793
128.15 1.384 2.829
143.15 1.350 2.876
153.15 1.342 2.946
163.15 1.311 2.977
Standard uncertainties u are u(x1) = 0.02, u(T) = 0.25 K, u(p) = 10 kPa, and the combined
standard uncertainties are uc(cp) = 0.02·cp with 95 % confidence level (k ≈ 2) for all points except
for the measurements at (x1 = 0.82, p = 5.2 MPa and T = 108.15 K to 128.15 K) for which
uc(cp) = 0.04·cp.

Table 3. Isobaric Heat Capacities a for Binary Mixtures of Methane (1) + Butane (4)
Measured on a Volumetric Basis and Converted to a Gravimetric Basis Using Densities
Calculated from GERG 2008.2

T/K cp / J·ml-1·K-1 cp / J·g-1·K-1

x1 = 0.95 at p = 5.05 MPa
148.15 1.377 3.441
158.15 1.363 3.554
168.15 1.365 3.742
178.15 1.386 4.044
x1 = 0.88 at p = 5.15 MPa
118.15 1.436 2.932
128.15 1.416 2.968
138.15 1.396 3.010
148.15 1.384 3.078
158.15 1.372 3.155
168.15 1.358 3.239
x1 = 0.60 at p = 5.15 MPa
118.15 1.444 2.326
128.15 1.418 2.323
138.15 1.409 2.350
148.15 1.393 2.368
158.15 1.373 2.379
168.15 1.347 2.383

Standard uncertainties u are u(x1) = 0.02, u(T) = 0.25 K, u(p) = 10 kPa, and combined standard
uncertainty Uc(cp) = 0.02·cp with 95 % confidence level (k ≈ 2).

Table 4. Isobaric Heat Capacities a for the Mixture with mole fractions 0.247 CH4 (1) +
0.333 C2H6 (2) + 0.258 C3H8 (3) + 0.076 C4H10 (4) + 0.059 N2 (5) Measured on a Volumetric
Basis and Converted to a Gravimetric Basis Using Densities Calculated from GERG 2008.2

T/K cp / J·ml-1·K-1 cp / J·g-1·K-1

p = 5.0 MPa
108.15 1.425 2.225
118.15 1.404 2.230
128.15 1.393 2.252
138.15 1.385 2.281
148.15 1.354 2.273
158.15 1.337 2.289
168.15 1.319 2.305
p = 1.0 MPa
108.15 1.418 2.219
118.15 1.397 2.226
Standard uncertainties u are u(x1) = 0.02, u(T) = 0.25 K, u(p) = 10 kPa, and combined standard
uncertainty Uc(cp) = 0.02·cp with 95 % confidence level (k ≈ 2).


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0.60 CH4+0.40 C4H10 at 5.2 MPa
1.00 GERG‐2008 EOS

This work




105 125 145 165


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